[boost-doc-zh] r283 commited - 校验,补充和修正

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Revision: 283
Author: alai04
Date: Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
Log: 校验,补充和修正

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+++ /trunk/doc/html/boost/graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.html Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
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+<a name="boost.graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405"></a><div class="titlepage"></div>
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+<h2><span class="refentrytitle">Struct graph_traits&lt;mpi::graph_communicator&gt;</span></h2> +<p>boost::graph_traits&lt;mpi::graph_communicator&gt; &#8212; Traits structure that allows a communicator with graph topology to be view as a graph by the Boost Graph Library. </p>
+<h2 xmlns:rev="http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~gregod/boost/tools/doc/revision"; class="refsynopsisdiv-title">Synopsis</h2> +<div xmlns:rev="http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~gregod/boost/tools/doc/revision"; class="refsynopsisdiv"><pre class="synopsis"><span class="emphasis"><em>// In header: &lt;<a class="link" href="../mpi/reference.html#header.boost.mpi.graph_communicator_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/mpi/graph_communicator.hpp&gt;">boost/mpi/graph_communicator.hpp</a>&gt;
+<span class="bold"><strong>struct</strong></span> <a class="link" href="graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.html" title="Struct graph_traits&lt;mpi::graph_communicator&gt;">graph_traits</a>&lt;mpi::graph_communicator&gt; {
+  <span class="emphasis"><em>// types</em></span>
+ <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> <span class="bold"><strong>int</strong></span> <a name="boost.graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.vertex_descriptor"></a>vertex_descriptor; + <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> std::pair&lt; <span class="bold"><strong>int</strong></span>, <span class="bold"><strong>int</strong></span> &gt; <a name="boost.graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.edge_descriptor"></a>edge_descriptor; + <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> directed_tag <a name="boost.graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.directed_category"></a>directed_category; + <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> disallow_parallel_edge_tag <a name="boost.graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.edge_parallel_category"></a>edge_parallel_category; + <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>unspecified</em></span> <a name="boost.graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.out_edge_iterator"></a>out_edge_iterator; + <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> <span class="bold"><strong>int</strong></span> <a name="boost.graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.degree_size_type"></a>degree_size_type; + <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>unspecified</em></span> <a name="boost.graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.adjacency_iterator"></a>adjacency_iterator; + <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> counting_iterator&lt; <span class="bold"><strong>int</strong></span> &gt; <a name="boost.graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.vertex_iterator"></a>vertex_iterator; + <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> <span class="bold"><strong>int</strong></span> <a name="boost.graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.vertices_size_type"></a>vertices_size_type; + <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> <span class="emphasis"><em>unspecified</em></span> <a name="boost.graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.edge_iterator"></a>edge_iterator; + <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> <span class="bold"><strong>int</strong></span> <a name="boost.graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.edges_size_type"></a>edges_size_type;
+ <span class="emphasis"><em>// <a class="link" href="graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.html#id1910498-bb">public static functions</a></em></span> + <span class="type"><span class="bold"><strong>static</strong></span> vertex_descriptor</span> <a class="link" href="graph_traits_mpi_graph__id1910405.html#id1910502-bb">null_vertex</a>() ;
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="id2860204"></a><h2>Description</h2>
+<p>The specialization of <code class="computeroutput">graph_traits</code> for an MPI communicator allows a communicator with graph topology to be viewed as a graph. An MPI communicator with graph topology meets the requirements of the Graph, Incidence Graph, Adjacency Graph, Vertex List Graph, and Edge List Graph concepts from the Boost Graph Library. </p>
+<div class="refsect2" lang="en">
+<a name="id2860221"></a><h3>
+<a name="id1910498-bb"></a><code class="computeroutput">graph_traits</code> public static functions</h3>
+<div class="orderedlist"><ol type="1"><li>
+<pre class="literallayout"><span class="type"><span class="bold"><strong>static</strong></span> vertex_descriptor</span> <a name="id1910502-bb"></a>null_vertex() ;</pre>Returns a vertex descriptor that can never refer to any valid vertex. </li></ol></div>
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+++ /trunk/doc/html/boost/mpi/allocator_void_id1956361/rebind.html Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
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+<a name="boost.mpi.allocator_void_id1956361.rebind"></a><div class="titlepage"></div>
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+<h2><span class="refentrytitle">Struct template rebind</span></h2>
+<h2 xmlns:rev="http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~gregod/boost/tools/doc/revision"; class="refsynopsisdiv-title">Synopsis</h2> +<div xmlns:rev="http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~gregod/boost/tools/doc/revision"; class="refsynopsisdiv"><pre class="synopsis"><span class="emphasis"><em>// In header: &lt;<a class="link" href="../../../mpi/reference.html#header.boost.mpi.allocator_hpp" title="Header &lt;boost/mpi/allocator.hpp&gt;">boost/mpi/allocator.hpp</a>&gt;
+<span class="bold"><strong>template</strong></span>&lt;<span class="bold"><strong>typename</strong></span> U&gt; +<span class="bold"><strong>struct</strong></span> <a class="link" href="rebind.html" title="Struct template rebind">rebind</a> {
+  <span class="emphasis"><em>// types</em></span>
+ <span class="bold"><strong>typedef</strong></span> <a class="link" href="../allocator.html" title="Class template allocator">allocator</a>&lt; U &gt; <a name="boost.mpi.allocator_void_id1956361.rebind.other"></a>other;
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+<td align="right"><div class="copyright-footer">Copyright © 2005-2007 Douglas Gregor,
+      Matthias Troyer, Trustees of Indiana University<p>
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying + file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt"; target="_top">
+        http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt </a>)
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+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/Jamfile.v2 Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# \math_toolkit\libs\math\example\jamfile.v2
+# Runs statistics examples
+# Copyright 2007 John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow.
+# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+# bring in the rules for testing
+import testing ;
+    : requirements
+      <toolset>gcc:<cxxflags>-Wno-missing-braces
+      <toolset>darwin:<cxxflags>-Wno-missing-braces
+      <toolset>acc:<cxxflags>+W2068,2461,2236,4070
+      <toolset>intel:<cxxflags>-Qwd264,239
+      <toolset>msvc:<warnings>all
+      <toolset>msvc:<asynch-exceptions>on
+      <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>/wd4996
+      <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>/wd4512
+      <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>/wd4610
+      <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>/wd4510
+      <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>/wd4127
+      <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>/wd4701
+      <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>/wd4127
+      <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>/wd4305
+      <include>../../..
+    ;
+run binomial_confidence_limits.cpp ;
+run binomial_example3.cpp ;
+run binomial_sample_sizes.cpp ;
+run binomial_example_nag.cpp ;
+run c_error_policy_example.cpp ;
+run chi_square_std_dev_test.cpp ;
+run distribution_construction.cpp ;
+run error_handling_example.cpp ;
+run error_policies_example.cpp ;
+run error_policy_example.cpp ;
+run f_test.cpp ;
+run neg_binom_confidence_limits.cpp ;
+run neg_binomial_sample_sizes.cpp ;
+# run negative_binomial_construction_examples.cpp ; delete for now
+run negative_binomial_example1.cpp ;
+run negative_binomial_example2.cpp ;
+# run negative_binomial_example3.cpp ;
+run policy_eg_1.cpp ;
+run policy_eg_2.cpp ;
+run policy_eg_3.cpp ;
+run policy_eg_4.cpp ;
+run policy_eg_5.cpp ;
+run policy_eg_6.cpp ;
+run policy_eg_7.cpp ;
+run policy_eg_8.cpp ;
+run policy_eg_9.cpp ;
+run policy_eg_10.cpp ;
+run policy_ref_snip1.cpp ;
+run policy_ref_snip10.cpp ;
+run policy_ref_snip11.cpp ;
+run policy_ref_snip12.cpp ;
+run policy_ref_snip13.cpp ;
+run policy_ref_snip2.cpp ;
+run policy_ref_snip3.cpp ;
+run policy_ref_snip4.cpp ;
+run policy_ref_snip5.cpp ;
+run policy_ref_snip6.cpp ;
+run policy_ref_snip7.cpp ;
+run policy_ref_snip8.cpp ;
+run policy_ref_snip9.cpp ;
+#run statistics_functions_example1.cpp ;
+run students_t_example1.cpp ;
+run students_t_example2.cpp ;
+run students_t_example3.cpp ;
+run students_t_single_sample.cpp ;
+run students_t_two_samples.cpp ;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/binomial_coinflip_example.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// Copyright Paul A. 2007
+// Copyright John Maddock 2006
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Simple example of computing probabilities and quantiles for
+// a Bernoulli random variable representing the flipping of a coin.
+// http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CoinTossing.html
+// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli_trial
+// Weisstein, Eric W. "Dice." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
+// http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Dice.html
+// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli_distribution
+// http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BernoulliDistribution.html
+// An idealized coin consists of a circular disk of zero thickness which,
+// when thrown in the air and allowed to fall, will rest with either side face up +// ("heads" H or "tails" T) with equal probability. A coin is therefore a two-sided die. +// Despite slight differences between the sides and nonzero thickness of actual coins, +// the distribution of their tosses makes a good approximation to a p==1/2 Bernoulli distribution.
+/*`An example of a [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli_process Bernoulli process]
+is coin flipping.
+A variable in such a sequence may be called a Bernoulli variable.
+This example shows using the Binomial distribution to predict the probability
+of heads and tails when throwing a coin.
+The number of correct answers (say heads),
+X, is distributed as a binomial random variable
+with binomial distribution parameters number of trials (flips) n = 10 and probability (success_fraction) of getting a head p = 0.5 (a 'fair' coin).
+(Our coin is assumed fair, but we could easily change the success_fraction parameter p
+from 0.5 to some other value to simulate an unfair coin,
+say 0.6 for one with chewing gum on the tail,
+so it is more likely to fall tails down and heads up).
+First we need some includes and using statements to be able to use the binomial distribution, some std input and output, and get started:
+#include <boost/math/distributions/binomial.hpp>
+  using boost::math::binomial;
+#include <iostream>
+  using std::cout;  using std::endl;  using std::left;
+#include <iomanip>
+  using std::setw;
+int main()
+ cout << "Using Binomial distribution to predict how many heads and tails." << endl;
+  try
+  {
+See note [link coinflip_eg_catch with the catch block]
+about why a try and catch block is always a good idea.
+First, construct a binomial distribution with parameters success_fraction
+1/2, and how many flips.
+    const double success_fraction = 0.5; // = 50% = 1/2 for a 'fair' coin.
+    int flips = 10;
+    binomial flip(flips, success_fraction);
+    cout.precision(4);
+ Then some examples of using Binomial moments (and echoing the parameters).
+    cout << "From " << flips << " one can expect to get on average "
+      << mean(flip) << " heads (or tails)." << endl;
+    cout << "Mode is " << mode(flip) << endl;
+    cout << "Standard deviation is " << standard_deviation(flip) << endl;
+ cout << "So about 2/3 will lie within 1 standard deviation and get between "
+      <<  ceil(mean(flip) - standard_deviation(flip))  << " and "
+ << floor(mean(flip) + standard_deviation(flip)) << " correct." << endl;
+    cout << "Skewness is " << skewness(flip) << endl;
+    // Skewness of binomial distributions is only zero (symmetrical)
+    // if success_fraction is exactly one half,
+    // for example, when flipping 'fair' coins.
+    cout << "Skewness if success_fraction is " << flip.success_fraction()
+ << " is " << skewness(flip) << endl << endl; // Expect zero for a 'fair' coin.
+Now we show a variety of predictions on the probability of heads:
+    cout << "For " << flip.trials() << " coin flips: " << endl;
+    cout << "Probability of getting no heads is " << pdf(flip, 0) << endl;
+ cout << "Probability of getting at least one head is " << 1. - pdf(flip, 0) << endl;
+When we want to calculate the probability for a range or values we can sum the PDF's:
+    cout << "Probability of getting 0 or 1 heads is "
+ << pdf(flip, 0) + pdf(flip, 1) << endl; // sum of exactly == probabilities
+Or we can use the cdf.
+ cout << "Probability of getting 0 or 1 (<= 1) heads is " << cdf(flip, 1) << endl; + cout << "Probability of getting 9 or 10 heads is " << pdf(flip, 9) + pdf(flip, 10) << endl;
+Note that using
+ cout << "Probability of getting 9 or 10 heads is " << 1. - cdf(flip, 8) << endl;
+is less accurate than using the complement
+ cout << "Probability of getting 9 or 10 heads is " << cdf(complement(flip, 8)) << endl;
+Since the subtraction may involve
+[@http://docs.sun.com/source/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html cancellation error],
+where as `cdf(complement(flip, 8))`
+does not use such a subtraction internally, and so does not exhibit the problem.
+To get the probability for a range of heads, we can either add the pdfs for each number of heads
+    cout << "Probability of between 4 and 6 heads (4 or 5 or 6) is "
+      //  P(X == 4) + P(X == 5) + P(X == 6)
+      << pdf(flip, 4) + pdf(flip, 5) + pdf(flip, 6) << endl;
+But this is probably less efficient than using the cdf
+    cout << "Probability of between 4 and 6 heads (4 or 5 or 6) is "
+      // P(X <= 6) - P(X <= 3) == P(X < 4)
+      << cdf(flip, 6) - cdf(flip, 3) << endl;
+Certainly for a bigger range like, 3 to 7
+    cout << "Probability of between 3 and 7 heads (3, 4, 5, 6 or 7) is "
+      // P(X <= 7) - P(X <= 2) == P(X < 3)
+      << cdf(flip, 7) - cdf(flip, 2) << endl;
+    cout << endl;
+Finally, print two tables of probability for the /exactly/ and /at least/ a number of heads.
+    // Print a table of probability for the exactly a number of heads.
+    cout << "Probability of getting exactly (==) heads" << endl;
+    for (int successes = 0; successes <= flips; successes++)
+ { // Say success means getting a head (or equally success means getting a tail).
+      double probability = pdf(flip, successes);
+      cout << left << setw(2) << successes << "     " << setw(10)
+        << probability << " or 1 in " << 1. / probability
+        << ", or " << probability * 100. << "%" << endl;
+    } // for i
+    cout << endl;
+ // Tabulate the probability of getting between zero heads and 0 upto 10 heads.
+    cout << "Probability of getting upto (<=) heads" << endl;
+    for (int successes = 0; successes <= flips; successes++)
+    { // Say success means getting a head
+      // (equally success could mean getting a tail).
+      double probability = cdf(flip, successes); // P(X <= heads)
+      cout << setw(2) << successes << "        " << setw(10) << left
+        << probability << " or 1 in " << 1. / probability << ", or "
+        << probability * 100. << "%"<< endl;
+    } // for i
+The last (0 to 10 heads) must, of course, be 100% probability.
+  }
+  catch(const std::exception& e)
+  {
+    //
+    /*`
+    [#coinflip_eg_catch]
+    It is always essential to include try & catch blocks because
+    default policies are to throw exceptions on arguments that
+    are out of domain or cause errors like numeric-overflow.
+    Lacking try & catch blocks, the program will abort, whereas the
+    message below from the thrown exception will give some helpful
+    clues as to the cause of the problem.
+    */
+    std::cout <<
+ "\n""Message from thrown exception was:\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
+  }
+//] [binomial_coinflip_example1]
+  return 0;
+} // int main()
+// Output:
+Using Binomial distribution to predict how many heads and tails.
+From 10 one can expect to get on average 5 heads (or tails).
+Mode is 5
+Standard deviation is 1.581
+So about 2/3 will lie within 1 standard deviation and get between 4 and 6 correct.
+Skewness is 0
+Skewness if success_fraction is 0.5 is 0
+For 10 coin flips:
+Probability of getting no heads is 0.0009766
+Probability of getting at least one head is 0.999
+Probability of getting 0 or 1 heads is 0.01074
+Probability of getting 0 or 1 (<= 1) heads is 0.01074
+Probability of getting 9 or 10 heads is 0.01074
+Probability of getting 9 or 10 heads is 0.01074
+Probability of getting 9 or 10 heads is 0.01074
+Probability of between 4 and 6 heads (4 or 5 or 6) is 0.6562
+Probability of between 4 and 6 heads (4 or 5 or 6) is 0.6563
+Probability of between 3 and 7 heads (3, 4, 5, 6 or 7) is 0.8906
+Probability of getting exactly (==) heads
+0      0.0009766  or 1 in 1024, or 0.09766%
+1      0.009766   or 1 in 102.4, or 0.9766%
+2      0.04395    or 1 in 22.76, or 4.395%
+3      0.1172     or 1 in 8.533, or 11.72%
+4      0.2051     or 1 in 4.876, or 20.51%
+5      0.2461     or 1 in 4.063, or 24.61%
+6      0.2051     or 1 in 4.876, or 20.51%
+7      0.1172     or 1 in 8.533, or 11.72%
+8      0.04395    or 1 in 22.76, or 4.395%
+9      0.009766   or 1 in 102.4, or 0.9766%
+10     0.0009766  or 1 in 1024, or 0.09766%
+Probability of getting upto (<=) heads
+0         0.0009766  or 1 in 1024, or 0.09766%
+1         0.01074    or 1 in 93.09, or 1.074%
+2         0.05469    or 1 in 18.29, or 5.469%
+3         0.1719     or 1 in 5.818, or 17.19%
+4         0.377      or 1 in 2.653, or 37.7%
+5         0.623      or 1 in 1.605, or 62.3%
+6         0.8281     or 1 in 1.208, or 82.81%
+7         0.9453     or 1 in 1.058, or 94.53%
+8         0.9893     or 1 in 1.011, or 98.93%
+9         0.999      or 1 in 1.001, or 99.9%
+10        1          or 1 in 1, or 100%
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/binomial_confidence_limits.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// Copyright John Maddock 2006
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(disable: 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated. +# pragma warning(disable: 4510) // default constructor could not be generated. +# pragma warning(disable: 4610) // can never be instantiated - user defined constructor required.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <boost/math/distributions/binomial.hpp>
+void confidence_limits_on_frequency(unsigned trials, unsigned successes)
+   //
+   // trials = Total number of trials.
+   // successes = Total number of observed successes.
+   //
+   // Calculate confidence limits for an observed
+   // frequency of occurrence that follows a binomial
+   // distribution.
+   //
+   using namespace std;
+   using namespace boost::math;
+   // Print out general info:
+   cout <<
+      "___________________________________________\n"
+      "2-Sided Confidence Limits For Success Ratio\n"
+      "___________________________________________\n\n";
+   cout << setprecision(7);
+ cout << setw(40) << left << "Number of Observations" << "= " << trials << "\n"; + cout << setw(40) << left << "Number of successes" << "= " << successes << "\n"; + cout << setw(40) << left << "Sample frequency of occurrence" << "= " << double(successes) / trials << "\n";
+   //
+   // Define a table of significance levels:
+   //
+   double alpha[] = { 0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001 };
+   //
+   // Print table header:
+   //
+   cout << "\n\n"
+ "Confidence Lower CP Upper CP Lower JP Upper JP\n" + " Value (%) Limit Limit Limit Limit\n"
+   //
+   // Now print out the data for the table rows.
+   //
+   for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(alpha)/sizeof(alpha[0]); ++i)
+   {
+      // Confidence value:
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << setw(10) << right << 100 * (1-alpha[i]);
+      // Calculate Clopper Pearson bounds:
+ double l = binomial_distribution<>::find_lower_bound_on_p(trials, successes, alpha[i]/2); + double u = binomial_distribution<>::find_upper_bound_on_p(trials, successes, alpha[i]/2);
+      // Print Clopper Pearson Limits:
+      cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << setw(15) << right << l;
+      cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << setw(15) << right << u;
+      // Calculate Jeffreys Prior Bounds:
+ l = binomial_distribution<>::find_lower_bound_on_p(trials, successes, alpha[i]/2, binomial_distribution<>::jeffreys_prior_interval); + u = binomial_distribution<>::find_upper_bound_on_p(trials, successes, alpha[i]/2, binomial_distribution<>::jeffreys_prior_interval);
+      // Print Jeffreys Prior Limits:
+      cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << setw(15) << right << l;
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << setw(15) << right << u << std::endl;
+   }
+   cout << endl;
+} // void confidence_limits_on_frequency()
+int main()
+   confidence_limits_on_frequency(20, 4);
+   confidence_limits_on_frequency(200, 40);
+   confidence_limits_on_frequency(2000, 400);
+   return 0;
+} // int main()
+------ Build started: Project: binomial_confidence_limits, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
+2-Sided Confidence Limits For Success Ratio
+Number of Observations                  =  20
+Number of successes                     =  4
+Sample frequency of occurrence          =  0.2
+Confidence        Lower CP       Upper CP       Lower JP       Upper JP
+ Value (%)        Limit          Limit          Limit          Limit
+    50.000        0.12840        0.29588        0.14974        0.26916
+    75.000        0.09775        0.34633        0.11653        0.31861
+    90.000        0.07135        0.40103        0.08734        0.37274
+    95.000        0.05733        0.43661        0.07152        0.40823
+    99.000        0.03576        0.50661        0.04655        0.47859
+    99.900        0.01905        0.58632        0.02634        0.55960
+    99.990        0.01042        0.64997        0.01530        0.62495
+    99.999        0.00577        0.70216        0.00901        0.67897
+2-Sided Confidence Limits For Success Ratio
+Number of Observations                  =  200
+Number of successes                     =  40
+Sample frequency of occurrence          =  0.2000000
+Confidence        Lower CP       Upper CP       Lower JP       Upper JP
+ Value (%)        Limit          Limit          Limit          Limit
+    50.000        0.17949        0.22259        0.18190        0.22001
+    75.000        0.16701        0.23693        0.16934        0.23429
+    90.000        0.15455        0.25225        0.15681        0.24956
+    95.000        0.14689        0.26223        0.14910        0.25951
+    99.000        0.13257        0.28218        0.13468        0.27940
+    99.900        0.11703        0.30601        0.11902        0.30318
+    99.990        0.10489        0.32652        0.10677        0.32366
+    99.999        0.09492        0.34485        0.09670        0.34197
+2-Sided Confidence Limits For Success Ratio
+Number of Observations                  =  2000
+Number of successes                     =  400
+Sample frequency of occurrence          =  0.2000000
+Confidence        Lower CP       Upper CP       Lower JP       Upper JP
+ Value (%)        Limit          Limit          Limit          Limit
+    50.000        0.19382        0.20638        0.19406        0.20613
+    75.000        0.18965        0.21072        0.18990        0.21047
+    90.000        0.18537        0.21528        0.18561        0.21503
+    95.000        0.18267        0.21821        0.18291        0.21796
+    99.000        0.17745        0.22400        0.17769        0.22374
+    99.900        0.17150        0.23079        0.17173        0.23053
+    99.990        0.16658        0.23657        0.16681        0.23631
+    99.999        0.16233        0.24169        0.16256        0.24143
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/binomial_example3.cpp      Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// Copyright Paul A. 2006
+// Copyright John Maddock 2006
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Simple example of computing probabilities for a binomial random variable.
+// Replication of source nag_binomial_dist (g01bjc).
+// Shows how to replace NAG C library calls by Boost Math Toolkit C++ calls.
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(disable: 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated. +# pragma warning(disable: 4510) // default constructor could not be generated. +# pragma warning(disable: 4610) // can never be instantiated - user defined constructor required.
+#include <iostream>
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+using std::ios;
+using std::showpoint;
+#include <iomanip>
+using std::fixed;
+using std::setw;
+#include <boost/math/distributions/binomial.hpp>
+int main()
+ cout << "Example 3 of using the binomial distribution to replicate a NAG library call." << endl;
+  using boost::math::binomial_distribution;
+ // This replicates the computation of the examples of using nag-binomial_dist
+  // using g01bjc in section g01 Sample Calculations on Statistical Data.
+  // http://www.nag.co.uk/numeric/cl/manual/pdf/G01/g01bjc.pdf
+  // Program results section 8.3 page 3.g01bjc.3
+    //8.2. Program Data
+    //g01bjc Example Program Data
+    //4 0.50 2 : n, p, k
+    //19 0.44 13
+    //100 0.75 67
+    //2000 0.33 700
+    //8.3. Program Results
+    //g01bjc Example Program Results
+    //n p k plek pgtk peqk
+    //4 0.500 2 0.68750 0.31250 0.37500
+    //19 0.440 13 0.99138 0.00862 0.01939
+    //100 0.750 67 0.04460 0.95540 0.01700
+    //2000 0.330 700 0.97251 0.02749 0.00312
+ cout.setf(ios::showpoint); // Trailing zeros to show significant decimal digits.
+  cout.precision(5); // Should be able to calculate this?
+  cout << fixed;
+  //  Binomial distribution.
+ // Note that cdf(dist, k) is equivalent to NAG library plek probability of <= k + // cdf(complement(dist, k)) is equivalent to NAG library pgtk probability of > k + // pdf(dist, k) is equivalent to NAG library peqk probability of == k
+  cout << " n        p     k     plek     pgtk     peqk " << endl;
+  binomial_distribution<>my_dist(4, 0.5);
+ cout << setw(4) << (int)my_dist.trials() << " " << my_dist.success_fraction() << " "<< 2 << " " + << cdf(my_dist, 2) << " " << cdf(complement(my_dist, 2)) << " " << pdf(my_dist, 2) << endl;
+  binomial_distribution<>two(19, 0.440);
+ cout << setw(4) << (int)two.trials() << " " << two.success_fraction() << " " << 13 << " " + << cdf(two, 13) << " " << cdf(complement(two, 13)) << " " << pdf(two, 13) << endl;
+  binomial_distribution<>three(100, 0.750);
+ cout << setw(4) << (int)three.trials() << " " << three.success_fraction() << " " << 67 << " " + << cdf(three, 67) << " " << cdf(complement(three, 67)) << " " << pdf(three, 67) << endl;
+  binomial_distribution<>four(2000, 0.330);
+ cout << setw(4) << (int)four.trials() << " " << four.success_fraction() << " " << 700 << " " + << cdf(four, 700) << " " << cdf(complement(four, 700)) << " " << pdf(four, 700) << endl;
+  return 0;
+} // int main()
+Example 3 of using the binomial distribution.
+ n        p     k     plek     pgtk     peqk
+   4  0.50000   2  0.68750  0.31250  0.37500
+  19  0.44000  13  0.99138  0.00862  0.01939
+ 100  0.75000  67  0.04460  0.95540  0.01700
+2000  0.33000 700  0.97251  0.02749  0.00312
+ */
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/binomial_example_nag.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// Copyright Paul A. 2007
+// Copyright John Maddock 2007
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Simple example of computing probabilities for a binomial random variable.
+// Replication of source nag_binomial_dist (g01bjc).
+// Shows how to replace NAG C library calls by Boost Math Toolkit C++ calls.
+// Note that the default policy does not replicate the way that NAG
+// library calls handle 'bad' arguments, but you can define policies that do,
+// as well as other policies that may suit your application even better.
+// See the examples of changing default policies for details.
+#include <boost/math/distributions/binomial.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+  using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::ios; using std::showpoint;
+#include <iomanip>
+  using std::fixed; using std::setw;
+int main()
+ cout << "Using the binomial distribution to replicate a NAG library call." << endl;
+  using boost::math::binomial_distribution;
+ // This replicates the computation of the examples of using nag-binomial_dist
+  // using g01bjc in section g01 Somple Calculations on Statistical Data.
