[softwarelist] Re: Paragraph Rules?

  • From: Ross McGuinness <farmstay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: davidpilling@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2011 22:13:00 +0800

In message <jB+45hDgWZoNFwbi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
          David Pilling <flist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,

> In message <51c1b3442cbbailey@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Brian Bailey
> <bbailey@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes
>>What might the spec. for fully supported tables look like, please?

> Yes, tables would be good. A lot of added functionality, but also a lot
> of work.

> The table spec is below, makes me feel sad.

Tablemate is OK for those of us who have it.

>>Would you also care to elaborate on the 'few things that were designed but
>>never implemented', please.

> Only what has been said above, paragraph rules, index and content
> generation.

> Index generation was envisaged as simple, like Peter Bond's applet, I
> think what did for that was the outcry "simple index generation is no
> use, burn it" about that time (where did that come from, maybe
> Impression), which led to IdxPro which is too complicated for many
> people.

Index generation is what I'd happily pay good money for. You are 
correct in saying that IdxPro is too difficult. I tried to use it but 
gave up. An indexing system that is based on styles, implemented in a 
simple manner, would be great. Highlight the word or phrase and apply 
Index level i, or ii or iii etc

> ===========================================

> Sat Jan 21 15:42:22 1995
>  From John Wallace
> X-Mailer ArcBM 1.10

> Dear David
> At last, here's the Table specification.

> Drawing a Table
> To draw a table choose the Table tool and draw a rectangle
> representing the overall size of the table you require.

> The depth of the table should snap to an exact number of
> rows that can be fitted in. The default row depth should
> be 'auto' which means that it is determined by the tallest
> font bound box in the row, plus a bit extra.

> The width of the table should be exactly as it is draw,
> but divided into column based on a fixed minimum width
> (say 25mm).

> Each cell in the table is essentially an empty frame, and
> the whole lot is grouped. It is probably best to prevent
> the table from being ungrouped.

> Resizing a table by dragging.
> If the table is made wider or narrower the columns are
> scaled accordingly. If the table is extended vertically,
> extra rows are added to the bottom. It is probably best that
> we do not allow the user to decrease the depth by dragging,
> since rows could then be accidentally deleted. The important
> point here is that scaling the table vertically should not
> scale the row depths. If it did, we would end up with
> inconsistent tables throughout the document.

> If the pointer is moved over a column divider, the pointer
> changes to a special shape (probably the one we use to drag
> vertical guidelines) and the column divider can be dragged
> (snapping to grid if necessary).

> Modify Table
> The modify dialogue box should apply to the table. It should
> specify the X origin , Y origin, number of rows, number of
> columns, rotate (?), skew (?), colour, inset, align, spread,
> lock and row depth. If rows are added, they are added at the
> bottom of the table. If columns are added, they are added at
> the right of the table (at a predefined with, say 25mm).

> The row depth can be:
> auto    the depth is determined by the biggest text in the
>          row, plus a bit extra
> min     the row depth is at least the value specified, but
>          may expand to accomodate extra lines
> fixed   the depth is fixed to the value specified - if the
>          lines will not fit, it overflows

> Typing into the table
> Each cell is treated just like a normal frame, but with 2
> important differences:

> 1. If you type past the end of the cell, the whole row depth
>     is expanded to accomodate an extra line if text ('auto'
>     and 'min' row depth settings only)
> 2. Caret movement should continue in all directions into the
>     next cell. 'Shift' and 'Ctrl' with caret should probably
>     just work within cells as expected, but perhaps 'Ctrl Shift'
>     could    move the caret to the start of the next cell in
>     any direction.

> Selection within the table
> Selecting text within any cell should work as usual, but
> dragging across whole cells should select the whole cells in
> rectangles. We could also allow columns and rows to be selected
> by moving the caret to the line at the top of the column (or
> left of the row). The pointer changes to an arrow and c;icking
> with Select will select that column/row. This idea is copied
> from MS Word. Extra columns/rows could be added inthe same way
> but using Adjust.

> Adding/deleting columns and rows
> Four additional options should be provided to do this (see below).
> The specified number of columns are added to the left of the
> column with the caret or to the left of selected columns. Rows
> are added above the caret or selection. Deletions affect
> columns/rows with the caret or selected columns/rows.

> Menu organisation
> We need to add some extra options. We could do it on the the
> Object menu as follows:

>     Object             Table
> -------------   -----------------
>   Table     >     Modify
>   Border          Insert columns >
>   Text flow       Insert rows    >
>   Duplicate       Delete columns >
>   Shape           Delete rows    >
>   ...

> The Table option would only be available if the selection or
> group contained only tables. Otherwise the usual Modify Object
> box would be used.

> Adding a border around the table
> The usual border option can be used on the table as a whole,
> so we could have a fancy border around the whole table
> (including auto drop shadows). We could also specify a width
> and thickness for cell outlines. finally it would be useful
> to be able to separate the column/row headings. We could do
> this by having a width and thickness for the line below the
> first row and the line to the right of the first column.

> Table Style
> We could have a special Table style that is created when the
> first table is created. It would specify type size only,
> say 10pt, and would be be applied to each cell in the table.
> Thus by changing the Table style, we could easily change the
> text in all the tables. What do you think?

> Importing
> We should be able to import CSV and TSV files directly into
> any rectangle in a table, with the table expanding as necessary
> to accomodate the
> data.

Ross and Bev McGuinness, Cinnamon Coloureds Farmstay
1800 South Coast Hwy DENMARK  WA 6333 Tel:+61 8 9848 1781
Fax:+61 8 9848 1231 Web: http://www.denmarkwa.com.au/cc/
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