[darkbio] "Back at HQ" (Tomilson, Leadul, Franklin)

  • From: "Jamie Lawson" <ayeshalan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: darkbio@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:41:05 -0700

Back At HQ
Tomilson, Leadul, Franklin

Leadul and PK arrived at Starfleet without complications. She still wondered
how he was going to get an exemption, or if he even could. She wasn't sure
what she would do if he wasn't able to get one. Upon their arrival they had
been granted quarters together.  PK couldn't believe how much she had
changed in the time she had spent on Delta IV and how much she had grown to
love this man. Another thing she had never expected to happen.

Laying next to him with her hand resting on his chest she heard the comm
unit beep. Quietly she got up and grabbing a sheet she wrapped herself and
answered the hail.

"Lt. Tomilson, you and Lt. Leadul are ordered to report to the Dark Bio
offices at 0900. Do not be late." Before she had a chance to answer the
screen went blank.

*Damn*, she thought. *I was hoping for some more time before reporting in.
Oh well, I suppose duty calls.* Looking at the chronometer on the desk she
realized she -- they -- still had a couple hours. She returned to the
bedroom and quietly slipped back into bed.

At the appointed hour, they arrived and were ushered in to the office of
Captain Waisale Maninga, commander of the Dark Bio Project.  PK stood at
attention. "Good morning Captain.  Lt. Tomilson reporting as ordered. This
is Lt. Leadul from the USS Lovell. He has been reassigned to the Dark Bio
project, but I am guessing you already know that." She smiled as she
mentioned Leadul's name.

"Indeed," Maninga said.  "I've heard nothing but good about you, Doctor, and
Doctors Tremayne and Varga have been voluble in their praise for you."  He
turned back toward PK.  "And it would seem that the two of you have a solid

PK smiled inside when she thought of the solid partnership with Leadul. It
truly did feel right to be with him.  "Are Logan and Toni going to be
joining us?  They were a great asset on the last mission."

"At least initially, we will be sending the two of you on your own," Maninga
answered.  "The situation is not yet what we would call a crisis, so we want
to have some of our resources available in the event a crisis presents
itself elsewhere."

"So exactly where will be going sir?"

"We are sending you to the colony of Fen-Kalish," Maninga said.  "The colony
there has been in existence for nearly seventy-five years, and most of the
time thrives.  However, once every fifteen years, some kind of disease
breaks out and causes a significant number of the colonists to sicken and
die.  We want you and Dr. Leadul to find out what's causing it, and stop the

"Fen-Kalish? I don't believe that I have ever heard of such a colony. Let
alone this type of outbreak." PK looked at Captain Maninga. She wanted to
ask him about this exemption for Leadul but didn't think it was her place.

"Neither had I," Maninga answered, "though once the problem was brought to
my attention, our researcher was able to do a very good job of ferreting out
the background from the Federation archives.  I suggest you consult with her
before you leave, and she can provide you with the same information.  Your
transport will be departing at 0900 tomorrow.  Will you be ready?"

A terrible thought started to rummage through PK's head. Female
researcher.....it couldn't be Sam could it? What am I supposed to do
now?  "Uh...excuse me sir but just who is this researcher we are to consult
with? As for being ready to leave I am sure we will be ready." She glanced
at Leadul with a look of confusion.  *Please, Leadul, you have to help me if
it is Sam.
"Ensign Samantha Franklin," Maninga replied.  "She has said she knows you,
as well as Doctors Tremaine and Varga.  Is there a problem?"

PK's face must have gone as pale as she felt. It was Sam that was the
researcher. How was she going to manage to work with her and explain
everything? She didn't want to hurt her yet at the same time she didn't want
to lose Leadul. "Uh, no sir. No problem. When would you like us to start
working with her?"

Maninga paused a moment, looking at PK, then said, "Given that you now have
slightly less than 24 hours to settle things, I would not waste
time.  Ensign Franklin's office is just next to mine.  If there are no other
questions, you are dismissed."

Making a sharp turn PK made her way to the door. Once outside she leaned
against the nearest wall. She didn't feel ready to face Sam yet she knew she
must. "How do I explain all that has happened to Sam? I am totally at a

The Deltan looked startled.  "When was the last time you spoke to her?  Did
you tell her you were going to Delta IV?"

"I haven't talked to her since she sent us the report about the First
Federation. And then it was only about her job. What am I going to do,
Leadul? She must know something is going on."

"No doubt," Leadul said.  "Surely the team returning told her where you'd
gone, so she will understand the what.  You will need to explain to her the

She supposed that Leadul was correct in that she had to tell Samantha
something. She wasn't sure if now was the proper time...especially since
they had to leave in less than 24 hours, and they still needed to garner a
look at the information regarding their new mission. She certainly wasn't
looking forward to this encounter.

She knew that Leadul couldn't read her mind, but she'd learned he could read
her expressions all too well, and was reminded of it when the Deltan
spoke.  "This may not be the best time to do this," he said, "but to put it
off any longer would be cruel.  We could be gone for months, and it has been
nearly two months already since you spoke to her at all."

"I know.... you are right. I need to talk to her and explain things.
However, before I do, I need to know exactly where things stand with you and
I. Are we in it for the long haul so to speak, or is this just a ... fling
is not the correct word. I don't know what to call what we have or don't
have. I suppose I need that clarified before I can honestly speak to Sam.
Does that make sense?"

While they were talking Sam had decided to stretch her legs and go for a
walk. She had been cooped up in her office for much too long. Her nerves
were on edge as she knew she would be dealing with PK and her team. She
wanted to make a good impression. As she stepped out of her office she
noticed two other officers talking and after taking a second look she
realized one of them was PK. She ducked back into her office and leaned
against the closed door. She hadn't recognized the man PK had been talking
to. Who was he?  What was he to PK?

Leadul looked deep into PK's eyes and said firmly, "As far as I am
concerned, this is a serious, committed relationship, to use the terms from
your language.  *Susidisesis*, to use the Deltan word.  I will be with you
for as long as you want me to be."

"That could be a very long time my friend." PK reached up and cupped
Leadul's face, leaning in to kiss him softly on the lips. She would never
grow tired of his smell or taste.

He smiled at her for a moment, then looked toward the door to Sam's
office.  "She has seen us."

"Will you come with me to talk to Samantha? I would really like for you to
be there. I am not sure how she will take this new development."

"As you wish," the Deltan said quietly.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, PK started to walk toward Samantha's
office. She still had no idea what or how she was going to tell her about
Leadul. As they approached the office she felt her heart start to beat
faster and her hands became clammy. She hesitated outside of the door for a
brief moment before she rang the chime.

"Any nation that can survive what we have lately in the way of government,
is on the high road to permanent glory." -- Molly Ivins, 1944-2007

Where were you in 1988? http://20yearsago.libsyn.com
Starlight Teahouse message board!

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  • » [darkbio] "Back at HQ" (Tomilson, Leadul, Franklin)