[digitalucifer] [...Come The Wolves] Blame Is Not An Excuse

  • From: sku11fukkr <morpheus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: digitalucifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 06:26:50 -0700 (PDT)

  Its no secret that I'm pretty close to being a misanthropist. In fact, if it wasn't for this bit of empathy festering in me, I would outright hate everyone and everything. I have a natural talent for discovering everyone's faults, though I don't always point them out. I'm nice like that. This morning, before I finish my coffee and get ready to work, I'm going to discuss something about people. Today, we're going to talk about blame.

  You know what? Fuck blame. People blame for everything. People blame for excuse. "I had a bad childhood." "I'm a product of my environment." "They/you/he/she/it made me this way." "They only do it because of poverty." "Everyone has the passion of an artist, but only the artists express it and make us feel like we can't do it by publishing it." Excuse me, what?

  That last example is the one I'm going to focus on. One person fulfilling their passions is not an excuse for another person to slack. Nobody makes anyone else feel anything they do not already feel. If seeing an artist's work makes you feel inferior, you probably are. Hell, if seeing any accomplishment done by anyone else makes you feel inferior, you probably are. Go shoot yourself, because I don't care.

  This is a society based on pity (not to be confused with empathy). We pity the homeless. We pity the 'sinners'. We pity the less fortunate. We pity the minorities. We pity those who are different. We pity the weak. We pity the sick. We pity the dying. We pity the stupid. Correction: you pity them all. I pity no one. We are, to some extent, a product of our environments, but that does not concretely dictate who we become. Only the person him/herself is responsible for how they turn out. I have friends who grew up with horrible home lives that turned out just fine. So, when I see someone blaming their childhood or some other pathetic excuse for how they turned out, I just laugh heartily. Pity, what a pathetic concept.

// ©2005, DigitaLucifer.Net

Posted by sku11fukkr to ...Come The Wolves at 8/05/2005 09:14:00 AM

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  • » [digitalucifer] [...Come The Wolves] Blame Is Not An Excuse