+  // http://www.nag.co.uk/numeric/cl/manual/pdf/G01/g01bjc.pdf
+  // Program results section 8.3 page 3.g01bjc.3
+    //8.2. Program Data
+    //g01bjc Example Program Data
+    //4 0.50 2 : n, p, k
+    //19 0.44 13
+    //100 0.75 67
+    //2000 0.33 700
+    //8.3. Program Results
+    //g01bjc Example Program Results
+    //n p k plek pgtk peqk
+    //4 0.500 2 0.68750 0.31250 0.37500
+    //19 0.440 13 0.99138 0.00862 0.01939
+    //100 0.750 67 0.04460 0.95540 0.01700
+    //2000 0.330 700 0.97251 0.02749 0.00312
+ cout.setf(ios::showpoint); // Trailing zeros to show significant decimal digits.
+  cout.precision(5); // Might calculate this from trials in distribution?
+  cout << fixed;
+  //  Binomial distribution.
+ // Note that cdf(dist, k) is equivalent to NAG library plek probability of <= k + // cdf(complement(dist, k)) is equivalent to NAG library pgtk probability of > k + // pdf(dist, k) is equivalent to NAG library peqk probability of == k
+  cout << " n        p     k     plek     pgtk     peqk " << endl;
+  binomial_distribution<>my_dist(4, 0.5);
+ cout << setw(4) << (int)my_dist.trials() << " " << my_dist.success_fraction()
+  << "   " << 2 << "  " << cdf(my_dist, 2) << "  "
+  << cdf(complement(my_dist, 2)) << "  " << pdf(my_dist, 2) << endl;
+  binomial_distribution<>two(19, 0.440);
+  cout << setw(4) << (int)two.trials() <<  "  "  << two.success_fraction()
+    << "  " << 13 << "  " << cdf(two, 13) << "  "
+    << cdf(complement(two, 13)) << "  " << pdf(two, 13) << endl;
+  binomial_distribution<>three(100, 0.750);
+ cout << setw(4) << (int)three.trials() << " " << three.success_fraction() + << " " << 67 << " " << cdf(three, 67) << " " << cdf(complement(three, 67))
+    << "  " << pdf(three, 67) << endl;
+  binomial_distribution<>four(2000, 0.330);
+ cout << setw(4) << (int)four.trials() << " " << four.success_fraction()
+  << " " << 700 << "  "
+    << cdf(four, 700) << "  " << cdf(complement(four, 700))
+    << "  " << pdf(four, 700) << endl;
+  return 0;
+} // int main()
+Example of using the binomial distribution to replicate a NAG library call.
+ n        p     k     plek     pgtk     peqk
+   4  0.50000   2  0.68750  0.31250  0.37500
+  19  0.44000  13  0.99138  0.00862  0.01939
+ 100  0.75000  67  0.04460  0.95540  0.01700
+2000  0.33000 700  0.97251  0.02749  0.00312
+ */
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/binomial_quiz_example.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007
+// Copyright John Maddock 2006
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// binomial_examples_quiz.cpp
+// Simple example of computing probabilities and quantiles for a binomial random variable
+// representing the correct guesses on a multiple-choice test.
+// source http://www.stat.wvu.edu/SRS/Modules/Binomial/test.html
+A multiple choice test has four possible answers to each of 16 questions.
+A student guesses the answer to each question,
+so the probability of getting a correct answer on any given question is
+one in four, a quarter, 1/4, 25% or fraction 0.25.
+The conditions of the binomial experiment are assumed to be met:
+n = 16 questions constitute the trials;
+each question results in one of two possible outcomes (correct or incorrect); +the probability of being correct is 0.25 and is constant if no knowledge about the subject is assumed; +the questions are answered independently if the student's answer to a question
+in no way influences his/her answer to another question.
+First, we need to be able to use the binomial distribution constructor
+(and some std input/output, of course).
+#include <boost/math/distributions/binomial.hpp>
+  using boost::math::binomial;
+#include <iostream>
+  using std::cout; using std::endl;
+ using std::ios; using std::flush; using std::left; using std::right; using std::fixed;
+#include <iomanip>
+  using std::setw; using std::setprecision;
+int main()
+  try
+  {
+  cout << "Binomial distribution example - guessing in a quiz." << endl;
+The number of correct answers, X, is distributed as a binomial random variable +with binomial distribution parameters: questions n = 16 and success fraction probability p = 0.25.
+So we construct a binomial distribution:
+  int questions = 16; // All the questions in the quiz.
+  int answers = 4; // Possible answers to each question.
+ double success_fraction = (double)answers / (double)questions; // If a random guess. + // Caution: = answers / questions would be zero (because they are integers)!
+  binomial quiz(questions, success_fraction);
+and display the distribution parameters we used thus:
+  cout << "In a quiz with " << quiz.trials()
+    << " questions and with a probability of guessing right of "
+    << quiz.success_fraction() * 100 << " %"
+ << " or 1 in " << static_cast<int>(1. / quiz.success_fraction()) << endl;
+Show a few probabilities of just guessing:
+ cout << "Probability of getting none right is " << pdf(quiz, 0) << endl; // 0.010023 + cout << "Probability of getting exactly one right is " << pdf(quiz, 1) << endl; + cout << "Probability of getting exactly two right is " << pdf(quiz, 2) << endl;
+  int pass_score = 11;
+ cout << "Probability of getting exactly " << pass_score << " answers right by chance is "
+    << pdf(quiz, questions) << endl;
+Probability of getting none right is 0.0100226
+Probability of getting exactly one right is 0.0534538
+Probability of getting exactly two right is 0.133635
+Probability of getting exactly 11 answers right by chance is 2.32831e-010
+These don't give any encouragement to guessers!
+We can tabulate the 'getting exactly right' ( == ) probabilities thus:
+  cout << "\n" "Guessed Probability" << right << endl;
+  for (int successes = 0; successes <= questions; successes++)
+  {
+    double probability = pdf(quiz, successes);
+    cout << setw(2) << successes << "      " << probability << endl;
+  }
+  cout << endl;
+Guessed Probability
+ 0      0.0100226
+ 1      0.0534538
+ 2      0.133635
+ 3      0.207876
+ 4      0.225199
+ 5      0.180159
+ 6      0.110097
+ 7      0.0524273
+ 8      0.0196602
+ 9      0.00582526
+10      0.00135923
+11      0.000247132
+12      3.43239e-005
+13      3.5204e-006
+14      2.51457e-007
+15      1.11759e-008
+16      2.32831e-010
+Then we can add the probabilities of some 'exactly right' like this:
+ cout << "Probability of getting none or one right is " << pdf(quiz, 0) + pdf(quiz, 1) << endl;
+Probability of getting none or one right is 0.0634764
+But if more than a couple of scores are involved, it is more convenient (and may be more accurate)
+to use the Cumulative Distribution Function (cdf) instead:
+ cout << "Probability of getting none or one right is " << cdf(quiz, 1) << endl;
+Probability of getting none or one right is 0.0634764
+Since the cdf is inclusive, we can get the probability of getting up to 10 right ( <= )
+ cout << "Probability of getting <= 10 right (to fail) is " << cdf(quiz, 10) << endl;
+Probability of getting <= 10 right (to fail) is 0.999715
+To get the probability of getting 11 or more right (to pass),
+it is tempting to use ``1 - cdf(quiz, 10)`` to get the probability of > 10
+ cout << "Probability of getting > 10 right (to pass) is " << 1 - cdf(quiz, 10) << endl;
+Probability of getting > 10 right (to pass) is 0.000285239
+But this should be resisted in favor of using the complement function. [link why_complements Why complements?]
+ cout << "Probability of getting > 10 right (to pass) is " << cdf(complement(quiz, 10)) << endl;
+Probability of getting > 10 right (to pass) is 0.000285239
+And we can check that these two, <= 10 and > 10,  add up to unity.
+BOOST_ASSERT((cdf(quiz, 10) + cdf(complement(quiz, 10))) == 1.);
+If we want a < rather than a <= test, because the CDF is inclusive, we must subtract one from the score.
+  cout << "Probability of getting less than " << pass_score
+    << " (< " << pass_score << ") answers right by guessing is "
+    << cdf(quiz, pass_score -1) << endl;
+Probability of getting less than 11 (< 11) answers right by guessing is 0.999715
+and similarly to get a >= rather than a > test
+we also need to subtract one from the score (and can again check the sum is unity).
+This is because if the cdf is /inclusive/,
+then its complement must be /exclusive/ otherwise there would be one possible
+outcome counted twice!
+  cout << "Probability of getting at least " << pass_score
+    << "(>= " << pass_score << ") answers right by guessing is "
+    << cdf(complement(quiz, pass_score-1))
+    << ", only 1 in " << 1/cdf(complement(quiz, pass_score-1)) << endl;
+ BOOST_ASSERT((cdf(quiz, pass_score -1) + cdf(complement(quiz, pass_score-1))) == 1);
+Probability of getting at least 11 (>= 11) answers right by guessing is 0.000285239, only 1 in 3505.83
+Finally we can tabulate some probabilities:
+ cout << "\n" "At most (<=)""\n""Guessed OK Probability" << right << endl;
+  for (int score = 0; score <= questions; score++)
+  {
+    cout << setw(2) << score << "           " << setprecision(10)
+      << cdf(quiz, score) << endl;
+  }
+  cout << endl;
+At most (<=)
+Guessed OK   Probability
+ 0           0.01002259576
+ 1           0.0634764398
+ 2           0.1971110499
+ 3           0.4049871101
+ 4           0.6301861752
+ 5           0.8103454274
+ 6           0.9204427481
+ 7           0.9728700437
+ 8           0.9925302796
+ 9           0.9983555346
+10           0.9997147608
+11           0.9999618928
+12           0.9999962167
+13           0.9999997371
+14           0.9999999886
+15           0.9999999998
+16           1
+ cout << "\n" "At least (>)""\n""Guessed OK Probability" << right << endl;
+  for (int score = 0; score <= questions; score++)
+  {
+    cout << setw(2) << score << "           "  << setprecision(10)
+      << cdf(complement(quiz, score)) << endl;
+  }
+At least (>)
+Guessed OK   Probability
+ 0           0.9899774042
+ 1           0.9365235602
+ 2           0.8028889501
+ 3           0.5950128899
+ 4           0.3698138248
+ 5           0.1896545726
+ 6           0.07955725188
+ 7           0.02712995629
+ 8           0.00746972044
+ 9           0.001644465374
+10           0.0002852391917
+11           3.810715862e-005
+12           3.783265129e-006
+13           2.628657967e-007
+14           1.140870154e-008
+15           2.328306437e-010
+16           0
+We now consider the probabilities of *ranges* of correct guesses.
+First, calculate the probability of getting a range of guesses right,
+by adding the exact probabilities of each from low ... high.
+  int low = 3; // Getting at least 3 right.
+  int high = 5; // Getting as most 5 right.
+  double sum = 0.;
+  for (int i = low; i <= high; i++)
+  {
+    sum += pdf(quiz, i);
+  }
+  cout.precision(4);
+  cout << "Probability of getting between "
+    << low << " and " << high << " answers right by guessing is "
+    << sum  << endl; // 0.61323
+Probability of getting between 3 and 5 answers right by guessing is 0.6132
+Or, usually better, we can use the difference of cdfs instead:
+ cout << "Probability of getting between " << low << " and " << high << " answers right by guessing is "
+    <<  cdf(quiz, high) - cdf(quiz, low - 1) << endl; // 0.61323
+Probability of getting between 3 and 5 answers right by guessing is 0.6132
+And we can also try a few more combinations of high and low choices:
+  low = 1; high = 6;
+ cout << "Probability of getting between " << low << " and " << high << " answers right by guessing is "
+    <<  cdf(quiz, high) - cdf(quiz, low - 1) << endl; // 1 and 6 P= 0.91042
+  low = 1; high = 8;
+ cout << "Probability of getting between " << low << " and " << high << " answers right by guessing is " + << cdf(quiz, high) - cdf(quiz, low - 1) << endl; // 1 <= x 8 P = 0.9825
+  low = 4; high = 4;
+ cout << "Probability of getting between " << low << " and " << high << " answers right by guessing is " + << cdf(quiz, high) - cdf(quiz, low - 1) << endl; // 4 <= x 4 P = 0.22520
+Probability of getting between 1 and 6 answers right by guessing is 0.9104
+Probability of getting between 1 and 8 answers right by guessing is 0.9825
+Probability of getting between 4 and 4 answers right by guessing is 0.2252
+[h4 Using Binomial distribution moments]
+Using moments of the distribution, we can say more about the spread of results from guessing.
+ cout << "By guessing, on average, one can expect to get " << mean(quiz) << " correct answers." << endl;
+  cout << "Standard deviation is " << standard_deviation(quiz) << endl;
+ cout << "So about 2/3 will lie within 1 standard deviation and get between "
+    <<  ceil(mean(quiz) - standard_deviation(quiz))  << " and "
+    << floor(mean(quiz) + standard_deviation(quiz)) << " correct." << endl;
+  cout << "Mode (the most frequent) is " << mode(quiz) << endl;
+  cout << "Skewness is " << skewness(quiz) << endl;
+By guessing, on average, one can expect to get 4 correct answers.
+Standard deviation is 1.732
+So about 2/3 will lie within 1 standard deviation and get between 3 and 5 correct.
+Mode (the most frequent) is 4
+Skewness is 0.2887
+[h4 Quantiles]
+The quantiles (percentiles or percentage points) for a few probability levels:
+  cout << "Quartiles " << quantile(quiz, 0.25) << " to "
+    << quantile(complement(quiz, 0.25)) << endl; // Quartiles
+  cout << "1 standard deviation " << quantile(quiz, 0.33) << " to "
+    << quantile(quiz, 0.67) << endl; // 1 sd
+  cout << "Deciles " << quantile(quiz, 0.1)  << " to "
+    << quantile(complement(quiz, 0.1))<< endl; // Deciles
+  cout << "5 to 95% " << quantile(quiz, 0.05)  << " to "
+    << quantile(complement(quiz, 0.05))<< endl; // 5 to 95%
+  cout << "2.5 to 97.5% " << quantile(quiz, 0.025) << " to "
+    <<  quantile(complement(quiz, 0.025)) << endl; // 2.5 to 97.5%
+  cout << "2 to 98% " << quantile(quiz, 0.02)  << " to "
+    << quantile(complement(quiz, 0.02)) << endl; //  2 to 98%
+ cout << "If guessing then percentiles 1 to 99% will get " << quantile(quiz, 0.01)
+    << " to " << quantile(complement(quiz, 0.01)) << " right." << endl;
+Notice that these output integral values because the default policy is `integer_round_outwards`.
+Quartiles 2 to 5
+1 standard deviation 2 to 5
+Deciles 1 to 6
+5 to 95% 0 to 7
+2.5 to 97.5% 0 to 8
+2 to 98% 0 to 8
+//] [/binomial_quiz_example2]
+Quantiles values are controlled by the
+[link math_toolkit.policy.pol_ref.discrete_quant_ref discrete quantile policy]
+The default is `integer_round_outwards`,
+so the lower quantile is rounded down, and the upper quantile is rounded up.
+But we might believe that the real values tell us a little more - see
+[link math_toolkit.policy.pol_tutorial.understand_dis_quant Understanding Discrete Quantile Policy].
+We could control the policy for *all* distributions by
+  at the head of the program would make this policy apply
+to this *one, and only*, translation unit.
+Or we can now create a (typedef for) policy that has discrete quantiles real
+(here avoiding any 'using namespaces ...' statements):
+  using boost::math::policies::policy;
+  using boost::math::policies::discrete_quantile;
+  using boost::math::policies::real;
+  using boost::math::policies::integer_round_outwards; // Default.
+ typedef boost::math::policies::policy<discrete_quantile<real> > real_quantile_policy;
+Add a custom binomial distribution called ``real_quantile_binomial`` that uses ``real_quantile_policy``
+  using boost::math::binomial_distribution;
+ typedef binomial_distribution<double, real_quantile_policy> real_quantile_binomial;
+Construct an object of this custom distribution:
+  real_quantile_binomial quiz_real(questions, success_fraction);
+And use this to show some quantiles - that now have real rather than integer values.
+  cout << "Quartiles " << quantile(quiz, 0.25) << " to "
+ << quantile(complement(quiz_real, 0.25)) << endl; // Quartiles 2 to 4.6212
+  cout << "1 standard deviation " << quantile(quiz_real, 0.33) << " to "
+    << quantile(quiz_real, 0.67) << endl; // 1 sd 2.6654 4.194
+  cout << "Deciles " << quantile(quiz_real, 0.1)  << " to "
+ << quantile(complement(quiz_real, 0.1))<< endl; // Deciles 1.3487 5.7583
+  cout << "5 to 95% " << quantile(quiz_real, 0.05)  << " to "
+ << quantile(complement(quiz_real, 0.05))<< endl; // 5 to 95% 0.83739 6.4559
+  cout << "2.5 to 97.5% " << quantile(quiz_real, 0.025) << " to "
+ << quantile(complement(quiz_real, 0.025)) << endl; // 2.5 to 97.5% 0.42806 7.0688
+  cout << "2 to 98% " << quantile(quiz_real, 0.02)  << " to "
+ << quantile(complement(quiz_real, 0.02)) << endl; // 2 to 98% 0.31311 7.7880
+ cout << "If guessing, then percentiles 1 to 99% will get " << quantile(quiz_real, 0.01) + << " to " << quantile(complement(quiz_real, 0.01)) << " right." << endl;
+Real Quantiles
+Quartiles 2 to 4.621
+1 standard deviation 2.665 to 4.194
+Deciles 1.349 to 5.758
+5 to 95% 0.8374 to 6.456
+2.5 to 97.5% 0.4281 to 7.069
+2 to 98% 0.3131 to 7.252
+If guessing then percentiles 1 to 99% will get 0 to 7.788 right.
+//] [/discrete_quantile_real]
+  }
+  catch(const std::exception& e)
+  { // Always useful to include try & catch blocks because
+    // default policies are to throw exceptions on arguments that cause
+    // errors like underflow, overflow.
+ // Lacking try & catch blocks, the program will abort without a message below,
+    // which may give some helpful clues as to the cause of the exception.
+    std::cout <<
+ "\n""Message from thrown exception was:\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
+  }
+  return 0;
+} // int main()
+Output is:
+Binomial distribution example - guessing in a quiz.
+In a quiz with 16 questions and with a probability of guessing right of 25 % or 1 in 4
+Probability of getting none right is 0.0100226
+Probability of getting exactly one right is 0.0534538
+Probability of getting exactly two right is 0.133635
+Probability of getting exactly 11 answers right by chance is 2.32831e-010
+Guessed Probability
+ 0      0.0100226
+ 1      0.0534538
+ 2      0.133635
+ 3      0.207876
+ 4      0.225199
+ 5      0.180159
+ 6      0.110097
+ 7      0.0524273
+ 8      0.0196602
+ 9      0.00582526
+10      0.00135923
+11      0.000247132
+12      3.43239e-005
+13      3.5204e-006
+14      2.51457e-007
+15      1.11759e-008
+16      2.32831e-010
+Probability of getting none or one right is 0.0634764
+Probability of getting none or one right is 0.0634764
+Probability of getting <= 10 right (to fail) is 0.999715
+Probability of getting > 10 right (to pass) is 0.000285239
+Probability of getting > 10 right (to pass) is 0.000285239
+Probability of getting less than 11 (< 11) answers right by guessing is 0.999715 +Probability of getting at least 11(>= 11) answers right by guessing is 0.000285239, only 1 in 3505.83
+At most (<=)
+Guessed OK   Probability
+ 0           0.01002259576
+ 1           0.0634764398
+ 2           0.1971110499
+ 3           0.4049871101
+ 4           0.6301861752
+ 5           0.8103454274
+ 6           0.9204427481
+ 7           0.9728700437
+ 8           0.9925302796
+ 9           0.9983555346
+10           0.9997147608
+11           0.9999618928
+12           0.9999962167
+13           0.9999997371
+14           0.9999999886
+15           0.9999999998
+16           1
+At least (>=)
+Guessed OK   Probability
+ 0           0.9899774042
+ 1           0.9365235602
+ 2           0.8028889501
+ 3           0.5950128899
+ 4           0.3698138248
+ 5           0.1896545726
+ 6           0.07955725188
+ 7           0.02712995629
+ 8           0.00746972044
+ 9           0.001644465374
+10           0.0002852391917
+11           3.810715862e-005
+12           3.783265129e-006
+13           2.628657967e-007
+14           1.140870154e-008
+15           2.328306437e-010
+16           0
+Probability of getting between 3 and 5 answers right by guessing is 0.6132
+Probability of getting between 3 and 5 answers right by guessing is 0.6132
+Probability of getting between 1 and 6 answers right by guessing is 0.9104
+Probability of getting between 1 and 8 answers right by guessing is 0.9825
+Probability of getting between 4 and 4 answers right by guessing is 0.2252
+By guessing, on average, one can expect to get 4 correct answers.
+Standard deviation is 1.732
+So about 2/3 will lie within 1 standard deviation and get between 3 and 5 correct.
+Mode (the most frequent) is 4
+Skewness is 0.2887
+Quartiles 2 to 5
+1 standard deviation 2 to 5
+Deciles 1 to 6
+5 to 95% 0 to 7
+2.5 to 97.5% 0 to 8
+2 to 98% 0 to 8
+If guessing then percentiles 1 to 99% will get 0 to 8 right.
+Quartiles 2 to 4.621
+1 standard deviation 2.665 to 4.194
+Deciles 1.349 to 5.758
+5 to 95% 0.8374 to 6.456
+2.5 to 97.5% 0.4281 to 7.069
+2 to 98% 0.3131 to 7.252
+If guessing, then percentiles 1 to 99% will get 0 to 7.788 right.
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/binomial_sample_sizes.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// (C) Copyright John Maddock 2006
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(disable: 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated. +# pragma warning(disable: 4510) // default constructor could not be generated. +# pragma warning(disable: 4610) // can never be instantiated - user defined constructor required.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <boost/math/distributions/binomial.hpp>
+void find_max_sample_size(double p, unsigned successes)
+   //
+   // p         = success ratio.
+   // successes = Total number of observed successes.
+   //
+   // Calculate how many trials we can have to ensure the
+   // maximum number of successes does not exceed "successes".
+   // A typical use would be failure analysis, where you want
+   // zero or fewer "successes" with some probability.
+   //
+   using namespace std;
+   using namespace boost::math;
+   // Print out general info:
+   cout <<
+      "________________________\n"
+      "Maximum Number of Trials\n"
+      "________________________\n\n";
+   cout << setprecision(7);
+   cout << setw(40) << left << "Success ratio" << "=  " << p << "\n";
+ cout << setw(40) << left << "Maximum Number of \"successes\" permitted" << "= " << successes << "\n";
+   //
+   // Define a table of confidence intervals:
+   //
+   double alpha[] = { 0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001 };
+   //
+   // Print table header:
+   //
+   cout << "\n\n"
+           "____________________________\n"
+           "Confidence        Max Number\n"
+           " Value (%)        Of Trials \n"
+           "____________________________\n";
+   //
+   // Now print out the data for the table rows.
+   //
+   for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(alpha)/sizeof(alpha[0]); ++i)
+   {
+      // Confidence value:
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << setw(10) << right << 100 * (1-alpha[i]);
+      // calculate trials:
+ double t = binomial_distribution<>::find_maximum_number_of_trials(successes, p, alpha[i]);
+      t = floor(t);
+      // Print Trials:
+      cout << fixed << setprecision(0) << setw(15) << right << t << endl;
+   }
+   cout << endl;
+int main()
+   find_max_sample_size(1.0/1000, 0);
+   find_max_sample_size(1.0/10000, 0);
+   find_max_sample_size(1.0/100000, 0);
+   find_max_sample_size(1.0/1000000, 0);
+   return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/c_error_policy_example.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// C_error_policy_example.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+// Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Suppose we want a call to tgamma  to behave in a C-compatible way
+// and set global ::errno rather than throw an exception.
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp>
+using boost::math::tgamma;
+using boost::math::policies::policy;
+// Possible errors
+using boost::math::policies::overflow_error;
+using boost::math::policies::underflow_error;
+using boost::math::policies::domain_error;
+using boost::math::policies::pole_error;
+using boost::math::policies::denorm_error;
+using boost::math::policies::evaluation_error;
+using boost::math::policies::errno_on_error;
+//using boost::math::policies::ignore_error;
+//using namespace boost::math::policies;
+//using namespace boost::math;
+// Define a policy:
+typedef policy<
+      domain_error<errno_on_error>, // 'bad' arguments.
+      pole_error<errno_on_error>, // argument is pole value.
+      overflow_error<errno_on_error>, // argument value causes overflow.
+ evaluation_error<errno_on_error> // evaluation does not converge and may be inaccurate, or worse.
+      > C_error_policy;
+// std
+#include <iostream>
+   using std::cout;
+   using std::endl;
+int main()
+  // We can achieve this at the function call site
+  // with the previously defined policy C_error_policy.
+  double t = tgamma(4., C_error_policy());
+  cout << "tgamma(4., C_error_policy() = " << t << endl; // 6
+  // Alternatively we could use the function make_policy,
+  // provided for convenience,
+  // and define everything at the call site:
+  t = tgamma(4., make_policy(
+         domain_error<errno_on_error>(),
+         pole_error<errno_on_error>(),
+         overflow_error<errno_on_error>(),
+         evaluation_error<errno_on_error>()
+      ));
+  cout << "tgamma(4., make_policy( ...) = " << t << endl; // 6
+  return 0;
+} // int main()
+tgamma(4., C_error_policy() = 6
+tgamma(4., make_policy( ...) = 6
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/chi_square_std_dev_test.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+// Copyright John Maddock 2006, 2007
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#include <iostream>
+using std::cout; using std::endl;
+using std::left; using std::fixed; using std::right; using std::scientific;
+#include <iomanip>
+using std::setw;
+using std::setprecision;
+#include <boost/math/distributions/chi_squared.hpp>
+void confidence_limits_on_std_deviation(
+        double Sd,    // Sample Standard Deviation
+        unsigned N)   // Sample size
+   // Calculate confidence intervals for the standard deviation.
+   // For example if we set the confidence limit to
+   // 0.95, we know that if we repeat the sampling
+   // 100 times, then we expect that the true standard deviation
+   // will be between out limits on 95 occations.
+   // Note: this is not the same as saying a 95%
+   // confidence interval means that there is a 95%
+   // probability that the interval contains the true standard deviation.
+   // The interval computed from a given sample either
+   // contains the true standard deviation or it does not.
