[fwgold-users] Re: can't manage to update database

  • From: "Gianluca Rotoni" <gianluca@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: fwgold-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 15:24:45 +0100


I've found something on the way the remote IP/name check is done which
could cause your problem. I've tested on my site and managed to
reproduce the fault and fix it.

Could you please test the attached fwgold script and tell me whether
it fixes your problem?


-- Attached file included as plaintext by Ecartis --
-- File: fwgold
-- Desc: fwgold

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Socket;
use Carp;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::Handle;
use Math::BigInt;
use File::Copy;
use File::Basename;
use Time::Local;

# Constant definitions
use constant VER => "2.0beta";
use constant OK => 0;
use constant ERROR => 1;
use constant FATAL => 2;

use constant MINUTE => 60;
use constant FIVEMINUTES => 300;
use constant HALFANHOUR => 1800;
use constant HOUR => 3600;
use constant DAY => 86400;
use constant WEEK => 604800;
use constant MONTH => 2419200;
use constant YEAR => 31536000;

use constant TOKEN => "ok";
use constant SEQUENCE => "or";

my %MONTHS = ('Jan' => 0,
              'Feb' => 1,
              'Mar' => 2,
              'Apr' => 3,
              'May' => 4,
              'Jun' => 5,
              'Jul' => 6,
              'Aug' => 7,
              'Sep' => 8,
              'Oct' => 9,
              'Nov' => 10,
              'Dec' => 11


# Read the options
use vars qw($conf $init $overwrite $graph $html $mode $help $db $update $match 
            $datapid $version $checkconfig $offline_logfile $start_date 

&GetOptions("configuration:s" => \$conf,
            "version" => \$version,
            "mode:s" => \$mode,
            "offline:s" => \$offline_logfile,
            "checkconfig" => \$checkconfig,
            "initialize" => \$init,
            "start:s" => \$start_date,
            "overwrite" => \$overwrite,
            "updatedb" => \$update,
            "graphics" => \$graph,
            "makehtml" => \$html,
            "help" => \$help);

my $prog = basename($0);

# Initialize the fwgold main object
my $me = {status => OK,
          debug => 0};
bless $me;
$me->{Config} = ();
$me->{Db} = ();
$me->{prog} = $prog;

# Print the version and exit
if ($version) {
  print "$prog " , VER, " - FwGold - FW-1(r) Graphics Oriented Log (analysis) 
Database\nwritten by Gianluca Rotoni <gianluca\@rotoni.com>\n";

# Print the usage and exit
if ($help) {
  $me->Usage(msg => "");

# Check that the config file is specified and it's readable
unless ((defined $conf) &&
        (-r _) &&
        (-T _)) {
  $me->Usage(msg => "Cannot read configuration file") ;
  exit 1;

# Process the config file
$me->ReadConfig(file => "$conf");
die "$prog: $me->{msg}" if ($me->{status} ne OK);

# Process the UserDB file
die "$prog: $me->{msg}" if ($me->{status} ne OK);

$me->{mode} = $mode if (defined $mode);

if ($checkconfig) {
  die "$prog :\n" , $me->{msg} if ($me->ErrorInConfig);
  print "Check syntax OK!\n";

unless (defined $me->{mode}) {
  $me->Usage(msg => "Unspecified running mode") ;
  exit 1;

if ($me->{mode} eq "server") {
  die "$prog: offline session not valid on server mode" if ($offline_logfile);

  # Fork the process into one listener and one data collector
  # Open up an IO pipe between the two processes
  if (! defined($datapid = fork)) {
    die "$prog: cannot fork: $!";
  } elsif (! $datapid) {
    #  I'm the child -- start the data collection
  # I'm the listener, close the unrelevant file handle
  close LISTENER;
  # Define signal handlers for this process
  use sigtrap qw(handler StopDataCollection KILL);
  use sigtrap qw(handler StopDataCollection TERM);
  # Define the spawning subroutine
  sub spawn;
  # Set the port and protocol variables
  my $port = $me->{Config}->{DATAPORT};
  my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
  # Save the server's pid
  if (-w $me->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}) {
    if (-r "$me->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}/$prog.pid") {
      unlink "$me->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}/$prog.pid";
    open (PID,">$me->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}/$prog.pid");
    print PID $$,"\n";
    close PID;
  } else {
    print STDERR "Cannot write to SERVERTMPDIR! Check the configuration at 
    exit 1;
  # Open up the configured port and list the to it
  socket(Server, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) or die "$prog: socket: $!";
  setsockopt(Server, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1)) or die "$prog: 
setsockopt: $!";
  bind(Server, sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY)) or die "$prog: bind: $!";
  listen(Server, SOMAXCONN) or die "$prog: listen: $!";
  my $waitedpid = 0;
  my $paddr;
  sub REAPER {
    $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER;
    $waitedpid = wait;
  # Listen forever
  FOR : for ( $waitedpid = 0;
              ($paddr = accept(Client, Server)) || $waitedpid;
              $waitedpid = 0, close Client) {
    # Fix an odd communication problem
    # thanks to Ron Sterenberg <sterenberg80@xxxxxxxxx>
    next FOR if $waitedpid and not $paddr;

    my ($port,$iaddr) = sockaddr_in($paddr);
    my $name = gethostbyaddr($iaddr,AF_INET);
    my $remote_ip = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
    if ($me->{debug}) {
      print "Connected on port $port from $name ($remote_ip)\n";
    if (($name ne $me->{Config}->{CLIENTHOST}) &&
        ($iaddr ne $me->{Config}->{CLIENTHOST})) {
      next FOR;
    # A connection has arrived! Read the DATA from the collecting process
    kill 'USR1' => $datapid;
    # Duplicate I/O to and from the Client
    open (OUT,">&Client");
    open (IN,"<&Client");
    my $ReadyToReceive;
    # Wait Ready to Receive
    read IN, $ReadyToReceive, 2;
    # The client is ready to receive DATA, go on
    print OUT "$DATA\n" if (($ReadyToReceive eq "ok") && ($DATA));
    close IN;
    close OUT;
    next FOR;

