[gpodder-devel] Problem with seeing all episodes in the LKML Summary Podcast feed

  • From: kernel-hacker at bennee.com (Alex Bennee)
  • Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 10:59:22 +0100


I've been having problems with gpodder's grokking of the LKML summary
podcast feed:


Looking in Firefox I can see there are more entries than gpodder sees,
although I did note some
of the diagnostics threw up the message:

[  89.255] (PodcastEpisode) Episode has no URL: {'updated': u'Tue, 15
Sep 2009 16:16:14 +0000', 'slash_comments': u'1', 'updated_parsed':
(2009, 9, 15, 16, 16, 14, 1, 258, 0), 'links': [{'href':
'type': 'text/html', 'rel': 'alternate'}], 'title': u'2009/09/09 Linux
Kernel Podcast', 'author': u'jcm', 'summary_detail': {'base':
'http://www.kernelpodcast.org/feed/', 'type': 'text/html', 'value':
Wednesday, September 9th, 2009, I’m Jon Masters with a summary
of today’s LKML traffic.\nIn today’s issue: Linux 2.6.31,
Compache, MMAP, and unreachable code.\nMore on Linux 2.6.31 in a
moment, but first these other top stories.\nCompcache. Nitin Gupta
posted version 2 of his “compcache” compressed in-memory

The episodes in question are the 9/9/09 and 10/09/09 episodes, gpodder
sees 8/9/09 and before.

Any ideas?

Alex, homepage: http://www.bennee.com/~alex/

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