[geocentrism] Re: Axis and winning.

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 10:02:22 +1000

Those are three axis each with their own independent relative progressive 
radial orientations wrt the observer/ earth…. 

You obviously did not read my whole post..  go back. 

with respect to the observer on earth, is not relevant. neither is it 
trustworthy..  About as true as the ball in the moving train..  from that point 
of view we cannot say the earth turns, instead saying the sun translates..  

From outside the earth moon system, if we accept the sun is relatively 
stationary, as MS does, we will see the moon rotate with respect to the sun 
every 28 days.  We will see it translating around the earth once every 28 days, 
and we will see the earth spin every 24 hours. 

Thats from that observation spot. 

Now from the Moons observation, we will see the sun move across the sky for a 
28 earth day period. We will see the eath spin 28 times during a moonday. So 
that observation is of no use any more than the from the earth.  

All you have to do Phill is show us how you can produce the moons supposed 
rotation without the orbit….YOU CANT!!!!! 

Can too!  You can't show us the moon is orbiting without the earth .. You said 
so .. but I can still claim it is rotating without an orbit with respect to the 
sun..  the moon and the earth could be orbiting each other. 

I showed you how I produced the rotation in my post..  You have not read down 
that far yet.. I know because of the speed of your return, without any thinking 
process ...  clue.. Pauls idea of tipping the moon on its side without giving 
it any force to spin..  As is just tip it over.  

Finally I can prove its spin just by direct measurement of the centrepetal 
stress in the rock.. Ditto for earth..  Geocentrism cannot deny the stress is 
there, proven conclusively by the geostationary satellite. Now get out of that 
one using mainstream science you obfuscating obstropolite. 


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
  Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 9:39 AM
  Subject: [geocentrism] Axis and winning.



        “you have used a plate or disc to imply that it is not possible to have 
two axis' in parallel---  ie you say that these are the same rotation and 
axis.. “ 


        No, You most certainly can have axis that run parallel ..but in order 
to claim two motions you have to have two sets of relative changes wrt 
something  ..how do you know when you have such a thing.?.....Phil, the up down 
 motion of the moons libration on that axis can be shown without having any of 
the other motions of the other axis and calling it two!?…..it must be a 
independent motion, otherwise you are only taking one motion that cannot be 
isolated or distinguished from the other and calling it two motions!?…. Phil 
the back of fourth of the moons libration can be isolated and not dependent on 
the up and down axis nor is it dependent on the moons orbital motion…Those are 
three axis each with their own independent relative progressive radial 
orientations wrt the observer/ earth…. 


        Succinctly: All you have to do Phill is show us how you can produce the 
moons supposed rotation without the orbit….YOU CANT!!!!! without the orbit 
there is no motion or Rotation!!!!...what you are calling two motions cannot be 
isolated or distinguished from each other you cannot show the moon to rotate on 
the same axis that is orbits without having the orbit. …..counting the same 
thing twice does not mean you have two of them……there is only a progressive 
radial orientation to a common point that lay in a axis that runs through the 
earth..  the orbital axis and the two axis of the moons libration are all clear 
and distinct from each other, your rotation does not exist without the 
orbit….IT IS THE ORBIT!.....if the moon were rotation on a parallel axis to the 
orbital axis that motion could  be demonstrated without the orbit….but it 
cannot…..because only one motion exist!..counting one cow twice does not make 
two cows…..counting one rotation twice does not make two rotations…motion is 
relative to something else…but a motion that uses the same identical changes 
wrt the same identical bodies is just the same motion…NOT TWO! 



        PS You see contradiction and conflict  in my words because you are so 
accustom to accepting contradiction in your reasoning that when given clarity, 
……all you can see is a contradiction….. You are so entrenched into utter 
confusion that clarity appears to you as confusion and confusion as some sort 
of enlightenment!? 



                --- On Thu, 12/4/08, philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 

                  From: philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
                  Subject: [geocentrism] Axis and winning.
                  To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                  Date: Thursday, December 4, 2008, 3:09 PM

                  Allen its not about winning. Its about truth.. And truth has 
to be within universally accepted definitions.  Discussion is invalid if you or 
I make up our own definition.   

                  Unless you can prove me otherwise, it is accepted universally 
in geometry that an axis is the centre line of any rotation, and that this line 
has no dimension. It is not an axel.  

