[greenstone_es] Re: Instalando Greenstone v 2.85.

  • From: Diego Spano <diegospano@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: greenstone_es@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2012 16:09:05 -0300


en la maquina donde instalaste GS tenés entorno gráfico?. Si es asi,
entonces ejecuta el archivo /usr/local/Greenstone/gs2-server.sh. Esto te va
a abrir una pequeña interfaz en donde podes modificar el puerto si lo
deseas, y te va a iniciar el apache.

Si no tenes entorno gráfico, entonces simplemente ejecutá

/usr/local/Greenstone/apache-httpd/linux/bin/apachectl start  (si es
necesario anteponé sudo).

De esa manera el apache ya quedará cargado y listo para acceder.



*Diego Spano* *Director de Proyectos, Prodigio Consultores*
Tel: (54 11) 5093-5313

dspano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | www.prodigioconsultores.com
Mi perfil: [image: LinkedIn] <http://www.linkedin.com/in/diegospano>
Mensajería: [image: Google Talk] diegospano [image: Skype] diegospano
  Get a signature like this.

On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 7:38 AM, Liuber's Hdez∴ <hliuber@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote:

> **
> *Hola Lista. Buenos días. *
> *les adjunto el archivo que muestra la instalación de Greenstone v 2.85. *
> *Pero, la duda la tengo, en hacer funcionar el apache *
>      [exec]  +--------------------------------------------------------+
>      [exec]  | You now have successfully installed the Apache         |
>      [exec]  | HTTP server. To verify that Apache actually works      |
>      [exec]  | correctly you should first check the (initially        |
>      [exec]  | created or preserved) configuration files:             |
>      [exec]  |                                                        |
>      [exec]  |   /usr/local/Greenstone/apache-httpd/linux/conf/httpd.conf
>      [exec]  |                                                        |
>      [exec]  | You should then be able to immediately fire up         |
>      [exec]  | Apache the first time by running:                      |
>      [exec]  |                                                        |
>      [exec]  |   /usr/local/Greenstone/apache-httpd/linux/bin/apachectl
> start
>      [exec]  |                                                        |
>      [exec]  | Thanks for using Apache.       The Apache Group        |
>      [exec]  |                                http://www.apache.org/  |
>      [exec]  +--------------------------------------------------------+
>      [exec]
> *No consigo que arranque. *
> *Gracias de antemano,*
> *liuber's hdez. *
> ***********************************************************************
>     How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
>   If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
> possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
> free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
>   To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
> to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
> convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
> the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
>     <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
>     Copyright (C) 19yy  <name of author>
>     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
>     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
>     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
>     (at your option) any later version.
>     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
>     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
>     GNU General Public License for more details.
>     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
>     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
>     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
> Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
> If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
> when it starts in an interactive mode:
>     Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
>     Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show
> w'.
>     This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
>     under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
> The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
> parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
> be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
> mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
> You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
> school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
> necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
>   Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
>   `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
>   <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
>   Ty Coon, President of Vice
> This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
> proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
> consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
> library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
> Public License instead of this License.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Aceptar la licencia? S o N   [Por defecto:Y]
