[geocentrism] Re: [Geocentric] van allen & radiations

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "geocentrism list" <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 08:11:44 +1000

'Why? Because they would rather browse through uninformative websites or hear 
opinions from uninformed sources to arrive at their general silly opinions. Why 
would such extensive studies have been done if there were no contemplated 
preparations to avoid such hazards during the upcoming manned space missions 
being planned ... namely Apollo? "

    That statement is silly in itself.. A study to assess a hazard in no way 
affirms that such hazards could be avoided, but rather it confirms that they 
must be avoided..  The only safe way known was a polar launch or course..which 
was not done..  We know that shielding was impossible due to weight 
constraints. What was the time allowed relative to the speed of the crossing 
through these fields? How long was the exposure? It could not be avoided. 

As I delve further, maybe I will find the answer. But if you read it (below) 
carefully, you will find it is typical of the language used by the pseudo 
scientific con sites devoted to free energy, which abound the internet. e.g.  

"These included study of integrated proton flux numbers and shielding analysis 
of the LM and the Command module, as well as the interactions and transport of 
radiations through these spacecraft. A straight-ahead method of spacecraft 
design to handle the proton secondaries was created. It included refinements of 
complicated vehicle geometry (to be discussed), the exchange of a massive 
amount of electron data, and passive and active shielding information."  BUZZ 

"And it's also a fact that for Apollo, the goal was to avoid harmful effects by 
limiting the radiation dose to the lowest level judged consistent with the 
achievement of beneficial goals in both areas. This goal was achieved."  THE 
THE MISSION WAS REALLY ACCOMPLISHED..  Just more buzzwords common to political 

Clearly the aim of this paper is to try in some way to confuse us into 
believing that the radiation is not so bad, and that so long as we go through 
it quickly everything is ok. Yet by their own words, the very first Gieger 
counters, you know, those things we had to warn us of a hazard, and get out of 
their real quick.. these counters when first sent up in short range missiles 
into this lower belt, went off scale and were destroyed..  
Quote: "These "belts" (which had literally saturated Explorer I's more limited 
detectors, accounting for their apparent failure to "detect" the belts at 
higher altitudes) " and " Explorer III followed two months later with more 
sophisticated instruments, and detected very high levels of radiation; " 

Finally they quite clearly show that this paper was written primarily to debunk 
the moon hoax theorists. they attempt this by showing off their knowledge of 
technical instruments and their use, whilst asserting that we ordinary mortals, 
were dummies.  " (above -- along with other mathematical calculations and 
figures seen in the scientific papers) may be difficult for some readers to 
interpret, but the bottom line is that when correctly translated, it 
demonstrates unequivocally that we knew precisely what the Van Allen belt 
profiles were, well before Apollo ever left the ground."  

Of course we knew that..  and that problem was not resolved by this emotive 
follow up, 

" The notion that the people who had done these studies would have deliberately 
placed the Apollo astronauts in mortal danger is absurd. And as you will see, 
the solution to the "Van Allen Belt Problem" was not to "fake" the Moon 
missions ... but to properly manage the threat." 

Of course it was absurd to place them in mortal danger... They did not go..  
And they still can not go, and quite candidly after reading this report, I do 
not believe they ever will go. And that is really the bottom line...  with all 
the trillions of dollars spent since Apollo, why no more missions? 

For those wanting to calculate/ compare the speed required to get through the 
space quickly , 
"The large outer radiation belt extends from an altitude of about 13 000-65 000 
km (2 to 10 Earth radii) above the Earths surface, and has its greatest 
intensity between 14,500 and 19,000 km. The outer belt consists mainly of high 
energy (0.1-10 MeV) " and The inner Van Allen Belt extends from an altitude of 
700-10 000 km (0.1 to 1.5 Earth radii) above the Earths surface, and contains 
high concentrations of energetic protons with energies exceeding 100 MeV and 
electrons in the range of 100's of keV

That is a total of 65000-700  or 64,000km....  They aint going to traverse that 
in a few minutes. 

