[geocentrism] Re: Odd happenings on (Mars?).

  • From: Regner Trampedach <art@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 10:26:32 +1100

Steven and Neville,
  I am addressing this to both of you, since I am not sure who wrote the two pages
cited by Steven, below, and you are both maintainers of the site and presumably
agree with its content.
  First of all, I would really like to recommend that you adopt a new rule of your
lives; To always go to the original source before making conclusions about things
you see in the media.
  You have to realize that what ever you tell a journalist, even when handed a
written press-release, they will make up their own story, only loosely based on
what you told them.
  Okay - and now to the picture of Comet Wild 2.
You can find all the details at
The picture is obviously not what you think it should be. It is a composite (and
NASA clearly states that) of the surface of the comet, and a much longer exposure
to reveal the faint coma. The latter is colour-coded yellow, to avoid ambiguity.
The coma is so weak/faint that it wouldn't show up on an exposure that didn't
over-expose the surface of the comet - therefore the composite. There is nothing
dubious about that.
   To address the other points you raised:
Ad. 1) The "halo" is not strange - it's a comet, comets have comas. This comet
      is far from the Sun so the coma is very weak.
Ad. 2) It's just an imperfect transition between the two different exposures.
      it actually helps separate the two (surface and coma-exposures). It is most
      likely due to the small change in viewing angle between the two exposures.
Ad. 3) Colour coding of the coma exposure.
Ad. 4) Because the space probe was programmed to perform autonomous
      tracking of the comet to always centre it. The tracking is done with a
      scanning mirror, since moving the whole telescope would be too slow.
        Speeding past at 6.1 km/s at a distance of 240 km, the angle between
      spacecraft and comet would only change by
           (6.1km/s) / (240km) * (180°/rad)/(pi rad) = 1.46°/s
      The longest standard exposure was 20s (=> 29.1°  change), but being so
      close they could probably use a much shorter exposure. This change in
      viewing angle, during an exposure, probably accounts for the slight blur
      that we do see. Also, the camera is just a navigation camera - it wasn't
      optimized for science duty - but it obviously did a great job!
      See JPLs page for details:
Ad. 5) Shutter speed addressed above, the aperture is 57mm.
      The angular speed of 1.46°/s is really not that impressive, and something you
      would easily encounter on Earth - e.g., a runner 90m away - not extra-ordinary
      at all.
Ad. 6) I have experience with soldering and, being generous, I would say the
      resemblance is very weak.

See here for more stunning pictures
Remember that this is a micro-gravity world with a very "lumpy" field of
gravity (due to the large craters and general non-round shape of Wild 2), so
landscapes do not behave as here on Earth.
Steve, I haven't seen a response from you to my post of 24.01.2008
about what you referred to as "Odd happenings on (Mars?)".
At least some acknowledgment that you have read it would be appreciated.


Steven Jones wrote:
Regner Trampedach wrote:
Anybody can play games with photos.
The NASA pictures from Mars, are of much higher quality than your example.

Hi there, before I answer your questions, check out these high quality photos from NASA:


Then move on to the superb effort by NA'SSA:


I think you'll agree, it's a deceiving hoax.

They could of course still be faked, but it take malicious intent.
ESA's Mars Express returns photos that look very similar to The ones from the
various NASA missions.
If NASA is conspiring against the people of Earth, so must ESA.
Can you please tell me why they would do that?
And can you please tell me how thousands of people from all over the world,
of all kinds of religious and political convictions (scientists working on the Mars
missions), would be able to keep such a conspiracy secret for the rest of the world?
- for several decades!
  I am sure the people implicated in Watergate were not interested at all in
publicizing it. Only a handful of people were implicated, and yet the secret
was out in no time.


Steven Jones wrote:
OFFICIAL: I know that we at NA'SSA have been silent for a while, but not to disapoint I have attached the very latest image that has come back from Io.

Your all very privileged to see this picture, we are now using the HD cam which was originally out of action due to a firmware problem that was resolved only the other night with a cup-of-tea.  :-) Our rover has been there since last August, but this is the first time we've encountered such ferocious climatic conditions. A dust storm almost made it impossible for successful signal transmission, but here is a low-def version:

Great News

One can see the interference patterns, but nevertheless, it's a beautiful site. Huge ice-fields in the distance, believed to contain many varied times of unknown extra-terrestrial specimens that can survive the cold not known on Earth. Scale is hard to perceive with this picture, but each ice-field is probably about the size-of-wales, as this is an unnaturally high vantage point. The rocks appear green, but we've not been able to calibrate the cam yet, (part of the firmware problem).

Anyhow, a sign-out from me, this was an official news broadcast, don't believe the speculation about the lack of our activities, we are still very active in the field of space exploration.

Smiles. Real picture below:


Some rural Scottish low-hills I took with a cheap digital camara. NASA are not the only ones who can play games with photos. :-)



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