[dokuwiki] Re: Performance issues

  • From: Yann <yann.hamon@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 18:08:18 +0100

On 3/12/06, Andreas Gohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Mar 2006 19:55:26 +0100
> Yann <yann.hamon@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > // common.php, line 943
> > function getRevisions($id){
> >
> >
> > There is the :
> >
> >     while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
> >       if (is_dir($revd.'/'.$file)) continue;
> >       if
> >       (preg_match('/^'.$clid.'\.(\d+)\.txt(\.gz)?$/',$file,$match)){
> >         $revs[]=$match[1];
> >       }
> >     }
> >
> > part, that collects all revisions of a given file.
> >
> > /htdocs/data/attic$ ls -l | wc -l
> > 2766
> >
> > That part of the code is doing the preg_match 2800 time if I want the
> > list of revisions of a file that is in the / of my wiki.

I propose to replace the getRevisionInfo code with this:

 * Compare the logline $a to the timestamp $b
 * @author Yann Hamon <yann.hamon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 * @returns integer 0 if the logline has timestamp $b, <0 if the timestamp
of $a is greater than $b, >0 else.
function hasTimestamp($a, $b)
  if (strpos($a, $b) === 0)
    return 0;
    return strcmp ($a, $b);

* performs a dichotomic search on an array using
* a custom compare function
* @author Yann Hamon <yann.hamon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<
function array_dichotomic_search($ar, $value, $compareFunc)
  $value = trim($value);
  if (!$ar || !$value || !$compareFunc) return (null);
  $len = count($ar);

  $l = 0;
  $r = $len-1;

  do {
    $i = floor(($l+$r)/2);
    if ($compareFunc($ar[$i], $value)<0)
      $l = $i+1;
     $r = $i-1;
  } while ($compareFunc($ar[$i], $value)!=0 && $l<=$r);

  if ($compareFunc($ar[$i], $value)==0)
    return $i;
    return -1;

 * gets additonal informations for a certain pagerevison
 * from the changelog
 * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 * @author Yann Hamon <yann.hamon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
function getRevisionInfo($id,$rev){
  global $conf;

  if(!$rev) return(null);

  $info = array();
    msg($conf['changelog'].' is not readable',-1);
    return $recent;
  $loglines = file($conf['changelog']);

  // Search for a line with a matching timestamp
  $index = array_dichotomic_search ($loglines, $rev, hasTimestamp);
  if ($index == -1)

  // The following code is necessary when there is more than
  // one line with one same timestamp
  $loglines_matching = array();
  $loglines_matching[] =  $loglines[$index];
  for ($i=$index-1;hasTimestamp($loglines[$i], $rev) == 0; $i--)
    $loglines_matching[] = $loglines[$i];
  for ($i=$index+1;hasTimestamp($loglines[$i], $rev) == 0; $i++)
    $loglines_matching[] = $loglines[$i];

  // Match only lines concerning the document $id
  $loglines_matching =

  $loglines_matching = array_reverse($loglines_matching); //reverse sort on
  $line = split("\t",$loglines_matching[0]);

  $info['date']  = $line[0];
  $info['ip']    = $line[1];
  $info['user']  = $line[3];
  $info['sum']   = $line[4];
  $info['minor'] = isMinor($info['sum']);
  return $info;

Instead of doing a preg_match on every line of the changes.log, it assumes
the lines ar ordered by timestamp; that way it can do a dichotomic search,
which I think should be better (complexity of o(log(n)) instead of o(n)).
There is a bit more code in case there is more than one line with the same

The code might not be perfect... Take it as a suggestion :)

Yann Hamon

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