} elsif ($me->{mode} eq "client") {
  $me->Usage() unless ($init ||
                       $graph ||
                       $html ||

  # Set the path where to find the RRD module
  # if this hasn't been installed within the perl library path
  if (defined $me->{Config}->{RRDPERLMODULEPATH}) {
    use lib qw( $me->{Config}->{RRDPERLMODULEPATH} );
  # Use require/import so that the presence of RRDs is only checked at runtime
  require RRDs;

  # Create the RRD DB's if required
  if ($init) {
    if (defined $start_date) {
      $me->MakeDB(overwrite => $overwrite,
                  start => $start_date)
    } else {
      $me->MakeDB(overwrite => $overwrite)
    die "$prog: $me->{msg}" if ($me->{status} ne OK);
    unlink "$me->{Config}->{CLIENTTMPDIR}/fwgoldlast.data";
    exit 0;

  unless ($update) {

    die "$prog: must specify --update when running offline" if 

  } else {
    # Handle offline DB updates
    if (defined $offline_logfile) {
      unless (-r $offline_logfile) {
        die "$prog: offline log file not found or not readable";

      unless (-T $offline_logfile) {
        die "$prog: offline log file is not in ASCII format";

      my $day;
      my $month;
      my $year;
      my $hours;
      my $minutes;
      my $seconds;

      unless (defined $start_date) {
        print "Offline log date not specified, assuming today\n";
        ($day,$month,$year) = (localtime)[3..5];
        $year += 1900;
        $month += 1;
        $start_date = "$year/$month/$day";
      unless ($start_date =~ m/(\d{4})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})/) {
        die "$prog: wrong offline log date format ($start_date). Specify 
      $year = $1 - 1900;
      $month = $2 - 1;
      $day = $3;

      my $offline_start = timelocal(0,0,0,$day,$month,$year);
      if (! open OFFLINE, "<$offline_logfile") {
        die "$prog: cannot open $offline_logfile";

      my $offline_log;
      my $offline_time;
      my $offline_logdata;
      my $offline_cuncurrentlog;
      my $offline_previoustime;
      my $offline_firstupdate;
      my $match_name;

    OFFLINE: while (<OFFLINE>) {
        print "Offline logged data: $offline_log\n" if ($me->{debug});
        # Verify whether the date has changed in the log
        my $offline_log = $_;
        if (/^Date:\s+(\S+)\s+(\d{1,2})\,\s+(\d{4})/) {
          print "Date switched in log, new date is $1 $2, $3\n";
          $year = $3;
          $day = $2;
          $month = $MONTHS{$1};
          $offline_start = timelocal(0,0,0,$day,$month,$year);
        next if ($offline_log !~ m/^\s*(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s+/);
        $hours = $1;
        $minutes = $2;
        $seconds = $3;

        # Calculate the exact log time
        $offline_time = timelocal($seconds,$minutes,$hours,$day,$month,$year);
        if (defined $offline_previoustime) {
          $offline_cuncurrentlog = (($offline_time - $offline_previoustime) < 
        } else {
          $offline_previoustime = $offline_time;
        # Check the log matched against the user defined filters
        $me->ProcessLogEntry(logEntry => "$offline_log");

        # Create a 'server like' offline processed log data
        $offline_logdata = $offline_time . ":";
        foreach $db (keys %{$me->{DB}}) {
          $offline_logdata .=  $db . ":";
          # DB match level
        MATCH: foreach $match_name (keys %{$me->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}}) {
            # DB match filter level
            if (! defined $me->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match_name}->{COUNTER}) {
              open (TMPLOG, ">>$me->{Config}->{SERVERTTMPDIR}/unusual.log") or 
die "$prog: Cannot write onto $me->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}: $?";
              print TMPLOG "DB $db MATCH $match_name hasn't been correctly 
              close TMPLOG;
              next MATCH;
            $offline_logdata .=  ":" . $match_name . "=" . 
          $offline_logdata .=  "/";
        # Process the logged data
        my $log_hash_ref = $me->ProcessData(data => "$offline_logdata");
        die "$prog: $me->{msg}" if ($me->{status} ne OK);

        # Process all cuncurrent log entries
        next OFFLINE if ($offline_cuncurrentlog);
        # Update the fwgold DB if required
        my %LOG = %{$log_hash_ref};
        foreach $db (keys %LOG) {
          foreach $match (keys %{$LOG{$db}}) {
            $me->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match}->{DATA} = 
            $me->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match}->{AVERAGE} = 

        unless (defined $offline_firstupdate) {
          print "Upgrading DB's...";
          $offline_firstupdate = 1;
        } else {
          print "."

