[geocentrism] Re: Don't Laugh!

  • From: Steven Jones <steven@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 21:39:14 +0100

Uhmm, strange, I see there is not enough standards yet in computing. The programming jargon shouldn't be displayed, but is used for page formatting. Sorry for not getting back to you yet, your welcome to phone anytime.

Best wishes,


Jack Lewis wrote:
Dear Steven,
I'll have a look at the links but in the mean time why does each paragraph in your e-mail start with what looks like programming jargon?

    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Steven Jones <mailto:steven@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    *To:* geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    *Sent:* Wednesday, October 10, 2007 7:42 PM
    *Subject:* [geocentrism] Don't Laugh!

    _/*Dear All,*/_

    <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!--[endif]--> I was contacted by
    someone recently through our website who told me that we almost
    have things right concerning the cosmos, only what we’ve been
    taught is actually the complete inverse of reality. Essentially,
    he was advocating a hollow Earth, concave in nature.

    <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!--[endif]--> Now had this have
    been the past I probably would have immediately rejected such a
    notion, but I went to a site he linked me too
    (http://www.angelfire.com/il/geocosmos/) and the picture startled
    me a little. I then did my own research, and was rather surprised
    that there is a considerable amount of real science and
    mathematics that support it along with some disturbing experiments
    that science has tried to silence. Take a look at the Tamarack
    Mines Mystery for example
    <http://www.lhup.edu/%7Edsimanek/hollow/tamarack.htm>), the
    obvious conclusion to be deduced from two 4250 ft plumb lines
    diverging at the bottom of a mine shaft is that the Earth isn’t

    <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!--[endif]--> But to be perfectly
    truthful I don’t actually feel comfortable with the idea much, it
    has a few merits I suppose, but it’s not as beautiful as what
    we’ve described (www.geocentricperspective.com/page10.htm
    <http://www.geocentricperspective.com/page10.htm>) I feel, maybe
    just because it’s nice to feel a “starry canopy” up above much
    like a child would describe it. Also it’s a bit of a deception,
    however it is possible to argue too that from a child’s
    perspective the convex Earth is a deception also.

    <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!--[endif]-->The concave Earth in
    it's favour does probably harmonize more with Genesis chapter one
    than the conventional Earth though I suppose, because God doesn’t
    record creating a universe, only the Earth. So we have this
    nucleus of life if you like, living inside of a highly protective
    shell, like a womb. Distant loved ones in this strange concept are
    actually up and away behind the stars! Maybe also it explains why
    long-range radio theory does not work as expected, because
    transmissions received here in Britain from Australia simply
    travel across!

    <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--><!--[endif]-->I was seeking to
    disprove the concave Earth and if you have any suggestions that
    would be most appreciated. If your interested in reading more
    about this idea, one of the best books is "The Cellular Cosmogony"
    available for download from http://www.sacred-texts.com/earth/cc/
    It's best from about chapter 20 "Tests That Cannot Be Ignored"
    onwards I think. Happy thinking!

    /*Best Wishes,


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