35,000km is the position of the orbit of our "stationary" TV satellites.. does 
that not put them smack in the middle somewhere of the outer belt?  Be a good 
orbit for the space station...


On an aside, I wonder what the energy requirements would be to detour via the 
poles to avoid the radiation belts. ??   Perhaps far too high...  

Further, I have not seen any follow-up to Nevilles question re the energy 
requirements in a geocentric system, given the obvious different dynamics of 
the moons velocity for a close to 24 hour orbit. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: marc-veilleux@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
  To: Geocentric@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 11:13 AM
  Subject: Re: [Geocentric] van allen & radiations

  Here are some interesting reading to challenge:

  from:  http://www.lunaranomalies.com/rad.htm 

  Protection against natural radiations of the Van Allen belts was a complex 
problem recognized long before Apollo or even before the advent of manned space 
flight. Prior to 1958, scientists knew that ions and electrons could be trapped 
within Earth's magnetic field. 1957 and 1958 were designated as the 
"International Geophysical Year" -- a time in which the first artificial 
satellites were launched by both America and the Soviet Union (Russia) for the 
first overall surveys of the Earth from space. The Soviet's Sputnik and 
America's Explorer I (the latter instrumented by James Van Allen) were both 
launched in 1957, and 1958, respectively. Explorer I carried Van Allen's Geiger 
counters to observe cosmic rays, but the instruments mysteriously appeared only 
to work at the lower altitudes of its elliptical orbit. Explorer III followed 
two months later with more sophisticated instruments, and detected very high 
levels of radiation; vast numbers of energetic particles were seen to hit the 
counters at higher altitudes, and in specific regions. These "belts" (which had 
literally saturated Explorer I's more limited detectors, accounting for their 
apparent failure to "detect" the belts at higher altitudes) were eventually 
recognized as toroidal-(doughnut) shaped regions where both protons and 
electrons are trapped within Earth's toroidal magnetic field. Particles within 
the belts were seen to spiral around the Earth's magnetic lines of force, 
therefore changing orientation continuously in relation to a moving spacecraft.


  These two radiation belts have different origins. The one discovered by Van 
Allen occupies a region above the equator, is a byproduct of high-energy cosmic 
radiation, and is populated by protons of energies in the 10-100Mev (million 
electron volt) range. These can penetrate spacecraft and on prolonged exposure, 
damage instruments and astronauts. NASA made sure that Apollo trajectories to 
and from the Moon always steered clear of this belt. The outer belt is seen as 
plasma trapped in the magnetosphere (from the Sun's expanding solar wind), 
where "radiation belt is the term applied only to the more energetic parts of 
that plasma population of about 1 Mev of energy. It is also a documented fact 
that all the Apollo's passed through this area of radiation quickly and 
therefore avoided the danger. 

  As early as 1962, six years before the first circumlunar flight of Apollo 8, 
several symposia were called: to address the issue of protection against 
radiations in space, including specific planning for the Apollo Missions. Both 
NASA and the Atomic Energy Commission held two symposia, the first in 
Gatlinburg, Tennessee in 1962 -- sponsored by NASA, Oak Ridge National 
Laboratory, and the American Nuclear Society.


  By 1964, more information on the radiation hazard had been gathered and 
analyzed. Meeting again at Gatlinburg, those concerned with the upcoming manned 
missions defined radiation problems encountered in deeper space, the 
radiobiological effects, and radiation effects on materials and components 
including shielding requirements. To refrain from writing a book on what was 
covered as a result of this extensive study, refer to the October 1964, NASA 
SP-71 Publication, Second Symposium on Protection Against Radiations in Space. 
By examining the contents of the '64 Symposium, you will see the laboriously 
considered and investigated areas early in our space program's history that are 
directly relevant to Apollo and the radiation issue. The fact that it was 
studied six years prior to any Apollo Moon launch indicates that it had been 
the primary concern on their agenda. And from looking at contents of the 1964 
Symposium, it's blatantly obvious that the Apollo-hoaxers never even thought to 
address any of the specific early radiation topics that are seen there. Why? 
Because they would rather browse through uninformative websites or hear 
opinions from uninformed sources to arrive at their general silly opinions. Why 
would such extensive studies have been done if there were no contemplated 
preparations to avoid such hazards during the upcoming manned space missions 
being planned ... namely Apollo? 


