[guide.chat] jokes

  • From: "Stanley Carter" <stanleycarter3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "guide chat" <guide.chat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 17:44:20 -0000


a sky diving  instructor  is answering  questions    from a group of first time 
jumpers a nervosa beginner  asks  so if my chute  doesn't and the reserve chute 
 doesn't open either how long until I hit the ground  ?the instructor  replied  
you have the rest of your  life 

Murphy is taking a skydiving lessons  on is first day he's told to jump count 
to three then pull the cord  Murphy  jumps  he mutters  to him self as he 
plummets to the ground  one  two  ,,ah jays us one two sure enough its on the 
tip of my tongue  one two  holy  mother .I remembered   its  yesterday I was 
word -perfect one        
slave labour 
the slaves  are putting the oars on the roman galley when one of the oldest 
slaves suddenly      has a heart  attack  and dies 
the overseer comes over unchains the dead  slave and without ceremony  pushes  
him through an oak- hole in to the sea he goes around the galley  with is whip 
lashing everyone  he comes a comes across one of the newer slaves  turns turns  
to the man next to him and says 
that's a bit much  why is he whipping  everyone we didn't do any thing  its 
always the same  replied his companion whenever somebody  leave S  there's  
away's  a whip -round        

man is the only animal  that goes to sleep  when he's not sleepy  and get's  up 
 when he is 

I'm exhausted  I  couldn't   get  to sleep  last  night  I tried  counting  
sheep  but by the  time I'd  got  got to  180,876  it was time to get up again 

I slept  like a log    last night I woke in a fireplace  

I phoned   up harry  late  last  night 'hello I said  I didn't wake you did I 
?no says harry  do you won't to call  back  later 

the good  people  sleep  much  better at night then the bad people  but of 
curies  the bad people enjoy the waking  hours  much  more 

 I was hosting   a cock tail  party the other day but I noticed  that people  
were avoiding  me then  my wife  came over and told me feet  really  stank   so 
 I nipped    upstairs  and changed  my socks I didn't  solve  promlan  though 
people still   kept  clear of me on reflection   perhaps  I shouldn't     have 
stuffed the old socks   in my jacket  pocket 

a captain  is inspecting the guard  at a ane  camp  he walks to the  sentry  
box and sees a new recruit  slouched   in side at the man's  feet is a 
cigarette   butt it  looks  fresh and since smoking on duty is an offence the 
captain decides to  investigate  you there '  he says  is that your  
cigarette?the soldier  looks  down at the butt and says  nah   go on mate  you 
have it  you saw it first 

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