+   // See http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda358.htm
+  // using namespace boost::math;
+   using boost::math::chi_squared;
+   using boost::math::quantile;
+   using boost::math::complement;
+   // Print out general info:
+   cout <<
+      "________________________________________________\n"
+      "2-Sided Confidence Limits For Standard Deviation\n"
+      "________________________________________________\n\n";
+   cout << setprecision(7);
+ cout << setw(40) << left << "Number of Observations" << "= " << N << "\n";
+   cout << setw(40) << left << "Standard Deviation" << "=  " << Sd << "\n";
+   //
+   // Define a table of significance/risk levels:
+   double alpha[] = { 0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001 };
+   //
+   // Start by declaring the distribution we'll need:
+   chi_squared dist(N - 1);
+   //
+   // Print table header:
+   //
+   cout << "\n\n"
+           "_____________________________________________\n"
+           "Confidence          Lower          Upper\n"
+           " Value (%)          Limit          Limit\n"
+           "_____________________________________________\n";
+   //
+   // Now print out the data for the table rows.
+   for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(alpha)/sizeof(alpha[0]); ++i)
+   {
+      // Confidence value:
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << setw(10) << right << 100 * (1-alpha[i]);
+      // Calculate limits:
+ double lower_limit = sqrt((N - 1) * Sd * Sd / quantile(complement(dist, alpha[i] / 2))); + double upper_limit = sqrt((N - 1) * Sd * Sd / quantile(dist, alpha[i] / 2));
+      // Print Limits:
+      cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << setw(15) << right << lower_limit;
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << setw(15) << right << upper_limit << endl;
+   }
+   cout << endl;
+} // void confidence_limits_on_std_deviation
+void confidence_limits_on_std_deviation_alpha(
+        double Sd,    // Sample Standard Deviation
+        double alpha  // confidence
+        )
+{  // Calculate confidence intervals for the standard deviation.
+   // for the alpha parameter, for a range number of observations,
+   // from a mere 2 up to a million.
+ // O. L. Davies, Statistical Methods in Research and Production, ISBN 0 05 002437 X,
+   // 4.33 Page 68, Table H, pp 452 459.
+   //   using namespace std;
+   // using namespace boost::math;
+   using boost::math::chi_squared;
+   using boost::math::quantile;
+   using boost::math::complement;
+   // Define a table of numbers of observations:
+ unsigned int obs[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 , 50, 60, 100, 120, 1000, 10000, 50000, 100000, 1000000};
+   cout <<   // Print out heading:
+      "________________________________________________\n"
+      "2-Sided Confidence Limits For Standard Deviation\n"
+      "________________________________________________\n\n";
+   cout << setprecision(7);
+ cout << setw(40) << left << "Confidence level (two-sided) " << "= " << alpha << "\n";
+   cout << setw(40) << left << "Standard Deviation" << "=  " << Sd << "\n";
+   cout << "\n\n"      // Print table header:
+            "_____________________________________________\n"
+           "Observations        Lower          Upper\n"
+           "                    Limit          Limit\n"
+           "_____________________________________________\n";
+    for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(obs)/sizeof(obs[0]); ++i)
+   {
+     unsigned int N = obs[i]; // Observations
+     // Start by declaring the distribution with the appropriate :
+     chi_squared dist(N - 1);
+     // Now print out the data for the table row.
+      cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << setw(10) << right << N;
+ // Calculate limits: (alpha /2 because it is a two-sided (upper and lower limit) test. + double lower_limit = sqrt((N - 1) * Sd * Sd / quantile(complement(dist, alpha / 2))); + double upper_limit = sqrt((N - 1) * Sd * Sd / quantile(dist, alpha / 2));
+      // Print Limits:
+      cout << fixed << setprecision(4) << setw(15) << right << lower_limit;
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(4) << setw(15) << right << upper_limit << endl;
+   }
+   cout << endl;
+}// void confidence_limits_on_std_deviation_alpha
+void chi_squared_test(
+       double Sd,     // Sample std deviation
+       double D,      // True std deviation
+       unsigned N,    // Sample size
+       double alpha)  // Significance level
+   //
+   // A Chi Squared test applied to a single set of data.
+   // We are testing the null hypothesis that the true
+   // standard deviation of the sample is D, and that any variation is down
+   // to chance.  We can also test the alternative hypothesis
+   // that any difference is not down to chance.
+   // See http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda358.htm
+   //
+   // using namespace boost::math;
+   using boost::math::chi_squared;
+   using boost::math::quantile;
+   using boost::math::complement;
+   using boost::math::cdf;
+   // Print header:
+   cout <<
+      "______________________________________________\n"
+      "Chi Squared test for sample standard deviation\n"
+      "______________________________________________\n\n";
+   cout << setprecision(5);
+ cout << setw(55) << left << "Number of Observations" << "= " << N << "\n"; + cout << setw(55) << left << "Sample Standard Deviation" << "= " << Sd << "\n"; + cout << setw(55) << left << "Expected True Standard Deviation" << "= " << D << "\n\n";
+   //
+   // Now we can calculate and output some stats:
+   //
+   // test-statistic:
+   double t_stat = (N - 1) * (Sd / D) * (Sd / D);
+   cout << setw(55) << left << "Test Statistic" << "=  " << t_stat << "\n";
+   //
+   // Finally define our distribution, and get the probability:
+   //
+   chi_squared dist(N - 1);
+   double p = cdf(dist, t_stat);
+   cout << setw(55) << left << "CDF of test statistic: " << "=  "
+      << setprecision(3) << scientific << p << "\n";
+   double ucv = quantile(complement(dist, alpha));
+   double ucv2 = quantile(complement(dist, alpha / 2));
+   double lcv = quantile(dist, alpha);
+   double lcv2 = quantile(dist, alpha / 2);
+   cout << setw(55) << left << "Upper Critical Value at alpha: " << "=  "
+      << setprecision(3) << scientific << ucv << "\n";
+   cout << setw(55) << left << "Upper Critical Value at alpha/2: " << "=  "
+      << setprecision(3) << scientific << ucv2 << "\n";
+   cout << setw(55) << left << "Lower Critical Value at alpha: " << "=  "
+      << setprecision(3) << scientific << lcv << "\n";
+   cout << setw(55) << left << "Lower Critical Value at alpha/2: " << "=  "
+      << setprecision(3) << scientific << lcv2 << "\n\n";
+   //
+   // Finally print out results of alternative hypothesis:
+   //
+   cout << setw(55) << left <<
+      "Results for Alternative Hypothesis and alpha" << "=  "
+      << setprecision(4) << fixed << alpha << "\n\n";
+   cout << "Alternative Hypothesis              Conclusion\n";
+ cout << "Standard Deviation != " << setprecision(3) << fixed << D << " ";
+   if((ucv2 < t_stat) || (lcv2 > t_stat))
+      cout << "NOT REJECTED\n";
+   else
+      cout << "REJECTED\n";
+ cout << "Standard Deviation < " << setprecision(3) << fixed << D << " ";
+   if(lcv > t_stat)
+      cout << "NOT REJECTED\n";
+   else
+      cout << "REJECTED\n";
+ cout << "Standard Deviation > " << setprecision(3) << fixed << D << " ";
+   if(ucv < t_stat)
+      cout << "NOT REJECTED\n";
+   else
+      cout << "REJECTED\n";
+   cout << endl << endl;
+} // void chi_squared_test
+void chi_squared_sample_sized(
+        double diff,      // difference from variance to detect
+        double variance)  // true variance
+   using namespace std;
+   // using boost::math;
+   using boost::math::chi_squared;
+   using boost::math::quantile;
+   using boost::math::complement;
+   using boost::math::cdf;
+   try
+   {
+   cout <<   // Print out general info:
+     "_____________________________________________________________\n"
+      "Estimated sample sizes required for various confidence levels\n"
+      "_____________________________________________________________\n\n";
+   cout << setprecision(5);
+ cout << setw(40) << left << "True Variance" << "= " << variance << "\n"; + cout << setw(40) << left << "Difference to detect" << "= " << diff << "\n";
+   //
+   // Define a table of significance levels:
+   //
+ double alpha[] = { 0.5, 0.33333333333333333333333, 0.25, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001 };
+   //
+   // Print table header:
+   //
+   cout << "\n\n"
+           "_______________________________________________________________\n"
+           "Confidence       Estimated          Estimated\n"
+           " Value (%)      Sample Size        Sample Size\n"
+           "                (lower one-         (upper one-\n"
+           "                 sided test)        sided test)\n"
+           "_______________________________________________________________\n";
+   //
+   // Now print out the data for the table rows.
+   //
+   for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(alpha)/sizeof(alpha[0]); ++i)
+   {
+      // Confidence value:
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << setw(10) << right << 100 * (1-alpha[i]);
+      // calculate df for a lower single-sided test:
+      double df = chi_squared::find_degrees_of_freedom(
+         -diff, alpha[i], alpha[i], variance);
+      // convert to sample size:
+      double size = ceil(df) + 1;
+      // Print size:
+      cout << fixed << setprecision(0) << setw(16) << right << size;
+      // calculate df for an upper single-sided test:
+      df = chi_squared::find_degrees_of_freedom(
+         diff, alpha[i], alpha[i], variance);
+      // convert to sample size:
+      size = ceil(df) + 1;
+      // Print size:
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(0) << setw(16) << right << size << endl;
+   }
+   cout << endl;
+   }
+  catch(const std::exception& e)
+  { // Always useful to include try & catch blocks because default policies
+ // are to throw exceptions on arguments that cause errors like underflow, overflow. + // Lacking try & catch blocks, the program will abort without a message below,
+    // which may give some helpful clues as to the cause of the exception.
+    std::cout <<
+ "\n""Message from thrown exception was:\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
+  }
+} // chi_squared_sample_sized
+int main()
+   // Run tests for Gear data
+   // see http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda3581.htm
+   // Tests measurements of gear diameter.
+   //
+   confidence_limits_on_std_deviation(0.6278908E-02, 100);
+   chi_squared_test(0.6278908E-02, 0.1, 100, 0.05);
+   chi_squared_sample_sized(0.1 - 0.6278908E-02, 0.1);
+   //
+   // Run tests for silicon wafer fabrication data.
+   // see http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/prc/section2/prc23.htm
+   // A supplier of 100 ohm.cm silicon wafers claims that his fabrication
+   // process can produce wafers with sufficient consistency so that the
+   // standard deviation of resistivity for the lot does not exceed
+   // 10 ohm.cm. A sample of N = 10 wafers taken from the lot has a
+   // standard deviation of 13.97 ohm.cm
+   //
+   confidence_limits_on_std_deviation(13.97, 10);
+   chi_squared_test(13.97, 10.0, 10, 0.05);
+   chi_squared_sample_sized(13.97 * 13.97 - 100, 100);
+   chi_squared_sample_sized(55, 100);
+   chi_squared_sample_sized(1, 100);
+   // List confidence interval multipliers for standard deviation
+   // for a range of numbers of observations from 2 to a million,
+ // and for a few alpha values, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 for condfidences 90, 95, 99 %
+   confidence_limits_on_std_deviation_alpha(1., 0.1);
+   confidence_limits_on_std_deviation_alpha(1., 0.05);
+   confidence_limits_on_std_deviation_alpha(1., 0.01);
+   return 0;
+2-Sided Confidence Limits For Standard Deviation
+Number of Observations                  =  100
+Standard Deviation                      =  0.006278908
+Confidence          Lower          Upper
+ Value (%)          Limit          Limit
+    50.000        0.00601        0.00662
+    75.000        0.00582        0.00685
+    90.000        0.00563        0.00712
+    95.000        0.00551        0.00729
+    99.000        0.00530        0.00766
+    99.900        0.00507        0.00812
+    99.990        0.00489        0.00855
+    99.999        0.00474        0.00895
+Chi Squared test for sample standard deviation
+Number of Observations                                 =  100
+Sample Standard Deviation                              =  0.00628
+Expected True Standard Deviation                       =  0.10000
+Test Statistic                                         =  0.39030
+CDF of test statistic:                                 =  1.438e-099
+Upper Critical Value at alpha:                         =  1.232e+002
+Upper Critical Value at alpha/2:                       =  1.284e+002
+Lower Critical Value at alpha:                         =  7.705e+001
+Lower Critical Value at alpha/2:                       =  7.336e+001
+Results for Alternative Hypothesis and alpha           =  0.0500
+Alternative Hypothesis              Conclusion
+Standard Deviation != 0.100            NOT REJECTED
+Standard Deviation  < 0.100            NOT REJECTED
+Standard Deviation  > 0.100            REJECTED
+Estimated sample sizes required for various confidence levels
+True Variance                           =  0.10000
+Difference to detect                    =  0.09372
+Confidence       Estimated          Estimated
+ Value (%)      Sample Size        Sample Size
+                (lower one-         (upper one-
+                 sided test)        sided test)
+    50.000               2               2
+    66.667               2               5
+    75.000               2              10
+    90.000               4              32
+    95.000               5              52
+    99.000               8             102
+    99.900              13             178
+    99.990              18             257
+    99.999              23             337
+2-Sided Confidence Limits For Standard Deviation
+Number of Observations                  =  10
+Standard Deviation                      =  13.9700000
+Confidence          Lower          Upper
+ Value (%)          Limit          Limit
+    50.000       12.41880       17.25579
+    75.000       11.23084       19.74131
+    90.000       10.18898       22.98341
+    95.000        9.60906       25.50377
+    99.000        8.62898       31.81825
+    99.900        7.69466       42.51593
+    99.990        7.04085       55.93352
+    99.999        6.54517       73.00132
+Chi Squared test for sample standard deviation
+Number of Observations                                 =  10
+Sample Standard Deviation                              =  13.97000
+Expected True Standard Deviation                       =  10.00000
+Test Statistic                                         =  17.56448
+CDF of test statistic:                                 =  9.594e-001
+Upper Critical Value at alpha:                         =  1.692e+001
+Upper Critical Value at alpha/2:                       =  1.902e+001
+Lower Critical Value at alpha:                         =  3.325e+000
+Lower Critical Value at alpha/2:                       =  2.700e+000
+Results for Alternative Hypothesis and alpha           =  0.0500
+Alternative Hypothesis              Conclusion
+Standard Deviation != 10.000            REJECTED
+Standard Deviation  < 10.000            REJECTED
+Standard Deviation  > 10.000            NOT REJECTED
+Estimated sample sizes required for various confidence levels
+True Variance                           =  100.00000
+Difference to detect                    =  95.16090
+Confidence       Estimated          Estimated
+ Value (%)      Sample Size        Sample Size
+                (lower one-         (upper one-
+                 sided test)        sided test)
+    50.000               2               2
+    66.667               2               5
+    75.000               2              10
+    90.000               4              32
+    95.000               5              51
+    99.000               7              99
+    99.900              11             174
+    99.990              15             251
+    99.999              20             330
+Estimated sample sizes required for various confidence levels
+True Variance                           =  100.00000
+Difference to detect                    =  55.00000
+Confidence       Estimated          Estimated
+ Value (%)      Sample Size        Sample Size
+                (lower one-         (upper one-
+                 sided test)        sided test)
+    50.000               2               2
+    66.667               4              10
+    75.000               8              21
+    90.000              23              71
+    95.000              36             115
+    99.000              71             228
+    99.900             123             401
+    99.990             177             580
+    99.999             232             762
+Estimated sample sizes required for various confidence levels
+True Variance                           =  100.00000
+Difference to detect                    =  1.00000
+Confidence       Estimated          Estimated
+ Value (%)      Sample Size        Sample Size
+                (lower one-         (upper one-
+                 sided test)        sided test)
+    50.000               2               2
+    66.667           14696           14993
+    75.000           36033           36761
+    90.000          130079          132707
+    95.000          214283          218612
+    99.000          428628          437287
+    99.900          756333          771612
+    99.990         1095435         1117564
+    99.999         1440608         1469711
+2-Sided Confidence Limits For Standard Deviation
+Confidence level (two-sided)            =  0.1000000
+Standard Deviation                      =  1.0000000
+Observations        Lower          Upper
+                    Limit          Limit
+         2         0.5102        15.9472
+         3         0.5778         4.4154
+         4         0.6196         2.9200
+         5         0.6493         2.3724
+         6         0.6720         2.0893
+         7         0.6903         1.9154
+         8         0.7054         1.7972
+         9         0.7183         1.7110
+        10         0.7293         1.6452
+        15         0.7688         1.4597
+        20         0.7939         1.3704
+        30         0.8255         1.2797
+        40         0.8454         1.2320
+        50         0.8594         1.2017
+        60         0.8701         1.1805
+       100         0.8963         1.1336
+       120         0.9045         1.1203
+      1000         0.9646         1.0383
+     10000         0.9885         1.0118
+     50000         0.9948         1.0052
+    100000         0.9963         1.0037
+   1000000         0.9988         1.0012
+2-Sided Confidence Limits For Standard Deviation
+Confidence level (two-sided)            =  0.0500000
+Standard Deviation                      =  1.0000000
+Observations        Lower          Upper
+                    Limit          Limit
+         2         0.4461        31.9102
+         3         0.5207         6.2847
+         4         0.5665         3.7285
+         5         0.5991         2.8736
+         6         0.6242         2.4526
+         7         0.6444         2.2021
+         8         0.6612         2.0353
+         9         0.6755         1.9158
+        10         0.6878         1.8256
+        15         0.7321         1.5771
+        20         0.7605         1.4606
+        30         0.7964         1.3443
+        40         0.8192         1.2840
+        50         0.8353         1.2461
+        60         0.8476         1.2197
+       100         0.8780         1.1617
+       120         0.8875         1.1454
+      1000         0.9580         1.0459
+     10000         0.9863         1.0141
+     50000         0.9938         1.0062
+    100000         0.9956         1.0044
+   1000000         0.9986         1.0014
+2-Sided Confidence Limits For Standard Deviation
+Confidence level (two-sided)            =  0.0100000
+Standard Deviation                      =  1.0000000
+Observations        Lower          Upper
+                    Limit          Limit
+         2         0.3562       159.5759
+         3         0.4344        14.1244
+         4         0.4834         6.4675
+         5         0.5188         4.3960
+         6         0.5464         3.4848
+         7         0.5688         2.9798
+         8         0.5875         2.6601
+         9         0.6036         2.4394
+        10         0.6177         2.2776
+        15         0.6686         1.8536
+        20         0.7018         1.6662
+        30         0.7444         1.4867
+        40         0.7718         1.3966
+        50         0.7914         1.3410
+        60         0.8065         1.3026
+       100         0.8440         1.2200
+       120         0.8558         1.1973
+      1000         0.9453         1.0609
+     10000         0.9821         1.0185
+     50000         0.9919         1.0082
+    100000         0.9943         1.0058
+   1000000         0.9982         1.0018
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/distribution_construction.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// distribution_construction.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Caution: this file contains Quickbook markup as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment markups!
+The structure of distributions is rather different from some other statistical libraries,
+for example in less object-oriented language like FORTRAN and C,
+that provide a few arguments to each free function.
+This library provides each distribution as a template C++ class.
+A distribution is constructed with a few arguments, and then
+member and non-member functions are used to find values of the
+distribution, often a function of a random variate.
+First we need some includes to access the negative binomial distribution
+(and the binomial, beta and gamma too).
+#include <boost/math/distributions/negative_binomial.hpp> // for negative_binomial_distribution + using boost::math::negative_binomial_distribution; // default type is double. + using boost::math::negative_binomial; // typedef provides default type is double. +#include <boost/math/distributions/binomial.hpp> // for binomial_distribution.
+#include <boost/math/distributions/beta.hpp> // for beta_distribution.
+#include <boost/math/distributions/gamma.hpp> // for gamma_distribution.
+#include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp> // for normal_distribution.
+Several examples of constructing distributions follow:
+//] [/distribution_construction1 end of Quickbook in C++ markup]
+int main()
+First, a negative binomial distribution with 8 successes
+and a success fraction 0.25, 25% or 1 in 4, is constructed like this:
+  boost::math::negative_binomial_distribution<double> mydist0(8., 0.25);
+  /*`
+  But this is inconveniently long, so by writing
+  */
+  using namespace boost::math;
+  /*`
+  or
+  */
+  using boost::math::negative_binomial_distribution;
+  /*`
+  we can reduce typing.
+ Since the vast majority of applications use will be using double precision,
+  the template argument to the distribution (RealType) defaults
+  to type double, so we can also write:
+  */
+ negative_binomial_distribution<> mydist9(8., 0.25); // Uses default RealType = double.
+  /*`
+ But the name "negative_binomial_distribution" is still inconveniently long, + so for most distributions, a convenience typedef is provided, for example:
+ typedef negative_binomial_distribution<double> negative_binomial; // Reserved name of type double.
+  [caution
+  This convenience typedef is /not/ provided if a clash would occur
+  with the name of a function: currently only "beta" and "gamma"
+  fall into this category.
+  ]
+  So, after a using statement,
+  */
+  using boost::math::negative_binomial;
+  /*`
+  we have a convenient typedef to `negative_binomial_distribution<double>`:
+  */
+  negative_binomial mydist(8., 0.25);
+  /*`
+  Some more examples using the convenience typedef:
+  */
+  negative_binomial mydist10(5., 0.4); // Both arguments double.
+  /*`
+  And automatic conversion takes place, so you can use integers and floats:
+  */
+ negative_binomial mydist11(5, 0.4); // Using provided typedef double, int and double arguments.
+  /*`
+  This is probably the most common usage.
+  */
+  negative_binomial mydist12(5., 0.4F); // Double and float arguments.
+  negative_binomial mydist13(5, 1); // Both arguments integer.
+  /*`
+  Similarly for most other distributions like the binomial.
+  */
+  binomial mybinomial(1, 0.5); // is more concise than
+  binomial_distribution<> mybinomd1(1, 0.5);
+  /*`
+ For cases when the typdef distribution name would clash with a math special function
+  (currently only beta and gamma)
+ the typedef is deliberately not provided, and the longer version of the name
+  must be used.  For example do not use:
+     using boost::math::beta;
+     beta mybetad0(1, 0.5); // Error beta is a math FUNCTION!
+  Which produces the error messages:
+  [pre
+  error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'mybetad0'
+  warning C4551: function call missing argument list
+  error C3861: 'mybetad0': identifier not found
+  ]
+  Instead you should use:
+  */
+  using boost::math::beta_distribution;
+  beta_distribution<> mybetad1(1, 0.5);
+  /*`
+  or for the gamma distribution:
+  */
+  gamma_distribution<> mygammad1(1, 0.5);
+  /*`
+  We can, of course, still provide the type explicitly thus:
+  */
+  // Explicit double precision:
+  negative_binomial_distribution<double>        mydist1(8., 0.25);
+  // Explicit float precision, double arguments are truncated to float:
+  negative_binomial_distribution<float>         mydist2(8., 0.25);
+ // Explicit float precision, integer & double arguments converted to float.
+  negative_binomial_distribution<float>         mydist3(8, 0.25);
+  // Explicit float precision, float arguments, so no conversion:
+  negative_binomial_distribution<float>         mydist4(8.F, 0.25F);
+  // Explicit float precision, integer arguments promoted to float.
+  negative_binomial_distribution<float>         mydist5(8, 1);
+  // Explicit double precision:
+  negative_binomial_distribution<double>        mydist6(8., 0.25);
+  // Explicit long double precision:
+  negative_binomial_distribution<long double>   mydist7(8., 0.25);
+  /*`
+  And if you have your own RealType called MyFPType,
+  for example NTL RR (an arbitrary precision type), then we can write:
+ negative_binomial_distribution<MyFPType> mydist6(8, 1); // Integer arguments -> MyFPType.
+  [heading Default arguments to distribution constructors.]
+ Note that default constructor arguments are only provided for some distributions. + So if you wrongly assume a default argument you will get an error message, for example:
+     negative_binomial_distribution<> mydist8;
+  [pre error C2512 no appropriate default constructor available.]
+  No default constructors are provided for the negative binomial,
+ because it is difficult to chose any sensible default values for this distribution.
+  For other distributions, like the normal distribution,
+  it is obviously very useful to provide 'standard'
+  defaults for the mean and standard deviation thus:
+      normal_distribution(RealType mean = 0, RealType sd = 1);
+  So in this case we can write:
+  */
+  using boost::math::normal;
+  normal norm1;       // Standard normal distribution.
+  normal norm2(2);    // Mean = 2, std deviation = 1.
+  normal norm3(2, 3); // Mean = 2, std deviation = 3.
+  return 0;
+}  // int main()
+/*`There is no useful output from this program, of course. */
+//] [/end of distribution_construction2]
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/error_handling_example.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// example_error_handling.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+// Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook markup as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment markups!
+The following example demonstrates the effect of
+when an invalid argument is encountered.  For the
+purposes of this example, we'll pass a negative
+degrees of freedom parameter to the student's t
+Since we know that this is a single file program we could
+just add:
+   #define BOOST_MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR_POLICY ignore_error
+to the top of the source file to change the default policy
+to one that simply returns a NaN when a domain error occurs.
+Alternatively we could use:
+   #define BOOST_MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR_POLICY errno_on_error
+To ensure the `::errno` is set when a domain error occurs
+as well as returning a NaN.
+This is safe provided the program consists of a single
+translation unit /and/ we place the define /before/ any
+#includes.  Note that should we add the define after the includes
+then it will have no effect!  A warning such as:
+[pre warning C4005: 'BOOST_MATH_OVERFLOW_ERROR_POLICY' : macro redefinition]
+is a certain sign that it will /not/ have the desired effect.
+We'll begin our sample program with the needed includes:
+// Boost
+#include <boost/math/distributions/students_t.hpp>
+   using boost::math::students_t;  // Probability of students_t(df, t).
+// std
+#include <iostream>
+   using std::cout;
+   using std::endl;
+#include <stdexcept>
+   using std::exception;
+Next we'll define the program's main() to call the student's t
+distribution with an invalid degrees of freedom parameter, the program
+is set up to handle either an exception or a NaN:
+int main()
+   cout << "Example error handling using Student's t function. " << endl;
+   cout << "BOOST_MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR_POLICY is set to: "
+   double degrees_of_freedom = -1; // A bad argument!
+   double t = 10;
+   try
+   {
+      errno = 0;
+ students_t dist(degrees_of_freedom); // exception is thrown here if enabled
+      double p = cdf(dist, t);
+      // test for error reported by other means:
+      if((boost::math::isnan)(p))
+      {
+         cout << "cdf returned a NaN!" << endl;
+         cout << "errno is set to: " << errno << endl;
+      }
+      else
+         cout << "Probability of Student's t is " << p << endl;
+   }
+   catch(const std::exception& e)
+   {
+      std::cout <<
+ "\n""Message from thrown exception was:\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
+   }
+   return 0;
+} // int main()
+Here's what the program output looks like with a default build
+(one that does throw exceptions):
+Example error handling using Student's t function.
+BOOST_MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR_POLICY is set to: throw_on_error
+Message from thrown exception was:
+ Error in function boost::math::students_t_distribution<double>::students_t_distribution:
+   Degrees of freedom argument is -1, but must be > 0 !
+Alternatively let's build with:
+   #define BOOST_MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR_POLICY ignore_error
+Now the program output is:
+Example error handling using Student's t function.
+BOOST_MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR_POLICY is set to: ignore_error
+cdf returned a NaN!
+errno is set to: 0
+And finally let's build with:
+   #define BOOST_MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR_POLICY errno_on_error
+Which gives the output:
+Example error handling using Student's t function.
+BOOST_MATH_DOMAIN_ERROR_POLICY is set to: errno_on_error
+cdf returned a NaN!