  A quick perusal of just the table of contents of this report shows that NASA 
had very carefully and completely considered all the problems relating to 
radiation exposure. The report itself is over 550 pages, and the table of 
contents alone is seven pages long. 

  From these extensive, early radiation sessions dealing with specific effects 
on materials and components, it was concluded that -- with the exception of the 
effects on a few particular types of materials -- very long exposure times in 
the space environment would be required to produce significant damage. During 
these symposia, problems for 3-types of deep space missions missions (including 
Apollo) were examined. These included study of integrated proton flux numbers 
and shielding analysis of the LM and the Command module, as well as the 
interactions and transport of radiations through these spacecraft. A 
straight-ahead method of spacecraft design to handle the proton secondaries was 
created. It included refinements of complicated vehicle geometry (to be 
discussed), the exchange of a massive amount of electron data, and passive and 
active shielding information.

  It is a fact that during the Apollo years, experience in radiation protection 
included the two distinct areas of both space and earth: space, where the 
critical radiation sources were uncontrollable; and Earth, where most sources 
of any strength are controllable and manmade. And it's also a fact that for 
Apollo, the goal was to avoid harmful effects by limiting the radiation dose to 
the lowest level judged consistent with the achievement of beneficial goals in 
both areas. This goal was achieved.

  Before Apollo, insitu measurements were taken in regard to (lower belt) 
geomagnetically trapped protons. These were based on "radiation spectral data" 
developed by visually inspecting photographic emulsions recovered directly from 
Air Force missile nose cones which had flown up and down through the lower belt 
and, as a result, defined the flux of particles therein. Van Allen belt protons 
were studied extensively at several different energy levels in this manner. 
(Refer again to the 1964 Second Symposium Report.)


  The number of protons encountered at each trajectory point of these ballistic 
missiles' test flights was determined from the flux and time interval to the 
next trajectory point of the missile's flight path; and the total dose 
calculations for belt exposure were made from the resulting total residual 
energy spectrum from those flights. This research was invaluable in developing 
the later Apollo era technology.

  This chart reproduced here (above -- along with other mathematical 
calculations and figures seen in the scientific papers) may be difficult for 
some readers to interpret, but the bottom line is that when correctly 
translated, it demonstrates unequivocally that we knew precisely what the Van 
Allen belt profiles were, well before Apollo ever left the ground. The notion 
that the people who had done these studies would have deliberately placed the 
Apollo astronauts in mortal danger is absurd. And as you will see, the solution 
to the "Van Allen Belt Problem" was not to "fake" the Moon missions ... but to 
properly manage the threat.


  Apollo indeed placed men outside the protective geomagnetic shielding where 
radiation could have been a serious problem. But again, in fact, doses to crews 
were minimal. The transfer from low earth orbit to translunar coast similar to 
the translunar injection burn of Apollo 8 (which incidentally was witnessed by 
many in Hawaii,) meant that they had to traverse the regions of geomagnetically 
trapped electrons and protons in the Van Allen belts. When beyond them, they 
were subjected to cosmic rays and particle Sun bursts. So how much did they get?

  Before we proceed, it is necessary to define a few terms. A RAD or Radiation 
Absorbed Dose, is a unit of measurement that determines the actual absorbed 
amount of radiation by any given material. The material can be plastic, metal, 
or biological, or anything else for that matter. It does not define the degree 
of biological damage that can occur to the absorbing individual, since 
different types of radiation can cause differing levels of damage to human 
tissues. Rather, it is a blanket number defining total radiation exposure of 
all types. 

