[gha] Re: Israel repeats break peace by new settlements

  • From: Hedva Bachrach <hedgad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 23:18:03 +0200

On 31/10/2013 12:11, moriikae wrote:
*Many of us, including me, oppose the settlement policy. There are only two reasons that might justify a part of this thought, that the west bank comes into Israel 22 km from the sea, and we have had an enormous number of su**icide bombers during the years, and the second is that **there are a lot of **Hamas cells in the west bank and the rule of the nowadays government is not assured, and we don't want hamas missiles coming from the west bank like they come from Gaza .
Otherwise, you are right - the expansion of settlements is not good.

However, we need some security settlements. The Israeli government offered Abu Mazen some exchange of territories, of about 5-7 % of the west bank for 5-7% of Israeli territory, for security reasons. some other settlements can remain under palestinian rule if their safety is assured, which is doubtful. In Israel Arab citizens are mostly university graduates and have 4 parties in the parliament. The religious jews have also 4 parties, and the rest are non religious.

We really hope that the peace talks nowadays would be fruitful, but what we hear is that Abu Mazen does not want to recognize Israel as a jewish Israeli state, and that he wants to bring back 5 million of so called refugees. After the 1948 about 900.000 Palestinians fled during the war to Arab States around, and the same number and afterwards even more of Jewish people ran for their lives from Arab countries and then Magreb Countries, where mobs attacked them . To bring 5 million people under the cover of the "right to return" means the demographic destruction of Israel, which is 800 km long and has a population of about 8 million people, from which about 6 million are hebrews.

_what is very curious , kae morii, that you serve as a palestinian propaganda one sided tool, and every time you attack israel without checking facts... i'm really sorry and appalled by this phenomena. Will you finally stop attacking israel. I do really hope that these peace talks will succeed. I do really want to see two free states, Israel and Palestine, maybe in the future when we grow wiser we would form some structure of federation, provided that palestinians leave the terror and dont want to kill our civil population and don't kidnap our soldiers, and then send the video of the beheading of a soldier to his family!! Palestinians should stop terror and we should stop army retaliations.

_**Dr. Hedva Rabinson Bachrach

Israel release 26 and 26 Palestine prizoners instead of the 1500 and 2000 new settlements, which would question on Israel. and put the risk to break peace.

Peace is the way for better future.

Kae Morii

The 30th, [October 31 AFP] Israel government East Jerusalem (a few hours after you *release 26 Palestinian* inmates East Jerusalem <http://keywalker.afpbb.com/headline/search?q=%22East%20Jerusalem%22>about what has announced it will approve the construction of*1,500 units of new settlement housing* in), the Palestinian same day, the government has criticized Israel as being trying to rupture the Middle East peace talks.

 (Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority Mahmud Abbas <http://keywalker.afpbb.com/headline/search?q=%22Mahmud%20Abbas%22>spokesman) chairman, Nabil Abu Rudeina ( Nabil Abu Rudeina <http://keywalker.afpbb.com/headline/search?q=%22Nabil%20Abu%20Rudeina%22>decision of the Israeli government, as well as ruin the "peace process,) Mr. Israel international law in the international community said, "but action to send a message that a country that does not respect.

 West Bank of the Occupied Palestinian Territory (plans to build a new settlement housing in the same area is a Palestinian residence, the 21 inmates is the Israeli government West Bank <http://keywalker.afpbb.com/headline/search?q=%22West%20Bank%22>in), (Gaza five Gaza Strip <http://keywalker.afpbb.com/headline/search?q=%22Gaza%20Strip%22>release because it attributed to) It was reported by the Israeli media immediately after.

 For coverage of AFP, Benjamin Netanyahu (Israeli government officials then Benjamin Netanyahu <http://keywalker.afpbb.com/headline/search?q=%22Benjamin%20Netanyahu%22>Gidon Searle and) Prime Minister ( Gideon Saar <http://keywalker.afpbb.com/headline/search?q=%22Gideon%20Saar%22>) interior minister, made ​​it clear that it "had already agreed to the construction plan of four in Jerusalem" .

 A series of movements of this time, appears to have reproduced the events of August 13 this year. Also in this case, to *release 26 Palestinian* inmates first, the Israeli government had announced plans to *build settlement housing units in 2000 *than in the center east Jerusalem.

 Islamic fundamentalist organization Hamas to effective control the Gaza Strip of the Palestinian territories ( Hamas <http://keywalker.afpbb.com/headline/search?q=%22Hamas%22>is), Palestinian Authority of President Mahmoud Abbas to receive the support of the Western ( Palestinian Authority <http://keywalker.afpbb.com/headline/search?q=%22Palestinian%20Authority%22>posture) is as accelerated the settlement activities of Israel, to self-government I'm seeking the suspension of peace talks. Similarly, the United States is a major ally of Israel showed the idea of opposition to settlement ever. United Nations ( UN <http://keywalker.afpbb.com/headline/search?q=%22UN%22>(Pan Ki-moon, Ban Ki-moon of) Ban Ki-moon <http://keywalker.afpbb.com/headline/search?q=%22Ban%20Ki-moon%22>while welcomed the release of prisoners,) Secretary-General, showed the idea to oppose the construction of settlement housing. (C) AFP / Steve Weizman

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