[dokuwiki] Re: Javascript Dom question in /conf/userscript.js

  • From: "[list] Riny" <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 22:00:00 +0200

(sorry for double post)

Andreas Gohr wrote (very fast indeed):
> hmm... shouldn't this be xid[0] for the first found element?

Yep, of course

>> The problem is though that apparently the document is not yet loaded
>> when userscript.js gets evaluated. So the xid[] array will always be
>> empty.
> You need to wait till the document is loaded and then execute you
> script. To do so use the addInitEvent call. Something like this should
> work (untested):
> function my_toolbar_additions() {
>       if(!toolbar) return;
>       var xid = document.getElementsByName("id");
>       var ns=xid[0].value;
>       var open = "[["+ns+":";
>       toolbar[toolbar.length] = {"type":"format",
>                              "title":"newpage_below",
>                              "icon":"below.png",
>                              "key":"",
>                              "open":open,
>                              "close":"]]"};
> }
> addInitEvent(my_toolbar_addition);

Yes this works, but you have to re-init the toolbar by calling
initToolbar and you'll end up with two toolbars because you add an
element to the array and parse it twice then.

Three options here:
- Remove the "button divs" in DOM and re-init the toolbar?
- Add child elements to the toolbar?
- Rewrite initToolbar to include only last (added) elements?

what is nice to do here? Can someone help me out here?

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