  The REM, as we mentioned above, is a unit used to derive a quantity called 
equivalent dose. This relates the absorbed dose in human tissue to the 
effective biological damage of the radiation. Not all radiation has the same 
biological effect, even for the same amount of absorbed dose. To determine 
equivalent dose (rem), you multiply absorbed dose (rad) by a quality factor (Q) 
that is unique to the type of incident radiation.

  There are  several mitigating factors that can effect the amount of damage 
done to human tissue by radiation exposure. Even if a specific type of 
radiation is very damaging to humans, if you limit the time that a person is 
bombarded by that radiation, you can reduce the effect on the persons cells. 
This is why fair skinned people will not get a sunburn if they are only outside 
without a sunblock for a few minutes. If they are outside for a few hours, they 
can get a very painful radiation burn. Continuous exposure of this type over 
years can lead to skin cancers. 

  This time element, or exposure, must always be considered alongside the 
intensity and quality of the radiation a person is exposed to.

  As a rule, acceptable doses for high risk individuals like astronauts are 
expressed in rads. For example, 100 rads will induce vomiting, over 150 rads 
are fatal if untreated, and a 500-rad dose is fatal even with medical 
treatment. Delayed effects include cancer and other genetic changes. These 
long-term effects can occur even when the dose rates are far below the 
thresholds for any prompt effects. 

  The actual doses, in rads, that the astronauts received were quite small. 
From NASA Technical Note, TN D-7080- Apollo Experience Report- Protection 
Against Radiation, by English, Benson, Bailey and Barnes, March 1973 (where 
many of the figures and diagrams displayed here were taken), the tabulated 
radiation dose average from the thermoluminescent dosimeters carried by Apollo 
astronauts for their respective missions is given. (In comparison to the doses 
actually received, the report states that the original maximum operational dose 
(MOD) limit for each of the Apollo missions was set at 400 rads (x-ray 
equivalent) to the skin and 50 rads to blood forming organs.) Bottom-line 
actual doses received by the astronauts were:


  While this table does not include the results from Apollo's 16 or 17, there 
is enough data to conclude that the actual radiation exposure that the 
astronauts endured was very small. It never came close to being lethal or even 

  Specific Astronaut Protection 

  There were many qualitative precautions taken regarding Apollo 
instrumentation to detect radiation proton and electron flux.   

  The dosimetry instrumentation that was used in the belts during flight 
utilized omni-directional radiation sensors so that the flux could be measured 
accurately. The Van Allen belt dosimeter (VABD) was designed for Apollo 
dosimetry within these radiation belts and was proved satisfactory because dose 
values derived from its greater than 180 degree radiation acceptance angle 
correlated well with the doses indicated by Apollo post fight analyses of 
passive dosimeters worn by the astronauts. 


  A compromise in the final version of the VABD design was required for Apollo 
flammability considerations, and aluminum was used as a replacement for tissue 
equivalent plastic in the ionization-chamber walls.

  Neutrons created by cosmic rays in collision with lunar materials were said 
to be a potential hazard. Whole body counting and neutron-resonant foil 
techniques were initiated on the Apollo 11 mission and results showed that the 
neutron doses were lower than anticipated. To allow accurate determination of 
the radiation exposure to the crewmen as far as cosmic rays, neutrons, and the 
diverse fractions of radiations from the Van Allen belts, each astronaut 
carried a personal radiation dosimeter (PRD) and three passive dosimeters. The 
PRD provided visual readout of accumulated radiation dose to each crewman 
during missions. It was small and was placed in the suits of the astronauts. 
They contained a lithium fluoride thermo luminescent powder, nuclear emulsions, 
and neutron-dosimetry foils as well as foils for specific detection of high 
atomic weight cosmic particles. Detector materials were analyzed after every 
mission and were able to accurately determine radiation dose to practically 
every part of the body. 


  In addition to these instruments, the radiation-survey meter (RSM) was 
utilized on each mission. This was a direct reading dose rate instrument that 
allowed the astronauts to determine radiation levels inside any location within 
any compartment of the spacecraft.

