[geocentrism] Re: Geocentrism versus Heliocentrism

  • From: <marc-veilleux@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Geocentric" <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 13:54:04 -0400

«...debating questions which have so long been uttely settled (about HC)»
Would Griff Ruby (or any of his co-believer) be kind enough to tell us when 
exactly has the question been settled ?  Was it when Copernic wrote his book ?  
Or when Galileo showed his "proofs"?  Or when Newton showed that his theory 
gave good results with HC?  Or when Bradley discovered the stars' aberration?  
Or when Foucault discovered a motion with his pendulum?  According to the 
Vatican (when they rehabilitated Galileo), the proofs came from optic's 
experiments ... but they didn't mention any of them.  And according to Einstein 
there is no proof of the motion of the Earth in any of the optic's experiments. 

In all the examples he gives to prove HC, he assumes (without any solid 
arguments) that it is impossible that GC would give the same results.  For 
example, how does he mesure the rotation of the Earth without looking at the 
Sun and the stars?  and if he does, what makes him believe that GC would have 
different results?  What makes him believe that Foucault's pendulum would not 
do the same movement in GC (cause by the aether movement and/or by the 
gravitational force of the Sun and mostly by the stars acting on the Earth?

But the cream of the cake is what he claims about the stars at a 6 months 
interval.  Even heliocentrists would laugh at him for such a claim.  First of 
all we cannot observe the same stars 6 months apart except for the polar stars. 
 Second, if the parallaxes were visible with naked eyes, it would prove that 
the stars are way much closer than claimed by HC.
Marc V.

----- Original Message -----
From: philip madsen
Sent: 16 août 2007 21:15
To: geocentrism list
Subject: [geocentrism] Geocentrism versus Heliocentrism

This man Griff Ruby has my Catholic religion well under control, with a very 
good grasp of matters theological as applied in the world of the Vatican today. 

However as a scientist, he is both arrogant and proud, not good Catholic 
virtues, as you will no doubt gather from the following letter. I would like 
all who can to put our heads together and collectively find and show the faults 
in his reasoning..  He oozes with sarcasm, the way of most scientists, when 
they are threatened with being exposed as ignorant of the subject. It's called 
Attacking the Person (argumentum ad hominem)

He is so proud of his style that this is actually up on his web site.  