                  From your most recent, you have used a plate or disc to imply 
that it is not possible to have two axis' in parallel---  ie you say that these 
are the same rotation and axis..  You thus are insisting an axis has dimension 
like an axel. But I guess what you are trying to say is that a molecule on the 
edge of the plate cannot have a separate rotation.  May we leave that aside, 
because I have another experiment on board coming soon which will elaborate on 

                  But our discussion concerned the orbit of the moon, which 
cannot be compared to a particle on the edge of a plate. 

                  It appears that you accept the moon has a separate axis at n 
degrees off from that of the earth when you said,
                  Yes, Phil that is two. One axis for each progresie radial 
oreintaion . Therefore you do accept that the moon is rotating.  I easily saw 
how the progression of a radian vector fixed within an object represented 
angular rotation of that object. 

                  You seem to accept that translation and rotation are separate 
motions. So I am puzzeled why you deny there is any rotation of the moon around 
its axis, the moment it begins to translate in an orbit around the world....

                  Can you consider the question this way.  Let us take Pauls 
imaginary moon, where instead of just 10 degrees off the vertical, it is rolled 
over so that its rotation is horizontal to its orbital plane. rolling sideways 
so to speak at just one roll per orbital period. .   You will accept that this 
rotation continues as it translates around the earth.. NO?    YES?  then why do 
you refuse to accept that there is still a separate rotation if this same rpm  
rotation is 15 degrees off the vertical or even vertical and parallel to the 
earths axis? 

                  Neville has hinted that you were considering the aether 
firmament as rotating with the moon imbedded within it. But you denied this 
stating clearly that you were debating from MS science point of view.  

                  Phil is right about this…” From what I believed, Allen has 
been postulating MS science unrelated to geocentrism..”…at least exclusivley, I 
have been adressing both systems....The two systems must be geometrically 

                  I see contradiction and conflict  in those words.

                  Yet your reference to a plate example seems to indicate your 
mind is at this geocentric principle, and if it were, then within mine and 
maybe yours we are in agreement concerning the rotation. We have been for some 

                  I stated elsewhere a long time ago, that rotation was a 
motion relative to the aether.  If the aether moved around the world at a set 
speed, and the moon was appearing to move in the same direction at the same 
speed, then there was no relative motion---no rotation. 

                  The two systems must be geometrically equivalent,,  Yes, but 
geometry is only a paper science dealing with appearances..  not reality.  and 
that has been where you and I have been wasting our time here, in not 
separating the difference. Remember long ago how I argued with regner, 
concerning the ball dropped to the floor in a moving train? Geometrically to me 
in the train it dropped in a straight line...but but but..  


                    ----- Original Message -----
                    From: allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
                    To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
                    Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 5:19 AM
                    Subject: [geocentrism] Moon Rotation

                          "Allen the moons axis is several degrees off that of 
the earth!..does that make two LOL..  Phil" 

                          Yes, Phil that is two. One axis for each progresie 
radial oreintaion wrt somthing else..note the things that are in progressive 
radial oreintaion do not have that wrt the same things.......That axis Phil 
Librates back and fourth there is another that librates up and down...that is 
three axis..only 9 trillion trillion more to go...that is if you take your 
approach with every particle of the moon..ummmm....none of those axis even run 
through the same plane.......That motion is not the same motion as the/ any 
motion of the orbit, and that is the point….. How do we know?..because there is 
a change and progressive radial back and forth wrt to a common point that lay 
through the moon itself…that is not difficult to see or confuse, That common 
point lay within the moon  the other common point  lay outside the moon…they 
are both wrt the observer within the earth moon frame of reference…. ..One is a 
progressive and regressive radial orientation to a common point that lay on the 
moon itself and the other is a common progressive radial orientation to a point 
that lay at the earth itself…The observer never has a problem making that 
distinction and apparently you do not either… …The distinction can be clearly 
made within the frame of reference under consideration (earth moon system). We 
cannot go outside our frame of reference to give ourselves a reference frame 
(remember me saying that). ….. The observer sees the moon make a progressive 
radial orientation wrt the observer, he can also see An ADDITIONAL MOTION in 
the moons libration. There is a difference between two different motions verse 
just one motion that is called two,…. by now you should see the 
difference………well maybe not you and Paul, but anyone else examining these post 
should have no problem seeing two different motions that are defined 
independently of each other, not just a single motion that you keep trying to 
“cut in half” like cutting that car in half I mentioned earlier…seeing a car 
does not make it two halves of a car simply because you can imagine it cut in 
half….there is one car and one motion that motion as is any motion is defined 
by the relative changes wrt the observer and or any 3rd bodies. However, the 
same changes wrt those same bodies and or observer  cannot be called two 
different changes simply because you count those same relative changes wrt the 
same observer once and then again wrt the 3rd bodies twice even thought they 
are the same exact change for both the observer and the 3rd body….The same 
relative changes wrt the same observer or bodies is not two different changes…. 
.…counting the money you have twice does not mean you have twice as much as you 
did when you counted it the first time…..one plus itself is not two…..the 
relative changes can only be counted once not twice wrt the same observer or 
3rd bodies.......motion any motion to be observed must be relative to something 
else…..That something else is called the observer or other bodies that the 
observer sees, wrt each other, all within the same frame of reference under 