+errno is set to: 33
+//] [error_handling_eg end quickbook markup]
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/error_policies_example.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// error_policies_example.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+// Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp>
+  using boost::math::normal_distribution;
+#include <boost/math/distributions/students_t.hpp>
+   using boost::math::students_t;  // Probability of students_t(df, t).
+   using boost::math::students_t_distribution;
+//  using namespace boost::math;
+//.\error_policy_normal.cpp(30) : error C2872: 'policy' : ambiguous symbol
+// could be 'I:\Boost-sandbox\math_toolkit\boost/math/policies/policy.hpp(392) : boost::math::policies::policy'
+//        or 'boost::math::policies'
+  // So can't use this using namespace command.
+// Suppose we want a statistical distribution to return infinities,
+// rather than throw exceptions (the default policy), then we can use:
+// std
+#include <iostream>
+   using std::cout;
+   using std::endl;
+using boost::math::policies::policy;
+// Possible errors
+using boost::math::policies::overflow_error;
+using boost::math::policies::underflow_error;
+using boost::math::policies::domain_error;
+using boost::math::policies::pole_error;
+using boost::math::policies::denorm_error;
+using boost::math::policies::evaluation_error;
+using boost::math::policies::ignore_error;
+// Define a custom policy to ignore just overflow:
+typedef policy<
+      > my_policy;
+// Define another custom policy (perhaps ill-advised?)
+// to ignore all errors: domain, pole, overflow, underflow, denorm & evaluation:
+typedef policy<
+      > my_ignoreall_policy;
+// Define a new distribution with a custom policy to ignore_error
+// (& thus perhaps return infinity for some arguments):
+typedef boost::math::normal_distribution<double, my_policy> my_normal;
+// Note: uses default parameters zero mean and unit standard deviation.
+// We could also do the same for another distribution, for example:
+using boost::math::students_t_distribution;
+typedef students_t_distribution<double, my_ignoreall_policy> my_students_t;
+int main()
+ cout << "quantile(my_normal(), 0.05); = " << quantile(my_normal(), 0.05) << endl; // 0.05 is argument within normal range. + cout << "quantile(my_normal(), 0.); = " << quantile(my_normal(), 0.) << endl; // argument zero, so expect infinity. + cout << "quantile(my_normal(), 0.); = " << quantile(my_normal(), 0.F) << endl; // argument zero, so expect infinity.
+ cout << "quantile(my_students_t(), 0.); = " << quantile(my_students_t(-1), 0.F) << endl; // 'bad' argument negative, so expect NaN.
+  // Construct a (0, 1) normal distribution that ignores all errors,
+  // returning NaN, infinity, zero, or best guess,
+  // and NOT setting errno.
+ normal_distribution<long double, my_ignoreall_policy> my_normal2(0.L, 1.L); // explicit parameters for distribution. + cout << "quantile(my_normal2(), 0.); = " << quantile(my_normal2, 0.01) << endl; // argument 0.01, so result finite. + cout << "quantile(my_normal2(), 0.); = " << quantile(my_normal2, 0.) << endl; // argument zero, so expect infinity.
+  return 0;
+quantile(my_normal(), 0.05); = -1.64485
+quantile(my_normal(), 0.); = -1.#INF
+quantile(my_normal(), 0.); = -1.#INF
+quantile(my_students_t(), 0.); = 1.#QNAN
+quantile(my_normal2(), 0.); = -2.32635
+quantile(my_normal2(), 0.); = -1.#INF
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/error_policy_example.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// example_policy_handling.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+// Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// See error_handling_example.cpp for use of
+// macro definition to change policy for
+// domain_error - negative degrees of freedom argument
+// for student's t distribution CDF,
+// and catching the exception.
+// See error_handling_policies for more examples.
+// Boost
+#include <boost/math/distributions/students_t.hpp>
+using boost::math::students_t_distribution; // Probability of students_t(df, t). +using boost::math::students_t; // Probability of students_t(df, t) convenience typedef for double.
+// std
+#include <iostream>
+   using std::cout;
+   using std::endl;
+#include <stdexcept>
+   using std::exception;
+using boost::math::policies::policy;
+using boost::math::policies::domain_error;
+using boost::math::policies::ignore_error;
+// Define a (bad?) policy to ignore domain errors ('bad' arguments):
+typedef policy<
+      domain_error<ignore_error>
+      > my_policy;
+// Define my distribution with this different domain error policy:
+typedef students_t_distribution<double, my_policy> my_students_t;
+int main()
+{  // Example of error handling of bad argument(s) to a distribution.
+  cout << "Example error handling using Student's t function. " << endl;
+  double degrees_of_freedom = -1; double t = -1.; // Two 'bad' arguments!
+  try
+  {
+ cout << "Probability of ignore_error Student's t is " << cdf(my_students_t(degrees_of_freedom), t) << endl;
+    cout << "Probability of default error policy Student's t is " << endl;
+ // BY contrast the students_t distribution default domain error policy is to throw,
+    cout << cdf(students_t(-1), -1) << endl;  // so this will throw.
+    /*`
+    Message from thrown exception was:
+ Error in function boost::math::students_t_distribution<double>::students_t_distribution:
+   Degrees of freedom argument is -1, but must be > 0 !
+   */
+    // We could also define a 'custom' distribution
+    // with an "ignore overflow error policy" in a single statement:
+    using boost::math::policies::overflow_error;
+ students_t_distribution<double, policy<overflow_error<ignore_error> >
+  }
+  catch(const std::exception& e)
+  {
+    std::cout <<
+ "\n""Message from thrown exception was:\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
+  }
+  return 0;
+} // int main()
+Example error handling using Student's t function.
+Probability of ignore_error Student's t is 1.#QNAN
+Probability of default error policy Student's t is
+Message from thrown exception was:
+ Error in function boost::math::students_t_distribution<double>::students_t_distribution:
+   Degrees of freedom argument is -1, but must be > 0 !
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/f_test.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+// Copyright John Maddock 2006
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(disable: 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated. +# pragma warning(disable: 4510) // default constructor could not be generated. +# pragma warning(disable: 4610) // can never be instantiated - user defined constructor required.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <boost/math/distributions/fisher_f.hpp>
+void f_test(
+       double sd1,     // Sample 1 std deviation
+       double sd2,     // Sample 2 std deviation
+       double N1,      // Sample 1 size
+       double N2,      // Sample 2 size
+       double alpha)  // Significance level
+   //
+   // An F test applied to two sets of data.
+   // We are testing the null hypothesis that the
+   // standard deviation of the samples is equal, and
+   // that any variation is down to chance.  We can
+   // also test the alternative hypothesis that any
+   // difference is not down to chance.
+   // See http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section3/eda359.htm
+   //
+   using namespace std;
+   using namespace boost::math;
+   // Print header:
+   cout <<
+      "____________________________________\n"
+      "F test for equal standard deviations\n"
+      "____________________________________\n\n";
+   cout << setprecision(5);
+   cout << "Sample 1:\n";
+ cout << setw(55) << left << "Number of Observations" << "= " << N1 << "\n"; + cout << setw(55) << left << "Sample Standard Deviation" << "= " << sd1 << "\n\n";
+   cout << "Sample 2:\n";
+ cout << setw(55) << left << "Number of Observations" << "= " << N2 << "\n"; + cout << setw(55) << left << "Sample Standard Deviation" << "= " << sd2 << "\n\n";
+   //
+   // Now we can calculate and output some stats:
+   //
+   // F-statistic:
+   double F = (sd1 / sd2);
+   F *= F;
+   cout << setw(55) << left << "Test Statistic" << "=  " << F << "\n\n";
+   //
+   // Finally define our distribution, and get the probability:
+   //
+   fisher_f dist(N1 - 1, N2 - 1);
+   double p = cdf(dist, F);
+   cout << setw(55) << left << "CDF of test statistic: " << "=  "
+      << setprecision(3) << scientific << p << "\n";
+   double ucv = quantile(complement(dist, alpha));
+   double ucv2 = quantile(complement(dist, alpha / 2));
+   double lcv = quantile(dist, alpha);
+   double lcv2 = quantile(dist, alpha / 2);
+   cout << setw(55) << left << "Upper Critical Value at alpha: " << "=  "
+      << setprecision(3) << scientific << ucv << "\n";
+   cout << setw(55) << left << "Upper Critical Value at alpha/2: " << "=  "
+      << setprecision(3) << scientific << ucv2 << "\n";
+   cout << setw(55) << left << "Lower Critical Value at alpha: " << "=  "
+      << setprecision(3) << scientific << lcv << "\n";
+   cout << setw(55) << left << "Lower Critical Value at alpha/2: " << "=  "
+      << setprecision(3) << scientific << lcv2 << "\n\n";
+   //
+   // Finally print out results of null and alternative hypothesis:
+   //
+   cout << setw(55) << left <<
+      "Results for Alternative Hypothesis and alpha" << "=  "
+      << setprecision(4) << fixed << alpha << "\n\n";
+ cout << "Alternative Hypothesis Conclusion\n";
+   cout << "Standard deviations are unequal (two sided test)          ";
+   if((ucv2 < F) || (lcv2 > F))
+      cout << "NOT REJECTED\n";
+   else
+      cout << "REJECTED\n";
+   cout << "Standard deviation 1 is less than standard deviation 2    ";
+   if(lcv > F)
+      cout << "NOT REJECTED\n";
+   else
+      cout << "REJECTED\n";
+   cout << "Standard deviation 1 is greater than standard deviation 2 ";
+   if(ucv < F)
+      cout << "NOT REJECTED\n";
+   else
+      cout << "REJECTED\n";
+   cout << endl << endl;
+int main()
+   //
+   // Run tests for ceramic strength data:
+   // see http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/eda/section4/eda42a1.htm
+   // The data for this case study were collected by Said Jahanmir of the
+   // NIST Ceramics Division in 1996 in connection with a NIST/industry
+   // ceramics consortium for strength optimization of ceramic strength.
+   //
+   f_test(65.54909, 61.85425, 240, 240, 0.05);
+   //
+   // And again for the process change comparison:
+   // see http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/prc/section3/prc32.htm
+   // A new procedure to assemble a device is introduced and tested for
+ // possible improvement in time of assembly. The question being addressed + // is whether the standard deviation of the new assembly process (sample 2) is + // better (i.e., smaller) than the standard deviation for the old assembly
+   // process (sample 1).
+   //
+   f_test(4.9082, 2.5874, 11, 9, 0.05);
+   return 0;
+F test for equal standard deviations
+Sample 1:
+Number of Observations                                 =  240
+Sample Standard Deviation                              =  65.549
+Sample 2:
+Number of Observations                                 =  240
+Sample Standard Deviation                              =  61.854
+Test Statistic                                         =  1.123
+CDF of test statistic:                                 =  8.148e-001
+Upper Critical Value at alpha:                         =  1.238e+000
+Upper Critical Value at alpha/2:                       =  1.289e+000
+Lower Critical Value at alpha:                         =  8.080e-001
+Lower Critical Value at alpha/2:                       =  7.756e-001
+Results for Alternative Hypothesis and alpha           =  0.0500
+Alternative Hypothesis                                    Conclusion
+Standard deviations are unequal (two sided test)          REJECTED
+Standard deviation 1 is less than standard deviation 2    REJECTED
+Standard deviation 1 is greater than standard deviation 2 REJECTED
+F test for equal standard deviations
+Sample 1:
+Number of Observations                                 =  11.00000
+Sample Standard Deviation                              =  4.90820
+Sample 2:
+Number of Observations                                 =  9.00000
+Sample Standard Deviation                              =  2.58740
+Test Statistic                                         =  3.59847
+CDF of test statistic:                                 =  9.589e-001
+Upper Critical Value at alpha:                         =  3.347e+000
+Upper Critical Value at alpha/2:                       =  4.295e+000
+Lower Critical Value at alpha:                         =  3.256e-001
+Lower Critical Value at alpha/2:                       =  2.594e-001
+Results for Alternative Hypothesis and alpha           =  0.0500
+Alternative Hypothesis                                    Conclusion
+Standard deviations are unequal (two sided test)          REJECTED
+Standard deviation 1 is less than standard deviation 2    REJECTED
+Standard deviation 1 is greater than standard deviation 2 NOT REJECTED
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/find_location_example.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+// find_location.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Example of finding location (mean)
+// for normal (Gaussian) & Cauchy distribution.
+// Note that this file contains Quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+First we need some includes to access the normal distribution,
+the algorithms to find location (and some std output of course).
+#include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp> // for normal_distribution
+  using boost::math::normal; // typedef provides default type is double.
+#include <boost/math/distributions/cauchy.hpp> // for cauchy_distribution
+  using boost::math::cauchy; // typedef provides default type is double.
+#include <boost/math/distributions/find_location.hpp>
+  using boost::math::find_location;
+ using boost::math::complement; // Needed if you want to use the complement version.
+  using boost::math::policies::policy;
+#include <iostream>
+  using std::cout; using std::endl;
+#include <iomanip>
+  using std::setw; using std::setprecision;
+#include <limits>
+  using std::numeric_limits;
+//] [/find_location1]
+int main()
+  cout << "Example: Find location (mean)." << endl;
+  try
+  {
+For this example, we will use the standard normal distribution,
+with mean (location) zero and standard deviation (scale) unity.
+This is also the default for this implementation.
+  normal N01;  // Default 'standard' normal distribution with zero mean and
+  double sd = 1.; // normal default standard deviation is 1.
+/*`Suppose we want to find a different normal distribution whose mean is shifted +so that only fraction p (here 0.001 or 0.1%) are below a certain chosen limit
+(here -2, two standard deviations).
+  double z = -2.; // z to give prob p
+  double p = 0.001; // only 0.1% below z
+  cout << "Normal distribution with mean = " << N01.location()
+    << ", standard deviation " << N01.scale()
+    << ", has " << "fraction <= " << z
+    << ", p = "  << cdf(N01, z) << endl;
+  cout << "Normal distribution with mean = " << N01.location()
+    << ", standard deviation " << N01.scale()
+    << ", has " << "fraction > " << z
+ << ", p = " << cdf(complement(N01, z)) << endl; // Note: uses complement.
+Normal distribution with mean = 0, standard deviation 1, has fraction <= -2, p = 0.0227501 +Normal distribution with mean = 0, standard deviation 1, has fraction > -2, p = 0.97725
+We can now use ''find_location'' to give a new offset mean.
+   double l = find_location<normal>(z, p, sd);
+   cout << "offset location (mean) = " << l << endl;
+that outputs:
+offset location (mean) = 1.09023
+showing that we need to shift the mean just over one standard deviation from its previous value of zero.
+Then we can check that we have achieved our objective
+by constructing a new distribution
+with the offset mean (but same standard deviation):
+ normal np001pc(l, sd); // Same standard_deviation (scale) but with mean (location) shifted.
+And re-calculating the fraction below our chosen limit.
+cout << "Normal distribution with mean = " << l
+    << " has " << "fraction <= " << z
+    << ", p = "  << cdf(np001pc, z) << endl;
+  cout << "Normal distribution with mean = " << l
+    << " has " << "fraction > " << z
+    << ", p = "  << cdf(complement(np001pc, z)) << endl;
+Normal distribution with mean = 1.09023 has fraction <= -2, p = 0.001
+Normal distribution with mean = 1.09023 has fraction > -2, p = 0.999
+[h4 Controlling Error Handling from find_location]
+We can also control the policy for handling various errors.
+For example, we can define a new (possibly unwise)
+policy to ignore domain errors ('bad' arguments).
+Unless we are using the boost::math namespace, we will need:
+  using boost::math::policies::policy;
+  using boost::math::policies::domain_error;
+  using boost::math::policies::ignore_error;
+Using a typedef is often convenient, especially if it is re-used,
+although it is not required, as the various examples below show.
+  typedef policy<domain_error<ignore_error> > ignore_domain_policy;
+  // find_location with new policy, using typedef.
+  l = find_location<normal>(z, p, sd, ignore_domain_policy());
+  // Default policy policy<>, needs "using boost::math::policies::policy;"
+  l = find_location<normal>(z, p, sd, policy<>());
+  // Default policy, fully specified.
+  l = find_location<normal>(z, p, sd, boost::math::policies::policy<>());
+  // A new policy, ignoring domain errors, without using a typedef.
+ l = find_location<normal>(z, p, sd, policy<domain_error<ignore_error>
+If we want to use a probability that is the
+[link complements complement of our probability],
+we should not even think of writing `find_location<normal>(z, 1 - p, sd)`,
+but, [link why_complements to avoid loss of accuracy], use the complement version.
+  z = 2.;
+  double q = 0.95; // = 1 - p; // complement.
+  l = find_location<normal>(complement(z, q, sd));
+ normal np95pc(l, sd); // Same standard_deviation (scale) but with mean(location) shifted
+  cout << "Normal distribution with mean = " << l << " has "
+    << "fraction <= " << z << " = "  << cdf(np95pc, z) << endl;
+  cout << "Normal distribution with mean = " << l << " has "
+    << "fraction > " << z << " = "  << cdf(complement(np95pc, z)) << endl;
+  //] [/find_location2]
+  }
+  catch(const std::exception& e)
+  { // Always useful to include try & catch blocks because default policies
+ // are to throw exceptions on arguments that cause errors like underflow, overflow. + // Lacking try & catch blocks, the program will abort without a message below,
+    // which may give some helpful clues as to the cause of the exception.
+    std::cout <<
+ "\n""Message from thrown exception was:\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
+  }
+  return 0;
+}  // int main()
+Example: Find location (mean).
+Normal distribution with mean = 0, standard deviation 1, has fraction <= -2, p = 0.0227501 +Normal distribution with mean = 0, standard deviation 1, has fraction > -2, p = 0.97725
+offset location (mean) = 1.09023
+Normal distribution with mean = 1.09023 has fraction <= -2, p = 0.001
+Normal distribution with mean = 1.09023 has fraction > -2, p = 0.999
+Normal distribution with mean = 0.355146 has fraction <= 2 = 0.95
+Normal distribution with mean = 0.355146 has fraction > 2 = 0.05
+//] [/find_location_example_output]
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/find_mean_and_sd_normal.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+// find_mean_and_sd_normal.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Example of finding mean or sd for normal distribution.
+// Note that this file contains Quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+First we need some includes to access the normal distribution,
+the algorithms to find location and scale
+(and some std output of course).
+#include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp> // for normal_distribution
+  using boost::math::normal; // typedef provides default type is double.
+#include <boost/math/distributions/cauchy.hpp> // for cauchy_distribution
+  using boost::math::cauchy; // typedef provides default type is double.
+#include <boost/math/distributions/find_location.hpp>
+  using boost::math::find_location;
+#include <boost/math/distributions/find_scale.hpp>
+  using boost::math::find_scale;
+  using boost::math::complement;
+  using boost::math::policies::policy;
+#include <iostream>
+ using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::left; using std::showpoint; using std::noshowpoint;
+#include <iomanip>
+  using std::setw; using std::setprecision;
+#include <limits>
+  using std::numeric_limits;
+//] [/normal_std Quickbook]
+int main()
+ cout << "Find_location (mean) and find_scale (standard deviation) examples." << endl;
+  try
+  {
+[h4 Using find_location and find_scale to meet dispensing and measurement specifications]
+Consider an example from K Krishnamoorthy,
+Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications,
+ISBN 1-58488-635-8, (2006) p 126, example 10.3.7.
+"A machine is set to pack 3 kg of ground beef per pack.
+Over a long period of time it is found that the average packed was 3 kg
+with a standard deviation of 0.1 kg.
+Assume the packing is normally distributed."
+We start by constructing a normal distribution with the given parameters:
+double mean = 3.; // kg
+double standard_deviation = 0.1; // kg
+normal packs(mean, standard_deviation);
+/*`We can then find the fraction (or %) of packages that weigh more than 3.1 kg.
+double max_weight = 3.1; // kg
+cout << "Percentage of packs > " << max_weight << " is "
+<< cdf(complement(packs, max_weight)) * 100. << endl; // P(X > 3.1)
+/*`We might want to ensure that 95% of packs are over a minimum weight specification,
+then we want the value of the mean such that P(X < 2.9) = 0.05.
+Using the mean of 3 kg, we can estimate
+the fraction of packs that fail to meet the specification of 2.9 kg.
+double minimum_weight = 2.9;
+cout <<"Fraction of packs <= " << minimum_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(packs, minimum_weight)) << endl;
+// fraction of packs <= 2.9 with a mean of 3 is 0.841345
+/*`This is 0.84 - more than the target fraction of 0.95.
+If we want 95% to be over the minimum weight,
+what should we set the mean weight to be?
+Using the KK StatCalc program supplied with the book and the method given on page 126 gives 3.06449.
+We can confirm this by constructing a new distribution which we call 'xpacks'
+with a safety margin mean of 3.06449 thus:
+double over_mean = 3.06449;
+normal xpacks(over_mean, standard_deviation);
+cout << "Fraction of packs >= " << minimum_weight
+<< " with a mean of " << xpacks.mean()
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(xpacks, minimum_weight)) << endl;
+// fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3.06449 is 0.950005
+/*`Using this Math Toolkit, we can calculate the required mean directly thus:
+double under_fraction = 0.05; // so 95% are above the minimum weight mean - sd = 2.9
+double low_limit = standard_deviation;
+double offset = mean - low_limit - quantile(packs, under_fraction);
+double nominal_mean = mean + offset;
+// mean + (mean - low_limit - quantile(packs, under_fraction));
+normal nominal_packs(nominal_mean, standard_deviation);
+cout << "Setting the packer to " << nominal_mean << " will mean that "
+  << "fraction of packs >= " << minimum_weight
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(nominal_packs, minimum_weight)) << endl;
+// Setting the packer to 3.06449 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.95
+This calculation is generalized as the free function called
+[link math_toolkit.dist.dist_ref.dist_algorithms find_location].
+To use this we will need to
+#include <boost/math/distributions/find_location.hpp>
+  using boost::math::find_location;
+/*`and then use find_location function to find safe_mean,
+& construct a new normal distribution called 'goodpacks'.
+double safe_mean = find_location<normal>(minimum_weight, under_fraction, standard_deviation);
+normal good_packs(safe_mean, standard_deviation);
+/*`with the same confirmation as before:
+cout << "Setting the packer to " << nominal_mean << " will mean that "
+  << "fraction of packs >= " << minimum_weight
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(good_packs, minimum_weight)) << endl;
+// Setting the packer to 3.06449 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.95
+[h4 Using Cauchy-Lorentz instead of normal distribution]
+After examining the weight distribution of a large number of packs, we might decide that,
+after all, the assumption of a normal distribution is not really justified.
+We might find that the fit is better to a __cauchy_distrib.
+This distribution has wider 'wings', so that whereas most of the values
+are closer to the mean than the normal, there are also more values than 'normal'
+that lie further from the mean than the normal.
+This might happen because a larger than normal lump of meat is either included or excluded.
+We first create a __cauchy_distrib with the original mean and standard deviation,
+and estimate the fraction that lie below our minimum weight specification.
+cauchy cpacks(mean, standard_deviation);
+cout << "Cauchy Setting the packer to " << mean << " will mean that "
+  << "fraction of packs >= " << minimum_weight
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(cpacks, minimum_weight)) << endl;
+// Cauchy Setting the packer to 3 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.75
+/*`Note that far fewer of the packs meet the specification, only 75% instead of 95%. +Now we can repeat the find_location, using the cauchy distribution as template parameter,
+in place of the normal used above.
+double lc = find_location<cauchy>(minimum_weight, under_fraction, standard_deviation); +cout << "find_location<cauchy>(minimum_weight, over fraction, standard_deviation); " << lc << endl; +// find_location<cauchy>(minimum_weight, over fraction, packs.standard_deviation()); 3.53138 +/*`Note that the safe_mean setting needs to be much higher, 3.53138 instead of 3.06449,
+so we will make rather less profit.
+And again confirm that the fraction meeting specification is as expected.
+cauchy goodcpacks(lc, standard_deviation);
+cout << "Cauchy Setting the packer to " << lc << " will mean that "
+  << "fraction of packs >= " << minimum_weight
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(goodcpacks, minimum_weight)) << endl;
+// Cauchy Setting the packer to 3.53138 will mean that fraction of packs
= 2.9 is 0.95
+/*`Finally we could estimate the effect of a much tighter specification,
+that 99% of packs met the specification.
+cout << "Cauchy Setting the packer to "
+  << find_location<cauchy>(minimum_weight, 0.99, standard_deviation)
+  << " will mean that "
+  << "fraction of packs >= " << minimum_weight
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(goodcpacks, minimum_weight)) << endl;
+/*`Setting the packer to 3.13263 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.99,
+but will more than double the mean loss from 0.0644 to 0.133 kg per pack.
+Of course, this calculation is not limited to packs of meat, it applies to dispensing anything,
+and it also applies to a 'virtual' material like any measurement.
+The only caveat is that the calculation assumes that the standard deviation (scale) is known with +a reasonably low uncertainty, something that is not so easy to ensure in practice. +And that the distribution is well defined, __normal_distrib or __cauchy_distrib, or some other.
+If one is simply dispensing a very large number of packs,
+then it may be feasible to measure the weight of hundreds or thousands of packs. +With a healthy 'degrees of freedom', the confidence intervals for the standard deviation
+are not too wide, typically about + and - 10% for hundreds of observations.
+For other applications, where it is more difficult or expensive to make many observations,
+the confidence intervals are depressingly wide.
+See [link math_toolkit.dist.stat_tut.weg.cs_eg.chi_sq_intervals Confidence Intervals on the standard deviation]
+for a worked example
+[@../../../example/chi_square_std_dev_test.cpp chi_square_std_dev_test.cpp]
+of estimating these intervals.
+[h4 Changing the scale or standard deviation]
+Alternatively, we could invest in a better (more precise) packer
+(or measuring device) with a lower standard deviation, or scale.
+This might cost more, but would reduce the amount we have to 'give away'
+in order to meet the specification.
+To estimate how much better (how much smaller standard deviation) it would have to be,
+we need to get the 5% quantile to be located at the under_weight limit, 2.9
+double p = 0.05; // wanted p th quantile.
+cout << "Quantile of " << p << " = " << quantile(packs, p)
+ << ", mean = " << packs.mean() << ", sd = " << packs.standard_deviation() << endl;
+Quantile of 0.05 = 2.83551, mean = 3, sd = 0.1
+With the current packer (mean = 3, sd = 0.1), the 5% quantile is at 2.8551 kg,
+a little below our target of 2.9 kg.
+So we know that the standard deviation is going to have to be smaller.
+Let's start by guessing that it (now 0.1) needs to be halved, to a standard deviation of 0.05 kg.
+normal pack05(mean, 0.05);
+cout << "Quantile of " << p << " = " << quantile(pack05, p)
+ << ", mean = " << pack05.mean() << ", sd = " << pack05.standard_deviation() << endl;
+// Quantile of 0.05 = 2.91776, mean = 3, sd = 0.05
+cout <<"Fraction of packs >= " << minimum_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+  << " and standard deviation of " << pack05.standard_deviation()
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(pack05, minimum_weight)) << endl;
+// Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.05 is 0.97725
+So 0.05 was quite a good guess, but we are a little over the 2.9 target,
+so the standard deviation could be a tiny bit more. So we could do some
+more guessing to get closer, say by increasing standard deviation to 0.06 kg,
+constructing another new distribution called pack06.