  Alpha (helium nuclea) and isotropic proton particle (hydrogen nuclei) flux 
levels, from potential solar particle events (falres) were measured by the 
nuclear particle detection system (NPDS). There was a solar proton event 
between the Apollo 16 and 17 missions but it did not threaten the missions 
because NASA was able to make appropriate decisions not to launch when it 
occurred. It was one of the largest solar proton events ever recorded and 
produced radiation levels of sufficient energy for the astronauts outside of 
the Earth's magnetosphere to absorb lethal doses within 10 hours after the 
start of the event.



  It is critically important to realize that NO "solar particle events" 
occurred during any Apollo Mission. Even so, a number of different protective 
contingency systems against solar activity were in place before any lunar 
launch. During the early stages of these deliberations, the scientists agreed 
-- considering the difficult nature of forecasting such events -- that the best 
that could be provided was an estimate of particle dose by giving visual or 
radio frequency (RF) confirmation that a solar event had indeed occurred. A 
system of terrestrial solar monitoring stations, the Solar Particle Alert 
Network (SPAN) -- consisting of three multiple frequency radio telescopes and 
seven optical telescopes -- was utilized under contract to NASA. These provided 
NASA with continuous data on the severity of solar flare activity. Because only 
about 20% of solar flares result in particle events reaching the Earth/Moon 
system, it was considered premature to change normal Apollo mission procedures 
based soley on RF or visual observations. Radiation sensors located onboard 
Apollo spacecrafts, as well as Earth orbit satellites, were used to confirm 
actual particle events reaching the astronauts. Only after particles were 
confirmed, would subsequent (but pre-planned) actions be taken to protect the 


  Once detected by SPAN, the relevant solar data was then sent by teletype 
straight to the Space Environment Console (SEC) at Mission Control, in Houston. 
There it was evaluated and the vigil of Earth-based satellite sensors would be 
monitored for early signs of increased particle flux in the Earth-Moon system.

  In addition to SPAN, the Solar Forecast Center (SFC -- located at the North 
American Air Defense Command in Colorado Springs, Colorado) provided to NASA a 
worldwide network of solar surveillance centers that were located at points all 
over the globe, some as far away as Iran. Personnel within this network sent 
24-hour-a-day real time solar data to the SFC and four forecasts were publicly 
released daily. The Space Disturbance Forecast Center (SDFC), located at 
Boulder, Colorado operated one of the seven SPAN optical telescopes and served 
as a collection for data from a number of other solar monitoring stations 
located near Boulder.

  The riometer system (relative ionospheric opacity meter) was a highly 
sensitive system that measured the intensity of electromagnetic fields. It 
measured the changes in absorption of cosmic radio noise as it traversed the 
ionosphere. When it was used at different frequencies the proton flux and 
spectra could then be accurately determined. On September 16, 1963, a very 
active series of solar events took place during which RF signals were noted. 
Through the courtesy of Dr. Covington of the National Research Council of 
Ottawa, Canada, the RF signature was received. This was analyzed to determine: 
(1) if it represented a proton event; and (2) the size of the event. It was 
concluded that this RF signal did represent a proton event in the low 
107p+/cm2>30 MeV size. Several months later it was determined from the Douglas 
Aircraft Company, which had a riometer located on the South Pole, that their 
calculations indicated that this event was on the order of 106 to 107p+cm2>30 
MeV. This check in methods gave confidence that the RF method of proton 
detection even for short warning periods could be a useful tool and important 
for the upcoming LM and lunar surface operations. 



  Radiation and the Spacecraft 

  It is often misstated by the Moon Hoax advocates that the Apollo spacecraft 
contained "no" radiation shielding. The truth is that the LM contained very 
little, but the CSM contained quite a bit.


