[geocentrism] Re: depression

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "geocentrism list" <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2007 08:15:16 +1000

Steven this is indeed a philosophical post, and I may not be up to doing a good 
response..  but here goes..  First up there are two terms for depression. I was 
referring to the general term not clinical depression, which is from the 
medical profession. Philip. 

  Dear Phillip,

  I'm sorry but I'm afraid I just don't follow you on this matter. I don't 
understand why you claim to be right and that world affairs prove your case and 
then on the other hand you feel that a rebuke from me is necessary.

  I merely suggested that you could show me a rebuke from God for my 
insensitivity and possible failure to follow his commandment to visit the sick 
with charity.  However I hope you are not taking my words personally..  They 
are directed to the world in general. And I try to speak them honestly. 

  In previous posts, you appear to be practically inferring that depression 
only exists in the case of unreciprocated love:  That was just one minor 
example..  I gave the case of those who commit murder in the name of freedom as 
another cause. Its an inability to even try to cope with stress. 

  Steven there is a phsychological disorder.its called clinical depression, 
.that may be brought on by depression, a failure to cope with stress, but it is 
not labeled simple depression, which is a state of mind which people of 
fortitude can get over. Some do it with the crutch of faith, but any crutch 
will work. It is not a miracle.  If it develops into a mental illness, then 
that is a different thing and is labeled so differently. I was never talking 
here about what is called manic or clinical depression. 
  Remember some of my (rare) forum posts from around that time, they almost 
dealt solely with the suffering of the world, and frequently mentioned me 
crying, because quite frankly at that time I could cry without reason 
spontaneously and profusely, this was depression. But to God I'm thankful for 
  Maybe we are arguing about different definitions..  The symptoms you describe 
could be easily helped by hypnotism, provided the patient was NOT insane who 
cannot be hypnotised.  Are you going to cry over the worlds suffering whilst 
someone is attacking your mother with an axe? 

  "the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the 
LORD." (Job 1:21b KJV)
  allowing faith to heal is a form of hypnotism...

  By quoting this, I don't put blame on God for it, but it was allowed and it 
did however create a great capacity within me to understand others, their 
situation and above all, it gave me knowledge, because when much younger I 
would have probably been rudely ignorant of such a condition. How stupid I was, 
and even now true wisdom is to know you know nothing! - Socrates. 
  Art has its place, and sensitive people there are who appreciate it..  But 
there is no room for it in the reality of war and we are physically under 
attack and in danger..  today we are at war, and the call is to arms..  
  Addressing another part of your email, it certainly seems your advocating 
natural selection, this I find very strange coming from a believer:

  "Now in those days, if they didn't get over it, they died, and so the genetic 
pool remained pure."
  Dear Phillip, truly, this I find quite an alarming sentence. It is so 
hideously insensitive that it doesn't deserve any more attention. 

  Yes of course I believe in natural selection...We do not deny genetic natural 
selection, or survival of the fittest .. Such has nothing to do with evolution, 
other than that evolutionists wrongly assume it is some sort of supporting 
evidence ..

  Do you not accept that some people develope resistance to desease and 
survive. Scientists are breeding such manipulations as we speak... This is not 
evolution.. It happens in nature. Devolution occurs. Look at the Australian 
Aborigine..Though evolutionists would love to call them the missing link, if 
they dared the risk of being labeled racist.. LOL. 

   Many things in nature are insensitive.  If I had to kill a sheep to eat 
meat, I would never eat meat. But that is an unnatural weakness of mine..  Had 
I to use my manhood to fight and kill men attacking me, my mother and family 
with axes and spears, I would be different.. That is the education of nature. 
People toughen up or they die, and fail their responsibility..  It is the mans 
natural job to provide and protect their women and children. 

  Next you stated: This all below is answered above.. but I note a couple of 

  "Today medicine and foolhardiness is keeping impure genes alive to reproduce, 
and so today we have soldiers who consider themselves in warfare too valuable 
an asset to risk life, and so shoot the women and kids of the enemy.. Both 
sides have this ethic..  They do not fight each other, but wipe oput the other 
sides women and kids.. For which they get counselling ... heaven forbid they 
should feel guilty..  .Get over it!..  You do not need faith Paul.  a healthy 
dose of fear with intelligence helps a lot.."