> S
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>   Carpeta de Instalación
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Seleccione una carpeta para la instalación   [Por
> defecto:/usr/local/Greenstone]
> La carpeta no existe, quiere crearla?
> /usr/local/Greenstone
> Seleccione una carpeta para la instalación   [Por
> defecto:/usr/local/Greenstone]
> La carpeta no existe, quiere crearla?
> /usr/local/Greenstone
> S
> Seleccione una carpeta para la instalación   [Por
> defecto:/usr/local/Greenstone]
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>   Componentes
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Por favor, elija los componentes que desea instalar
> Install the following component?
> x   [Por defecto:true]   [Requerido]
> <html>Este es el módulo principal de Greenstone2. Es un componente
> requerido. </html>
> Install the following component?
> Sistema principal   [Por defecto:true]   [Requerido]
> To serve Greenstone digital library content a web server is needed.
> The open-source Apache web server is one such example, and as
> part of this installation process a pre-configured Apache web server
> -- ready to run out of the box -- is installed by selecting this option.
> If you already have an existing web server installed then you can
> choose to deselect this option to avoid having the pre-configured
> version installed, however you will need to adjust the configuration
> settings of
> your existing web server to link correctly to this Greenstone
> installation.
> If you are unsure about this option it is recommended you leave it
> selected,
> as the configuration file it installs is a good starting place to learn
> what configuration options need to go into any existing web servers.
> Install the following component?
> Apache Web Server   [Por defecto:true]
> true
> <html> Greenstone usa ImageMagick para procesar imágenes.<br>
> Esta versión empaquetada de ImageMagick incluye soporte para el formato
> JPEG2000.<br>Si ya tiene instalado ImageMagick en su computadora, o si no
> desea <br>incluir imágenes en las colecciones de Greenstone, entonces puede
> optar por no <br>instalar ImageMagick. </html>
> Install the following component?
> ImageMagick con JPEG2000 (6.4.3)   [Por defecto:true]
> true
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>   Páginas de Administración
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Las páginas de Administración de la interfaz web de Greenstone le permiten
> administrar la base de usuarios, la cual es necesaria si desea proveer
> acceso restringido al contenido y/o acceso remoto para la construcción de
> la colección. Las páginas también dan un acceso sencillo a los archivos de
> log y permiten editar el archivo 'main.cfg'.
> Desea habilitar las páginas de administración de Greenstone? (Se le
> solicitará una clave en la siguiente página.)
> NOTA: Si habilita las páginas de administración, estarán accesibles desde
> Internet. Por favor, elija una clave segura para protegerlas.
> Habilitar Páginas de Administración   [Por defecto:false]
> true
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>   Por favor, configure la clave de Admin
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Para poder acceder a determinadas partes de la interfaz de Greenstone es
> necesaria una clave. Se creará un usuario con el nombre 'admin' con la
> clave que haya elegido. La clave debe tener entre 3 y 20 caracteres de
> longitud.
> Clave de Admin   [Por defecto:]
> ******
> The input is not of the correct format
> Clave de Admin   [Por defecto:]
> *****
> The input is not of the correct format
> Clave de Admin   [Por defecto:]
> *****
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>   Progreso de la instalación
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in
> /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/lib/tools.jar
> antinstaller.jar/tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/greenstone.jar
> Initialising:
>     [mkdir] Created dir: /usr/local/Greenstone/packages
>      [copy] Copying 721 files to /usr/local/Greenstone/packages/jre
>      [copy] Copied 115 empty directories to 1 empty directory under
> /usr/local/Greenstone/packages/jre
> Installing Core System:
>     [unzip] Expanding: /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/greenstone.jar into
> /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall
> [sevenzip] LZMA# 4.12 beta Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Igor Pavlov  2004-12-10
> [sevenzip] JAVA LZMA Encoder 4.12  myspace
> [sevenzip] [d, /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/core.lzma,
> /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/core.comp]
> LZMA (Java) 4.42 Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Igor Pavlov  2006-05-15
> [sevenzip] time : 31 s
>    [delete] Deleting: /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/core.lzma
>     [unzip] Expanding: /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/core.comp
> into /usr/local/Greenstone
>    [delete] Deleting: /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/core.comp
>      [echo] Setting Binaries to Executable
>      [echo] Filling in concrete values in config files