+normal pack06(mean, 0.06);
+cout << "Quantile of " << p << " = " << quantile(pack06, p)
+ << ", mean = " << pack06.mean() << ", sd = " << pack06.standard_deviation() << endl;
+// Quantile of 0.05 = 2.90131, mean = 3, sd = 0.06
+cout <<"Fraction of packs >= " << minimum_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+  << " and standard deviation of " << pack06.standard_deviation()
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(pack06, minimum_weight)) << endl;
+// Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.06 is 0.95221
+Now we are getting really close, but to do the job properly,
+we might need to use root finding method, for example the tools provided,
+and used elsewhere, in the Math Toolkit, see
+[link math_toolkit.toolkit.internals1.roots2 Root Finding Without Derivatives].
+But in this (normal) distribution case, we can and should be even smarter
+and make a direct calculation.
+/*`Our required limit is minimum_weight = 2.9 kg, often called the random variate z. +For a standard normal distribution, then probability p = N((minimum_weight - mean) / sd).
+We want to find the standard deviation that would be required to meet this limit,
+so that the p th quantile is located at z (minimum_weight).
+In this case, the 0.05 (5%) quantile is at 2.9 kg pack weight, when the mean is 3 kg,
+ensuring that 0.95 (95%) of packs are above the minimum weight.
+Rearranging, we can directly calculate the required standard deviation:
+normal N01; // standard normal distribution with meamn zero and unit standard deviation.
+p = 0.05;
+double qp = quantile(N01, p);
+double sd95 = (minimum_weight - mean) / qp;
+cout << "For the "<< p << "th quantile to be located at "
+ << minimum_weight << ", would need a standard deviation of " << sd95 << endl; +// For the 0.05th quantile to be located at 2.9, would need a standard deviation of 0.0607957
+/*`We can now construct a new (normal) distribution pack95 for the 'better' packer,
+and check that our distribution will meet the specification.
+normal pack95(mean, sd95);
+cout <<"Fraction of packs >= " << minimum_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+  << " and standard deviation of " << pack95.standard_deviation()
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(pack95, minimum_weight)) << endl;
+// Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.0607957 is 0.95
+/*`This calculation is generalized in the free function find_scale,
+as shown below, giving the same standard deviation.
+double ss = find_scale<normal>(minimum_weight, under_fraction, packs.mean()); +cout << "find_scale<normal>(minimum_weight, under_fraction, packs.mean()); " << ss << endl; +// find_scale<normal>(minimum_weight, under_fraction, packs.mean()); 0.0607957
+/*`If we had defined an over_fraction, or percentage that must pass specification
+double over_fraction = 0.95;
+/*`And (wrongly) written
+ double sso = find_scale<normal>(minimum_weight, over_fraction, packs.mean());
+With the default policy, we would get a message like
+Message from thrown exception was:
+ Error in function boost::math::find_scale<Dist, Policy>(double, double, double, Policy): + Computed scale (-0.060795683191176959) is <= 0! Was the complement intended?
+But this would return a *negative* standard deviation - obviously impossible.
+The probability should be 1 - over_fraction, not over_fraction, thus:
+double ss1o = find_scale<normal>(minimum_weight, 1 - over_fraction, packs.mean()); +cout << "find_scale<normal>(minimum_weight, under_fraction, packs.mean()); " << ss1o << endl; +// find_scale<normal>(minimum_weight, under_fraction, packs.mean()); 0.0607957
+/*`But notice that using '1 - over_fraction' - will lead to a
+[link why_complements loss of accuracy, especially if over_fraction was close to unity.]
+In this (very common) case, we should instead use the __complements,
+giving the most accurate result.
+double ssc = find_scale<normal>(complement(minimum_weight, over_fraction, packs.mean())); +cout << "find_scale<normal>(complement(minimum_weight, over_fraction, packs.mean())); " << ssc << endl; +// find_scale<normal>(complement(minimum_weight, over_fraction, packs.mean())); 0.0607957
+/*`Note that our guess of 0.06 was close to the accurate value of 0.060795683191176959.
+We can again confirm our prediction thus:
+normal pack95c(mean, ssc);
+cout <<"Fraction of packs >= " << minimum_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+  << " and standard deviation of " << pack95c.standard_deviation()
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(pack95c, minimum_weight)) << endl;
+// Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.0607957 is 0.95
+/*`Notice that these two deceptively simple questions:
+* Do we over-fill to make sure we meet a minimum specification (or under-fill to avoid an overdose)?
+* Do we measure better?
+are actually extremely common.
+The weight of beef might be replaced by a measurement of more or less anything, +from drug tablet content, Apollo landing rocket firing, X-ray treatment doses...
+The scale can be variation in dispensing or uncertainty in measurement.
+//] [/normal_find_location_and_scale_eg Quickbook end]
+  }
+  catch(const std::exception& e)
+  { // Always useful to include try & catch blocks because default policies
+ // are to throw exceptions on arguments that cause errors like underflow, overflow. + // Lacking try & catch blocks, the program will abort without a message below,
+    // which may give some helpful clues as to the cause of the exception.
+    std::cout <<
+ "\n""Message from thrown exception was:\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
+  }
+  return 0;
+}  // int main()
+Output is:
+Find_location and find_scale examples.
+Percentage of packs > 3.1 is 15.8655
+Fraction of packs <= 2.9 with a mean of 3 is 0.841345
+Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3.06449 is 0.950005
+Setting the packer to 3.06449 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.95 +Setting the packer to 3.06449 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.95 +Cauchy Setting the packer to 3 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.75 +find_location<cauchy>(minimum_weight, over fraction, standard_deviation); 3.53138 +Cauchy Setting the packer to 3.53138 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.95 +Cauchy Setting the packer to -0.282052 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.95
+Quantile of 0.05 = 2.83551, mean = 3, sd = 0.1
+Quantile of 0.05 = 2.91776, mean = 3, sd = 0.05
+Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.05 is 0.97725
+Quantile of 0.05 = 2.90131, mean = 3, sd = 0.06
+Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.06 is 0.95221 +For the 0.05th quantile to be located at 2.9, would need a standard deviation of 0.0607957 +Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.0607957 is 0.95
+find_scale<normal>(minimum_weight, under_fraction, packs.mean()); 0.0607957
+find_scale<normal>(minimum_weight, under_fraction, packs.mean()); 0.0607957
+find_scale<normal>(complement(minimum_weight, over_fraction, packs.mean())); 0.0607957 +Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.0607957 is 0.95
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/find_root_example.cpp      Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+// find_root_example.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Example of using root finding.
+// Note that this file contains Quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+First we need some includes to access the normal distribution
+(and some std output of course).
+#include <boost/math/tools/roots.hpp> // root finding.
+#include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp> // for normal_distribution
+  using boost::math::normal; // typedef provides default type is double.
+#include <iostream>
+ using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::left; using std::showpoint; using std::noshowpoint;
+#include <iomanip>
+  using std::setw; using std::setprecision;
+#include <limits>
+  using std::numeric_limits;
+//] //[/root_find1]
+namespace boost{ namespace math { namespace tools
+template <class F, class T, class Tol>
+inline std::pair<T, T> bracket_and_solve_root(F f, // functor
+                                              const T& guess,
+                                              const T& factor,
+                                              bool rising,
+ Tol tol, // binary functor specifying termination when tol(min, max) becomes true. + // eps_tolerance most suitable for this continuous function + boost::uintmax_t& max_iter); // explicit (rather than default) max iterations.
+// return interval as a pair containing result.
+namespace detail
+  // Functor for finding standard deviation:
+  template <class RealType, class Policy>
+  struct standard_deviation_functor
+  {
+     standard_deviation_functor(RealType m, RealType s, RealType d)
+        : mean(m), standard_deviation(s)
+     {
+     }
+     RealType operator()(const RealType& sd)
+     { // Unary functor - the function whose root is to be found.
+        if(sd <= tools::min_value<RealType>())
+        { //
+           return 1;
+        }
+        normal_distribution<RealType, Policy> t(mean, sd);
+        RealType qa = quantile(complement(t, alpha));
+        RealType qb = quantile(complement(t, beta));
+        qa += qb;
+        qa *= qa;
+        qa *= ratio;
+        qa -= (df + 1);
+        return qa;
+     } // operator()
+     RealType mean;
+     RealType standard_deviation;
+  }; // struct standard_deviation_functor
+} // namespace detail
+template <class RealType, class Policy>
+RealType normal_distribution<RealType, Policy>::find_standard_deviation(
+      RealType difference_from_mean,
+      RealType mean,
+      RealType sd,
+      RealType hint) // Best guess available - current sd if none better?
+ static const char* function = "boost::math::normal_distribution<%1%>::find_standard_deviation";
+   // Check for domain errors:
+   RealType error_result;
+   if(false == detail::check_probability(
+      function, sd, &error_result, Policy())
+      )
+      return error_result;
+   if(hint <= 0)
+   { // standard deviation can never be negative.
+      hint = 1;
+   }
+ detail::standard_deviation_functor<RealType, Policy> f(mean, sd, difference_from_mean); + tools::eps_tolerance<RealType> tol(policies::digits<RealType, Policy>());
+   boost::uintmax_t max_iter = 100;
+ std::pair<RealType, RealType> r = tools::bracket_and_solve_root(f, hint, RealType(2), false, tol, max_iter, Policy());
+   RealType result = r.first + (r.second - r.first) / 2;
+   if(max_iter == 100)
+   {
+ policies::raise_evaluation_error<RealType>(function, "Unable to locate solution in a reasonable time:" + " either there is no answer to how many degrees of freedom are required" + " or the answer is infinite. Current best guess is %1%", result, Policy());
+   }
+   return result;
+} // find_standard_deviation
+} // namespace tools
+} // namespace math
+} // namespace boost
+int main()
+  cout << "Example: Normal distribution, root finding.";
+  try
+  {
+/*`A machine is set to pack 3 kg of ground beef per pack.
+Over a long period of time it is found that the average packed was 3 kg
+with a standard deviation of 0.1 kg.
+Assuming the packing is normally distributed,
+we can find the fraction (or %) of packages that weigh more than 3.1 kg.
+double mean = 3.; // kg
+double standard_deviation = 0.1; // kg
+normal packs(mean, standard_deviation);
+double max_weight = 3.1; // kg
+cout << "Percentage of packs > " << max_weight << " is "
+<< cdf(complement(packs, max_weight)) << endl; // P(X > 3.1)
+double under_weight = 2.9;
+cout <<"fraction of packs <= " << under_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(packs, under_weight)) << endl;
+// fraction of packs <= 2.9 with a mean of 3 is 0.841345
+// This is 0.84 - more than the target 0.95
+// Want 95% to be over this weight, so what should we set the mean weight to be?
+// KK StatCalc says:
+double over_mean = 3.0664;
+normal xpacks(over_mean, standard_deviation);
+cout << "fraction of packs >= " << under_weight
+<< " with a mean of " << xpacks.mean()
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(xpacks, under_weight)) << endl;
+// fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3.06449 is 0.950005
+double under_fraction = 0.05; // so 95% are above the minimum weight mean - sd = 2.9
+double low_limit = standard_deviation;
+double offset = mean - low_limit - quantile(packs, under_fraction);
+double nominal_mean = mean + offset;
+normal nominal_packs(nominal_mean, standard_deviation);
+cout << "Setting the packer to " << nominal_mean << " will mean that "
+  << "fraction of packs >= " << under_weight
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(nominal_packs, under_weight)) << endl;
+Setting the packer to 3.06449 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.95.
+Setting the packer to 3.13263 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.99,
+but will more than double the mean loss from 0.0644 to 0.133.
+Alternatively, we could invest in a better (more precise) packer with a lower standard deviation.
+To estimate how much better (how much smaller standard deviation) it would have to be,
+we need to get the 5% quantile to be located at the under_weight limit, 2.9
+double p = 0.05; // wanted p th quantile.
+cout << "Quantile of " << p << " = " << quantile(packs, p)
+ << ", mean = " << packs.mean() << ", sd = " << packs.standard_deviation() << endl; //
+Quantile of 0.05 = 2.83551, mean = 3, sd = 0.1
+With the current packer (mean = 3, sd = 0.1), the 5% quantile is at 2.8551 kg,
+a little below our target of 2.9 kg.
+So we know that the standard deviation is going to have to be smaller.
+Let's start by guessing that it (now 0.1) needs to be halved, to a standard deviation of 0.05
+normal pack05(mean, 0.05);
+cout << "Quantile of " << p << " = " << quantile(pack05, p)
+ << ", mean = " << pack05.mean() << ", sd = " << pack05.standard_deviation() << endl;
+cout <<"Fraction of packs >= " << under_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+  << " and standard deviation of " << pack05.standard_deviation()
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(pack05, under_weight)) << endl;
+Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.05 is 0.9772
+So 0.05 was quite a good guess, but we are a little over the 2.9 target,
+so the standard deviation could be a tiny bit more. So we could do some
+more guessing to get closer, say by increasing to 0.06
+normal pack06(mean, 0.06);
+cout << "Quantile of " << p << " = " << quantile(pack06, p)
+ << ", mean = " << pack06.mean() << ", sd = " << pack06.standard_deviation() << endl;
+cout <<"Fraction of packs >= " << under_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+  << " and standard deviation of " << pack06.standard_deviation()
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(pack06, under_weight)) << endl;
+Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.06 is 0.9522
+Now we are getting really close, but to do the job properly,
+we could use root finding method, for example the tools provided, and used elsewhere,
+in the Math Toolkit, see
+[link math_toolkit.toolkit.internals1.roots2 Root Finding Without Derivatives].
+But in this normal distribution case, we could be even smarter and make a direct calculation.
+//] [/root_find2]
+  }
+  catch(const std::exception& e)
+  { // Always useful to include try & catch blocks because default policies
+ // are to throw exceptions on arguments that cause errors like underflow, overflow. + // Lacking try & catch blocks, the program will abort without a message below,
+    // which may give some helpful clues as to the cause of the exception.
+    std::cout <<
+ "\n""Message from thrown exception was:\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
+  }
+  return 0;
+}  // int main()
+Output is:
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/find_scale_example.cpp     Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+// find_scale.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Example of finding scale (standard deviation) for normal (Gaussian).
+// Note that this file contains Quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+First we need some includes to access the __normal_distrib,
+the algorithms to find scale (and some std output of course).
+#include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp> // for normal_distribution
+  using boost::math::normal; // typedef provides default type is double.
+#include <boost/math/distributions/find_scale.hpp>
+  using boost::math::find_scale;
+ using boost::math::complement; // Needed if you want to use the complement version. + using boost::math::policies::policy; // Needed to specify the error handling policy.
+#include <iostream>
+  using std::cout; using std::endl;
+#include <iomanip>
+  using std::setw; using std::setprecision;
+#include <limits>
+  using std::numeric_limits;
+//] [/find_scale1]
+int main()
+  cout << "Example: Find scale (standard deviation)." << endl;
+  try
+  {
+For this example, we will use the standard __normal_distrib,
+with location (mean) zero and standard deviation (scale) unity.
+Conveniently, this is also the default for this implementation's constructor.
+  normal N01;  // Default 'standard' normal distribution with zero mean
+  double sd = 1.; // and standard deviation is 1.
+/*`Suppose we want to find a different normal distribution with standard deviation +so that only fraction p (here 0.001 or 0.1%) are below a certain chosen limit
+(here -2. standard deviations).
+  double z = -2.; // z to give prob p
+  double p = 0.001; // only 0.1% below z = -2
+ cout << "Normal distribution with mean = " << N01.location() // aka N01.mean() + << ", standard deviation " << N01.scale() // aka N01.standard_deviation()
+    << ", has " << "fraction <= " << z
+    << ", p = "  << cdf(N01, z) << endl;
+  cout << "Normal distribution with mean = " << N01.location()
+    << ", standard deviation " << N01.scale()
+    << ", has " << "fraction > " << z
+ << ", p = " << cdf(complement(N01, z)) << endl; // Note: uses complement.
+Normal distribution with mean = 0 has fraction <= -2, p = 0.0227501
+Normal distribution with mean = 0 has fraction > -2, p = 0.97725
+Noting that p = 0.02 instead of our target of 0.001,
+we can now use `find_scale` to give a new standard deviation.
+   double l = N01.location();
+   double s = find_scale<normal>(z, p, l);
+   cout << "scale (standard deviation) = " << s << endl;
+that outputs:
+scale (standard deviation) = 0.647201
+showing that we need to reduce the standard deviation from 1. to 0.65.
+Then we can check that we have achieved our objective
+by constructing a new distribution
+with the new standard deviation (but same zero mean):
+  normal np001pc(N01.location(), s);
+And re-calculating the fraction below (and above) our chosen limit.
+  cout << "Normal distribution with mean = " << l
+    << " has " << "fraction <= " << z
+    << ", p = "  << cdf(np001pc, z) << endl;
+  cout << "Normal distribution with mean = " << l
+    << " has " << "fraction > " << z
+    << ", p = "  << cdf(complement(np001pc, z)) << endl;
+Normal distribution with mean = 0 has fraction <= -2, p = 0.001
+Normal distribution with mean = 0 has fraction > -2, p = 0.999
+[h4 Controlling how Errors from find_scale are handled]
+We can also control the policy for handling various errors.
+For example, we can define a new (possibly unwise)
+policy to ignore domain errors ('bad' arguments).
+Unless we are using the boost::math namespace, we will need:
+  using boost::math::policies::policy;
+  using boost::math::policies::domain_error;
+  using boost::math::policies::ignore_error;
+Using a typedef is convenient, especially if it is re-used,
+although it is not required, as the various examples below show.
+  typedef policy<domain_error<ignore_error> > ignore_domain_policy;
+  // find_scale with new policy, using typedef.
+  l = find_scale<normal>(z, p, l, ignore_domain_policy());
+  // Default policy policy<>, needs using boost::math::policies::policy;
+  l = find_scale<normal>(z, p, l, policy<>());
+  // Default policy, fully specified.
+  l = find_scale<normal>(z, p, l, boost::math::policies::policy<>());
+  // New policy, without typedef.
+  l = find_scale<normal>(z, p, l, policy<domain_error<ignore_error> >());
+If we want to express a probability, say 0.999, that is a complement, `1 - p`
+we should not even think of writing `find_scale<normal>(z, 1 - p, l)`,
+but [link why_complements instead], use the __complements version.
+  z = -2.;
+  double q = 0.999; // = 1 - p; // complement of 0.001.
+  sd = find_scale<normal>(complement(z, q, l));
+ normal np95pc(l, sd); // Same standard_deviation (scale) but with mean(scale) shifted
+  cout << "Normal distribution with mean = " << l << " has "
+    << "fraction <= " << z << " = "  << cdf(np95pc, z) << endl;
+  cout << "Normal distribution with mean = " << l << " has "
+    << "fraction > " << z << " = "  << cdf(complement(np95pc, z)) << endl;
+Sadly, it is all too easy to get probabilities the wrong way round,
+when you may get a warning like this:
+Message from thrown exception was:
+ Error in function boost::math::find_scale<Dist, Policy>(complement(double, double, double, Policy)): + Computed scale (-0.48043523852179076) is <= 0! Was the complement intended?
+The default error handling policy is to throw an exception with this message,
+but if you chose a policy to ignore the error,
+the (impossible) negative scale is quietly returned.
+//] [/find_scale2]
+  }
+  catch(const std::exception& e)
+  { // Always useful to include try & catch blocks because default policies
+ // are to throw exceptions on arguments that cause errors like underflow, overflow. + // Lacking try & catch blocks, the program will abort without a message below,
+    // which may give some helpful clues as to the cause of the exception.
+    std::cout <<
+ "\n""Message from thrown exception was:\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
+  }
+  return 0;
+}  // int main()
+Example: Find scale (standard deviation).
+Normal distribution with mean = 0, standard deviation 1, has fraction <= -2, p = 0.0227501 +Normal distribution with mean = 0, standard deviation 1, has fraction > -2, p = 0.97725
+scale (standard deviation) = 0.647201
+Normal distribution with mean = 0 has fraction <= -2, p = 0.001
+Normal distribution with mean = 0 has fraction > -2, p = 0.999
+Normal distribution with mean = 0.946339 has fraction <= -2 = 0.001
+Normal distribution with mean = 0.946339 has fraction > -2 = 0.999
+//] [/find_scale_example_output]
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/nc_chi_sq_example.cpp      Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+// Copyright John Maddock 2008
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Caution: this file contains Quickbook markup as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment markups!
+This example computes a table of the power of the [chi][super 2]
+test at the 5% significance level, for various degrees of freedom
+and non-centrality parameters.  The table is deliberately the same
+as Table 6 from "The Non-Central [chi][super 2] and F-Distributions and
+their applications.", P. B. Patnaik, Biometrika, Vol. 36, No. 1/2 (June 1949),
+First we need some includes to access the non-central chi squared distribution
+(and some basic std output of course).
+#include <boost/math/distributions/non_central_chi_squared.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+   /*`
+   Create a table of the power of the [chi][super 2] test at
+   5% significance level, start with a table header:
+   */
+   std::cout << "[table\n[[[nu]]";
+   for(int lam = 2; lam <= 20; lam += 2)
+   {
+      std::cout << "[[lambda]=" << lam << "]";
+   }
+   std::cout << "]\n";
+   /*`
+ (Note: the enclosing [] brackets are to format as a table in Boost.Quickbook).
+   Enumerate the rows and columns and print the power of the test
+   for each table cell:
+   */
+   for(int n = 2; n <= 20; ++n)
+   {
+      std::cout << "[[" << n << "]";
+      for(int lam = 2; lam <= 20; lam += 2)
+      {
+         /*`
+         Calculate the [chi][super 2] statistic for a 5% significance:
+         */
+ double cs = quantile(complement(boost::math::chi_squared(n), 0.05));
+         /*`
+         The power of the test is given by the complement of the CDF
+         of the non-central [chi][super 2] distribution:
+         */
+ double beta = cdf(complement(boost::math::non_central_chi_squared(n, lam), cs));
+         /*`
+         Then output the cell value:
+         */
+         std::cout << "[" << std::setprecision(3) << beta << "]";
+      }
+      std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
+   }
+   std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
+The output from this program is a table in Boost.Quickbook format as shown below.
+We can interpret this as follows - for example if [nu]=10 and [lambda]=10
+then the power of the test is 0.542 - so we have only a 54% chance of
+correctly detecting that our null hypothesis is false, and a 46% chance
+of incurring a type II error (failing to reject the null hypothesis when
+it is in fact false):
+See [@../../../example/nc_chi_sq_example.cpp nc_chi_sq_example.cpp] for the full C++ source code.
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/neg_binom_confidence_limits.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+// neg_binomial_confidence_limits.cpp
+// Copyright John Maddock 2006
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Caution: this file contains quickbook markup as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment markups!
+First we need some includes to access the negative binomial distribution
+(and some basic std output of course).
+#include <boost/math/distributions/negative_binomial.hpp>
+using boost::math::negative_binomial;
+#include <iostream>
+using std::cout; using std::endl;
+#include <iomanip>
+using std::setprecision;
+using std::setw; using std::left; using std::fixed; using std::right;
+First define a table of significance levels: these are the
+probabilities that the true occurrence frequency lies outside the calculated
+  double alpha[] = { 0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001 };
+Confidence value as % is (1 - alpha) * 100, so alpha 0.05 == 95% confidence
+that the true occurence frequency lies *inside* the calculated interval.
+We need a function to calculate and print confidence limits
+for an observed frequency of occurrence
+that follows a negative binomial distribution.
+void confidence_limits_on_frequency(unsigned trials, unsigned successes)
+   // trials = Total number of trials.
+   // successes = Total number of observed successes.
+   // failures = trials - successes.
+   // success_fraction = successes /trials.
+   // Print out general info:
+   cout <<
+      "______________________________________________\n"
+      "2-Sided Confidence Limits For Success Fraction\n"
+      "______________________________________________\n\n";
+   cout << setprecision(7);
+ cout << setw(40) << left << "Number of trials" << " = " << trials << "\n"; + cout << setw(40) << left << "Number of successes" << " = " << successes << "\n"; + cout << setw(40) << left << "Number of failures" << " = " << trials - successes << "\n"; + cout << setw(40) << left << "Observed frequency of occurrence" << " = " << double(successes) / trials << "\n";
+   // Print table header:
+   cout << "\n\n"
+           "___________________________________________\n"
+           "Confidence        Lower          Upper\n"
+           " Value (%)        Limit          Limit\n"
+           "___________________________________________\n";
+And now for the important part - the bounds themselves.
+For each value of /alpha/, we call `find_lower_bound_on_p` and
+`find_upper_bound_on_p` to obtain lower and upper bounds respectively.
+Note that since we are calculating a two-sided interval,
+we must divide the value of alpha in two.  Had we been calculating a
+single-sided interval, for example: ['"Calculate a lower bound so that we are P%
+sure that the true occurrence frequency is greater than some value"]
+then we would *not* have divided by two.
+   // Now print out the upper and lower limits for the alpha table values.
+   for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(alpha)/sizeof(alpha[0]); ++i)
+   {
+      // Confidence value:
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << setw(10) << right << 100 * (1-alpha[i]);
+      // Calculate bounds:
+ double lower = negative_binomial::find_lower_bound_on_p(trials, successes, alpha[i]/2); + double upper = negative_binomial::find_upper_bound_on_p(trials, successes, alpha[i]/2);
+      // Print limits:
+      cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << setw(15) << right << lower;
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(5) << setw(15) << right << upper << endl;
+   }
+   cout << endl;
+} // void confidence_limits_on_frequency(unsigned trials, unsigned successes)
+And then call confidence_limits_on_frequency with increasing numbers of trials,
+but always the same success fraction 0.1, or 1 in 10.
+int main()
+ confidence_limits_on_frequency(20, 2); // 20 trials, 2 successes, 2 in 20, = 1 in 10 = 0.1 success fraction. + confidence_limits_on_frequency(200, 20); // More trials, but same 0.1 success fraction. + confidence_limits_on_frequency(2000, 200); // Many more trials, but same 0.1 success fraction.
