:: Ikuzou !!:: [Dr. Hades] Homeroom Blues: End

  • From: "The Skillful Abbot" <yinyangsufi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Chu Mail list" <chugakusei@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 11:28:03 -0700

[Dr. Hades] Homeroom Blues: End
By Clifford King, Edited into the past tense by the GM

Hades had been enjoying tormenting Aritomo so much
that the insolence of Go had slipped past him
entirely. He sat back in his desk chair and listened
as Aritomo ran through the assignments for each
student for their cleaning chores. Hades wondered how
the Okita boy was faring, or more importantly, how
Ashura was doing. the outcome of this little excursion
was what would determine if Ashura would be of any use
in his plans. Since Okita had not returned yet, Hades
wondered what was going on, and he had other things he
needed to take care of. One of which he knew he would
need to get that Aritomo boy out of the classroom for.
He was too much of a volunteer, and Hades didn't need
this boy around anymore than neccessary.

Hades looked at Aritomo and said, "Mr. Representative,
it seems that the other boy has not returned yet, and
he's been gone quite a while. Since you needed to go
to the principal's office anyway, see if you can find
the Hall Monitor and assist him in locating that
student." Hades flicked his thumb at the door (the
same gesture he gave Okita) and waited until Aritomo
had left the room.

<Looks like my time is almost over,>he thought,<I
should begin.> Hades stood up from his desk and stepped in front of the class.

"Our time is nearly over class and I have an
announcement to make. I am going to assume leadership
of the science club, and I ask of you now, who will
join me?"

No one raised his or her hand. The Joshuya boy
appeared to be asleep again. A growl of agitation
rumbled in the back of Dr Hades' throat.

"Very well."

Hades began to pace between the desks, staring at
each student. Suddenly he stops before one of the
smaller boys.

"You, boy! What do you do for this school?"

"I'm on the soccer team, sir," The boy, Jubei,

"You? Are you a star player?"

"No, sir."

"Humph. And do you know why?" Hades spoke as if
addressing the entire class.

"No, sir."

"Look at yourself. Small. Insignificant. Among the
other players you are considered those things.

"Yes, sir."

"Is that the way you wish to be known?" Hades looked
around the class as if asking each of them the same

"No, sir."

"And if I offered you a way that would lead to infamy
would you take it?"

"I don't know sir."

Hades slid next to the boy and whispered in his ear
like a serpent. "How hard of a choice could it be?
Think of it.wealth.power.revenge.women.I can offer you
these things. Does that interest you?"

"Yes sir."

"Think of it harder. The riches of the world."


"Power over those who think themselves better than


"Revenge against those who have wronged you."


"And every woman you desire."

"Not that interested in women, sir."


"No, sir."

"Comic books?"


Hades stood, pointed his finger at Jubei and shouts,


"Excellent! You and anyone else interested, be here
after school!"

Jubei raised his hand. "Just one question sir."

"What is it?"

"Do I have to wear a cape?"

"All real men do."


With that, the bell rings and homeroom comes to an

Hades had been enjoying tormenting Aritomo so much
that the insolence of Go had slipped past him
entirely. He sat back in his desk chair and listened
as Aritomo ran through the assignments for each
student for their cleaning chores. Hades wondered how
the Okita boy was faring, or more importantly, how
Ashura was doing. the outcome of this little excursion
was what would determine if Ashura would be of any use
in his plans. Since Okita had not returned yet, Hades
wondered what was going on, and he had other things he
needed to take care of. One of which he knew he would
need to get that Aritomo boy out of the classroom for.
He was too much of a volunteer, and Hades didn't need
this boy around anymore than neccessary.

Hades looks at Aritomo and says, "Mr. Representative,
it seems that the other boy has not returned yet, and
he's been gone quite a while. Since you needed to go
to the principal's office anyway, see if you can find
the Hall Monitor and assist him in locating that
student." Hades flicked his thumb at the door (the
same gesture he gave Okita) and waited until Aritomo
had left the room.

<Looks like my time is almost over,>he thought,<I
should begin.> Hades stands up from his desk and steps
in front of the class.

"Our time is nearly over class and I have an
announcement to make. I am going to assume leadership
of the science club, and I ask of you now, who will
join me?"

No one raises his or her hand. The Joshuya boy
appeared to be asleep again. A growl of agitation
rumbles in the back of Dr Hades' throat.

"Very well."

Hades begins to pace between the desks, staring at
each student. Suddenly he stops before one of the
smaller boys.

"You, boy! What do you do for this school?"

"I'm on the soccer team, sir," The boy, Jubei,

"You? Are you a star player?"

"No, sir."

"Humph. And do you know why?" Hades speaks as if
addressing the entire class.

"No, sir."

"Look at yourself. Small. Insignificant. Among the
other players you are considered those things.

"Yes, sir."

"Is that the way you wish to be known?" Hades looks
around the class as if asking each of them the same

"No, sir."

"And if I offered you a way that would lead to infamy
would you take it?"

"I don't know sir."

Hades slides next to the boy and whispers in his ear
like a serpent. "How hard of a choice could it be?
Think of it.wealth.power.revenge.women.I can offer you
these things. Does that interest you?"

"Yes sir."

"Think of it harder. The riches of the world."


"Power over those who think themselves better than


"Revenge against those who have wronged you."


"And every woman you desire."

"Not that interested in women, sir."


"No, sir."

"Comic books?"


Hades stands, points his finger at Jubei and shouts,


"Excellent! You and anyone else interested, be here
after school!"

Jubei raises his hand. "Just one question sir."

"What is it?"

"Do I have to wear a cape?"

"All real men do."


With that, the bell rings and homeroom comes to an

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  • » :: Ikuzou !!:: [Dr. Hades] Homeroom Blues: End