[dokuwiki] Re: Multilanguage content with DW

  • From: Guy Brand <gb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 09:06:45 +0100

On 16 January at 21:53, Raymond Scholz wrote:

> I'm looking for a DW multilanguage (content and interface) enhancement

  Same here.

> 1. Document structure (i.e. page IDs) for all languages should be the
>    same.  Given a german/english site, the page ID "actors:john_doe"
>    should not be named "schauspieler:john_doe" in German.  Since I use
>    $conf['useheading'] = 1 the resulting pages titles will look fine
>    anyway.

  Agreed. I think we should rely on dedicated namespaces for trans-
  lated contents e.g. en:page, fr:page, de:page with invariant page
  names. Andreas wrote in a mail in december that interwiki linking
  between such dedicated namespaces would be easy to add to DW. I
  imagine this as a kind of "This page is also available in ..."
  menu/item/buttons or even just small flags that could appear on a
  page if its content embeeds a special "tag" and maybe honoring a
  sticky lang=xx session variables read from browser lang prefs or
  selected by the user.

  The problem with relying only on browser pref is when a user wants
  to switch to a different language (of the one specified in the prefs
  of his browser, badly or by default) and stick to this language. If
  a "flag/menu" allows him to enter a dedicated namespace for the lang
  he has chosen that's better. But there must also be a way to stick
  to this namespace even if a link in a wiki page points to an
  absolute path (:index) which could bring him back to the default
  language (the one of the root namespace) interface/page content.

> 2. Media content should be common to all languages.  

  With dedicated language namespaces this is also possible with
  en:screenshots:image1.png, fr:screenshots:images1.png, etc. 

> 3. URIs should be google-friendly, that is: clean and able to being
>    spidered without the use of cookies.
>    http://server/en/actors/john_doe but not
>    http://server/actors/john_doe?lang=en

  Maybe both should work: IIRC specifying a language in URL is
  recommended for accessibility.

  I haven't tried Linas's patch, but trying to get it from the URL of
  his message[1] fails.

  [1] http://shirshegsm.lt.eu.org/dl/other/dokuwiki_httplang.patch


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