Geocentrism versus Heliocentrism
Editor, The Remnant:
I am astonished, horrified, and utterly shocked that valuable column space on 
the pages of the Remnant has been sqandered on debating questions which have so 
long been uttely settled that asking them again (let alone pronouncing nonsense 
in sheer perverse defiance of the varifiable facts) is gravely irrational, to 
say the best, and positively scandalous (as in the sin of scandal) at the worst.
It is certainly a good and reparational thing that some couple of more sensible 
voices have also been allowed to weigh in on this (Mario Derksen, Adam 
Kolasinski), But the initial publishing of Hertz's original article which 
started this (and that, without at least some editorial distance!) was uncalled 
for and unnecessary, to say nothing of being gravely embarrasing to the whole 
traditionalist cause.
(I can't believe I am even having to debate this, but...) I have worked for 
over 16 years on the computer systems (radar, telemetry) which are used in 
tracking the missiles we fire out of Vandenberg Air Force Base here in 
California. Allow me to introduce you to a number which has significant 
relevance on many of the calculations that run on the missiles, and on those 
tracking computers, and therefore is used in the software running on them: 
What is this number? It is the rotation rate of the earth in radians per 
second. (For the ease of those who don't know, multiply that by 180 and divide 
by π to get it in degrees per second, which is about 4.178074X10-3, and which 
in turn amounts to 360.9856 degrees per day (multiply the 4.178074X10-3 by 
86400 seconds in a day).
For one thing, notice that the rate is non-zero If we use zero instead of that 
number and attempt to compute the course of the rocket, the range might be 
obligated to destroy a missile which is perfectly on course, or even worse, 
might fail to detect that a missile which is off course and on its way to 
landing on someone, so as to destroy it when necessary. Even a very small error 
could threaten people's lives.
For another thing, notice the remaining ".9856" degrees. It is just slightly 
less than one degree in excess of a complete circle. That excess represents the 
motion of the earth around the sun in a single day, such that the earth must 
turn that amount more than a circle in order to reach the same exact time of 
day. Divide the 360 degrees of a circle by the 365.2425 days in a true solar 
year (calendar years handle the ".2425" by inserting a "February 29" every 
fourth year, except three out of four century years), and that gets our ".9856" 
degrees. Voila!
Another one (not form my work): Take a picture of night sky, not straight up, 
but as close to a 90 degree angle as possible (from space works the best) and 
then take a picture of the same part of the night sky six months later. What 
one gets from doing that is a beautiful stereoscopic picure of that portion of 
the sky in which the closest stars are noticably different in their locations 
relative to the more distant stars, just as a finger held before your face as 
you stare at a landscape will seem to be double. Not even all the most 
complicated Ptmolemian "epicycles" could explain let alone have anticipated 
that seeming "movement" of the near, but supposedly fixed stars.
Still another: Dr. Christian mentioned Foucault's Pendulum and even discussed 
putting one on the South Pole, but this is unnecessary since if the earth were 
stationary, it wouldn't matter where it is placed; it would just swing on one 
axis without ever changing so long as it swings undisturbed at all. That its 
motions would seem to be more complicated than one might expect ignores the 
basic fact that only the rotation of the earth on which it is mounted is what 
feeds all of its motions of any kind other than to swing on one axis 
"Dr." Benitz may have thought he could pull a fast on on us by hastily 
including "rotating systems" within his comments on Einstein's relativity, as 
if there were no such thing as an objective standard of "rotation," just as 
there really is no such thing as an objective standard of "linear motion," but 
I am not going to let him get away with that one. The objectivity of rotational 
motion can be readily demonstrated by holding two pails of water (or hand 
dumbells). Stand still (whether on the ground or inside a vehicle steadily 
moving down a long straight highway at 70 mph, with the pails (or weights) in 
your hands, one in each, and let your arms flop where they will. Where are 
they?  Hanging straight down. Now turn around as fast as you can (either way, 
makes no diffference), still holding the pails or weights, and still letting 
your arms flop as they will. When everything stabilizes, where are they? 
Sticking out to the sides! True zero state of rotation is therefore easy to 
define: true and objective rotation is zero when the centrifugal force is zero.
Still another:  The diameter of the earth at the equator is larger than the 
diameter from Pole to Pole. This oblate, rather than spherical, shape of the 
earth reflects the centrifugal force on an earth-sized liquid body (most of the 
earth's internal substance is liquid, magma) rotating at the rate of that 
number I use in my work.