        $offline_previoustime = $offline_time;
        $me->UpdateDB(logtime => "$offline_time");
        if ($me->{status} ne OK) {
          die "$prog: Cannot update RRD DB's\nMake sure that the DB starting 
date is older that the log entry" if ($me->{msg} =~ /second/);
          die "$prog: $me->{msg}";
      # Create the graphics after the offline job
      print "\nGenerating graphics...\n";
      $me->MakeGraphics(start => "$offline_start");
      die "$prog: $me->{msg}" if ($me->{status} ne OK);
      print "Finished.\n";
    } else {
      # Connect to the remote server and take the logged data
      my $log = $me->ReadDataFromServer();
      die "$prog: $me->{msg}" if ($me->{status} ne OK);
      die "$prog: server sent no data" if ((! defined $log) ||
                                           (! $log));
      print "Logged data: $log\n" if ($me->{debug});
      # Process the logged data
      my $log_hash_ref = $me->ProcessData(data => "$log");
      die "$prog: $me->{msg}" if ($me->{status} ne OK);
      # Update the fwgold DB if required
      my %LOG = %{$log_hash_ref};
      foreach $db (keys %LOG) {
        foreach $match (keys %{$LOG{$db}}) {
          $me->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match}->{DATA} = 
          $me->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match}->{AVERAGE} = 
      my $logtime = time();
      $me->UpdateDB(logtime => "$logtime");
      die "$prog: $me->{msg}" if ($me->{status} ne OK);
  # Update the RRD graphics if required
  $me->MakeGraphics() if ($graph);
  die "$prog: $me->{msg}" if ($me->{status} ne OK);
  # Generate the html pages
  $me->GenerateHtml() if ($html);
  die "$prog: $me->{msg}" if ($me->{status} ne OK);
  exit 0
} else {
  # Wrong running mode (must be server or client)
  $me->Usage(msg => "Wrong running mode specified : $me->{mode}");;
  exit 1;

# End of MAIN

sub DataCollection {

  # define the FW log command
  my $CMD = $me->{Config}->{FWBINPATH} . "/fw log " . 

  # Print the collected data into the pipe when awaked from the listener
  use sigtrap qw(handler PrintData USR1);

  # Read the FW log into a hash %LOG
  open LOG, "$CMD |" or die "$prog: Cannot start $CMD : $!";

  if ($me->{debug}) {
    print "Started logging command $CMD\n";
  while (<LOG>) {
    if ($me->{debug}) {
      print "Got log entry : $_\n";
    $me->ProcessLogEntry(logEntry => "$_");

sub ProcessLogEntry() {

  # Process a FW log entry according to the user defined filter
  my $self = shift;
  my $param = Params(@_);
  my $logEntry = $self->ThisParam('logEntry', $param);
  use vars qw (@LOGENTRY @lcLOGENTRY %LOG $key $value $db $match $result_ref 
$match_name $pid);
  return if (/^Date/);

  if (uc($self->{Config}->{CPVERSION}) eq 'NG') {
    s/product VPN-1 \& FireWall-1//;
  return if (! m/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S)(\S+)\s+(.*)\s*$/);
  my $Time = $1;
  my $Action = $2;
  # Skip control logs
  return if ($Action eq "ctl");
  return if ($Action eq "keyinst");
  my $Origin = $3;
  my $Direction = ($4 eq '<') ? 'out':'in';
  my $Interface = $5;

  # Erase multiple spaces from the rest of the log
  my $rest_of_log = $6;
  $rest_of_log =~ s/\s+/ /g;

  # Skip logs with the reason tag set
  return if ($rest_of_log =~ /reason:/);

  # store lat log entry onto a temporary file for debugging purposes. This is 
normally commented-out.
  # open (DEBUGLOG, ">$me->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}/lastentry.log") or die 
"$prog: Cannot write onto $me->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}: $?";
  # print DEBUGLOG $rest_of_log;
  # close DEBUGLOG;
  # Check whether the size of the rest of the log is even
  @LOGENTRY = split /\s/, $rest_of_log;
  if ((2*int(scalar(@LOGENTRY)/2)) != scalar(@LOGENTRY)) {
    # The size is not even, save this log entry and then ignore it
    open (TMPLOG, ">>$me->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}/unusual.log") or die "$prog: 
Cannot write onto $me->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}: $?";
    print TMPLOG "$Time $Action $Origin $Direction $Interface";
    foreach (@LOGENTRY) {
      print TMPLOG " $_";
    print TMPLOG "\n";
    close TMPLOG;
  # From here on the log is made of key-value pairs
  # Make all the log keys lower-case
  my $i;
  for ($i=0; $i<scalar(@LOGENTRY); $i++) {
    splice (@LOGENTRY, $i, 1, lc($LOGENTRY[$i]));
  @LOGENTRY = ('time',$Time,
  # Debug
  if ($me->{debug}) {
    foreach $key (keys %LOG) {
      $value = $LOG{$key};
      print $key, " => ", $value, "\n";
  # Chech whether the log matches any filter
  # foreach $db (keys %{$me->{DB}}) {
  $me->LogMatch(log => \%LOG);
  die "$prog: $me->{msg}" if ($me->{status} ne OK);

sub StopDataCollection
    kill 'KILL' =>      $datapid;

# sub PrintNewData() {

#   my $xml_output;
#   my $xml = new XML::Writer(OUTPUT => *LISTENER,
#                           NEWLINES => 0);
#   $xml->startTag("fwgold",
#                "time" => time());
#   foreach $db (keys %{$me->{DB}}) {
#     $xml->startTag("db",
#                  "name" => $db);
#   MATCH: foreach $match_name (keys %{$me->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}}) {
#       #
#       # DB match filter level
#       #
#       if (! defined $me->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match_name}->{COUNTER}) {
#       open (TMPLOG, ">>$me->{Config}->{SERVERTTMPDIR}/unusual.log") or die 
"$prog: Cannot write onto $me->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}: $?";
#       print TMPLOG "DB $db MATCH $match_name hasn't been correctly 
#       close TMPLOG;
#       next MATCH;
#       }

