[gmpi] Re: Requirements evaluation

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 18:26:17 -0800

On Sat, Nov 08, 2003 at 07:08:14PM -0700, eric wrote:
> It sounds to me like the idea of using thin layers is already effecting 
> the design.  For instance, handling an instrument interface 

Yes, and I'm trying to find proper way of expressing this in requirements,
without going too far.

Some sets of controls and/or callbacks can be grouped into various
'interfaces'.  Plugins which implement those controls/callbacks can be said
to implement the interface (see note 1).

Is it necessary for a plugin to declare 'I support interface X'?
If so, how?

If a plugin partially implements an interface, does it implement the

Is it necessaru tp define these interfaces outside of the GMPI spec?  That
is, do we allow a vendor to define interface Foo, and have plugins implement
If so, how do they define that?

Note 1:  Controls/parameters are already a dynamic 'list' of things, so
implementing a control is as simple as adding it to your list.  If we allow
interfaces to encompas callback, we mandate a dynamic callback mechanism.
Either something which allows you to query a callback struct for each
interface, like:
        interface_ops = plug->get_interface("Foo");

Or something which multiplexes all callbacks, like:
        plug->callback("Foo.do_something", arg);

> * description - provide a method whereby a plugin can describe its 
> interface and capabilities to the host

Of course, this one is obvious.

> * wrapping - provide a mechanism through which a single library can 
> provide multiple plugins (assuming that machines can be added 
> dynamically, this could be used for plugin wrappers)

Got that one

> * discovery - combine the simplicity of a directory search with the 
> speed benefits of a central plugin db (assuming that these plugin 
> descriptions can be expressed in an XML file and stored in a central 
> location for easy plugin management)

A central DB requires privileged access.  A requirement for systems like
Linux is that GMPI plugins can be installed personally by a user.

> >OK.  I've been referring to these things as weel-known parameters.
> >Essentially (my draft reqs should make this clear) anything that is not
> >mandatory is a Control (a better name for parameter).
> >
> Are we sure that control is a better name for a parameter?  What is your 
> thinking?

I thnk it is.  A Parameter is too mathematical by connotation.  I have been
unable to get any significant response to this.  Further, I think parameter
is already overloaded, so choosing a new name will help people keep GMPI and
other APIs clear.  Controls are any non-data signal.  Clock, MIDI, knobs,
opaque blobs.  Can you find a better word?  Controls can be input or
output.  Fundamentally there isn't much different between a control source
and a control sink, except the direction.

> My current understanding of the vocabulary is taken from the unofficial 
> GMPI summary document:
> [Parameters have all sorts of meta-data, such as datatype, range, etc. 

If I have my way, substitute 'Control' for 'Parameter'.

> What is your definition of a control, and how does it fit into this 
> vocabulary?  Do you think it will be confusing to have a control *and* 
> control-input / control-output?

If will simplify it.  All Parameters are input or output.

> How will the user know that s/he can send aftertouch if the plugin does 
> not declare somewhere that it supports it?

It does - it exposes it's Controls.  The host will notice the aftertouch
control and can send MIDI aftertouch signal to it.

> >Actual design and encapsulation will come later.  First we do reqs.  THEN
> >the spec.
> >
> Agreed, but it's difficult to discuss requirements without providing a 
> few examples of use-cases and how a solution might satisfy the 
> requirement.  It helps to put us all on the same page.

Agreed, and it helps us to believe the requirements are legit.

> Whatever runtime we decide to use (or build), it should be available for 
> free download (with source) for host developers on all of the major 
> platforms, and usable for commercial, open-source, and free 
> closed-source applications.

Agreed - the GMPI SDK should be totally free, in this sense.

> >It all depends whether it is optional or not ;)  It seems like a great
> >candidate for a well-known control, but it doesn't need to be timestamped.
> >If this notification mechanism is non-optional, then it should not be a
> >parameter.
> >
> Why make a distinction between a parameter and a control?  I'm not clear 
> on this point yet...

Sorry, I mixed terminology.

> >Not if it adds much complexity.  I'd need to see some ideas about how to do
> >it with minimal work before I agree it's required.  Desired, sure.
> >But required?
> >
> This is not something that I can simply glance over easily.  If we are 
> going to enable backwards compatability with a future version of GMPI 
> that might allow it, we need to abstract it here and now (v1).  In other 
> words, in the future, if/when it does become abstracted, support for 
> GMPI V1 plugins will be a wicked hack at best, and I don't mean that in 
> a good way.

I don't think most of us want extensible IO datatypes.  It's a BIG pain.
Extensible parameter types?  Well, we have that in opaque types, now.

> >Maybe.  I'm not convinced it is needed.  A plugin announces it's
> >capabilities by exposing it's controls.  When the host enumerates the
> >controls, it notices, HEY!  That's a MIDI-compat control.
> >
> In that case, we may need to add a little more meta data to 
> parameters... type and protocol if I'm understanding you.  Should it be 
> possible to support more than one protocol on a single control?  I think 
> so.... at least, I don't see a good reason to restrict the possibility.  
> In this case, I think it would be a cleaner solution to declare 
> capabilities separately.  It just feels like a cleaner solution to me.

Eh?  There is no protocol but GMPI.  a MIDI comptible control will receive
GMPI events.  It is MIDI compat because it has indicated to have a
well-understood meaning. That allows the host (or a plugin) to convert MIDI
input (a file or MIDI device) to GMPI events, and send them to the plugin.
Plugins in GMPI can be MIDI compatible without ever touching MIDI.

> >I'm not convinced.  This may be a red-herring for now.  Does something like
> >this need to be in the reqs?
> >
> I think it should be addressed and decided before the reqs collection is 
> closed.  You say your not convinced that it's needed.  I'm not convinced 
> that it's not needed.

Fair enough

> I think these definitions should be clarified so everybody is on the 
> same page.  Maybe my next doc should be a GMPI vocabulary page.  =)

A glossary is on my TODO list :)  I'm trying to get the right terms decided.
Like Parameter vs. Control.  I just want to know if everyone will make me
change it back, if I change it. :)


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