[openbeos] Re: Zoom and Resize

  • From: "Andrew Edward McCall" <mccall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 17:31:21 PST

>Hi all!
>(thought I should say hi since this is my first post)
>I'm not a developer (well uhm... I am actually a VB, SQL, PHP and ASP
>developer, but that won't help you guys, right?) so,
>I hope noone will be offended by me posting here. :)

Not at al! Have you checked with the people that build 

They might need a web developer like yourself!

>I felt I had to leave a counterpost to this one.
>Since I practically work in/with windows all day I have come to use 
>keyboard more and more.
>It's alot faster to keep your hands on your keyboard all the time.
>It is also better for my neck/shoulders/arms.
>Anyway... hot-keys and such are good (IMO) and is one of the few 
>I've got about BeOS.
>I would really be glad if there was somewhat extended keyboard-
"support" (in
>lack of better words) in OBOS (R1 or later).

This exactly right.

If you go to many banks, or other places where they process large 
amounts of data you will see that they always have shell/cli/text based 
systems - albeit they may be inside a Window on a WindowsXX desktop, 
but that bit isn't important.

The reason is simple and well known among people who have studies UI 
and Human Computer Interaction. Shell/cli/text systems are often more 
powerful and quicker for a user to use when they have learned how they 
work, however the learning curve is steep.

In contrast, GUI systems are easy to learn at first, however later on, 
the GUI can be more of a problem than a help.

Try this for an example in BeOS Tracker : Move 100 files out of one 
folder, and rename them to fileX.test X being the file number.
Now try the same thing using the Terminal.

It will take you much longer using the Tracker, but you can do it 
straight away. You will probably have to do a little research to do it 
using the Terminal, but once you have typed in the commands, it will 
happen straight away.

Now repeat the experiment - which one was faster? :)

Basically, it has been decided that OpenBeOS R1 will be very similar to 
BeOS R5. If I sit down in front of R1 and my mouse is all messed up, I 
will be annoyed and look straight away for the setting to change it 
back, If we want to add or change features, this must not be at the 
expense of existing settings/users

These features are additions - additions to the OS are on hold until R2 
- unless its something that we *need* to fix like the networking stack. 
What I am trying to get at is we should leave OpenBeOS R1 alone in 
areas like this, and introduce these additions via a UI control panel 
of some sort in R2.

This thread isn't really constructive at all. Please can we all keep 
this type of post where it belongs, on the Glass Elevator Mailing List.


Andrew Edward McCall
OpenBeOS! - Join the revolution now!

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