#       $xml->emptyTag("match",
#                    "name" => "$match_name",
#                    "data" => 
#     }
#     $xml->endTag("db");
#   }
#   $xml->endTag("fwgold");
#   $xml->end();
# }

sub PrintData() {

  use vars qw($value $key $db $match $match_name);
  # Return the collected data for each UserDB
  print LISTENER time(),":";
  foreach $db (keys %{$me->{DB}}) {
    print LISTENER $db, ":";
    # DB match level
  MATCH: foreach $match_name (keys %{$me->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}}) {
      # DB match filter level
      if (! defined $me->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match_name}->{COUNTER}) {
        open (TMPLOG, ">>$me->{Config}->{SERVERTTMPDIR}/unusual.log") or die 
"$prog: Cannot write onto $me->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}: $?";
        print TMPLOG "DB $db MATCH $match_name hasn't been correctly 
        close TMPLOG;
        next MATCH;

      print LISTENER ":", $match_name, "=", 
    print LISTENER "/";
  print LISTENER "\n";

sub Params {
  return defined $_[0] && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH') ? shift : { @_ };

sub ThisParam {
  my $self = shift;
  my $key = shift;
  while (my $par = shift) {
    if (defined $par->{$key}) {
      return $par->{$key}
  if (defined $self->{param}->{$key}) {
    return $self->{param}->{$key}
  return undef;

sub SetParam {
  my $self = shift;
  my $key = shift;
  my $value = shift;
  $self->{param}->{$key} = $value;

sub ReadConfig() {
  # Read the User main config file into the config hash
  my $self = shift;
  my $param = Params(@_);
  my $file = shift;
  unless ($file = $self->ThisParam('file', $param)) {
    $self->{msg} = "File not specified";
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    return undef;;

  $self->{CFG_file} = (-r $file) ? $file : "/etc/fwgold.conf";
  unless (-r $self->{CFG_file}) {
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    $self->{msg} = "Cannot read configuration file"; 
    return undef;
  if (! open CONF, "< $self->{CFG_file}") {
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    $self->{msg} = "Cannot open config file : $!";
    return undef;
  my $line=0;
 CFG: while (<CONF>) {
    # Keep the line number

    # Skip comments or empty lines
    next CFG if (/^\s*$/);
    next CFG if (/^\s*\#/);

    # Read config entry - exit on syntax error
    if (! m/^\s*(\S+)\s*\=\s*(.*)\s*$/) {
      $self->{status} = FATAL;
      $self->{msg} = "Invalid assign statement at line: $line" ;
      return undef;
    # Store the config entry into the hash
    $self->{Config}->{$1} = $2;
  #Check that the DB configuration file exists and it's readable
  if (defined $self->{Config}->{USERDBCONFIG}) {
    unless ((-r $self->{Config}->{USERDBCONFIG}) && 
            (-T _)) {
      $self->{status} = FATAL;
      $self->{msg} = "Cannot read user db config file 
      return undef;
  } else {
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    $self->{msg} = "USERDBCONFIG not defined in config file";
    return undef;

  # Keep compatibility with older version of config file
  if (defined $self->{Config}->{FREQUENCY}) {
    $self->{Config}->{FREQUENCY} = 60 * $self->{Config}->{FREQUENCY};
  } else {
    $self->{Config}->{FREQUENCY} = 300;
  $self->{Config}->{TIMEOUT} = ($self->{Config}->{FREQUENCY}*3);

  if (defined $self->{Config}->{CPVERSION}) {
    if ((uc($self->{Config}->{CPVERSION}) ne '4.X') &&
        (uc($self->{Config}->{CPVERSION}) ne 'NG')) {
            $self->{status} = FATAL;
            $self->{msg} = "CPVERSION set to invalid value 
($self->{Config}->{CPVERSION}) at line $line";
            return undef;
  } else {
    $self->{Config}->{CPVERSION} = 'FW-1';

  return OK

sub ReadUserDBConfig() { 

  # Read the User DB config into the DB hash
  my $self = shift;
  use vars qw ($db $match $match_name $key $value $filter_key $filter_operator 

  my $dbconf_file = $self->{Config}->{USERDBCONFIG};
  my $line=0;
  my $open_db=0;
  my $open_match=0;
  my $db_name;
  my $match_name;
  my $sequence = SEQUENCE;

  if (! open DBCONF,"$dbconf_file") {
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    $self->{msg} = "Cannot open $dbconf_file : $!";
    return undef;
 MAIN: while (<DBCONF>) {
    next if /^\s*\#/;
    next if /^\s*$/;
    if (! /^\s*DB\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
      $self->{msg} = "Error parsing $dbconf_file : Unmatched DB/ENDDB at line 
      $self->{status} = FATAL;
      return undef;
    # Default values
    $self->{DB}->{$db_name}->{VLABEL}="connections / minute";

  DBENTRY: while (<DBCONF>) {
      next if /^\s*\#/;
      next if /^\s*$/;
      if (/^\s*DB\s*$/) {
        $self->{msg} = "Error parsing $dbconf_file : Unmatched DB/ENDDB at line 
        $self->{status} = FATAL;
        return undef;
      if (/^\s*ENDDB\s*$/) {
        if ($open_match) {
          $self->{msg} = "Error parsing $dbconf_file : Unmatched MATCH/ENDMATCH 
at line $line";
          $self->{status} = FATAL;
          return undef;
        last DBENTRY;
      if (/^\s*TITLE\s+(.*)\s*$/) {
        next DBENTRY;
      if (/^\s*VLABEL\s+(.*)\s*$/) {
        next DBENTRY;
      if (/^\s*MATCH\s+(.*)\s*$/) {
        if ($open_match) {
          $self->{msg} = "Error parsing $dbconf_file : Unmatched MATCH/ENDMATCH 
at line $line";
          $self->{status} = FATAL;
          return undef;
        $open_match = 1;

        # Add this to the list of matches
        push @{$self->{DB}->{$db_name}->{MATCHLIST}}, $match_name;
        # Reset the counter for this MATCH
        $self->{DB}->{$db_name}->{MATCH}->{$match_name}->{COUNTER} = 0;

        next DBENTRY;
      if (/^\s*ENDMATCH\s*$/) {
        if (! $open_match) {
          $self->{msg} = "Error parsing $dbconf_file : Unmatched MATCH/ENDMATCH 
at line $line";
          $self->{status} = FATAL;
          return undef;
        $open_match = 0;
        next DBENTRY;
      if (/^\s*[Cc]olor\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {

