[geocentrism] Re: The aether again.

  • From: allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 16:18:35 -0700 (PDT)

Phill, One other thing ..... 
It is this latter which needs first consideration and verification. Robert 
suggested moving the flywheel to a different space. How far is important as we 
do not know.........
I donʼt thing think removing the spinning disk from its location is going to 
completely stop the effect ...................... It think the Aspeden effect 
will still be there just not as pronounced no mater where you move it 
to................The reason in short is that the aether permeates/ is 
entrained in the molecular structure of the atoms (or visa versa) in the 
spinning disk itself................how do i know this?.......... because a 
hermetically sealed hard drive will still exhibit Gyroscopic effects ...if the 
inside and outside aether (due to "aether contamination" during assembly fo the 
hard drive) were isolated from each other then the there would be nothing for 
the gyroscope to act or resist against...everything on the inside of the 
hermetically sealed gyroscope would act as one....if it acted as one then there 
would be nothing for the mass of the gyroscope to act against above the ambient 
aether that it must move through when you pick it
 up off the table..... ....therefore the aether inside must still have 
continuity with the aether that is outside the hermetically sealed gyroscope.. 
so as to act against ...but the aether is still entrained in the molecular 
structure ......... so even if you move the molecular structure to another spot 
and if the gyroscope is dragging the aether to produce a min aetheral vortex 
then when the gyroscope is moved it will drag although disrupt the vortex with 
it......the effect will still be there but not as pronounced.....however the 
amount of the disruption should tell us something about the aether as 
well...why...for the same reason that if you conducted this experiment in 
liquid of some kind would tell you something about the properties of the 
liquid.....I know we donʼt all agree on a liquid but at the end of the day 
there is a interaction via dragging of aether Ie currents and gyroscopic 
effects..ect.. or there is no direct interaction and thus
 dragging........if there is a direct interaction (in contrasts to some 
vibrational indirect action) dragging and such.....then to use any other term 
then "liquid" would be hard if not impossible to justify external of a 
Metaphysical analogy...if we are going or have reached the point of 
metaphysical analogies/ explanations then probably we will not be able to take 
physics any further and we can just claim "God did it" and all go home......no 
matter what side you take on this issue there is going to be some point where 
the naturalist can not explain any further using natural explanations and the 
Creationist will be left with only a incomprehensible God.......but i donʼt 
think we are there yet......
how far out from the periphery of the flywheel this field extends. .........if 
you accept this effect,  i suggest no reaon not to accept as at least plausable 
Grav slingshots.....if so, then I would suggest we can ascertain that from 
gravitational slingshots around the earth and other bodies comparing the 
slingshots that are taken in the direction of solar orbit with others if any 
that are not.....

----- Original Message ----
From: "allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 11:48:14 AM
Subject: [geocentrism] Re: The aether again.

Me in blue...

In essence if memory is correct, he stated that if "n" units of energy were 
required to bring up a flywheel to max RPM , and then this flywheel was 
stopped, and restarted within a minute or two the energy for the second effort 
was n/x  x being a factor which reduces with the time delay for the restart. It 
was also alleged that this did not require that the restart be in the same 
original direction.  this needs to be looked at in more detail...exacly what 
was the/if any difference between the subsequent and initial start 
directions..........i am suspect of this for the reasons that follow.....but i 
can also imagine some rather "thin reasons" as well......if that is true
[ It is worth the follow up in that no one has determined what energy was 
obtained in bringing the wheel to rest. Was it n - n/x  or n ? If n then pulze 
and glide techniques on a flywheel will provide great mechanical advantage with 
considerable  worry for MS as regards the conservation of energy..(coz they do 
not believe in an aether) ]
Back to subject: Two factors become obvious. 
(a) The residual effort presumed to be held in space is not rotational. If the 
storage medium is the aether, then it is not a rotating force. 
How so?...it it rotation that iniates this effect.......... in any case...
1.Aspden effect, the Gyroscope effect ..the Grav slingshots( if you accept 
them)...all are rotational effects and only demonstrated in the presense and 
connection to and of rotaion.........
2.There is a bias within the aether itself...for EMR ( ie. MM & MG, 
sacnac)including the CMB all show a bias in the diretion of 
rotation..............the significance of this fact is that that EMR utilizes 
the aether as it medium for propragation.......which in any case is in the 
direction of aether/ universeal rotaion... 
what may need to be understood better is "the how"...and i suggest that we need 
to know the differences if any in the original direction as well as in the 
opisite direction..........I dont think the experiment was conducted to show 
the differences beween the initail and subsequent start 
directions...............secondly it could just be that rotaion of mass creates 
a "drill effect" ( which is actually just reduction/diminishing some 
resistance/force) in the aether that gives the appearance of additional 
force.....We could just be looking at  force/ resitaince  reduction....not 
nessisarily a force increase....
(b) What is happening to cause the effect to disappear after time? 
The elasticity of the function..........If it is a current then 
viscosity..........if the Aspeden effect is truly not directionally dependent 
then a kind of "drill effect" appears more likly ..something that is initially 
..strong a first but once the source is removed it's strength diminishes like a 
drill that is turned on then powere cut it still drills for a little bit..or..a 
yell from on top of a mountain...oops i keep trying to sneak in my devious 
vibrational wave forms donʼt I...:)
It is this latter which needs first consideration and verification. Robert 
suggested moving the flywheel to a different space. How far is important as we 
do not know how far out from the periphery of the flywheel this field extends. 
I think we can assume the effect is stored in the aether. The effect could be 
stored OR created OR some effect may be diminished within the aether....We also 
assume the aether must move towards the west, ignoring other local factors, at 
the earths latitudinal relative speed of rotation. There is a bias even within 
the aether ie light and the CMB so it must be rotaional even to the aether 
itself....because thoes things use the aether as their propragating medium......

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