[gmpi] Re: Topic 7: Audio packaging, Process-In-Place

  • From: Chris Grigg <gmpi-public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 14:02:18 -0700

Seems like we're arriving at a fairly good, almost formal understanding of the constraints on process-in-place. Let me try to summarize, in hopes of arriving at something to measure design candidates against.

-- Chris

A plug may re-use an input buffer as an output buffer only when all of the following criteria are met:

1. The plug is written so as to allow it.

This means that a) Any logical output buffer that the plug writes to before processing all input buffer data cannot be used as a process-in-place buffer; b) Any logical output buffer that needs to be larger than a given input buffer (for example, in a rate upsampler plug) can't be used as a process-in-place pair; c) The plug must include whatever plug-side process-in-place buffer usage negotiation code GMPI may require. [Any other plug-side constraints?]

The plug-in is in a position to know criterion 1, and the GMPI API could allow the host to query the plug about this.

2. The host is written so as to allow it.

This means that some hosts may depend on simpler but less efficient connection models, such as one buffer per connection, and these hosts will not include whatever host-side process-in-place buffer usage negotiation code GMPI may require.

The host is in a position to know criterion 2, and the GMPI API could allow the plug to query the host about this.

Discussion Point: To guarantee support for simpler hosts (as described in 2. below), the GMPI spec could include a rule that all plugs must always be capable of purely non-in-place processing; in other words, that process-in-place can only be done if the host requests it. (Is this rule explicitly spelled out in other plug specs, e.g. VST?)

3. The process-in-place mapping from a given logical input buffer to the corresponding logical output buffer is unambiguous to the host.

While this is obvious in one-in / one-out plugs, a plug with multiple inputs or outputs (especially of different multichannel formats or data types) presents the possibility of unpredictable in->out buffer mappings. In particular, it may be possible that not all input buffers can be used for process-in-place, and that the correspondence of the ones that can is unobvious.

This unpredictability could be resolved either a) via a uniform set of GMPI-wide rules, such as requiring any plug advertising process-in-place capability to support it for all input buffers and all possible in->out combinations, or b) via communication of workable mappings from the plug to the host via the GMPI API. This communication could take any of a number of forms, including get...() calls or the 'baton-passing' plug-side buffer allocation technique.

4. The plug graph allows it.

This means that if a given input buffer is connected to more than one plug input (either in the same plug or in any other plug), that buffer cannot be used for process-in-place by any of them. (Note: The host is in a position to automatically resolve all such problem connections by duplicating the source buffer, creating a separate buffer copy for each fed input.)

The host is in a position to know about problematic buffer connections under criterion 4. Either a) the GMPI API could allow the plug to query the host about this and avoid processing-in-place for that input buffer, or b) GMPI could specify that all graph construction and buffer allocation decisions are left to the host, i.e. requiring all plugs to unquestioningly use host-furnished buffer ptrs.


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