+  return 0;
+} // int main()
+//] [/negative_binomial_confidence_limits_eg end of Quickbook in C++ markup]
+2-Sided Confidence Limits For Success Fraction
+Number of trials                         =  20
+Number of successes                      =  2
+Number of failures                       =  18
+Observed frequency of occurrence         =  0.1
+Confidence        Lower          Upper
+ Value (%)        Limit          Limit
+    50.000        0.04812        0.13554
+    75.000        0.03078        0.17727
+    90.000        0.01807        0.22637
+    95.000        0.01235        0.26028
+    99.000        0.00530        0.33111
+    99.900        0.00164        0.41802
+    99.990        0.00051        0.49202
+    99.999        0.00016        0.55574
+2-Sided Confidence Limits For Success Fraction
+Number of trials                         =  200
+Number of successes                      =  20
+Number of failures                       =  180
+Observed frequency of occurrence         =  0.1000000
+Confidence        Lower          Upper
+ Value (%)        Limit          Limit
+    50.000        0.08462        0.11350
+    75.000        0.07580        0.12469
+    90.000        0.06726        0.13695
+    95.000        0.06216        0.14508
+    99.000        0.05293        0.16170
+    99.900        0.04343        0.18212
+    99.990        0.03641        0.20017
+    99.999        0.03095        0.21664
+2-Sided Confidence Limits For Success Fraction
+Number of trials                         =  2000
+Number of successes                      =  200
+Number of failures                       =  1800
+Observed frequency of occurrence         =  0.1000000
+Confidence        Lower          Upper
+ Value (%)        Limit          Limit
+    50.000        0.09536        0.10445
+    75.000        0.09228        0.10776
+    90.000        0.08916        0.11125
+    95.000        0.08720        0.11352
+    99.000        0.08344        0.11802
+    99.900        0.07921        0.12336
+    99.990        0.07577        0.12795
+    99.999        0.07282        0.13206
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/neg_binomial_sample_sizes.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+// neg_binomial_sample_sizes.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007
+// Copyright John Maddock 2006
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#include <boost/math/distributions/negative_binomial.hpp>
+using boost::math::negative_binomial;
+// Default RealType is double so this permits use of:
+double find_minimum_number_of_trials(
+double k,     // number of failures (events), k >= 0.
+double p,     // fraction of trails for which event occurs, 0 <= p <= 1.
+double probability); // probability threshold, 0 <= probability <= 1.
+#include <iostream>
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+using std::fixed;
+using std::right;
+#include <iomanip>
+using std::setprecision;
+using std::setw;
+It centres around a routine that prints out
+a table of minimum sample sizes for various probability thresholds:
+  void find_number_of_trials(double failures, double p);
+First define a table of significance levels: these are the maximum
+acceptable probability that /failure/ or fewer events will be observed.
+  double alpha[] = { 0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001 };
+Confidence value as % is (1 - alpha) * 100, so alpha 0.05 == 95% confidence
+that the desired number of failures will be observed.
+Much of the rest of the program is pretty-printing, the important part
+is in the calculation of minimum number of trials required for each
+value of alpha using:
+ (int)ceil(negative_binomial::find_minimum_number_of_trials(failures, p, alpha[i]);
+find_minimum_number_of_trials returns a double,
+so ceil rounds this up to ensure we have an integral minimum number of trials.
+void find_number_of_trials(double failures, double p)
+   // trials = number of trials
+   // failures = number of failures before achieving required success(es).
+   // p        = success fraction (0 <= p <= 1.).
+   //
+   // Calculate how many trials we need to ensure the
+   // required number of failures DOES exceed "failures".
+  cout << "\n""Target number of failures = " << failures;
+  cout << ",   Success fraction = " << 100 * p << "%" << endl;
+   // Print table header:
+   cout << "\n\n"
+           "____________________________\n"
+           "Confidence        Min Number\n"
+           " Value (%)        Of Trials \n"
+           "____________________________\n";
+   // Now print out the data for the alpha table values.
+  for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(alpha)/sizeof(alpha[0]); ++i)
+   { // Confidence values %:
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << setw(10) << right << 100 * (1-alpha[i]) << " "
+      // find_minimum_number_of_trials
+      << setw(6) << right
+ << (int)ceil(negative_binomial::find_minimum_number_of_trials(failures, p, alpha[i]))
+      << endl;
+   }
+   cout << endl;
+} // void find_number_of_trials(double failures, double p)
+/*` finally we can produce some tables of minimum trials for the chosen confidence levels:
+int main()
+    find_number_of_trials(5, 0.5);
+    find_number_of_trials(50, 0.5);
+    find_number_of_trials(500, 0.5);
+    find_number_of_trials(50, 0.1);
+    find_number_of_trials(500, 0.1);
+    find_number_of_trials(5, 0.9);
+    return 0;
+} // int main()
+//]  [/neg_binomial_sample_sizes.cpp end of Quickbook in C++ markup]
+Output is:
+Target number of failures = 5,   Success fraction = 50%
+Confidence        Min Number
+ Value (%)        Of Trials
+    50.000          11
+    75.000          14
+    90.000          17
+    95.000          18
+    99.000          22
+    99.900          27
+    99.990          31
+    99.999          36
+Target number of failures = 50.000,   Success fraction = 50.000%
+Confidence        Min Number
+ Value (%)        Of Trials
+    50.000         101
+    75.000         109
+    90.000         115
+    95.000         119
+    99.000         128
+    99.900         137
+    99.990         146
+    99.999         154
+Target number of failures = 500.000,   Success fraction = 50.000%
+Confidence        Min Number
+ Value (%)        Of Trials
+    50.000        1001
+    75.000        1023
+    90.000        1043
+    95.000        1055
+    99.000        1078
+    99.900        1104
+    99.990        1126
+    99.999        1146
+Target number of failures = 50.000,   Success fraction = 10.000%
+Confidence        Min Number
+ Value (%)        Of Trials
+    50.000          56
+    75.000          58
+    90.000          60
+    95.000          61
+    99.000          63
+    99.900          66
+    99.990          68
+    99.999          71
+Target number of failures = 500.000,   Success fraction = 10.000%
+Confidence        Min Number
+ Value (%)        Of Trials
+    50.000         556
+    75.000         562
+    90.000         567
+    95.000         570
+    99.000         576
+    99.900         583
+    99.990         588
+    99.999         594
+Target number of failures = 5.000,   Success fraction = 90.000%
+Confidence        Min Number
+ Value (%)        Of Trials
+    50.000          57
+    75.000          73
+    90.000          91
+    95.000         103
+    99.000         127
+    99.900         159
+    99.990         189
+    99.999         217
+Target number of failures = 5.000,   Success fraction = 40.000%
+Confidence        Min Number
+ Value (%)        Of Trials
+    50.000          10
+    75.000          11
+    90.000          13
+    95.000          15
+    99.000          18
+    99.900          21
+    99.990          25
+    99.999          28
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/negative_binomial_example1.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+// negative_binomial_example1.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Example 1 of using negative_binomial distribution.
+Based on [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_binomial_distribution
+a problem by Dr. Diane Evans,
+Professor of Mathematics at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology].
+Pat is required to sell candy bars to raise money for the 6th grade field trip.
+There are thirty houses in the neighborhood,
+and Pat is not supposed to return home until five candy bars have been sold.
+So the child goes door to door, selling candy bars.
+At each house, there is a 0.4 probability (40%) of selling one candy bar
+and a 0.6 probability (60%) of selling nothing.
+What is the probability mass (density) function (pdf) for selling the last (fifth)
+candy bar at the nth house?
+The Negative Binomial(r, p) distribution describes the probability of k failures
+and r successes in k+r Bernoulli(p) trials with success on the last trial.
+(A [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli_distribution Bernoulli trial]
+is one with only two possible outcomes, success of failure,
+and p is the probability of success).
+See also [@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli_distribution Bernoulli distribution] +and [@http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/bernoulli/Introduction.xhtml Bernoulli applications].
+In this example, we will deliberately produce a variety of calculations
+and outputs to demonstrate the ways that the negative binomial distribution
+can be implemented with this library: it is also deliberately over-commented.
+First we need to #define macros to control the error and discrete handling policies.
+For this simple example, we want to avoid throwing
+an exception (the default policy) and just return infinity.
+We want to treat the distribution as if it was continuous,
+so we choose a discrete_quantile policy of real,
+rather than the default policy integer_round_outwards.
+After that we need some includes to provide easy access to the negative binomial distribution, +[caution It is vital to #include distributions etc *after* the above #defines]
+and we need some std library iostream, of course.
+#include <boost/math/distributions/negative_binomial.hpp>
+  // for negative_binomial_distribution
+ using boost::math::negative_binomial; // typedef provides default type is double.
+  using  ::boost::math::pdf; // Probability mass function.
+  using  ::boost::math::cdf; // Cumulative density function.
+  using  ::boost::math::quantile;
+#include <iostream>
+  using std::cout; using std::endl;
+ using std::noshowpoint; using std::fixed; using std::right; using std::left;
+#include <iomanip>
+  using std::setprecision; using std::setw;
+#include <limits>
+  using std::numeric_limits;
+//] [negative_binomial_eg1_1]
+int main()
+  cout <<"Selling candy bars - using the negative binomial distribution."
+    << "\nby Dr. Diane Evans,"
+    "\nProfessor of Mathematics at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology,"
+ << "\nsee http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_binomial_distribution\n";
+    << endl;
+  cout << endl;
+  cout.precision(5);
+ // None of the values calculated have a useful accuracy as great this, but
+  // INF shows wrongly with < 5 !
+ // https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=240227
+It is always sensible to use try and catch blocks because defaults policies are to
+throw an exception if anything goes wrong.
+A simple catch block (see below) will ensure that you get a
+helpful error message instead of an abrupt program abort.
+  try
+  {
+Selling five candy bars means getting five successes, so successes r = 5.
+The total number of trials (n, in this case, houses visited) this takes is therefore
+  = sucesses + failures or k + r = k + 5.
+    double sales_quota = 5; // Pat's sales quota - successes (r).
+At each house, there is a 0.4 probability (40%) of selling one candy bar
+and a 0.6 probability (60%) of selling nothing.
+ double success_fraction = 0.4; // success_fraction (p) - so failure_fraction is 0.6.
+The Negative Binomial(r, p) distribution describes the probability of k failures
+and r successes in k+r Bernoulli(p) trials with success on the last trial.
+(A [@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli_distribution Bernoulli trial]
+is one with only two possible outcomes, success of failure,
+and p is the probability of success).
+We therefore start by constructing a negative binomial distribution
+with parameters sales_quota (required successes) and probability of success.
+ negative_binomial nb(sales_quota, success_fraction); // type double by default.
+To confirm, display the success_fraction & successes parameters of the distribution.
+ cout << "Pat has a sales per house success rate of " << success_fraction + << ".\nTherefore he would, on average, sell " << nb.success_fraction() * 100
+      << " bars after trying 100 houses." << endl;
+    int all_houses = 30; // The number of houses on the estate.
+    cout << "With a success rate of " << nb.success_fraction()
+      << ", he might expect, on average,\n"
+        "to need to visit about " << success_fraction * all_houses
+ << " houses in order to sell all " << nb.successes() << " bars. " << endl;
+Pat has a sales per house success rate of 0.4.
+Therefore he would, on average, sell 40 bars after trying 100 houses.
+With a success rate of 0.4, he might expect, on average,
+to need to visit about 12 houses in order to sell all 5 bars.
+The random variable of interest is the number of houses
+that must be visited to sell five candy bars,
+so we substitute k = n - 5 into a negative_binomial(5, 0.4)
+and obtain the [link math.dist.pdf probability mass (density) function (pdf or pmf)]
+of the distribution of houses visited.
+Obviously, the best possible case is that Pat makes sales on all the first five houses.
+We calculate this using the pdf function:
+ cout << "Probability that Pat finishes on the " << sales_quota << "th house is "
+      << pdf(nb, 5 - sales_quota) << endl; // == pdf(nb, 0)
+Of course, he could not finish on fewer than 5 houses because he must sell 5 candy bars.
+So the 5th house is the first that he could possibly finish on.
+To finish on or before the 8th house, Pat must finish at the 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th house.
+The probability that he will finish on *exactly* ( == ) on any house
+is the Probability Density Function (pdf).
+    cout << "Probability that Pat finishes on the 6th house is "
+      << pdf(nb, 6 - sales_quota) << endl;
+    cout << "Probability that Pat finishes on the 7th house is "
+      << pdf(nb, 7 - sales_quota) << endl;
+    cout << "Probability that Pat finishes on the 8th house is "
+      << pdf(nb, 8 - sales_quota) << endl;
+Probability that Pat finishes on the 6th house is 0.03072
+Probability that Pat finishes on the 7th house is 0.055296
+Probability that Pat finishes on the 8th house is 0.077414
+The sum of the probabilities for these houses is the Cumulative Distribution Function (cdf).
+We can calculate it by adding the individual probabilities.
+ cout << "Probability that Pat finishes on or before the 8th house is sum "
+      "\n" << "pdf(sales_quota) + pdf(6) + pdf(7) + pdf(8) = "
+ // Sum each of the mass/density probabilities for houses sales_quota = 5, 6, 7, & 8.
+      << pdf(nb, 5 - sales_quota) // 0 failures.
+        + pdf(nb, 6 - sales_quota) // 1 failure.
+        + pdf(nb, 7 - sales_quota) // 2 failures.
+        + pdf(nb, 8 - sales_quota) // 3 failures.
+      << endl;
+pdf(sales_quota) + pdf(6) + pdf(7) + pdf(8) = 0.17367
+Or, usually better, by using the negative binomial *cumulative* distribution function.
+    cout << "\nProbability of selling his quota of " << sales_quota
+      << " bars\non or before the " << 8 << "th house is "
+      << cdf(nb, 8 - sales_quota) << endl;
+Probability of selling his quota of 5 bars on or before the 8th house is 0.17367
+    cout << "\nProbability that Pat finishes exactly on the 10th house is "
+      << pdf(nb, 10 - sales_quota) << endl;
+    cout << "\nProbability of selling his quota of " << sales_quota
+      << " bars\non or before the " << 10 << "th house is "
+      << cdf(nb, 10 - sales_quota) << endl;
+Probability that Pat finishes exactly on the 10th house is 0.10033
+Probability of selling his quota of 5 bars on or before the 10th house is 0.3669
+    cout << "Probability that Pat finishes exactly on the 11th house is "
+      << pdf(nb, 11 - sales_quota) << endl;
+    cout << "\nProbability of selling his quota of " << sales_quota
+      << " bars\non or before the " << 11 << "th house is "
+      << cdf(nb, 11 - sales_quota) << endl;
+Probability that Pat finishes on the 11th house is 0.10033
+Probability of selling his quota of 5 candy bars
+on or before the 11th house is 0.46723
+    cout << "Probability that Pat finishes exactly on the 12th house is "
+      << pdf(nb, 12 - sales_quota) << endl;
+    cout << "\nProbability of selling his quota of " << sales_quota
+      << " bars\non or before the " << 12 << "th house is "
+      << cdf(nb, 12 - sales_quota) << endl;
+Probability that Pat finishes on the 12th house is 0.094596
+Probability of selling his quota of 5 candy bars
+on or before the 12th house is 0.56182
+Finally consider the risk of Pat not selling his quota of 5 bars
+even after visiting all the houses.
+Calculate the probability that he /will/ sell on
+or before the last house:
+Calculate the probability that he would sell all his quota on the very last house.
+    cout << "Probability that Pat finishes on the " << all_houses
+      << " house is " << pdf(nb, all_houses - sales_quota) << endl;
+Probability of selling his quota of 5 bars on the 30th house is
+Probability that Pat finishes on the 30 house is 0.00069145
+when he'd be very unlucky indeed!
+What is the probability that Pat exhausts all 30 houses in the neighborhood,
+and *still* doesn't sell the required 5 candy bars?
+    cout << "\nProbability of selling his quota of " << sales_quota
+      << " bars\non or before the " << all_houses << "th house is "
+      << cdf(nb, all_houses - sales_quota) << endl;
+Probability of selling his quota of 5 bars
+on or before the 30th house is 0.99849
+/*`So the risk of failing even after visiting all the houses is 1 - this probability,
+  ``1 - cdf(nb, all_houses - sales_quota``
+But using this expression may cause serious inaccuracy,
+so it would be much better to use the complement of the cdf:
+So the risk of failing even at, or after, the 31th (non-existent) houses is 1 - this probability,
+  ``1 - cdf(nb, all_houses - sales_quota)``
+But using this expression may cause serious inaccuracy.
+So it would be much better to use the complement of the cdf.
+[link why_complements Why complements?]
+    cout << "\nProbability of failing to sell his quota of " << sales_quota
+      << " bars\neven after visiting all " << all_houses << " houses is "
+      << cdf(complement(nb, all_houses - sales_quota)) << endl;
+Probability of failing to sell his quota of 5 bars
+even after visiting all 30 houses is 0.0015101
+We can also use the quantile (percentile), the inverse of the cdf, to
+predict which house Pat will finish on.  So for the 8th house:
+ double p = cdf(nb, (8 - sales_quota));
+ cout << "Probability of meeting sales quota on or before 8th house is "<< p << endl;
+Probability of meeting sales quota on or before 8th house is 0.174
+    cout << "If the confidence of meeting sales quota is " << p
+ << ", then the finishing house is " << quantile(nb, p) + sales_quota << endl;
+    cout<< " quantile(nb, p) = " << quantile(nb, p) << endl;
+If the confidence of meeting sales quota is 0.17367, then the finishing house is 8
+Demanding absolute certainty that all 5 will be sold,
+implies an infinite number of trials.
+(Of course, there are only 30 houses on the estate,
+so he can't ever be *certain* of selling his quota).
+    cout << "If the confidence of meeting sales quota is " << 1.
+ << ", then the finishing house is " << quantile(nb, 1) + sales_quota << endl;
+    //  1.#INF == infinity.
+If the confidence of meeting sales quota is 1, then the finishing house is 1.#INF
+And similarly for a few other probabilities:
+    cout << "If the confidence of meeting sales quota is " << 0.
+ << ", then the finishing house is " << quantile(nb, 0.) + sales_quota << endl;
+    cout << "If the confidence of meeting sales quota is " << 0.5
+ << ", then the finishing house is " << quantile(nb, 0.5) + sales_quota << endl;
+ cout << "If the confidence of meeting sales quota is " << 1 - 0.00151 // 30 th + << ", then the finishing house is " << quantile(nb, 1 - 0.00151) + sales_quota << endl;
+If the confidence of meeting sales quota is 0, then the finishing house is 5 +If the confidence of meeting sales quota is 0.5, then the finishing house is 11.337 +If the confidence of meeting sales quota is 0.99849, then the finishing house is 30
+Notice that because we chose a discrete quantile policy of real,
+the result can be an 'unreal' fractional house.
+If the opposite is true, we don't want to assume any confidence, then this is tantamount
+to assuming that all the first sales_quota trials will be successful sales.
+ cout << "If confidence of meeting quota is zero\n(we assume all houses are successful sales)"
+      ", then finishing house is " << sales_quota << endl;
+If confidence of meeting quota is zero (we assume all houses are successful sales), then finishing house is 5
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0, then finishing house is 5
+We can list quantiles for a few probabilities:
+ double ps[] = {0., 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999, 1.};
+    // Confidence as fraction = 1-alpha, as percent =  100 * (1-alpha[i]) %
+    cout.precision(3);
+    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(ps)/sizeof(ps[0]); i++)
+    {
+      cout << "If confidence of meeting quota is " << ps[i]
+ << ", then finishing house is " << quantile(nb, ps[i]) + sales_quota
+        << endl;
+   }
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0, then finishing house is 5
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.001, then finishing house is 5
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.01, then finishing house is 5
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.05, then finishing house is 6.2
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.1, then finishing house is 7.06
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.5, then finishing house is 11.3
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.9, then finishing house is 17.8
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.95, then finishing house is 20.1
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.99, then finishing house is 24.8
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.999, then finishing house is 31.1
+If confidence of meeting quota is 1, then finishing house is 1.#INF
+We could have applied a ceil function to obtain a 'worst case' integer value for house.
+``ceil(quantile(nb, ps[i]))``
+Or, if we had used the default discrete quantile policy, integer_outside, by omitting
+we would have achieved the same effect.
+The real result gives some suggestion which house is most likely.
+For example, compare the real and integer_outside for 95% confidence.
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.95, then finishing house is 20.1
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.95, then finishing house is 21
+The real value 20.1 is much closer to 20 than 21, so integer_outside is pessimistic. +We could also use integer_round_nearest policy to suggest that 20 is more likely.
+Finally, we can tabulate the probability for the last sale being exactly on each house.
+ cout << "\nHouse for " << sales_quota << "th (last) sale. Probability (%)" << endl;
+   cout.precision(5);
+   for (int i = (int)sales_quota; i < all_houses+1; i++)
+   {
+ cout << left << setw(3) << i << " " << setw(8) << cdf(nb, i - sales_quota) << endl;
+   }
+   cout << endl;
+House for 5 th (last) sale.  Probability (%)
+5                               0.01024
+6                               0.04096
+7                               0.096256
+8                               0.17367
+9                               0.26657
+10                              0.3669
+11                              0.46723
+12                              0.56182
+13                              0.64696
+14                              0.72074
+15                              0.78272
+16                              0.83343
+17                              0.874
+18                              0.90583
+19                              0.93039
+20                              0.94905
+21                              0.96304
+22                              0.97342
+23                              0.98103
+24                              0.98655
+25                              0.99053
+26                              0.99337
+27                              0.99539
+28                              0.99681
+29                              0.9978
+30                              0.99849
+As noted above, using a catch block is always a good idea, even if you do not expect to use it.
+  }
+  catch(const std::exception& e)
+  { // Since we have set an overflow policy of ignore_error,
+    // an overflow exception should never be thrown.
+ std::cout << "\nMessage from thrown exception was:\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
+For example, without a ignore domain error policy, if we asked for ``pdf(nb, -1)`` for example, we would get:
+Message from thrown exception was:
+ Error in function boost::math::pdf(const negative_binomial_distribution<double>&, double):
+ Number of failures argument is -1, but must be >= 0 !
+//] [/ negative_binomial_eg1_2]
+  }
+   return 0;
+}  // int main()
+Output is:
+Selling candy bars - using the negative binomial distribution.
+by Dr. Diane Evans,
+Professor of Mathematics at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology,
+see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_binomial_distribution
+Pat has a sales per house success rate of 0.4.
+Therefore he would, on average, sell 40 bars after trying 100 houses.
+With a success rate of 0.4, he might expect, on average,
+to need to visit about 12 houses in order to sell all 5 bars.
+Probability that Pat finishes on the 5th house is 0.01024
+Probability that Pat finishes on the 6th house is 0.03072
+Probability that Pat finishes on the 7th house is 0.055296
+Probability that Pat finishes on the 8th house is 0.077414
+Probability that Pat finishes on or before the 8th house is sum
+pdf(sales_quota) + pdf(6) + pdf(7) + pdf(8) = 0.17367
+Probability of selling his quota of 5 bars
+on or before the 8th house is 0.17367
+Probability that Pat finishes exactly on the 10th house is 0.10033
+Probability of selling his quota of 5 bars
+on or before the 10th house is 0.3669
+Probability that Pat finishes exactly on the 11th house is 0.10033
+Probability of selling his quota of 5 bars
+on or before the 11th house is 0.46723
+Probability that Pat finishes exactly on the 12th house is 0.094596
+Probability of selling his quota of 5 bars
+on or before the 12th house is 0.56182
+Probability that Pat finishes on the 30 house is 0.00069145
+Probability of selling his quota of 5 bars
+on or before the 30th house is 0.99849
+Probability of failing to sell his quota of 5 bars
+even after visiting all 30 houses is 0.0015101
+Probability of meeting sales quota on or before 8th house is 0.17367
+If the confidence of meeting sales quota is 0.17367, then the finishing house is 8
+ quantile(nb, p) = 3
+If the confidence of meeting sales quota is 1, then the finishing house is 1.#INF +If the confidence of meeting sales quota is 0, then the finishing house is 5 +If the confidence of meeting sales quota is 0.5, then the finishing house is 11.337 +If the confidence of meeting sales quota is 0.99849, then the finishing house is 30
+If confidence of meeting quota is zero
+(we assume all houses are successful sales), then finishing house is 5
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0, then finishing house is 5
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.001, then finishing house is 5
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.01, then finishing house is 5
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.05, then finishing house is 6.2
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.1, then finishing house is 7.06
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.5, then finishing house is 11.3
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.9, then finishing house is 17.8
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.95, then finishing house is 20.1
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.99, then finishing house is 24.8
+If confidence of meeting quota is 0.999, then finishing house is 31.1
+If confidence of meeting quota is 1, then finishing house is 1.#J
+House for 5th (last) sale.  Probability (%)
+5                               0.01024
+6                               0.04096
+7                               0.096256
+8                               0.17367
+9                               0.26657
+10                              0.3669
+11                              0.46723
+12                              0.56182
+13                              0.64696
+14                              0.72074
+15                              0.78272
+16                              0.83343
+17                              0.874
+18                              0.90583
+19                              0.93039
+20                              0.94905
+21                              0.96304
+22                              0.97342
+23                              0.98103
+24                              0.98655
+25                              0.99053
+26                              0.99337
+27                              0.99539
+28                              0.99681
+29                              0.9978
+30                              0.99849
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/negative_binomial_example2.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+// negative_binomial_example2.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Simple example demonstrating use of the Negative Binomial Distribution.
+#include <boost/math/distributions/negative_binomial.hpp>
+  using boost::math::negative_binomial_distribution;
+  using boost::math::negative_binomial; // typedef
+// In a sequence of trials or events
+// (Bernoulli, independent, yes or no, succeed or fail)
+// with success_fraction probability p,
+// negative_binomial is the probability that k or fewer failures
+// preceed the r th trial's success.
+#include <iostream>
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+using std::setprecision;
+using std::showpoint;
+using std::setw;
+using std::left;
+using std::right;
+#include <limits>
+using std::numeric_limits;
+int main()
+  cout << "Negative_binomial distribution - simple example 2" << endl;
+  // Construct a negative binomial distribution with:
+  // 8 successes (r), success fraction (p) 0.25 = 25% or 1 in 4 successes.
+  negative_binomial mynbdist(8, 0.25); // Shorter method using typedef.
+  // Display (to check) properties of the distribution just constructed.
+  cout << "mean(mynbdist) = " << mean(mynbdist) << endl; // 24
+  cout << "mynbdist.successes() = " << mynbdist.successes()  << endl; // 8
+  // r th successful trial, after k failures, is r + k th trial.
+ cout << "mynbdist.success_fraction() = " << mynbdist.success_fraction() << endl;
+  // success_fraction = failures/successes or k/r = 0.25 or 25%.
+ cout << "mynbdist.percent success = " << mynbdist.success_fraction() * 100 << "%" << endl;
+  // Show as % too.
+ // Show some cumulative distribution function values for failures k = 2 and 8 + cout << "cdf(mynbdist, 2.) = " << cdf(mynbdist, 2.) << endl; // 0.000415802001953125 + cout << "cdf(mynbdist, 8.) = " << cdf(mynbdist, 8.) << endl; // 0.027129956288263202 + cout << "cdf(complement(mynbdist, 8.)) = " << cdf(complement(mynbdist, 8.)) << endl; // 0.9728700437117368
+  // Check that cdf plus its complement is unity.
+ cout << "cdf + complement = " << cdf(mynbdist, 8.) + cdf(complement(mynbdist, 8.)) << endl; // 1
+  // Note: No complement for pdf!
+  // Compare cdf with sum of pdfs.
+  double sum = 0.; // Calculate the sum of all the pdfs,
+  int k = 20; // for 20 failures
+  for(signed i = 0; i <= k; ++i)
+  {
+    sum += pdf(mynbdist, double(i));
+  }
+  // Compare with the cdf
+  double cdf8 = cdf(mynbdist, static_cast<double>(k));
+  double diff = sum - cdf8; // Expect the diference to be very small.