        # Handle old Color parameter (without 'eq' operator) for compatibility 
with old configs
        $filter_parameter = Trim($1);
        unless ($open_match){
          $self->{msg} = "Error parsing $dbconf_file : Color parameter not 
allowed outside a MATCH at line $line";
          $self->{status} = FATAL;
          return undef;
        if ($filter_parameter !~ /^\#[\d\w]{6}$/) {
          $self->{msg} = "Color definition ($filter_parameter) must be 
\'#abcdef\'! Error at line $line";
          $self->{status} = FATAL;
          return undef;
        $self->{DB}->{$db_name}->{MATCH}->{$match_name}->{COLOR} = 
        next DBENTRY;
      if (/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)\s*$/) {
        if (! $open_match) {
          $self->{msg} = "Error parsing $dbconf_file : Unmatched MATCH/ENDMATCH 
at line $line";
          $self->{status} = FATAL;
          return undef;
        # Check whether the third parameter of the filter contains
        # multiple values
        $filter_key = lc($1);
        $filter_operator = lc($2);
        $filter_parameter = Trim($3);

        # Check whweter the operator is valid
        unless (($filter_operator eq "eq") ||
                ($filter_operator eq "ne")) {
          $self->{msg} = "Invalid operator $filter_operator, must be either 
'eq' or 'ne' at line $line";
          $self->{status} = FATAL;
          return undef;

        # Check whether the key is Color (special case)
        if ($filter_key eq 'color') {

          # If an operator is specified within a Color entry, it must be 'eq' 
          if ($filter_operator ne "eq") {
            $self->{msg} = "Color operator must be \'eq\'! Error at line $line";
            $self->{status} = FATAL;
            return undef;
          if ($filter_parameter !~ /^\#[\d\w]{6}$/) {
            $self->{msg} = "Color definition ($filter_parameter) must be 
\'#abcdef\'! Error at line $line";
            $self->{status} = FATAL;
            return undef;
          $self->{DB}->{$db_name}->{MATCH}->{$match_name}->{COLOR} = 
          next DBENTRY;
        if ($filter_parameter =~ m/\,/) {
          # Split the filter into a sequence
          my $first_entry = 1;
          foreach (split ('\,', $filter_parameter)) {
            if ($first_entry) {
              $first_entry = 0;
            } else {
        } else {
          # Insert the normal filter into the list
  if ($open_db) {
    $self->{msg} = "Error parsing $dbconf_file : Unmatched DB/ENDDB at line 
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    return undef;
  if ($open_match) {
    $self->{msg} = "Error parsing $dbconf_file : Unmatched MATCH/ENDMATCH at 
line $line";
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    return undef;

  if ($self->{debug}) {

    # DB level
    foreach $db (keys %{$self->{DB}}) {
      print "DB => ", $db, "\n";
      # DB match level
      foreach $match (@{$self->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCHLIST}}) {
        print "\tMATCH => ", $match, "\n";
        foreach $key (keys %{$self->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match}}) {
          print "\t\tKEY => ", $key, "\n";
          $value = $self->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match}->{$key};
          if ($key ne "FILTER") {
            print "\t\t\tVALUE => ", $value, "\n";
          } else {
            foreach (@{$self->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match}->{FILTER}}) {
              print "\t\t\tFILTER => ", $_, "\n";

  return OK
sub LogMatch() {
  # Take a reference to a FW log entry and check it against the user defined 
  # incrementing the counter for the matches found
  my $self = shift;
  my $param = Params(@_);

  my $log_reference;
  unless ($log_reference = $self->ThisParam('log', $param)) {
    $self->{msg} = "Log reference not specified";
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    return undef
  my $sequence = SEQUENCE;
  my %log = %{$log_reference};
  use vars qw ($db $match $match_entry $log_entry $keyword $previous_keyword 
$operator $value $log_value @result);

 DB: foreach $db (keys %{$self->{DB}}) {
  MATCH: foreach $match_entry (@{$self->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCHLIST}}) {
      $match = 1;
    FILTER: foreach (@{$self->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match_entry}->{FILTER}}) {
        ($keyword,$operator,$value) = split ',' , $_; 

        # No reason to continue checking if the previous filter didn't match
        next MATCH if ((! $match) && ($keyword ne $sequence));

        # Make all the parameters lower-case
        # $keyword=lc($keyword);
        # $operator=lc($operator);
        # $value=lc($value);

        next if ($keyword eq "color");
        if ($keyword eq $sequence) {
          # Within a OR condition it is sufficient that one and just one
          # parameter matches to match the entire condition
          next FILTER if ($match);
          $keyword = $previous_keyword;
        } else {
          $previous_keyword = $keyword;

        if (! defined ($log{$keyword})) {
          if (! open TMPLOG, ">>$self->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}/unusual.log") {
            $self->{msg} = "Cannot write onto $self->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}: 
            $self->{status} = FATAL;
            return undef;
          print TMPLOG "Not defined keyword $keyword found in filter 
$match_entry.\nLog entry :\n";
          foreach (keys %log) {
            print TMPLOG $_,"\t=>\t",$log{$_},"\n";
          close TMPLOG;
          next MATCH;

