[Fundraisers Forum] Sandy- Revisited

  • From: Ron Allswang <ron.allswang@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: frforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2012 04:17:44 +0200

I don't mean to sound like Dr. Doom and Gloom, but......

At first, I thought the question was a simple -'to go, or not to go'.

To New York, of course- post Sandy.

And as most of you (hopefully) recall, I even posted my doubts to all the
chevra of our Forum.

Now, 10 days, and a few (too many) You Tubes, later, I realize that the
question is mostly moot, going there to raise money is not only a
non-starter, to put it mildly, but the storm has long term ramifications
for us Development Professionals.

*Sandy, IMHO, is a game changer*. For years. And my guess is that it will
play out as follows.

All communal/local efforts, for the foreseeable future, will be for Sandy
relief. And understandably so. This will adversely affect prospecting of
new, private donors (Foundations that must give out their money, well,
still need to dish out the money according to their by-laws). For many
organizations, like mine, these new prospects are the bread-and- butter in
expanding the organization's donor base etc.

The exceptions to this, are the fortunate few organizations, who have a
true ' MESHUGA LaDAVAR', and come hell or high water (oops, literally!!),
will support his/her cause. But I am willing to to say fewer than 5% of
Israeli organizations fit in that category.

To conclude, I am concerned that the vast NY market, which I so depended
on, is going to be lost for a few years, maybe more.

Your comments/theories/ etc welcomed.

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