+ cout << setprecision(17) << "Sum pdfs = " << sum << ' ' // sum = 0.40025683281803698 + << ", cdf = " << cdf(mynbdist, static_cast<double>(k)) // cdf = 0.40025683281803687
+  << ", difference = "  // difference = 0.50000000000000000
+ << setprecision(1) << diff/ (std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() * sum)
+  << " in epsilon units." << endl;
+  // Note: Use boost::math::tools::epsilon rather than std::numeric_limits
+  //  to cover RealTypes that do not specialize numeric_limits.
+  // Print a table of values that can be used to plot
+  // using Excel, or some other superior graphical display tool.
+ cout.precision(17); // Use max_digits10 precision, the maximum available for a reference table.
+  cout << showpoint << endl; // include trailing zeros.
+ // This is a maximum possible precision for the type (here double) to suit a reference table. + int maxk = static_cast<int>(2. * mynbdist.successes() / mynbdist.success_fraction()); + // This maxk shows most of the range of interest, probability about 0.0001 to 0.999.
+  cout << "\n"" k            pdf                      cdf""\n" << endl;
+  for (int k = 0; k < maxk; k++)
+  {
+    cout << right << setprecision(17) << showpoint
+      << right << setw(3) << k  << ", "
+      << left << setw(25) << pdf(mynbdist, static_cast<double>(k))
+      << left << setw(25) << cdf(mynbdist, static_cast<double>(k))
+      << endl;
+  }
+  cout << endl;
+//] [/ neg_binomial_example2]
+  return 0;
+} // int main()
+Output is:
+negative_binomial distribution - simple example 2
+mean(mynbdist) = 24
+mynbdist.successes() = 8
+mynbdist.success_fraction() = 0.25
+mynbdist.percent success  = 25%
+cdf(mynbdist, 2.) = 0.000415802001953125
+cdf(mynbdist, 8.) = 0.027129956288263202
+cdf(complement(mynbdist, 8.)) = 0.9728700437117368
+cdf + complement = 1
+Sum pdfs = 0.40025683281803692 , cdf = 0.40025683281803687, difference = 0.25 in epsilon units.
+ k            pdf                      cdf
+  0, 1.5258789062500000e-005  1.5258789062500003e-005
+  1, 9.1552734375000000e-005  0.00010681152343750000
+  2, 0.00030899047851562522   0.00041580200195312500
+  3, 0.00077247619628906272   0.0011882781982421875
+  4, 0.0015932321548461918    0.0027815103530883789
+  5, 0.0028678178787231476    0.0056493282318115234
+  6, 0.0046602040529251142    0.010309532284736633
+  7, 0.0069903060793876605    0.017299838364124298
+  8, 0.0098301179241389001    0.027129956288263202
+  9, 0.013106823898851871     0.040236780187115073
+ 10, 0.016711200471036140     0.056947980658151209
+ 11, 0.020509200578089786     0.077457181236241013
+ 12, 0.024354675686481652     0.10181185692272265
+ 13, 0.028101548869017230     0.12991340579173993
+ 14, 0.031614242477644432     0.16152764826938440
+ 15, 0.034775666725408917     0.19630331499479325
+ 16, 0.037492515688331451     0.23379583068312471
+ 17, 0.039697957787645101     0.27349378847076977
+ 18, 0.041352039362130305     0.31484582783290005
+ 19, 0.042440250924291580     0.35728607875719176
+ 20, 0.042970754060845245     0.40025683281803687
+ 21, 0.042970754060845225     0.44322758687888220
+ 22, 0.042482450037426581     0.48571003691630876
+ 23, 0.041558918514873783     0.52726895543118257
+ 24, 0.040260202311284021     0.56752915774246648
+ 25, 0.038649794218832620     0.60617895196129912
+ 26, 0.036791631035234917     0.64297058299653398
+ 27, 0.034747651533277427     0.67771823452981139
+ 28, 0.032575923312447595     0.71029415784225891
+ 29, 0.030329307911589130     0.74062346575384819
+ 30, 0.028054609818219924     0.76867807557206813
+ 31, 0.025792141284492545     0.79447021685656061
+ 32, 0.023575629142856460     0.81804584599941710
+ 33, 0.021432390129869489     0.83947823612928651
+ 34, 0.019383705779220189     0.85886194190850684
+ 35, 0.017445335201298231     0.87630727710980494
+ 36, 0.015628112784496322     0.89193538989430121
+ 37, 0.013938587078064250     0.90587397697236549
+ 38, 0.012379666154859701     0.91825364312722524
+ 39, 0.010951243136991251     0.92920488626421649
+ 40, 0.0096507830144735539    0.93885566927869002
+ 41, 0.0084738582566109364    0.94732952753530097
+ 42, 0.0074146259745345548    0.95474415350983555
+ 43, 0.0064662435824429246    0.96121039709227851
+ 44, 0.0056212231142827853    0.96683162020656122
+ 45, 0.0048717266990450708    0.97170334690560634
+ 46, 0.0042098073105878630    0.97591315421619418
+ 47, 0.0036275999165703964    0.97954075413276465
+ 48, 0.0031174686783026818    0.98265822281106729
+ 49, 0.0026721160099737302    0.98533033882104104
+ 50, 0.0022846591885275322    0.98761499800956853
+ 51, 0.0019486798960970148    0.98956367790566557
+ 52, 0.0016582516423517923    0.99122192954801736
+ 53, 0.0014079495076571762    0.99262987905567457
+ 54, 0.0011928461106539983    0.99382272516632852
+ 55, 0.0010084971662802015    0.99483122233260868
+ 56, 0.00085091948404891532   0.99568214181665760
+ 57, 0.00071656377604119542   0.99639870559269883
+ 58, 0.00060228420831048650   0.99700098980100937
+ 59, 0.00050530624256557675   0.99750629604357488
+ 60, 0.00042319397814867202   0.99792949002172360
+ 61, 0.00035381791615708398   0.99828330793788067
+ 62, 0.00029532382517950324   0.99857863176306016
+ 63, 0.00024610318764958566   0.99882473495070978
+//] [neg_binomial_example2_1 end of Quickbook]
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/normal_misc_examples.cpp Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+// negative_binomial_example3.cpp
+// Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
+// or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Example of using normal distribution.
+// Note that this file contains Quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+First we need some includes to access the normal distribution
+(and some std output of course).
+#include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp> // for normal_distribution
+  using boost::math::normal; // typedef provides default type is double.
+#include <iostream>
+ using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::left; using std::showpoint; using std::noshowpoint;
+#include <iomanip>
+  using std::setw; using std::setprecision;
+#include <limits>
+  using std::numeric_limits;
+int main()
+  cout << "Example: Normal distribution, Miscellaneous Applications.";
+  try
+  {
+    { // Traditional tables and values.
+/*`Let's start by printing some traditional tables.
+      double step = 1.; // in z
+      double range = 4; // min and max z = -range to +range.
+ int precision = 17; // traditional tables are only computed to much lower precision.
+      // Construct a standard normal distribution s
+        normal s; // (default mean = zero, and standard deviation = unity)
+        cout << "Standard normal distribution, mean = "<< s.mean()
+          << ", standard deviation = " << s.standard_deviation() << endl;
+/*` First the probability distribution function (pdf).
+      cout << "Probability distribution function values" << endl;
+      cout << "  z " "      pdf " << endl;
+      cout.precision(5);
+      for (double z = -range; z < range + step; z += step)
+      {
+        cout << left << setprecision(3) << setw(6) << z << " "
+          << setprecision(precision) << setw(12) << pdf(s, z) << endl;
+      }
+      cout.precision(6); // default
+      /*`And the area under the normal curve from -[infin] up to z,
+      the cumulative distribution function (cdf).
+      // For a standard normal distribution
+      cout << "Standard normal mean = "<< s.mean()
+        << ", standard deviation = " << s.standard_deviation() << endl;
+ cout << "Integral (area under the curve) from - infinity up to z " << endl;
+      cout << "  z " "      cdf " << endl;
+      for (double z = -range; z < range + step; z += step)
+      {
+        cout << left << setprecision(3) << setw(6) << z << " "
+          << setprecision(precision) << setw(12) << cdf(s, z) << endl;
+      }
+      cout.precision(6); // default
+/*`And all this you can do with a nanoscopic amount of work compared to
+the team of *human computers* toiling with Milton Abramovitz and Irene Stegen
+at the US National Bureau of Standards (now [@http://www.nist.gov NIST]).
+Starting in 1938, their "Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs and Mathematical Tables", +was eventually published in 1964, and has been reprinted numerous times since. +(A major replacement is planned at [@http://dlmf.nist.gov Digital Library of Mathematical Functions]).
+Pretty-printing a traditional 2-dimensional table is left as an exercise for the student,
+but why bother now that the Math Toolkit lets you write
+    double z = 2.;
+ cout << "Area for z = " << z << " is " << cdf(s, z) << endl; // to get the area for z.
+Correspondingly, we can obtain the traditional 'critical' values for significance levels.
+For the 95% confidence level, the significance level usually called alpha,
+is 0.05 = 1 - 0.95 (for a one-sided test), so we can write
+     cout << "95% of area has a z below " << quantile(s, 0.95) << endl;
+   // 95% of area has a z below 1.64485
+/*`and a two-sided test (a comparison between two levels, rather than a one-sided test)
+     cout << "95% of area has a z between " << quantile(s, 0.975)
+       << " and " << -quantile(s, 0.975) << endl;
+   // 95% of area has a z between 1.95996 and -1.95996
+First, define a table of significance levels: these are the probabilities
+that the true occurrence frequency lies outside the calculated interval.
+It is convenient to have an alpha level for the probability that z lies outside just one standard deviation. +This will not be some nice neat number like 0.05, but we can easily calculate it,
+    double alpha1 = cdf(s, -1) * 2; // 0.3173105078629142
+ cout << setprecision(17) << "Significance level for z == 1 is " << alpha1 << endl;
+    and place in our array of favorite alpha values.
+    double alpha[] = {0.3173105078629142, // z for 1 standard deviation.
+      0.20, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001 };
+Confidence value as % is (1 - alpha) * 100 (so alpha 0.05 == 95% confidence)
+that the true occurrence frequency lies *inside* the calculated interval.
+    cout << "level of significance (alpha)" << setprecision(4) << endl;
+    cout << "2-sided       1 -sided          z(alpha) " << endl;
+    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(alpha)/sizeof(alpha[0]); ++i)
+    {
+ cout << setw(15) << alpha[i] << setw(15) << alpha[i] /2 << setw(10) << quantile(complement(s, alpha[i]/2)) << endl; + // Use quantile(complement(s, alpha[i]/2)) to avoid potential loss of accuracy from quantile(s, 1 - alpha[i]/2)
+    }
+    cout << endl;
+/*`Notice the distinction between one-sided (also called one-tailed)
+where we are using a > *or* < test (and not both)
+and considering the area of the tail (integral) from z up to +[infin],
+and a two-sided test where we are using two > *and* < tests, and thus considering two tails,
+from -[infin] up to z low and z high up to +[infin].
+So the 2-sided values alpha[i] are calculated using alpha[i]/2.
+If we consider a simple example of alpha = 0.05, then for a two-sided test,
+the lower tail area from -[infin] up to -1.96 is 0.025 (alpha/2)
+and the upper tail area from +z up to +1.96 is also  0.025 (alpha/2),
+and the area between -1.96 up to 12.96 is alpha = 0.95.
+and the sum of the two tails is 0.025 + 0.025 = 0.05,
+//] [/[normal_basic1]
+/*`Armed with the cumulative distribution function, we can easily calculate the +easy to remember proportion of values that lie within 1, 2 and 3 standard deviations from the mean.
+    cout.precision(3);
+    cout << showpoint << "cdf(s, s.standard_deviation()) = "
+      << cdf(s, s.standard_deviation()) << endl;  // from -infinity to 1 sd
+    cout << "cdf(complement(s, s.standard_deviation())) = "
+      << cdf(complement(s, s.standard_deviation())) << endl;
+    cout << "Fraction 1 standard deviation within either side of mean is "
+      << 1 -  cdf(complement(s, s.standard_deviation())) * 2 << endl;
+    cout << "Fraction 2 standard deviations within either side of mean is "
+      << 1 -  cdf(complement(s, 2 * s.standard_deviation())) * 2 << endl;
+    cout << "Fraction 3 standard deviations within either side of mean is "
+      << 1 -  cdf(complement(s, 3 * s.standard_deviation())) * 2 << endl;
+To a useful precision, the 1, 2 & 3 percentages are 68, 95 and 99.7,
+and these are worth memorising as useful 'rules of thumb', as, for example, in
+[@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_deviation standard deviation]:
+Fraction 1 standard deviation within either side of mean is 0.683
+Fraction 2 standard deviations within either side of mean is 0.954
+Fraction 3 standard deviations within either side of mean is 0.997
+We could of course get some really accurate values for these
+[@http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confidence_interval confidence intervals]
+by using cout.precision(15);
+Fraction 1 standard deviation within either side of mean is 0.682689492137086 +Fraction 2 standard deviations within either side of mean is 0.954499736103642 +Fraction 3 standard deviations within either side of mean is 0.997300203936740
+But before you get too excited about this impressive precision,
+don't forget that the *confidence intervals of the standard deviation* are surprisingly wide, +especially if you have estimated the standard deviation from only a few measurements.
+//] [/[normal_basic2]
+Examples from K. Krishnamoorthy, Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications,
+ISBN 1 58488 635 8, page 125... implemented using the Math Toolkit library.
+A few very simple examples are shown here:
+// K. Krishnamoorthy, Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications,
+ // ISBN 1 58488 635 8, page 125, example 10.3.5
+/*`Mean lifespan of 100 W bulbs is 1100 h with standard deviation of 100 h.
+Assuming, perhaps with little evidence and much faith, that the distribution is normal,
+we construct a normal distribution called /bulbs/ with these values:
+    double mean_life = 1100.;
+    double life_standard_deviation = 100.;
+    normal bulbs(mean_life, life_standard_deviation);
+    double expected_life = 1000.;
+/*`The we can use the Cumulative distribution function to predict fractions
+(or percentages, if * 100) that will last various lifetimes.
+ cout << "Fraction of bulbs that will last at best (<=) " // P(X <= 1000)
+      << expected_life << " is "<< cdf(bulbs, expected_life) << endl;
+    cout << "Fraction of bulbs that will last at least (>) " // P(X > 1000)
+ << expected_life << " is "<< cdf(complement(bulbs, expected_life)) << endl;
+    double min_life = 900;
+    double max_life = 1200;
+    cout << "Fraction of bulbs that will last between "
+      << min_life << " and " << max_life << " is "
+      << cdf(bulbs, max_life)  // P(X <= 1200)
+       - cdf(bulbs, min_life) << endl; // P(X <= 900)
+[note Real-life failures are often very ab-normal,
+with a significant number that 'dead-on-arrival' or suffer failure very early in their life: +the lifetime of the survivors of 'early mortality' may be well described by the normal distribution.]
+//] [/normal_bulbs_example1 Quickbook end]
+  }
+  {
+ // K. Krishnamoorthy, Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications,
+    // ISBN 1 58488 635 8, page 125, Example 10.3.6
+/*`Weekly demand for 5 lb sacks of onions at a store is normally distributed with mean 140 sacks and standard deviation 10.
+  double mean = 140.; // sacks per week.
+  double standard_deviation = 10;
+  normal sacks(mean, standard_deviation);
+  double stock = 160.; // per week.
+  cout << "Percentage of weeks overstocked "
+    << cdf(sacks, stock) * 100. << endl; // P(X <=160)
+  // Percentage of weeks overstocked 97.7
+/*`So there will be lots of mouldy onions!
+So we should be able to say what stock level will meet demand 95% of the weeks.
+  double stock_95 = quantile(sacks, 0.95);
+ cout << "Store should stock " << int(stock_95) << " sacks to meet 95% of demands." << endl; +/*`And it is easy to estimate how to meet 80% of demand, and waste even less.
+  double stock_80 = quantile(sacks, 0.80);
+ cout << "Store should stock " << int(stock_80) << " sacks to meet 8 out of 10 demands." << endl;
+//] [/normal_bulbs_example3 Quickbook end]
+  }
+ { // K. Krishnamoorthy, Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications,
+    // ISBN 1 58488 635 8, page 125, Example 10.3.7
+/*`A machine is set to pack 3 kg of ground beef per pack.
+Over a long period of time it is found that the average packed was 3 kg
+with a standard deviation of 0.1 kg.
+Assuming the packing is normally distributed,
+we can find the fraction (or %) of packages that weigh more than 3.1 kg.
+double mean = 3.; // kg
+double standard_deviation = 0.1; // kg
+normal packs(mean, standard_deviation);
+double max_weight = 3.1; // kg
+cout << "Percentage of packs > " << max_weight << " is "
+<< cdf(complement(packs, max_weight)) << endl; // P(X > 3.1)
+double under_weight = 2.9;
+cout <<"fraction of packs <= " << under_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(packs, under_weight)) << endl;
+// fraction of packs <= 2.9 with a mean of 3 is 0.841345
+// This is 0.84 - more than the target 0.95
+// Want 95% to be over this weight, so what should we set the mean weight to be?
+// KK StatCalc says:
+double over_mean = 3.0664;
+normal xpacks(over_mean, standard_deviation);
+cout << "fraction of packs >= " << under_weight
+<< " with a mean of " << xpacks.mean()
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(xpacks, under_weight)) << endl;
+// fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3.06449 is 0.950005
+double under_fraction = 0.05; // so 95% are above the minimum weight mean - sd = 2.9
+double low_limit = standard_deviation;
+double offset = mean - low_limit - quantile(packs, under_fraction);
+double nominal_mean = mean + offset;
+normal nominal_packs(nominal_mean, standard_deviation);
+cout << "Setting the packer to " << nominal_mean << " will mean that "
+  << "fraction of packs >= " << under_weight
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(nominal_packs, under_weight)) << endl;
+Setting the packer to 3.06449 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.95.
+Setting the packer to 3.13263 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.9 is 0.99,
+but will more than double the mean loss from 0.0644 to 0.133.
+Alternatively, we could invest in a better (more precise) packer with a lower standard deviation.
+To estimate how much better (how much smaller standard deviation) it would have to be,
+we need to get the 5% quantile to be located at the under_weight limit, 2.9
+double p = 0.05; // wanted p th quantile.
+cout << "Quantile of " << p << " = " << quantile(packs, p)
+ << ", mean = " << packs.mean() << ", sd = " << packs.standard_deviation() << endl; //
+Quantile of 0.05 = 2.83551, mean = 3, sd = 0.1
+With the current packer (mean = 3, sd = 0.1), the 5% quantile is at 2.8551 kg,
+a little below our target of 2.9 kg.
+So we know that the standard deviation is going to have to be smaller.
+Let's start by guessing that it (now 0.1) needs to be halved, to a standard deviation of 0.05
+normal pack05(mean, 0.05);
+cout << "Quantile of " << p << " = " << quantile(pack05, p)
+ << ", mean = " << pack05.mean() << ", sd = " << pack05.standard_deviation() << endl;
+cout <<"Fraction of packs >= " << under_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+  << " and standard deviation of " << pack05.standard_deviation()
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(pack05, under_weight)) << endl;
+Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.05 is 0.9772
+So 0.05 was quite a good guess, but we are a little over the 2.9 target,
+so the standard deviation could be a tiny bit more. So we could do some
+more guessing to get closer, say by increasing to 0.06
+normal pack06(mean, 0.06);
+cout << "Quantile of " << p << " = " << quantile(pack06, p)
+ << ", mean = " << pack06.mean() << ", sd = " << pack06.standard_deviation() << endl;
+cout <<"Fraction of packs >= " << under_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+  << " and standard deviation of " << pack06.standard_deviation()
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(pack06, under_weight)) << endl;
+Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.06 is 0.9522
+Now we are getting really close, but to do the job properly,
+we could use root finding method, for example the tools provided, and used elsewhere,
+in the Math Toolkit, see
+[link math_toolkit.toolkit.internals1.roots2 Root Finding Without Derivatives].
+But in this normal distribution case, we could be even smarter and make a direct calculation.
+normal s; // For standard normal distribution,
+double sd = 0.1;
+double x = 2.9; // Our required limit.
+// then probability p = N((x - mean) / sd)
+// So if we want to find the standard deviation that would be required to meet this limit,
+// so that the p th quantile is located at x,
+// in this case the 0.95 (95%) quantile at 2.9 kg pack weight, when the mean is 3 kg.
+double prob =  pdf(s, (x - mean) / sd);
+double qp = quantile(s, 0.95);
+cout << "prob = " << prob << ", quantile(p) " << qp << endl; // p = 0.241971, quantile(p) 1.64485
+// Rearranging, we can directly calculate the required standard deviation:
+double sd95 = abs((x - mean)) / qp;
+cout << "If we want the "<< p << " th quantile to be located at "
+  << x << ", would need a standard deviation of " << sd95 << endl;
+normal pack95(mean, sd95);  // Distribution of the 'ideal better' packer.
+cout <<"Fraction of packs >= " << under_weight << " with a mean of " << mean
+  << " and standard deviation of " << pack95.standard_deviation()
+  << " is " << cdf(complement(pack95, under_weight)) << endl;
+// Fraction of packs >= 2.9 with a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.0608 is 0.95
+/*`Notice that these two deceptively simple questions
+(do we over-fill or measure better) are actually very common.
+The weight of beef might be replaced by a measurement of more or less anything. +But the calculations rely on the accuracy of the standard deviation - something
+that is almost always less good than we might wish,
+especially if based on a few measurements.
+//] [/normal_bulbs_example4 Quickbook end]
+  }
+ { // K. Krishnamoorthy, Handbook of Statistical Distributions with Applications,
+    // ISBN 1 58488 635 8, page 125, example 10.3.8
+/*`A bolt is usable if between 3.9 and 4.1 long.
+From a large batch of bolts, a sample of 50 show a
+mean length of 3.95 with standard deviation 0.1.
+Assuming a normal distribution, what proportion is usable?
+The true sample mean is unknown,
+but we can use the sample mean and standard deviation to find approximate solutions.
+    normal bolts(3.95, 0.1);
+    double top = 4.1;
+    double bottom = 3.9;
+cout << "Fraction long enough [ P(X <= " << top << ") ] is " << cdf(bolts, top) << endl; +cout << "Fraction too short [ P(X <= " << bottom << ") ] is " << cdf(bolts, bottom) << endl;
+cout << "Fraction OK  -between " << bottom << " and " << top
+  << "[ P(X <= " << top  << ") - P(X<= " << bottom << " ) ] is "
+  << cdf(bolts, top) - cdf(bolts, bottom) << endl;
+cout << "Fraction too long [ P(X > " << top << ") ] is "
+  << cdf(complement(bolts, top)) << endl;
+cout << "95% of bolts are shorter than " << quantile(bolts, 0.95) << endl;
+//] [/normal_bulbs_example5 Quickbook end]
+  }
+  }
+  catch(const std::exception& e)
+  { // Always useful to include try & catch blocks because default policies
+ // are to throw exceptions on arguments that cause errors like underflow, overflow. + // Lacking try & catch blocks, the program will abort without a message below,
+    // which may give some helpful clues as to the cause of the exception.
+    std::cout <<
+ "\n""Message from thrown exception was:\n " << e.what() << std::endl;
+  }
+  return 0;
+}  // int main()
+Output is:
+Example: Normal distribution, Miscellaneous Applications.Standard normal distribution, mean = 0, standard deviation = 1
+Probability distribution function values
+  z       pdf
+-4     0.00013383022576488537
+-3     0.0044318484119380075
+-2     0.053990966513188063
+-1     0.24197072451914337
+0      0.3989422804014327
+1      0.24197072451914337
+2      0.053990966513188063
+3      0.0044318484119380075
+4      0.00013383022576488537
+Standard normal mean = 0, standard deviation = 1
+Integral (area under the curve) from - infinity up to z
+  z       cdf
+-4     3.1671241833119979e-005
+-3     0.0013498980316300959
+-2     0.022750131948179219
+-1     0.1586552539314571
+0      0.5
+1      0.84134474606854293
+2      0.97724986805182079
+3      0.9986501019683699
+4      0.99996832875816688
+Area for z = 2 is 0.97725
+95% of area has a z below 1.64485
+95% of area has a z between 1.95996 and -1.95996
+Significance level for z == 1 is 0.3173105078629142
+level of significance (alpha)
+2-sided       1 -sided          z(alpha)
+0.3173         0.1587         1
+0.2            0.1            1.282
+0.1            0.05           1.645
+0.05           0.025          1.96
+0.01           0.005          2.576
+0.001          0.0005         3.291
+0.0001         5e-005         3.891
+1e-005         5e-006         4.417
+cdf(s, s.standard_deviation()) = 0.841
+cdf(complement(s, s.standard_deviation())) = 0.159
+Fraction 1 standard deviation within either side of mean is 0.683
+Fraction 2 standard deviations within either side of mean is 0.954
+Fraction 3 standard deviations within either side of mean is 0.997
+Fraction of bulbs that will last at best (<=) 1.00e+003 is 0.159
+Fraction of bulbs that will last at least (>) 1.00e+003 is 0.841
+Fraction of bulbs that will last between 900. and 1.20e+003 is 0.819
+Percentage of weeks overstocked 97.7
+Store should stock 156 sacks to meet 95% of demands.
+Store should stock 148 sacks to meet 8 out of 10 demands.
+Percentage of packs > 3.10 is 0.159
+fraction of packs <= 2.90 with a mean of 3.00 is 0.841
+fraction of packs >= 2.90 with a mean of 3.07 is 0.952
+Setting the packer to 3.06 will mean that fraction of packs >= 2.90 is 0.950
+Quantile of 0.0500 = 2.84, mean = 3.00, sd = 0.100
+Quantile of 0.0500 = 2.92, mean = 3.00, sd = 0.0500
+Fraction of packs >= 2.90 with a mean of 3.00 and standard deviation of 0.0500 is 0.977
+Quantile of 0.0500 = 2.90, mean = 3.00, sd = 0.0600
+Fraction of packs >= 2.90 with a mean of 3.00 and standard deviation of 0.0600 is 0.952
+prob = 0.242, quantile(p) 1.64
+If we want the 0.0500 th quantile to be located at 2.90, would need a standard deviation of 0.0608 +Fraction of packs >= 2.90 with a mean of 3.00 and standard deviation of 0.0608 is 0.950
+Fraction long enough [ P(X <= 4.10) ] is 0.933
+Fraction too short [ P(X <= 3.90) ] is 0.309
+Fraction OK  -between 3.90 and 4.10[ P(X <= 4.10) - P(X<= 3.90 ) ] is 0.625
+Fraction too long [ P(X > 4.10) ] is 0.0668
+95% of bolts are shorter than 4.11
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_eg_1.cpp    Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp>
+// Define the policy to use:
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+typedef policy<
+   domain_error<errno_on_error>,
+   pole_error<errno_on_error>,
+   overflow_error<errno_on_error>,
+   evaluation_error<errno_on_error>
+> c_policy;
+// Now use the policy when calling tgamma:
+int main()
+   errno = 0;
+   std::cout << "Result of tgamma(30000) is: "
+      << boost::math::tgamma(30000, c_policy()) << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "Result of tgamma(-10) is: "
+      << boost::math::tgamma(-10, c_policy()) << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_eg_10.cpp   Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+To understand how the rounding policies for
+the discrete distributions can be used, we'll
+use the 50-sample binomial distribution with a
+success fraction of 0.5 once again, and calculate
+all the possible quantiles at 0.05 and 0.95.