I could go on and on, but it is interesting to see just how many ways the 
heliocentric model has continued to match many new findings which those who 
originally advocated it were thoroughly unaware of in their day (such as the 
oblate shape of the earth), whereas the geocentric model predicts contrary 
things unless it is further "tweaked" by adding additional epicycles etc. as 
the new facts come in. That should be enough, but I am barely getting started:
I accuse the geocentrists (both ancient and modern) of what I call (for lack of 
a better expression) "Scriptural flippancy." My reference for this expression 
is C. S. Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters," in which (in Letter XI, last 
paragraph) he defines flippancy as being, from the tempter's standpoint anyway, 
(in discussing all the sources of laughter) "the best of all. In the first 
place it is very economical. Only a clever human can make a real Joke about 
virtue, or indeed about anything else; any of them can be trained to talk as if 
virtue were funny. Among flippant people, the Joke is always assumed to have 
been made; no one actually makes it."
In the pages of the Remnant, since this topic has come up, I have seen at least 
half a dozen times where some writer has claimed that "Scripture supports the 
geocentric scenario," or words to that effect, however not one Scriptural verse 
or passage as ever been cited in support of such an extraordinary claim, nor 
can one be. (Doubt me? Go back and look!) Everyone just seems to have been 
taking it as proven that "Scripture supports geocentrism," "Scripture supports 
geocentrism," "Scripture supports geocentrism," as if one were reciting a 
mantra, but no one anywhere has ever actually shown it.
The "literalist" six-24-hour-day creationist at least has a passage in the 
Bible (Genesis 1:1-2:4) which, on a cursory, hasty, and superficial reading 
anyway, might seem to support their claim (although closer and more careful 
reading of it shows that interpretation wrong, as St. Augustine pointed out), 
but the geocentrists (like the flat-earthers) have not a single verse which 
even seems to support them, not one! Such an attempt as to ascribe such 
geocentrical nonsense to Sacred Scripture is scholastically dishonest and 
gravely blasphemous, to say the least. I am horrified to see Pope Paul V 
stooping to such, literally on par with Paul VI imposing a synthetic new "Mass" 
and then having the gall to claim that it "restores" some ancient unknown 
Thankfully, every detail of the physical science of orbital mechanics, like 
that of all physical sciences, is by defintion intrinsically outside the scope 
of "Faith and Morals" where alone infalliblity is claimed, as defined by 
Vatican I. Therefore it does not matter what that pope said in a moment of 
silliness and foolishness. Interestingly, it was the Protestants of the day who 
were by far the most sympathetic to such words of the pope, not any Catholic. 
Perhaps that was an early example of ecumenism?
And what of what pathetically few "arguments" (non-Scriptural of course) as 
have been put forth to claim geocentrism? This is like shooting sitting ducks:
1) The incarnation. If the incarnation was supposed to be "evidence" of the 
earth being the physical center of the universe, then by that standard, Jesus 
was born in the palace of Jerusalem, in its days of greatest glory, son of a 
glorious King of Israel even grander than Solomon ever was, and certainly not 
some miles away in a boondockey non-place in a smelly stable or cave, to a 
fleeing, poverty-stricken couple who had to sacrifice turtledoves because they 
were so poor, and who soon had to flee again to Egypt for their lives. Or even 
worse, if being at the exact physical center is so be-all end-all important, 
then perhaps Jesus was born in the very center of the earth, amongst all the 
thousands-of-degrees-hot magma.
Need I state the obvious truth here? Jesus was born in some nowhere nothing 
place (call it the stable; call it bethlehem; call it the earth) and even that 
did not stop Him from doing only the things that God can do. It is a mental 
subterfuge of the lowest kind to claim that divine glory requires something 
concocted solely to feed our own arrogant pride. The people who actually put 
forth this argument as if the glory of God depended on the earth being the 
center of the universe merely wanted to place themselves (who were also on the 
earth) in the center of the universe.
Heliocentrism is therefore not only the real nature of the solar system, it is 
a powerful and compelling Divine lesson in humility. The universe does not 
revolve around the earth, nor around any of us personally. The sooner we truly 
understand and appreciate our truly humble and unimportant status and 
circumstance, the deeper we can truly appreciate the love and sacrifice of God 
that He has nevertheless seen fit to visit us.
2) "The sun stood still." While this claim pretends to base itself on one 
specific passage of Scripture, the Scripture itself has nothing to say about 
celestial mechanics, as is obvious from the text and the clear meaning of both 
what Joshua prayed, and what the chronicler wrote of the events. Joshua is 
fighting a war, and because he needs more time to win it he pleads that "the 