  It's a fact that both high and low energy radiation flux particles affected 
the lunar spacecraft. The number of protons encountered (total flux) depended 
on the energy of the particles. For example, the flux of high energy particles 
is less and the flux of low energy particles is more, meaning that lower fluxes 
did not and could not penetrate the skin of an astronaut or the spacecraft. The 
CSM sliced through the more intense areas of radiation (high flux) in a short 
period of time. Thus, the Van Allen belts (because of this brevity of exposure) 
ultimately, literally presented no problem.

  But, in order to deal specifically with these issues, shielding parameters 
had to be designed for the CSM and LM combination. Calculations regarding 
various radiation dosages during various mission modes -- like CSM-LM docking 
-- narrowed down specific dangers. One maneuver that was worked out beforehand, 
with the Van Allen Belts specifically in mind, was the the docking procedure of 
the CSM-LM combination, after "translunar injection" (final rocket firing) 
toward the Moon. The entering of the LM by the crew wasn't permitted in the 
flight plan until 10-20 minutes after this translunar injection (when the 
accelerated spacecraft had safely cleared the highest dosage in the Van Allen 
belts); concurrently, the astronauts weren't allowed to leave the CSM for at 
least that same amount of time into translunar trajectory, and for the same 
reason. These historic NASA documents effectively prove that careful, serious 
consideration was given to the radiation dangers that might be encountered 
during all Apollo missions -- effectively giving lie to the "Moon Hoaxers" wild 

  Shielding studies that sought reasonable protection of the spacecraft and the 
astronauts were intensive. A computer program was utilized to calculate 
astronaut dose in relation to the shielding effectiveness of the actual CSM 
structural geometry: geometry defined by the description of the dimensions and 
material construction of the spacecraft. Detailed construction parameters for 
Apollo were finalized only after these exhaustive preliminary studies on and 
testing of the geometric configuration of the spacecraft was completed. NASA 
and the NAA (North American Aviation -- the builder of the Apollo spacecraft) 
selected a program that divided the spacecraft into 370 regions, permitting 
critical measuring of shielding codes to be implemented in the final design.


  The computer program calculated the dose and secondary dose values at any 
point in the CSM, as well as dose effects that would be received by different 
parts of the astronauts bodies in different positions within the CSM. Many 
materials were studied for purposes of dose reduction (see the Symposia 
reports.) A warning system was installed on Earth that was ready to alert 
astronauts of impending solar events (which never occurred). A complete 
radiation protection system was implemented for Apollo, as a result of these 
studies. This included technology (the manually activated attitude control 
system) to permit the astronauts to reorient the spacecraft, by interposing the 
heavily shielded Service Module between them and the incoming particle and 
x-ray radiation. Solar RF emission, solar x-rays, ultraviolet rays, solar 
flares, magnetic field and ionospheric disturbances .... ALL were considered in 
these equations.



  It was a ground support function to protect the crew against manmade sources 
of radiation, and potential problems involving such sources in the spacecraft. 
Radio-luminescent sources were applied directly to some of the Apollo 
equipment, in case cabin lighting failed during the mission. With these strict 
radiation limits in mind, the Lunar Module was equipped with radio-luminescent 
switch tips (in case of emergency), but ones that shielded out the original 
ionizing radiations by allowing only the passage of light.

  In addition, critical LM panels had a coating of special radio-luminescent 
paint and a thin coating of acrylic plastic was applied over the paint as a 
"radiation sealer." This reduced the soft x-ray dose from an initial value of 
13 rads/hr at a distance of 2 inches from the panel, to an acceptable value of 
less than 0.3 rad/hr. It wasn't hazardous to the astronauts during missions 
because their suits (worn while in the LM) provided more than enough additional 
shielding to protect them.

  Radio-luminescent lighting was also integrated into the portable life support 
system (PLSS-or suit) worn by astronauts on the lunar surface. It had a remote 
control unit (RCU) that contained the controls and quantity gauges. Beta lights 
eliminated external radiation problems.