        $log_value = Trim($log{$keyword});
        if ($value =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\/(\d{1,2})$/) {
          # Check range
          $match = &InRange($operator, $log_value, $1, $2);
        } elsif ($value =~ /^\/.*\/$/) {
          # Check similarities
          $operator = ($operator eq "eq")? "=~":"!~";
          $match = eval "\"$log_value\" $operator $value";
        } else {
          # Check exact matches
          $match = eval "\"$log_value\" $operator \"$value\"";
      $self->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match_entry}->{COUNTER}++ if ($match);

sub MakeGraphics {
  # Generates the graphics for each User DB 
  my $self = shift;
  my $max_label_size = 30;

  use vars qw ($db %tag $time $lcimgformat $match $match_name $match_in_minutes 
$average $param $start_time $start $stop_time);

  $param = Params(@_);
  $start_time = $self->ThisParam('start', $param);
  $stop_time = ($start_time) ? ($start_time+DAY):(time());

  my %tag = (
             '86400' => "day",
             '604800' => "week",
             '2419200' => "month",
             '31536000' => "year",

  foreach $db (keys %{$self->{DB}}) {

    my $average="(n/a)";
    foreach $time ((DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR)) {
      my $lcimgformat=lc($self->{Config}->{IMGFORMAT});
      @RRDsARGS = 
      push @RRDsARGS, "--start";
      if (defined $start_time) {
        $start = $start_time-$time;
        push @RRDsARGS, $start;
      } else {
        push @RRDsARGS, -$time;
      push @RRDsARGS, ("--end", $stop_time);
      push @RRDsARGS, ("-t", $self->{DB}->{$db}->{TITLE}) if (defined 
      push @RRDsARGS, ("-v", $self->{DB}->{$db}->{VLABEL}) if (defined 
      push @RRDsARGS, ("--imgformat", $self->{Config}->{IMGFORMAT});
      foreach $match_name (@{$self->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCHLIST}}) {
        $match_in_minutes = $match_name . "_in_minutes";
        push @RRDsARGS, 
        push @RRDsARGS, "CDEF:$match_in_minutes=$match_name,60,*";

        $average = ($time == DAY) ? ("(" . 
$self->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match_name}->{AVERAGE} . ")"):"" if (defined  

        push @RRDsARGS, "GPRINT:$match_in_minutes:AVERAGE:Avg %2.1lf";
        push @RRDsARGS, "GPRINT:$match_in_minutes:MAX:Max %2.1lf";
        push @RRDsARGS, "GPRINT:$match_in_minutes:LAST:Current %2.1lf";

        my $label = $match_name . (' ' x ($max_label_size - 
        push @RRDsARGS, 
        push @RRDsARGS, "COMMENT:\\r";


      my $ERR=RRDs::error();
      if ($ERR) {
        $self->{msg} = "ERROR while creating graphic for $db: $ERR";
        $self->{status} = FATAL;
        return undef;
  return OK

sub MakeDB {
  # Generates the graphics for each User DB 
  my $self = shift;
  my $param = Params(@_);
  my $overwrite = $self->ThisParam('overwrite', $param);
  my $start = $self->ThisParam('start', $param);
  #  Handle the specifed DB start date
  if (defined $start) {

    unless ($start =~ m/(\d{4})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})/) {
      die "$prog: wrong DB start date format ($start). Specify YYYY/MM/DD";
    my $year = $1 - 1900;
    my $month = $2 - 1;
    my $day = $3;
    $start = timelocal(0,0,0,$day,$month,$year);

  # Prevent data inconsistency by zeroing the counters
  unlink ("$self->{Config}->{CLIENTTMPDIR}/fwgoldlast.data") if (-r 

  # RDD time settings
  my %archive_keep = (
                      halfanhour => int((30 * MINUTE) / 
                      twohours => int((120 * MINUTE) / 
                      oneday => int(DAY / $self->{Config}->{FREQUENCY}),
                      twodays => int((2 * DAY) / $self->{Config}->{FREQUENCY}),
                      twoweeks => int((14 * DAY) / 
                      fiftydays => int((50 * DAY) / 
                      twoyears => int((797 * DAY) / 
 DB: foreach $db (keys %{$self->{DB}}) {
    if (-w "$self->{Config}->{CLIENTDBPATH}/$db.rrd") {
      if (! $overwrite) {
        print "Skipped existing database 
$self->{Config}->{CLIENTDBPATH}/$db.rrd, specify --overwrite to overwrite.\n";
        next DB;

    # Prepare the RRDs::create command
    @RRDsARGS = ("$self->{Config}->{CLIENTDBPATH}/$db.rrd", "--step", 
    push @RRDsARGS, ("--start", $start) if (defined $start);

    foreach $match (@{$self->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCHLIST}}) {
      push @RRDsARGS, "DS:$match:COUNTER:$self->{Config}->{TIMEOUT}:U:U";
    push @RRDsARGS, "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:$archive_keep{twodays}";
    push @RRDsARGS, 
    push @RRDsARGS, 
    push @RRDsARGS, 
    # Execute the RRDs command
    RRDs::create (@RRDsARGS);

    my $ERR=RRDs::error();
    if ($ERR) {
      $self->{msg} = "ERROR while creating DB $db: $ERR";
      $self->{status} = FATAL;
      return undef;
  return OK

sub UpdateDB {
  # Update the counters for all the DB's
  my $self = shift;
  my $param = Params(@_);
  my $logtime = $self->ThisParam('logtime', $param);

  use vars qw ($RRDsCMD $match);
 DB: foreach $db (keys %{$self->{DB}}) {

    if (! -w "$self->{Config}->{CLIENTDBPATH}/$db.rrd") {
      $self->{msg} = "Cannot write database 
      $self->{status} = FATAL;
      return undef;