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to /usr/local/Greenstone/cgi-bin
> --------------------
> RegexSearchReplace
> --------------------
> Replacements:
> "?\*\*GSDLHOME\*\*"? -> "/usr/local/Greenstone"
> Files:
> /usr/local/Greenstone/cgi-bin/gsdlsite.cfg
> Successfully changed 1 line
>      [echo] Correcting perl shebangs in perl scripts
> --------------------
> RegexSearchReplace
> --------------------
> Replacements:
> ^#!.* -> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> Lines: 1 ~ 2
> Files:
> /usr/local/Greenstone/cgi-bin/gliserver.pl
> No Changes Made
>      [echo] Creating the english dictionary
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to /usr/local/Greenstone/gli/classes
>      [echo] Set the installation locale in config files
> --------------------
> RegexSearchReplace
> --------------------
> Replacements:
> ^gsdllang=.* -> gsdllang=es
> Files:
> /usr/local/Greenstone/setup.bash
> Successfully changed 1 line
> --------------------
> RegexSearchReplace
> --------------------
> Replacements:
> ^glilang=.* -> glilang=es
> Files:
> /usr/local/Greenstone/gli/gli.sh
> Successfully changed 1 line
> --------------------
> RegexSearchReplace
> --------------------
> Replacements:
> ^glilang=.* -> glilang=es
> Files:
> /usr/local/Greenstone/gli/gems.sh
> Successfully changed 1 line
> --------------------
> RegexSearchReplace
> --------------------
> Replacements:
> (<Argument name="general.locale">).*(</Argument>) -> $1es$2
> Files:
> /usr/local/Greenstone/gli/classes/xml/config.xml
> Successfully changed 1 line
>      [echo] Creating installation properties file
> Installing Apache Web Server:
>      [echo] Installing the Apache Web Server
>     [unzip] Expanding: /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/greenstone.jar into
> /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall
> [sevenzip] LZMA# 4.12 beta Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Igor Pavlov  2004-12-10
> [sevenzip] JAVA LZMA Encoder 4.12  myspace
> [sevenzip] [d, /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/apachehttpd.lzma,
> /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/apachehttpd.comp]
> LZMA (Java) 4.42 Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Igor Pavlov  2006-05-15
> [sevenzip] time : 3713 ms
>     [unzip] Expanding:
> /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/apachehttpd.comp into
> /usr/local/Greenstone
>    [delete] Deleting:
> /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/apachehttpd.comp
>      [echo] Setting up apache web server
>      [exec] [Preserving existing envvars settings.]
>      [exec] Ready.
>      [exec]  +--------------------------------------------------------+
>      [exec]  | You now have successfully installed the Apache         |
>      [exec]  | HTTP server. To verify that Apache actually works      |
>      [exec]  | correctly you should first check the (initially        |
>      [exec]  | created or preserved) configuration files:             |
>      [exec]  |                                                        |
>      [exec]  |   /usr/local/Greenstone/apache-httpd/linux/conf/httpd.conf
>      [exec]  |                                                        |
>      [exec]  | You should then be able to immediately fire up         |
>      [exec]  | Apache the first time by running:                      |
>      [exec]  |                                                        |
>      [exec]  |   /usr/local/Greenstone/apache-httpd/linux/bin/apachectl
> start
>      [exec]  |                                                        |
>      [exec]  | Thanks for using Apache.       The Apache Group        |
>      [exec]  |                                http://www.apache.org/  |
>      [exec]  +--------------------------------------------------------+
>      [exec]
> Installing ImageMagick:
>      [echo] Installing ImageMagick
>     [unzip] Expanding: /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/greenstone.jar into
> /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall
> [sevenzip] LZMA# 4.12 beta Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Igor Pavlov  2004-12-10
> [sevenzip] JAVA LZMA Encoder 4.12  myspace
> [sevenzip] [d, /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/imagemagick.lzma,
> /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/imagemagick.comp]
> LZMA (Java) 4.42 Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Igor Pavlov  2006-05-15
> [sevenzip] time : 36 s
>    [delete] Deleting:
> /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/imagemagick.lzma
>     [unzip] Expanding:
> /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/imagemagick.comp into
> /usr/local/Greenstone
>    [delete] Deleting:
> /tmp/greenstone-installer.tmp/antinstall/imagemagick.comp
> Configuring Administration Pages:
>      [echo] Enabling Admin Pages
> --------------------
> RegexSearchReplace
> --------------------
> Replacements:
> ^\s*status\s+.* -> status enabled
> Files:
> /usr/local/Greenstone/etc/main.cfg
> Successfully changed 1 line
>      [echo] Creating admin and demo users
> Total time: 3 minutes 5 seconds
> Finalizada
> Setup complete
> Deleting the temp directory

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