  The Spacesuits 

  While some organizations struggled with spacecraft developmental phases, 
others focused on spacesuit design. For 30 years the suit went through numerous 
modifications adjusting to the needs and demands of space including radiation. 
Early pressure garments went through primitive evolution and included non- 
stretch fabrics, laced up corsets and special movable joints and cables.


  With the upcoming flights of Mercury and Gemini, new "spacesuit problems" 
were anticipated: we would be going farther out into space, eventually to the 
Moon. Eventually, during Apollo, twelve astronauts spent a total of 161 hours 
of EVA in the vacuum of the lunar environment. And additional hours were spent 
in micro-gravity while coming back to Earth, when one CMP (command module 
pilot) retrieved photographic film from outside the Command Module half way 
between the earth and Moon. The Apollo suits not only served as virtual life 
support systems and backup pressure systems inside and [italicize] outside the 
spacecraft, but each was literally an 80-lb independent spacecraft [italicize 
"independent spacecraft" (minus the engine). Along with the boots and gloves, 
the suit protected the astronauts from the lunar vacuum, carbon dioxide, 
micrometeorite impact, heat, and radiation. The helmet was a high strength 
polycarbonate "bubble" attached to the suit with a pressure seal, and movable 
visors over that bubble were made of UV blocking Mylar which protected the 
astronauts eyes and epidermis (skin) from the Sun's raw ultraviolet radiation. 
On the Moon, background particle radiation from the Sun was non-existent. As 
can be seen, contrary to the accusation that NASA ignored the "radiation 
problem," every potential problem that the astronauts might encounter on the 
lunar voyages was addressed at some point in the process of spacecraft and 
spacesuit development


  Ultimately, the Apollo spacesuits were "three suits in one," consisting of 
three independent layers, each having its own hardware and specific purpose for 
survival. The inside layer was connected to the backpack portable life support 
system (PLSS) where water and oxygen were stored. The pressure garment was 
linked to this layer and the PLSS. The outer armor-layer consisted of 13 
separate fabrics and materials (like beta cloth) designed to protect the two 
inner garments from the lunar elements (micrometeorites and radiation) and 
space itself (the vacuum). There were systems with backup systems for about 
every application. On top of this, each astronaut had a literal wardrobe of 
suits designed for the different phases of Apollo ... training, lunar EVA, and 
flight. They all (obviously!) worked -- but only after literally decades of 
development, with the radiation and other space hazards firmly in the minds of 
the designers.


  No One Got It 

  How about radiation and the cancer risk? The Moon Hoax advocates say "the 
Apollo astronauts never went to the Moon." The fact is (from other overwhelming 
evidence presented in this series) 21 American astronauts passed safely through 
the belts to and from the Moon, and none died as a direct result of cancer 
incurred during Apollo. Jack Swigert (of Apollo 13) died in 1982 of cancer, ten 
years after his Apollo flight, just after being elected to the Congress. Alan 
Shepard (of Apollo 14) died decades after his own flight, of leukemia. Both 
cases were diagnosed as "unrelated to their lunar mission experiences."

  Cancer statistics today from the American Cancer Society, show that one out 
of two Earthbound adult males (American) will develop "some type of cancer" in 
their lifetime; out of 18 randomly picked American men, half will develop a 
related lifetime risk. The specific probability of developing an invasive 
cancer for men up to age 39 is 1 in 62; for ages 40-59, 1 in 12; and ages 
60-79, 1 in 3.


  Even if the Swigert and Shepard deaths had been a direct result of cancers 
developed from their missions (which, as has been stated, wasn't the case), 
cancer statistics for the Apollo Mission years themselves indicate a higher 
rate of mortality for all different cancer types for the population as a whole 
for those years ... astronauts not included. And again, according to the 
American Cancer Society, only high-frequency x-ray, ultraviolet light (UV), or 
ionizing particle radiation has been proven to cause human cancers. The Apollo 
astronauts, as we have seen, were specifically protected from all these 
sources. There is more danger on Earth from high-dose radiation from x-rays and 
radon, if not exposure to sunlight that causes basal and squamous cell skin 
cancer and melanoma, than there was for the Apollo astronauts going to the Moon.


