[fsug-calicut] desktop with-pekwm, fbpanel, pcman

  • From: sooraj kenoth <soorajkenoth@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: fsug-calicut <fsug-calicut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, fsug-tvm <ilug-tvm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, fsugknr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, mailinglist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 19:07:58 +0530

in my way to search what exactly a kernel, today i configured a new
environment(cannot say a complete desktop environment).
i'm sharing it with you. requesting you to correct/improve it.

my final objective is a pc with minimum resources with maximum output(differ
from person to person).

i am skipping the background story.

i just installed:

   1. pekwm- http://pekwm.org/projects/pekwm
   2. fbpanel-http://fbpanel.sourceforge.net/
   3. pcman-http://pcmanfm.sourceforge.net/

i'm using ubuntu9.04.
a pekwm session is automatically generated.
then i made the following changes in these files. now i got a very fast
desktop environment;
faster and friendly than,

   1. fluxbox
   2. icewm
   3. openbox

pekwm seem to be an active project.
these are the changes. just try it [?].

   1. /home/sooraj/.fbpanel/default

# fbpanel <profile> config file
# see http://fbpanel.sf.net/docs.html for complete configuration guide

Global {
    edge = bottom
    allign = center
    margin = 0
    widthtype = percent
    width = 100
    height = 23
    transparent = false
    tintcolor = #f52309
    alpha = 33
    setdocktype = true
    setpartialstrut = true
    autohide = false
    heightWhenHidden = 2

Plugin {
    type = space
    config {
        size = 1

Plugin {
    type = menu
    config {
        image = /usr/share/fbpanel/images/star.png
    name = menu
        systemmenu {
        separator {
        item {
            icon = wizard.png
            name = configure
            image = /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/actions/wizard.png
            command = configure
        item {
            icon = gnome-terminal
            name = terminal
            image = /usr/share/fbpanel/images/gnome_terminal.svg
            action = /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator
        item {
            icon = system.png
        name = my computer
            image = /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/64x64/devices/system.png
            action = nautilus
    separator {
            icon = exit.png
            name = kill-logout
            image = /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/48x48/actions/exit.png
            action = killall5


Plugin {
    type = space
    config {
        size = 10

Plugin {
    type = launchbar
    config {
        button {
            icon = system.png
            image = /usr/share/icons/Tangerine/32x32/devices/system.png
            tooltip = pcman file manager
            action = pcmanfm

        button {
            icon = gnome-terminal
            tooltip = Terminal
            action = /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator
    button {
            icon = launch.png
        image = /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/actions/launch.png
            tooltip = internet
            action = sudo wvdial

        button {
            icon = mozilla-firefox
            tooltip = Firefox web browser
            action = firefox

Plugin {
    type = space
    config {
        size = 8

Plugin {
    type = wincmd
    config {
        icon = gnome-fs-desktop
        image = /usr/share/fbpanel/images/gnome-fs-desktop.svg
        tooltip = Left click to iconify all windows. Middle click to shade

Plugin {
    type = space
    config {
        size = 10

Plugin {
    type = taskbar
    expand = true
    config {
        ShowIconified = true
        ShowMapped = true
        ShowAllDesks = false
        tooltips = true
        IconsOnly = false
        MaxTaskWidth = 150

Plugin {
    type = tray

Plugin {
    type = dclock
    config {
        ClockFmt = %I:%M:%R
        Action = xmessage Please define some command &
        color = #4545B1

2. /etc/pekwm/start

# PekWM start file
# This file is a simple shell script; It gets run on pekwm startup, after
# the theme and all config has loaded if it is set executable
# (chmod +x start).
fbpanel &
# This is different from ~/.xinitrc because a normal configuration of
# .xinitrc you'll run all commands, then launch the window manager last.
# It also gets re-run every time pekwm is restarted.
# As for it's usefulness, well, it's up to you. I actually set my background
# from my start file; since it runs after the theme gets loaded, this
# effectively overrides whatever's in the theme.
# There's probably a few other good uses for it, too. I mainly pushed for it
# because when I was doing fluxbox's docs, people used to complain that
# wasn't one, and I wanted to avoid that for pekwm. ;) --eyez


Files {
    Keys = "~/.pekwm/keys"
    Mouse = "~/.pekwm/mouse"
    Menu = "~/.pekwm/menu"
    Start = "~/.pekwm/start"
    AutoProps = "~/.pekwm/autoproperties"
    Theme = "/usr/share/pekwm/themes/default"
    Icons = "~/.pekwm/icons/"

MoveResize {
    EdgeAttract = "10"
    EdgeResist = "10"
    WindowAttract = "5"
    WindowResist = "5"
    OpaqueMove = "True"
    OpaqueResize = "False"

Screen {
    Workspaces = "1"
    WorkspacesPerRow = "1"
    WorkspaceNames = "Main;Web;E-mail;Music"
    ShowFrameList = "True"
    ShowStatusWindow = "True"
    ShowStatusWindowCenteredOnRoot = "False"
    ShowClientID = "False"
    ShowWorkspaceIndicator = "500"
    PlaceNew = "True"
    FocusNew = "True"

    TrimTitle = "..."
    FullscreenAbove = "True"
    FullscreenDetect = "True"
    HonourRandr = "True"
    EdgeSize = "1 1 1 1"
    EdgeIndent = "False"
    PixmapCacheSize = "20"
    DoubleClickTime = "250"

    Placement {
        Model = "CenteredOnParent Smart MouseNotUnder"
        Smart {
            Row = "True"
            TopToBottom = "True"
            LeftToRight = "True"
            OffsetX = "0"
            OffsetY = "0"

    UniqueNames  {
        SetUnique = "False"
        Pre = " #"
        Post = ""

Menu {
    DisplayIcons = "True"

    Icons = "DEFAULT" {
        Minimum = "16x16"
        Maximum = "16x16"

    # To enable make separate window have other icon size restrictions,
    # for example wallpaper menu found in pekwm_menu_tools, set the
    # for each menu you want to "free".

    # Icons = "Wallpaper" {
    #     Minimum = "64x64"
    #     Maximum = "64x64"
    # }

    # Defines how menus act on mouse input.
    # Possible values are: "ButtonPress ButtonRelease DoubleClick Motion"
    # To make submenus open on mouse over, comment the default Enter,
    # uncomment the alternative, and reload pekwm.

    Select = "Motion MotionPressed"
    Enter = "MotionPressed ButtonPress"
    # Enter = "Motion"
    Exec = "ButtonRelease"

CmdDialog {
    HistoryUnique = "True"
    HistorySize = "1024"
    HistoryFile = "~/.pekwm/history"
    HistorySaveInterval = "16"

Harbour {
    OnTop = "True"
    MaximizeOver = "False"
    Placement = "Right"
    Orientation = "TopToBottom"
    Head = "0"

    DockApp {
        SideMin = "64"
        SideMax = "0"

GIF image

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