    # Prepare the RRDs::update command
    @RRDsARGS = "$self->{Config}->{CLIENTDBPATH}/$db.rrd";
    $RRDsCMD = "$logtime";
    foreach $match (@{$self->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCHLIST}}) {
      $RRDsCMD .= ":" . $self->{DB}->{$db}->{MATCH}->{$match}->{DATA};
    push @RRDsARGS, $RRDsCMD;
    # Execute the RRDs command
    RRDs::update (@RRDsARGS);

    my $ERR=RRDs::error();
    if ($ERR) {
      $self->{msg} = "ERROR while updating DB $db: $ERR";
      $self->{status} = FATAL;
      return undef;

sub GenerateHtml {

  my $self=shift;
  use vars qw($fwgoldlogo $IMGFORMAT $INDEXHTML $DBName $HTML $time);
  # Build the index html header
 <TITLE>Firewall-1 Statistics</TITLE></HEAD>
  <H1>Firewall-1 Statistics</H1>
 DB: foreach $DBName (keys %{$self->{DB}}) {
    # Create an HTML for each DATABASE
 <TITLE>Firewall-1 Statistics of $DBName</TITLE></HEAD>
  <H1>Firewall-1 Statistics of $DBName</H1>
    foreach $time (qw(day week month year)) {
      $HTML .= "<P><IMG SRC=\"$DBName-$time.$IMGFORMAT\"></P>\n";
    # Put a the fwgold log and close the HTML
    $HTML .= "<BR><BR><EM><FONT SIZE=-1>Firewall Log Statistics created 
by</FONT></EM><BR><A HREF=\"http://www.rotoni.com/FwGold\";><IMG 
    # Save the HTML file for the current database
    if (! open (HTML, ">$self->{Config}->{CLIENTIMAGEPATH}/$DBName.html")) {
      $self->{msg} = "Cannot write to 
      $self->{status} = FATAL;
      return undef;
    print HTML $HTML;
    close HTML;
    # Add a pointer to the database HTML file into
    # the index file
    $INDEXHTML .= "<P><A HREF=\"$DBName.html\"><IMG 
  # Put a the fwgold log and close the HTML
  $INDEXHTML .= "<BR><BR><EM><FONT SIZE=-1>Firewall Log Statistics created 
by</FONT><BR></EM><A HREF=\"http://www.rotoni.com/FwGold\";><IMG 
  # Save the index HTML file
  if (! open (HTML, 
">$self->{Config}->{CLIENTIMAGEPATH}/$self->{Config}->{INDEXHTMLNAME}")) {
    $self->{msg} = "Cannot write to 
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    return undef;
  close HTML;
  return OK

sub ProcessData {

  # Take a string of server's collected data and return the refernce
  # to the processed data hash
  my $self = shift;
  my $param = Params(@_);

  my $data;
  unless ($data = $self->ThisParam('data', $param)) {
    $self->{msg} = "Log data not specified";
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    return undef;;
  use vars qw(@db_data $db $db_name $match $match_values %new_collected_data 
%reset_collected_data %prev_collected_data $match_name $value $new_time 
$previous_time $new_log $previous_log);
  # Extract the time when the data have been produced
  $new_log = $data;
  $data =~ m/(\d+):(.*)\s*$/;
  $new_time = $1;
  $data = $2;
  # Split the string into a list of collected data for each DB
  @db_data = split /\//, $data;
  # Split each DB's data into a list of matches' data
  foreach $db (@db_data) {
    next if !($db =~ m/([^:]+)::{0,1}(.*)$/);
    $db_name = $1;
    $match_values = $2;
    print "db : $db\ndbname : $db_name\nvalue : $match_values\n\n" if 
    # Assign the collected data to the relative DB's match
    foreach $match (split (/\:/, $match_values)) {
      ($match_name,$value) = split /\=/, $match;
      print "match name : $match_name\nvalue : $value\n\n" if ($self->{debug});
  if (-r "$self->{Config}->{CLIENTTMPDIR}/fwgoldlast.data") {
    open (PREV, "<$self->{Config}->{CLIENTTMPDIR}/fwgoldlast.data");
    $previous_log = <PREV>;
    close PREV;

    if (defined $previous_log) {
      # Extract the time when the previous data have been produced
      $previous_log =~ m/(\d+):(.*)\/\s*$/;
      $previous_time = $1;
      $previous_log = $2;
      print "new time : $new_time\nprevious time : $previous_time\nprevious log 
: $previous_log\n\n" if ($self->{debug});
      # Check that the timeout hasn't experied
      if (($new_time - $previous_time) < $self->{Config}->{TIMEOUT}) {

        # Split the string into a list of collected data for each DB
        @db_data = split /\//, $previous_log;
        # Split each DB's data into a list of matches' data
        foreach $db (@db_data) {
          next if !($db =~ m/([^:]+)::{0,1}(.*)$/);
          $db_name = $1;
          $match_values = $2;
          print "previous db : $db\ndbname : $db_name\nvalue : 
$match_values\n\n" if ($self->{debug});

          # Assign the collected data to the relative DB's match
          foreach $match (split (/\:/, $match_values)) {
            ($match_name,$value) = split /\=/, $match;
            print "previous match name : $match_name\nvalue : $value\n\n" if 
        # Calculate the last time period values
        foreach $db (keys %new_collected_data) {
          foreach $match (keys %{$new_collected_data{$db}}) {
            if ($new_collected_data{$db}->{$match}->{DATA} < 
$prev_collected_data{$db}->{$match}->{DATA}) {
              unlink "$self->{Config}->{CLIENTTMPDIR}/fwgoldlast.data";
              return \%reset_collected_data;
            $new_collected_data{$db}->{$match}->{AVERAGE} = 
$new_collected_data{$db}->{$match}->{DATA} - 
  if (! open PREV, ">$self->{Config}->{CLIENTTMPDIR}/fwgoldlast.data") {
    $self->{msg} = "Cannot write onto 
$self->{Config}->{CLIENTTMPDIR}/fwgoldlast.data: $!";
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    return undef;
  print PREV $new_log;
  close PREV;
  return \%new_collected_data;

sub Usage() {
  # Display the usage with an optional a message
  my $self = shift;
  my $param = Params(@_);
  my $msg = $self->ThisParam('msg', $param);
  print STDERR <<EOF;
FwGold - FW-1(r) Graphics Oriented Log (analysis) Database