sun would stop," and (according to the chronicler) it does. They didn't have 
modern clocks in his day; the hour was discerned by one's observation of where 
the sun is in the sky, and if they wanted to be really precise, there were 
sundials. The prayer for the sun to stop would have been worded, in more 
contemporary times, as being for the hands of the clock to stop.
Which clock?  This one? That one? All of them?  Clearly the desire was not that 
this or that or every timepiece should malfunction, but for there to be more of 
sheer time itself. God, who created time, saw fit to provide the needed extra 
time. How did He do this? One most likely scenario would be by accelerating the 
subjective time of the combatants. It is said that a priest said Mass on behalf 
of a deceased but saintly friend of his, who appeared to him after the Mass to 
thank him for saying it and thus delivering him out of Purgatory. The friend 
went on to mention what a long year it had been in Purgatory until the priest 
had said this Mass, at which the priest replied to the apparition of his 
friend, "don't you know? I started that Mass only fifteen minutes after your 
death."  If God can make fifteen minutes in Purgatory take one year for the 
soul in it, He certainly can make fifteen minutes seem like several hours on 
the battlefield. Again, atheletes often speak of being "in the zone" which 
refers to an altered state of mind in which the whole world seems to move far 
more slowly than usual and of course the athelete significantly outshines the 
other athletes who are not "in the zone." With an act of His will, God could 
have quite reasonably just placed all of His combatants "in the zone" so they 
could win. There is therefore no real claim in the Bible that either the sun or 
the earth or the moon or any other celestial body did anything unusual that 
day, only the armies themselves.
Even worse for the geocentric nonsense, if one were to take such an account as 
some sort of claim of extraordinary celestial movements, then the geocentric 
picture of things is only all the more bizarre than the heliocentric could ever 
be. Stopping the earth on its axis would be a powerful act, but stopping an 
entire rotating universe from rotating would be only all the more extraordinary 
and ludicrous. Or did only the sun stop while everything else kept on moving? 
In either case the other planets crashed into the sun, the stars all exploded 
and the firmament was irreparably broken.
3) Fatima sundance. This was obviouly a localized phenomena, as no one in any 
other parts of the earth saw any of that happen. Rather, people had to gather 
at a certain spot to see it. It was caused by unusually turbulant air which 
caused the sun to seem to move about and "dance" as those at Fatima saw. This 
theory of atmospheric turbulance is further supported by the presence of the 
driving rain, so closely followed by such harsh dry winds as to dry everyone 
off so quickly afterwords. It was still Divine evidence from our Lady as how 
could anyone have predicted precisely when such a thing would occur, to the 
day, and where people should gather to see it? But with a telescope at night, 
one can see the same sort of thing. Use it to look at a star, with the 
strongest power available, and the star will seem to "dance" about due to the 
turbulance of the air. This (but on a much larger and more dramatic scale) is 
what the 10,000 people at Fatima saw in 1917.  Again, no cause for claiming 
extraodinary celestial mechanics or motions.
What, besides stupid arrogant pride of wanting to think ourselves the center of 
the universe, are the real reasons for geocentrism, and especially in our day? 
I have seen this before. The world hates us for our traditional Catholic 
stance.  To them we represent everything bad, not only dogmatic rules that 
would inconvenience their "free and easy living," but everything negative, or 
which could be construed as negative, with crusades, wars, inquisitions, and 
why stop there? Why not also accuse us, however obviously falsely and absurdly, 
of Nazism, Fascism, and for that matter flat-earthism?  I guess some of us, 
being persecuted by the whole world for supposed evils (when we are really 
being good), sooner or later decide to be "hung for a wolf as a lamb. So they 
call us Nazis? Let us be Nazis for real. So they call us obscurantistist 
flat-earthers? Let us be obscurantist flat-earthers! And that is what modern 
geocentrism really is all about.
One final word about laughter. There is a world of difference between the 
nervous laughter of one who is reproved by the genuinely holy and saintly 
example of the saints, and the contemptuous laughter reserved for those who 
insist on behaving in silly, self-destructive manners. The Catholic mother with 
ten children (and an eleventh on the way) is a sharp reproof to the worldly 
woman who has had three abortions, but the fool who goes through life wearing a 
popsicle around his neck is only a legitimate target of ridicule and disgust. 
Without a doubt, the geocentrists fall squarly and neatly into the latter 
category. As a piece of editorial advice, GET RID OF THAT POPSICLE!
Regretfully yours,
Griff Ruby

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