+Begin by including the needed headers:
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/math/distributions/binomial.hpp>
+Next we'll bring the needed declarations into scope, and
+define distribution types for all the available rounding policies:
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+using namespace boost::math;
+typedef binomial_distribution<
+            double,
+            policy<discrete_quantile<integer_round_outwards> > >
+        binom_round_outwards;
+typedef binomial_distribution<
+            double,
+            policy<discrete_quantile<integer_round_inwards> > >
+        binom_round_inwards;
+typedef binomial_distribution<
+            double,
+            policy<discrete_quantile<integer_round_down> > >
+        binom_round_down;
+typedef binomial_distribution<
+            double,
+            policy<discrete_quantile<integer_round_up> > >
+        binom_round_up;
+typedef binomial_distribution<
+            double,
+            policy<discrete_quantile<integer_round_nearest> > >
+        binom_round_nearest;
+typedef binomial_distribution<
+            double,
+            policy<discrete_quantile<real> > >
+        binom_real_quantile;
+Now let's set to work calling those quantiles:
+int main()
+   std::cout <<
+      "Testing rounding policies for a 50 sample binomial distribution,\n"
+      "with a success fraction of 0.5.\n\n"
+      "Lower quantiles are calculated at p = 0.05\n\n"
+      "Upper quantiles at p = 0.95.\n\n";
+   std::cout << std::setw(25) << std::right
+      << "Policy"<< std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << "Lower Quantile" << std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << "Upper Quantile" << std::endl;
+   // Test integer_round_outwards:
+   std::cout << std::setw(25) << std::right
+      << "integer_round_outwards"
+      << std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << quantile(binom_round_outwards(50, 0.5), 0.05)
+      << std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << quantile(binom_round_outwards(50, 0.5), 0.95)
+      << std::endl;
+   // Test integer_round_inwards:
+   std::cout << std::setw(25) << std::right
+      << "integer_round_inwards"
+      << std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << quantile(binom_round_inwards(50, 0.5), 0.05)
+      << std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << quantile(binom_round_inwards(50, 0.5), 0.95)
+      << std::endl;
+   // Test integer_round_down:
+   std::cout << std::setw(25) << std::right
+      << "integer_round_down"
+      << std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << quantile(binom_round_down(50, 0.5), 0.05)
+      << std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << quantile(binom_round_down(50, 0.5), 0.95)
+      << std::endl;
+   // Test integer_round_up:
+   std::cout << std::setw(25) << std::right
+      << "integer_round_up"
+      << std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << quantile(binom_round_up(50, 0.5), 0.05)
+      << std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << quantile(binom_round_up(50, 0.5), 0.95)
+      << std::endl;
+   // Test integer_round_nearest:
+   std::cout << std::setw(25) << std::right
+      << "integer_round_nearest"
+      << std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << quantile(binom_round_nearest(50, 0.5), 0.05)
+      << std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << quantile(binom_round_nearest(50, 0.5), 0.95)
+      << std::endl;
+   // Test real:
+   std::cout << std::setw(25) << std::right
+      << "real"
+      << std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << quantile(binom_real_quantile(50, 0.5), 0.05)
+      << std::setw(18) << std::right
+      << quantile(binom_real_quantile(50, 0.5), 0.95)
+      << std::endl;
+Which produces the program output:
+Testing rounding policies for a 50 sample binomial distribution,
+with a success fraction of 0.5.
+Lower quantiles are calculated at p = 0.05
+Upper quantiles at p = 0.95.
+Testing rounding policies for a 50 sample binomial distribution,
+with a success fraction of 0.5.
+Lower quantiles are calculated at p = 0.05
+Upper quantiles at p = 0.95.
+                   Policy    Lower Quantile    Upper Quantile
+   integer_round_outwards                18                31
+    integer_round_inwards                19                30
+       integer_round_down                18                30
+         integer_round_up                19                31
+    integer_round_nearest                19                30
+                     real            18.701            30.299
+//] ends quickbook import
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_eg_2.cpp    Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp>
+int main()
+   using namespace boost::math::policies;
+   errno = 0;
+   std::cout << "Result of tgamma(30000) is: "
+      << boost::math::tgamma(
+         30000,
+         make_policy(
+            domain_error<errno_on_error>(),
+            pole_error<errno_on_error>(),
+            overflow_error<errno_on_error>(),
+            evaluation_error<errno_on_error>()
+         )
+      ) << std::endl;
+   // Check errno was set:
+   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
+   // and again with evaluation at a pole:
+   std::cout << "Result of tgamma(-10) is: "
+      << boost::math::tgamma(
+         -10,
+         make_policy(
+            domain_error<errno_on_error>(),
+            pole_error<errno_on_error>(),
+            overflow_error<errno_on_error>(),
+            evaluation_error<errno_on_error>()
+         )
+      ) << std::endl;
+   // Check errno was set:
+   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_eg_3.cpp    Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning (disable : 4305) // 'initializing' : truncation from 'long double' to 'const eval_type' +# pragma warning (disable : 4244) // conversion from 'long double' to 'const eval_type'
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/math/distributions/binomial.hpp>
+// Begin by defining a policy type, that gives the
+// behaviour we want:
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+typedef policy<
+   promote_float<false>,
+   discrete_quantile<integer_round_nearest>
+> mypolicy;
+// Then define a distribution that uses it:
+typedef boost::math::binomial_distribution<float, mypolicy> mybinom;
+//  And now use it to get the quantile:
+int main()
+   std::cout << "quantile is: " <<
+      quantile(mybinom(200, 0.25), 0.05) << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_eg_4.cpp    Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#include <iostream>
+Suppose we want `C::foo()` to behave in a C-compatible way and set
+`::errno` on error rather than throwing any exceptions.
+We'll begin by including the needed header:
+#include <boost/math/special_functions.hpp>
+Open up the "C" namespace that we'll use for our functions, and
+define the policy type we want: in this case one that sets
+::errno rather than throwing exceptions.  Any policies we don't
+specify here will inherit the defaults:
+namespace C{
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+typedef policy<
+   domain_error<errno_on_error>,
+   pole_error<errno_on_error>,
+   overflow_error<errno_on_error>,
+   evaluation_error<errno_on_error>
+> c_policy;
+All we need do now is invoke the BOOST_MATH_DECLARE_SPECIAL_FUNCTIONS
+macro passing our policy type as the single argument:
+} // close namespace C
+We now have a set of forwarding functions defined in namespace C
+that all look something like this:
+template <class RealType>
+inline typename boost::math::tools::promote_args<RT>::type
+   tgamma(RT z)
+   return boost::math::tgamma(z, c_policy());
+So that when we call `C::tgamma(z)` we really end up calling
+`boost::math::tgamma(z, C::c_policy())`:
+int main()
+   errno = 0;
+   std::cout << "Result of tgamma(30000) is: "
+      << C::tgamma(30000) << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "Result of tgamma(-10) is: "
+      << C::tgamma(-10) << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
+Which outputs:
+Result of C::tgamma(30000) is: 1.#INF
+errno = 34
+Result of C::tgamma(-10) is: 1.#QNAN
+errno = 33
+This mechanism is particularly useful when we want to define a
+project-wide policy, and don't want to modify the Boost source
+or set - possibly fragile and easy to forget - project wide
+build macros.
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_eg_5.cpp    Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/math/special_functions.hpp>
+namespace {
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+typedef policy<
+   domain_error<errno_on_error>,
+   pole_error<errno_on_error>,
+   overflow_error<errno_on_error>,
+   evaluation_error<errno_on_error>
+> c_policy;
+} // close unnamed namespace
+int main()
+   errno = 0;
+   std::cout << "Result of tgamma(30000) is: "
+      << tgamma(30000) << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "Result of tgamma(-10) is: "
+      << tgamma(-10) << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_eg_6.cpp    Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#include <iostream>
+Suppose we want a set of distributions to behave as follows:
+* Return infinity on overflow, rather than throwing an exception.
+* Don't perform any promotion from double to long double internally.
+* Return the closest integer result from the quantiles of discrete
+We'll begin by including the needed header:
+#include <boost/math/distributions.hpp>
+Open up an appropriate namespace for our distributions, and
+define the policy type we want.  Any policies we don't
+specify here will inherit the defaults:
+namespace my_distributions{
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+typedef policy<
+   // return infinity and set errno rather than throw:
+   overflow_error<errno_on_error>,
+   // Don't promote double -> long double internally:
+   promote_double<false>,
+   // Return the closest integer result for discrete quantiles:
+   discrete_quantile<integer_round_nearest>
+> my_policy;
+All we need do now is invoke the BOOST_MATH_DECLARE_DISTRIBUTIONS
+macro passing the floating point and policy types as arguments:
+} // close namespace my_namespace
+We now have a set of typedefs defined in namespace my_namespace
+that all look something like this:
+typedef boost::math::normal_distribution<double, my_policy> normal;
+typedef boost::math::cauchy_distribution<double, my_policy> cauchy;
+typedef boost::math::gamma_distribution<double, my_policy> gamma;
+// etc
+So that when we use my_namespace::normal we really end up using
+`boost::math::normal_distribution<double, my_policy>`:
+int main()
+   //
+   // Start with something we know will overflow:
+   //
+   my_distributions::normal norm(10, 2);
+   errno = 0;
+   std::cout << "Result of quantile(norm, 0) is: "
+      << quantile(norm, 0) << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
+   errno = 0;
+   std::cout << "Result of quantile(norm, 1) is: "
+      << quantile(norm, 1) << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
+   //
+   // Now try a discrete distribution:
+   //
+   my_distributions::binomial binom(20, 0.25);
+   std::cout << "Result of quantile(binom, 0.05) is: "
+      << quantile(binom, 0.05) << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "Result of quantile(complement(binom, 0.05)) is: "
+      << quantile(complement(binom, 0.05)) << std::endl;
+Which outputs:
+Result of quantile(norm, 0) is: -1.#INF
+errno = 34
+Result of quantile(norm, 1) is: 1.#INF
+errno = 34
+Result of quantile(binom, 0.05) is: 1
+Result of quantile(complement(binom, 0.05)) is: 8
+This mechanism is particularly useful when we want to define a
+project-wide policy, and don't want to modify the Boost source
+or set - possibly fragile and easy to forget - project wide
+build macros.
+*/ //] ends quickbook imported section
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_eg_7.cpp    Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/math/distributions.hpp>
+namespace {
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+typedef policy<
+   // return infinity and set errno rather than throw:
+   overflow_error<errno_on_error>,
+   // Don't promote double -> long double internally:
+   promote_double<false>,
+   // Return the closest integer result for discrete quantiles:
+   discrete_quantile<integer_round_nearest>
+> my_policy;
+} // close namespace my_namespace
+int main()
+   //
+   // Start with something we know will overflow:
+   //
+   normal norm(10, 2);
+   errno = 0;
+   std::cout << "Result of quantile(norm, 0) is: "
+      << quantile(norm, 0) << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
+   errno = 0;
+   std::cout << "Result of quantile(norm, 1) is: "
+      << quantile(norm, 1) << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
+   //
+   // Now try a discrete distribution:
+   //
+   binomial binom(20, 0.25);
+   std::cout << "Result of quantile(binom, 0.05) is: "
+      << quantile(binom, 0.05) << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "Result of quantile(complement(binom, 0.05)) is: "
+      << quantile(complement(binom, 0.05)) << std::endl;
+//] ends quickbook imported section
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_eg_8.cpp    Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Copyright Paul a. Bristow 2007
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning (disable : 4100) // 'unreferenced formal parameter
+#include <iostream>
+Suppose we want our own user-defined error handlers rather than the
+any of the default ones supplied by the library to be used.  If
+we set the policy for a specific type of error to `user_error`
+then the library will call a user-supplied error handler.
+These are forward declared, but not defined in
+boost/math/policies/error_handling.hpp like this:
+   namespace boost{ namespace math{ namespace policies{
+   template <class T>
+ T user_domain_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val);
+   template <class T>
+ T user_pole_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val);
+   template <class T>
+ T user_overflow_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val);
+   template <class T>
+ T user_underflow_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val);
+   template <class T>
+ T user_denorm_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val);
+   template <class T>
+ T user_evaluation_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val);
+   template <class T>
+ T user_indeterminate_result_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val);
+   }}} // namespaces
+So out first job is to include the header we want to use, and then
+provide definitions for the user-defined error handlers we want to use:
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/math/special_functions.hpp>
+namespace boost{ namespace math{ namespace policies{
+template <class T>
+T user_domain_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val)
+   std::cerr << "Domain Error." << std::endl;
+   return std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
+template <class T>
+T user_pole_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val)
+   std::cerr << "Pole Error." << std::endl;
+   return std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
+}}} // namespaces
+Now we'll need to define a suitable policy that will call these handlers,
+and define some forwarding functions that make use of the policy:
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+typedef policy<
+   domain_error<user_error>,
+   pole_error<user_error>
+> user_error_policy;
+} // close unnamed namespace
+We now have a set of forwarding functions defined in an unnamed namespace
+that all look something like this:
+template <class RealType>
+inline typename boost::math::tools::promote_args<RT>::type
+   tgamma(RT z)
+   return boost::math::tgamma(z, user_error_policy());
+So that when we call `tgamma(z)` we really end up calling
+`boost::math::tgamma(z, user_error_policy())`, and any
+errors will get directed to our own error handlers:
+int main()
+   std::cout << "Result of erf_inv(-10) is: "
+      << erf_inv(-10) << std::endl;
+   std::cout << "Result of tgamma(-10) is: "
+      << tgamma(-10) << std::endl;
+Which outputs:
+Domain Error.
+Result of erf_inv(-10) is: 1.#QNAN
+Pole Error.
+Result of tgamma(-10) is: 1.#QNAN
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_eg_9.cpp    Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#include <iostream>
+The previous example was all well and good, but the custom error handlers
+didn't really do much of any use.  In this example we'll implement all
+the custom handlers and show how the information provided to them can be
+used to generate nice formatted error messages.
+Each error handler has the general form:
+   template <class T>
+   T user_``['error_type]``(
+      const char* function,
+      const char* message,
+      const T& val);
+and accepts three arguments:
+[[const char* function]
+   [The name of the function that raised the error, this string
+   contains one or more %1% format specifiers that should be
+   replaced by the name of type T.]]
+[[const char* message]
+   [A message associated with the error, normally this
+   contains a %1% format specifier that should be replaced with
+   the value of ['value]: however note that overflow and underflow messages
+   do not contain this %1% specifier (since the value of ['value] is
+   immaterial in these cases).]]
+[[const T& value]
+   [The value that caused the error: either an argument to the function
+   if this is a domain or pole error, the tentative result
+   if this is a denorm or evaluation error, or zero or infinity for
+   underflow or overflow errors.]]
+As before we'll include the headers we need first:
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/math/special_functions.hpp>
+Next we'll implement the error handlers for each type of error,
+starting with domain errors:
+namespace boost{ namespace math{ namespace policies{
+template <class T>
+T user_domain_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val)
+   /*`
+   We'll begin with a bit of defensive programming:
+   */
+   if(function == 0)
+       function = "Unknown function with arguments of type %1%";
+   if(message == 0)
+       message = "Cause unknown with bad argument %1%";
+   /*`
+   Next we'll format the name of the function with the name of type T:
+   */
+   std::string msg("Error in function ");
+   msg += (boost::format(function) % typeid(T).name()).str();
+   /*`
+ Then likewise format the error message with the value of parameter /val/,
+   making sure we output all the digits of /val/:
+   */
+   msg += ": \n";
+   int prec = 2 + (std::numeric_limits<T>::digits * 30103UL) / 100000UL;
+ msg += (boost::format(message) % boost::io::group(std::setprecision(prec), val)).str();
+   /*`
+   Now we just have to do something with the message, we could throw an
+ exception, but for the purposes of this example we'll just dump the message
+   to std::cerr:
+   */
+   std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
+   /*`
+ Finally the only sensible value we can return from a domain error is a NaN:
+   */
+   return std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
+Pole errors are essentially a special case of domain errors,
+so in this example we'll just return the result of a domain error:
+template <class T>
+T user_pole_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val)
+   return user_domain_error(function, message, val);
+Overflow errors are very similar to domain errors, except that there's
+no %1% format specifier in the /message/ parameter:
+template <class T>
+T user_overflow_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val)
+   if(function == 0)
+       function = "Unknown function with arguments of type %1%";
+   if(message == 0)
+       message = "Result of function is too large to represent";
+   std::string msg("Error in function ");
+   msg += (boost::format(function) % typeid(T).name()).str();
+   msg += ": \n";
+   msg += message;
+   std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
+   // Value passed to the function is an infinity, just return it:
+   return val;
+Underflow errors are much the same as overflow:
+template <class T>
+T user_underflow_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val)
+   if(function == 0)
+       function = "Unknown function with arguments of type %1%";
+   if(message == 0)
+       message = "Result of function is too small to represent";
+   std::string msg("Error in function ");
+   msg += (boost::format(function) % typeid(T).name()).str();
+   msg += ": \n";
+   msg += message;
+   std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
+   // Value passed to the function is zero, just return it:
+   return val;
+Denormalised results are much the same as underflow:
+template <class T>
+T user_denorm_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val)
+   if(function == 0)
+       function = "Unknown function with arguments of type %1%";
+   if(message == 0)
+       message = "Result of function is denormalised";
+   std::string msg("Error in function ");
+   msg += (boost::format(function) % typeid(T).name()).str();
+   msg += ": \n";
+   msg += message;
+   std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
+   // Value passed to the function is denormalised, just return it:
+   return val;
+Which leaves us with evaluation errors, these occur when an internal
+error occurs that prevents the function being fully evaluated.
+The parameter /val/ contains the closest approximation to the result
+found so far:
+template <class T>
+T user_evaluation_error(const char* function, const char* message, const T& val)
+   if(function == 0)
+       function = "Unknown function with arguments of type %1%";
+   if(message == 0)
+       message = "An internal evaluation error occured with "
+                  "the best value calculated so far of %1%";
+   std::string msg("Error in function ");
+   msg += (boost::format(function) % typeid(T).name()).str();
+   msg += ": \n";
+   int prec = 2 + (std::numeric_limits<T>::digits * 30103UL) / 100000UL;
+ msg += (boost::format(message) % boost::io::group(std::setprecision(prec), val)).str();
+   std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
+   // What do we return here?  This is generally a fatal error,
+   // that should never occur, just return a NaN for the purposes
+   // of the example:
+   return std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
+}}} // namespaces
+Now we'll need to define a suitable policy that will call these handlers,
+and define some forwarding functions that make use of the policy:
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+typedef policy<
+   domain_error<user_error>,
+   pole_error<user_error>,
+   overflow_error<user_error>,
+   underflow_error<user_error>,
+   denorm_error<user_error>,
+   evaluation_error<user_error>
+> user_error_policy;
+} // close unnamed namespace
+We now have a set of forwarding functions defined in an unnamed namespace
+that all look something like this:
+template <class RealType>
+inline typename boost::math::tools::promote_args<RT>::type
+   tgamma(RT z)
+   return boost::math::tgamma(z, user_error_policy());
+So that when we call `tgamma(z)` we really end up calling
+`boost::math::tgamma(z, user_error_policy())`, and any
+errors will get directed to our own error handlers:
+int main()
+   // Raise a domain error:
+   std::cout << "Result of erf_inv(-10) is: "
+      << erf_inv(-10) << std::endl << std::endl;
+   // Raise a pole error:
+   std::cout << "Result of tgamma(-10) is: "
+      << tgamma(-10) << std::endl << std::endl;
+   // Raise an overflow error:
+   std::cout << "Result of tgamma(3000) is: "
+      << tgamma(3000) << std::endl << std::endl;
+   // Raise an underflow error:
+   std::cout << "Result of tgamma(-190.5) is: "
+      << tgamma(-190.5) << std::endl << std::endl;
+   // Unfortunately we can't predicably raise a denormalised
+   // result, nor can we raise an evaluation error in this example
+   // since these should never really occur!
+Which outputs:
+Error in function boost::math::erf_inv<double>(double, double):
+Argument outside range \[-1, 1\] in inverse erf function (got p=-10).
+Result of erf_inv(-10) is: 1.#QNAN
+Error in function boost::math::tgamma<long double>(long double):
+Evaluation of tgamma at a negative integer -10.
+Result of tgamma(-10) is: 1.#QNAN
+Error in function boost::math::tgamma<long double>(long double):
+Result of tgamma is too large to represent.
+Error in function boost::math::tgamma<double>(double):
+Result of function is too large to represent
+Result of tgamma(3000) is: 1.#INF
+Error in function boost::math::tgamma<long double>(long double):
+Result of tgamma is too large to represent.
+Error in function boost::math::tgamma<long double>(long double):
+Result of tgamma is too small to represent.
+Result of tgamma(-190.5) is: 0
+Notice how some of the calls result in an error handler being called more
+than once, or for more than one handler to be called: this is an artefact
+of the fact that many functions are implemented in terms of one or more
+sub-routines each of which may have it's own error handling.  For example
+`tgamma(-190.5)` is implemented in terms of `tgamma(190.5)` - which overflows -
+the reflection formula for `tgamma` then notices that it's dividing by
+infinity and underflows.
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_ref_snip1.cpp       Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+double some_value = 0;
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp>
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+using namespace boost::math;
+// Define a policy:
+typedef policy<
+      domain_error<errno_on_error>,
+      pole_error<errno_on_error>,
+      overflow_error<errno_on_error>,
+      policies::evaluation_error<errno_on_error>
+      > my_policy;
+// call the function:
+double t1 = tgamma(some_value, my_policy());
+// Alternatively we could use make_policy and define everything at the call site:
+double t2 = tgamma(some_value, make_policy(
+         domain_error<errno_on_error>(),
+         pole_error<errno_on_error>(),
+         overflow_error<errno_on_error>(),
+         policies::evaluation_error<errno_on_error>()
+      ));
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+   std::cout << t1 << " " << t2 << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_ref_snip10.cpp      Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp>
+using namespace boost::math;
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+double t = tgamma(12, policy<digits10<5> >());
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+   std::cout << t << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_ref_snip11.cpp      Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp>
+using namespace boost::math;
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+double q = quantile(
+      normal_distribution<double, policy<digits2<25> > >(),
+      0.05);
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+   std::cout << q << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_ref_snip12.cpp      Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp>
+namespace myspace{
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+// Define a policy that does not throw on overflow:
+typedef policy<overflow_error<errno_on_error> > my_policy;
+// Define the special functions in this scope to use the policy:
+// Now we can use myspace::tgamma etc.
+// They will automatically use "my_policy":
+double t = myspace::tgamma(30.0); // will not throw on overflow
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+   std::cout << t << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_ref_snip13.cpp      Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (disable : 4189) // 'd' : local variable is initialized but not referenced
+#include <boost/math/distributions/cauchy.hpp>
+namespace myspace{
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+// Define a policy to use, in this case we want all the distribution
+// accessor functions to compile, even if they are mathematically
+// undefined:
+typedef policy<assert_undefined<false> > my_policy;
+// Now we can use myspace::cauchy etc, which will use policy
+// myspace::mypolicy:
+// This compiles but raises a domain error at runtime:
+void test_cauchy()
+   try
+   {
+      double d = mean(myspace::cauchy());
+   }
+   catch(const std::domain_error& e)
+   {
+      std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
+   }
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+   test_cauchy();
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_ref_snip2.cpp       Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp>
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+using namespace boost::math;
+// Define a policy:
+typedef policy<
+      overflow_error<ignore_error>
+      > my_policy;
+// Define the distribution:
+typedef normal_distribution<double, my_policy> my_norm;
+// Get a quantile:
+double q = quantile(my_norm(), 0.05);
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+   std::cout << q << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_ref_snip3.cpp       Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+double some_value = 2;
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp>
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+using namespace boost::math;
+// Define a policy:
+typedef policy<
+      promote_double<false>
+      > my_policy;
+// Call the function:
+double t1 = tgamma(some_value, my_policy());
+// Alternatively we could use make_policy and define everything at the call site:
+double t2 = tgamma(some_value, make_policy(promote_double<false>()));
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+   std::cout << t1 << " " << t2 << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_ref_snip4.cpp       Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Copyright Paul A. Bristow 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning (disable : 4305) // 'initializing' : truncation from 'long double' to 'const eval_type' +# pragma warning (disable : 4244) // 'conversion' : truncation from 'long double' to 'const eval_type'
+#include <boost/math/distributions/normal.hpp>
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+using namespace boost::math;
+// Define a policy:
+typedef policy<
+      promote_float<false>
+      > my_policy;
+// Define the distribution:
+typedef normal_distribution<float, my_policy> my_norm;
+// Get a quantile:
+float q = quantile(my_norm(), 0.05f);
+//] [policy_ref_snip4]
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+   std::cout << q << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_ref_snip5.cpp       Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#include <boost/math/distributions/negative_binomial.hpp>
+using namespace boost::math;
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+typedef negative_binomial_distribution<
+      double,
+      policy<discrete_quantile<integer_round_inwards> >
+   > dist_type;
+// Lower quantile:
+double x = quantile(dist_type(20, 0.3), 0.05);
+// Upper quantile:
+double y = quantile(complement(dist_type(20, 0.3), 0.05));
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+   std::cout << x << " " << y << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_ref_snip6.cpp       Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#include <boost/math/distributions/negative_binomial.hpp>
+using namespace boost::math;
+// Lower quantile rounded down:
+double x = quantile(negative_binomial(20, 0.3), 0.05);
+// Upper quantile rounded up:
+double y = quantile(complement(negative_binomial(20, 0.3), 0.05));
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+   std::cout << x << " " << y << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_ref_snip7.cpp       Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#include <boost/math/distributions/negative_binomial.hpp>
+using namespace boost::math;
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+typedef negative_binomial_distribution<
+      double,
+      policy<discrete_quantile<integer_round_inwards> >
+   > dist_type;
+// Lower quantile rounded up:
+double x = quantile(dist_type(20, 0.3), 0.05);
+// Upper quantile rounded down:
+double y = quantile(complement(dist_type(20, 0.3), 0.05));
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+   std::cout << x << " " << y << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/libs/math/example/policy_ref_snip8.cpp       Wed Jul 29 07:28:12 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+//  Copyright John Maddock 2007.
+//  Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
+//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
+//  LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Note that this file contains quickbook mark-up as well as code
+// and comments, don't change any of the special comment mark-ups!
+#include <boost/math/distributions/negative_binomial.hpp>
+using namespace boost::math;
+using namespace boost::math::policies;
+typedef negative_binomial_distribution<
+      double,
+      policy<discrete_quantile<integer_round_nearest> >
+   > dist_type;
+// Lower quantile rounded up:
+double x = quantile(dist_type(20, 0.3), 0.05);
+// Upper quantile rounded down:
+double y = quantile(complement(dist_type(20, 0.3), 0.05));
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+   std::cout << x << " " << y << std::endl;
***Additional files exist in this changeset.***

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