Usage: fwgold --help (prints this message) 

       fwgold --version

       fwgold --configuration <path_to_fwgold.conf>
              --mode server
              [ --checkconfig (verifies the server configuration) ]

       fwgold --configuration <path_to_fwgold.conf>
              --mode client
              [ --checkconfig (verifies the client configuration) ]
              [ --checkconfig (verifies the client configuration) ]
              [ --init (initializes the rrd databases) [--start <YYYY/MM/DD>]]]
              [ --overwrite (overwrite existing rrd databases) ]
              [ --updatedb (updates the rrd databases) [ --offline 
<fwlog_ascii_file> [--start <YYYY/MM/DD>]]]
              [ --graphics (produces the graphics) ]
              [ --makehtml (generates the html index pages) ]
return OK

  sub start {
    my $self = shift;
    my $val = shift;
    if (@_) {
      if ($val eq "fwgold") {
        my $new_time = shift;
      if ($val eq "db") {
        my $current_db = shift;
      if ($val eq "match") {
        my $match_name = shift;
        my $value = shift;

sub end {
  my ($self, $val) = @_;
  #if ($self->current_element eq "config") {
  #  push @config, $self->xml_escape($val, '>', "\xD");

sub ParseData {
  my $log = shift;
  my $parser = new XML::Parser(ErrorContext => 2,
                               Handlers     => {
                                                Start => \&start,
                                                End   => \&end,

sub ReadDataFromServer {

  # Read the data from the server and return the read string
  my $self = shift;
  # Open the connection to the server
  my $remote = $self->{Config}->{SERVERHOST};
  my $port = $self->{Config}->{DATAPORT};
  unless ((defined $remote) &&
          (defined $port)) {
    $self->{msg} = ("Server host or port number undefined");
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    return undef;
  if ($self->{debug}) {
    print "Opening connection to $self->{Config}->{SERVERHOST} on port 

  if ($port =~ /\D/) {
    $port = getservbyname($port, 'tcp');
  unless ($port) {
    $self->{msg} = ("Not a valid TCP port");
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    return undef;
  my $iaddr = inet_aton($remote);
  my $paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr);

  my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
  if (! socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto)) {
    $self->{msg} = "socket: $!";
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    return undef;
  if (! connect (SOCK, $paddr)) { 
    $self->{msg} = "No service running on host $remote port $port";
    $self->{status} = FATAL;
    return undef;
  # Send Ready to Receive
  syswrite SOCK, TOKEN, 2;
  # return the read the DATA
  return <SOCK>;


sub ErrorInConfig {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{msg} = "";
  # Check Common options
  $self->{msg} .= "DATAPORT must be assigned\n" if (! 
  # Check Client's only config
  if ((! defined $self->{mode}) ||
      ($self->{mode} eq "client")) {
    $self->{msg} .= "SERVERHOST must be assigned\n" if (! 
    $self->{msg} .= "Cannot write to $self->{Config}->{CLIENTTMPDIR}\n" unless 
((-w $self->{Config}->{CLIENTTMPDIR}) && (-d _));
    $self->{msg} .= "Cannot access $self->{Config}->{CLIENTDBPATH}\n" unless 
((-r $self->{Config}->{CLIENTDBPATH}) && (-d _));
    $self->{msg} .= "Cannot write to $self->{Config}->{CLIENTIMAGEPATH}\n" 
unless ((-w $self->{Config}->{CLIENTIMAGEPATH}) && (-d _));
    $self->{msg} .= "Wrong image format\n" if (($self->{Config}->{IMGFORMAT} ne 
"GIF") && ($self->{Config}->{IMGFORMAT} ne "PNG"));
    foreach $db (keys %{$self->{DB}}) {
      $self->{msg} .= "Cannot read $db! Forgot to create database? Use --init 
in case\n" if (! -r "$self->{Config}->{CLIENTDBPATH}/$db.rrd")
  # Check Server's only config
  if ((! defined $self->{mode}) ||
      ($self->{mode} eq "server")) {
    $self->{msg} .= "Cannot write to $self->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR}\n" if (! 
-w $self->{Config}->{SERVERTMPDIR});
    # The following only works on Posix systems (ie. not on NT)
    $self->{msg} .= "Cannot execute $self->{Config}->{FWBINPATH}/fw\n" if (! -x 
  return $self->{msg};

sub InRange() {
  # Determines whether an IP address belongs to a network
  my ($op, $ip, $net, $mask) = @_;
# Converts all human readable values into computer usable format
my $ipnum=ip2num($ip);
my $netnum=ip2num($net);
my $bcastnum=broadcast($net,$mask);

my $res = (($ipnum >= $netnum) &&
           ($ipnum <= ($netnum + $bcastnum)));
return ($op =~ /eq/)? $res : !$res;

sub ip2num {

  # Given an IP address, it returns its long int version
  my $ip = shift;
  my @numip=split /\./ , $ip;
  return Math::BigInt->new(((shift @numip)<<24) +
                           ((shift @numip)<<16) +
                           ((shift @numip)<<8) +
                           (shift @numip));

sub broadcast {

  # Given a network and netmask addresses, it returns the long int
  # version of the relative broadcast 
  my ($ip,$mask) = @_;

  my $base=ip2num($ip);
  return Math::BigInt->new((2**(32-$mask))-1);

sub Trim {
  my $x = shift;
  $x =~ s/^\s+//;
  $x =~ s/\s+$//;
  return $x;

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