[geocentrism] Re: World/Moon system

  • From: Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 14:10:18 -0700 (PDT)

All of the accelerations that the earth experiances should be detectable..that 
was the whole point demontrating that MS acceleration in free fall nonsense is 
just that...they have no explination the calculations for the acceleration 
around the sun were done already ...to calculate the moon world...is a bit more 
complicated..because of the accelerations of all three bodies must be taken 
into consideration......and any given accelerations will be differnt along the 
earth/moon trajectory around the sun in the same way that the "tea cups" at 
your local amusment part wip harder or less so depending on where and when the 
accelertions compliment each other the most ...sometimes the acceleraion in one 
direction slightly cancles out the other ....I would suggest however that any 
acceleration due to grvity that are significant to cause tidal actions is not 
just obviously detectable but the force to create such tides if pullling would 
have to pull us out of our
 chairs...........we cant just appeal to our size to make the effects 
disappear....the reaon being is that centrifical force is not just a 
theoretical  affect ....it can be reproduced and done so proportionaly in 
objects such that the we can proportionaly measure the affects they have on 
other proportional masses.....this is true regurdless of what the actualy cause 
of thoes forces is or is not....The forces themsels are reproducable on scale 
so theories are irrelevant.  We can measure proportional centrifical forces & 
effects  ...........to oversimplify we could take say a spining orbital space 
station  or beach ball with water even proportianl air molecules placed on its 
surface...even in micro gravity.. (prediction the water  & air will have a hard 
time keeping up or even in contact with the earth)..........This is the reason 
that the avg winds on "alien worlds" are so violent they are on top of "normal 
atmosphereic conditons, spining
 with the planets and in motion wrt the aether  . ........As I said before a 
proportional size sphere  spun fast enouph ( reguardless of the actual cause of 
the force ) to reproduce tidal bulges will and would cause any "proportional 
sized" object (ie human) difficulty in keeping up with the body and even fly 
off in to space.......assuming a zero net electric charge wrt the two 
objects.........so the whole argument about the size of a human wrt the tides 
and oceans is moot......all the actions are reproducable....and would show that 
the nessisary force to create proportional tides would significantly affect the 
attraction of the smaller proportional objects as well.........In fact thoes 
objects would have a hard time keeping up with the spin at all no matter how 
long or how you attempt to balence the accelerations of the propoertional 
masses with the spining globe......This is yet another place where reproducable 
observation would not match MS
 theories at all ......
secondly since we can demontrate that the accelerations are detectable 
themselves then the question is how do we go about such a detection but this 
would lead us back to the very experiments that were perfomred to accomplish 
this.....as long as we ignore what we have there will never be any resolution 
...like a child who keeps asking the same questions over and over again simply 
because he dose not like the answers he keeps getting....hopping that he will 
get a differnt answere "one day" and so he "holds out" for that 

----- Original Message ----
From: Neville Jones <njones@xxxxxxxxx>
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 1:02:46 PM
Subject: [geocentrism] World/Moon system


The forum has stagnated.

Experiments by Michelson-Morley, Dayton Miller, Sagnac et al., definitely 
showed a sidereal rotation of either the World, the universe or both. What 
upset conventional science at the turn of the 19th century and start of the 
20th was the fact that Michelson-Morley, Michelson-Gale and so on did not 
produce evidence of the World's supposed phenomenal speed around its alleged 
orbit, but did produce evidence of a much smaller component of motion.

So, let's see if we can get a discussion going like the one that raged for 
months on the celestial poles argument, which involved almost everybody and 
produced many quality diagrams and lines of reasoning.

The Moon goes around the World in both models approximately in the plane of the 
ecliptic. Hence the Moon's gravity should accelerate the World during part of 
its orbit and inhibit the World during that part of its orbit that is 180 degs 
out of phase with the first. It should pull us toward the Sun and then away 
from the Sun. Would we feel any of this?

Diagrams, comments, thoughts, one-way tickets to the Gulag, ... toss them all 
into the pot and let's see what comes out.


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