  In Daniel Drasin's perceptive satire Zen and the Art of Debunkery, he 
published "indispensable guidelines for the zealous skeptic." It satirically 
lays out precisely what the Moon debunkers and promoters of anti-scientific 
attitudes have tried to do. 

  Substitute 'scientistic propaganda for scientific method.' 

  However, in this case they foolishly stepped over the line and tried to bite 
off more than they could chew -- by trying to debunk a clearly proven era of 
science: the sojourns of Apollo. They have failed. Because their miserable 
attempts have now been recognized for what they are (ignorant and temporary 
"distractions"), perhaps we can finally move on to more significant issues ... 
about what NASA really doesn't want us to know. As Mike Bara said in his second 
piece in this series, maybe it's a case of ignorance obviating the rational 
mind. Perhaps their agenda (the "Moon Hoaxer" crowd) is political, and they're 
hooked up with other "higher-level distracters." They have desperately and 
deliberately attempted to take the focus off of what is really important about 
our Moon, by making the mistake of challenging the validity of Apollo and the 
integrity of scientific fact. Like thieves, they have chosen to make their 
dollars off of the impressionable American public, and they'll have to live 
with that when all is said and done.

  NASA spent millions to insure that the astronauts that went to the Moon were 
protected from the physical threats of deep space. We now know (from literally 
hundreds of thousands of pages of official documents) that the Space Agency 
literally spent billions doing the necessary research and developing the 
necessary technologies to get them there and back safely. These are not really 
the issues.

  The underlying reasons for NASA's deception and duplicitousness regarding 
what is really on other planets in our solar system -- including the 30+ year 
pattern of withholding crucial Lunar information from the people who paid for 
Apollo in the first place, and what we now know  from NASA's own photography is 
on the Moon -- are the REAL issues here.

  It is TIME to get the focus back on track where it belongs. 



    ----- Message d'origine ----- 
    De : Allen Daves 
    À : Geocentric@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
    Envoyé : 8 janvier 2007 15:51
    Objet : Re: [Geocentric] van allen & radiations

    The Holidays over I for one feel a little rested and It's 07... lets play 

    I do not claim that the moon landings were faked, I accept them, with 
certain reservations....... Have you seen the video of moon landing where they 
go to two different locations approx 1 mile apart and it is the same exact 
foreground and background objects taken form slightly different 
angles.......one very distinct rock and a crater give and the peripheral 
objects on the ground give it away....probably just sloppy editing by NASA 
folk....... but it does make for a good laugh...and in conjunction with certain 
other "anomalies" at least to me makes a strong case that if they did not Fudge 
the thing in whole or in part they were rather unlucky in many things or sure 
went to a lot of trouble to make themselves look like they did.......How about 
the shot of earth from "midway" to the moon with the whole of earth having ~80% 
cloud & or multiple single clouds oriented in the same direction stretching the 
entire diameter of earth ~10degrees or better wide...& absolutely no visibility 
of the earth itself......this could have just been a simulation.....acting out 
the mission in a dress rehearsal so to speak, funy thing is the date of the 
film itself is the same date of the actual mission......could just be sloppy/ 
dress rehearsal annotations...and the whole radiation issue is just brushed off 
as nonsense by vertue of the fact that they did go to the mooon (circular at 
best)....in any case I don't think there is any possibility of proving the moon 
landings did not take place and there is much information out there against the 
moon missions that are just a questionable as the thing they question.....I 
wish that if they were faked it would come out somehow but probably by the time 
that would happen, if that was the case, the public would be so anesthesized to 
those issue that its effect would/ will be muted. The public would have 
accepted that lie as a necessary one due to cold war..ect..& or but has no 
bearing on the truth of the world as they know it to be presently.

    marc-veilleux@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
      Here are some interesting data about the hazards of the Van Allen belts:

      from:  http://www.solarstorms.org/SWChapter8.html

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