  It may be true that soldiers are doing such terrible atrocities, however, it 
is very foolish of you to link the entropy of chaos in the world to the western 
world helping people to cope with depression. The two are quite diametrically 
opposed. Many people with beautiful souls 
  Only God can know the state of any soul...  What is beautiful on the outside, 
may be rotten on the inside. 
  suffer from depression, and these ruthless "macho" thugs in Africa who 
slaughter are not in any way bothered by their savage acts, the wicked are 
actually the least likely people to get depressed to the extent that could 
affect believers. Why? Because the wicked are so pre-occupied with themselves, 
self-gratification and having a good time that when they exercise their 
ruthless evil deeds with the goal of succeeding no-matter how many people they 
stamp on in the process they have no need or cause for depression. Whilst a 
good-soul can see the suffering in the world, who can be inflicted with 
suffering by the wicked and feel no immediate hope for any change. What is 
wicked..  ? I cannot call the tiger who killed the deer wicked..  Or the man 
who has been brought up in the jungle of animal behaviour since birth wicked 
because he is savage...  That is a judgement I cannot make... But if he atacks 
me with an axe, and cannot be dissuaded with words, I will shoot him, even as I 
pray for him. And I will surely feel depressed at killing a man... very 
depressed..  But I know I must get over it..  I am not entitled to such 
weakness. I'll get drunk and quickly get over what was a necessity. 

  Why is it the wicked (apparently) prosper?
  Why do the innocent suffer and all the wicked disgusting people run amok?
  Have you met a strong believer who died for his faith?
  Have you lost someone through depression?
  God will take care of all..  It is not for me to judge. I believe in Hell, 
and there is no worldly suffering anywhere near as horrible as that place..  My 
first priority is to avoid going there, and then to warn and help you and 
others to avoid it as well..  I do not think Jesus looked down on his torturers 
and considered them in your words as "wicked disgusting people" .. He prayed 
for Judas and He prayed and died for them..  

  I sincerely hope that you re-think your position, given the personal 
testimony of mine here available for all to see on the internet, hopefully, at 
least it should convince you that depression exists in a deeper form than 
you've been previously unwilling to admit. What about Job? Why did he suffer? 
Can you imagine how low he felt? Did he want to die? Was he depressed?

  May God bless you.You can see Steven that you may have gotten the wrong 
impression of what I thought. See my definitions below confirming my opinions 
above. I was referring to the general term, depression,  not the clinical ..

  And oh yes, have you seen the figures on teenage suicide, all because of 
relationships?  Thats a modern evil, of society, that they go that far..  50 
years ago kids got over it. Now today as well, hundreds of farmers are 
suiciding because of hardship and drought, and lacking fortitude to cope.. 
hundreds not like their fathers ...  Am I supposed to sympathise with grown men 
who put worldly goods in such a place of importance??  When they have access to 
welfare that would make them rich in comparison.. They have no God... We can 
only pray for their souls.  

  Yours truly,

  Steven Jones.

  depression (UNHAPPINESS)  
  1 [U] a feeling of unhappiness and lack of hope for the future:
  I was overwhelmed by feelings of depression.

  2 [C or U] a mental illness in which a person is very unhappy and anxious for 
long periods and cannot have a normal life during these periods:
  Tiredness, loss of appetite and sleeping problems are all classic symptoms of 
  If you suffer from depression, it's best to get professional help.

  manic depression noun [U]
  a mental illness causing someone to change from being extremely happy and 
excited to being extremely sad:
  clinical depression noun [U]
  a mental illness which causes feelings of sadness and loss of hope, changes 
in sleeping and eating habits, loss of interest in your usual activities, and 
pains which have no physical explanation


  philip madsen wrote: 
    Have to strongly disagree with this Phillip, sorry, but it's quite simply 
distasteful rubbish.


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