                          Paul, The curt remarks I referred to are made by me. 
My post are at some times more disciplined then others but don’t let that 
bother you.  I’m not playing dumb, not at all. I am just giving you and others 
ample opportunity to say “less then brilliant” things of which you and Phil 
have not disappointed me with…I then remark in very, perhaps extreme sarcastic 
manner. I’m sorry you can’t see beyond your own logical contradictions, …. but 
then again you never did get the whole gravity= inertia thingy either…..Note I 
did not start out that way but I keep coming to the same conclusion about most 
not all but certainly most  of your arguments, they are focused on “claiming 
victory”  not on evaluating the possibility that they are completely wrong.  
….. As I said before this thread will just go in circles. It will most 
certainly not progress your learning at all because ..well we all know 
why…….but my point is not so much for me to convince you of your error. You 
truly believe in your own folly and will not be shown otherwise! It is to offer 
others a chance to understand and evaluate the real world and the kinds of 
people that live in it……..  

                          Phil again..... "Rotation needs no observer. It s a 
self evident truth as defined"  The fact i am the king is self evident 
too....!?..do you hear yourself...what is that self evidence based on?......... 
Rotation is a motion motion must be relitive to something, a observer or some 
other body otherwise it is not a motion ............further, if it is it not 
observed one would have to question how is it then being discussed since 
otherwise, we would have not way of knowing that it was relitive to 
anything..... ....ummm

                                --- On Wed, 12/3/08, philip madsen 
<pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

                                From: philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
                                Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Moon Rotation
                                To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 6:22 PM

                                Allen the moons axis is several degrees off 
that of the earth!..does that make two LOL..  Phil
                                ----- Original Message ----- 
                                From: allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
                                To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
                                Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 6:52 AM
                                Subject: [geocentrism] Moon Rotation

                                "But you can see the difficulty in English 
expression you present"
                                NO! I said it means more then one……. you stated 
no it does not mean that……...Phil the fact there is more then one is inherent, 
intrinsic, integral part of the meaning of synonymous!? You cannot separate 
that fact any more then you can separate the fact that a living human has water 
in them!? if they are alive ..then Phil that means water is present!?

                                Come to the table with some reason........ you 
are just attempting "linguistic acrobatics" now... If you have a plate dill a 
hole in the center and put it on a drill there is only one axis of 
rotation...you may consider that axis to be a mathematical line (having no 
dimension) or you can also consider that axis to have the same diameter of the 
plate itself...the net effect is the same....one axis of rotation..not billions 
of axis for each molecule in the plate.....one axis not many….Counting the same 
thing twice does not mean you have two of them!?


                                --- On Wed, 12/3/08, philip madsen 
<pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

                                From: philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
                                Subject: [geocentrism] Re: Moon Rotation
                                To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 12:22 PM

                                "Allen opens up a rebuttal with, "Synchronous 
means more then one...OK "

                                 No Allen  it does not mean more than one..  

                                Phil.....you can't have a simoltanious anything 
with just one of them..!? 

                                Allen, Oh!  now I get what you were trying to 
say, but please don't say sorry for getting it wrong..  You said "synchronous"  
means more than one..     I said it doesn't mean that at all ... two or many is 
more than one..  I don't recall a single word for that meaning..  But you can 
see the difficulty in English expression you present. Even this is out of this 
world for sense..  "you can't have a simoltanious anything with just one of 
them..!? "  

                                Perhaps you may now understand my reasons, when 
I referred to English as being essential for science...  Philip.  

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