[bookport] Re: Topics on BookPort forum

  • From: "Otto Zamora" <donttreadonme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 17:11:04 -0400


Here here Pam.


-----Original Message-----
From: bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 2:36 PM
To: bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [bookport] Re: Topics on BookPort forum

Jim and fellow listers:

The original intent of this list was created for the Beta testers to give
their feedback to the developers, so they could make the necessary changes
and so on.  Normally, these lists are closed to the public and probably, if
we had it to do over, things would have been done differently.  Over time,
this list has been opened up to the general public and while I wasn't the
one in control at that time, we allowed this to continue.  For this reason,
and because I believe in helping people whenever and wherever possible, for
now, the list will continue.  I have a lot of APH lists I'm on and I have to
read and taking phone calls, I don't have time for that nonsense that has
been allowed.  

If you really want to discuss it, or if you're hellbent on tearing each
other down and there is not a McDonalds nearby to solve your meet-eating
cravings, please take your business offlist.  I think most of you know how
to do that.  If not, it'll be a good learning experience for you.

While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, and while no one is taking
that away from you, as the moderator of this list, I have given this a great
deal of thought and this is what I've come up with.  I'd just like to say
that it's not open for debate.  I'm not taking suggestions on list
ettiquette.  I'm perfectly aware of how other lists behave, as I am on
several myself, as many of you also are.   Therefore, I have been able to
see what happens when the moderator steps in and puts a stop to things in
the beginning and I have learnedit's okay to do that.  From now on, what I
say goes.  I will no longer tollerate the habits and behaviors of the past.
You'll get one (1) warning.  After that, you will be taken off the list.
That goes for abusing each other or making useless comments, or topic
shifts.  That's it.  All of this, coupled with this morning's discovery of
an issue with the latest Beta (that only one lister bothered to report), I
have been very upset and furio
 us about all of this.  You all can find the time to pick on one another,
but didn't bother to notice that there was a problem with the last Beta we
put out (the very thing we needed to know and could have used).   I'm sorry
if it seems I am short fused, but I've had it!

I have one request and that is that we all try to get along and let's not
feel that we have the need to respond to each and every email message that
comes along.  This creates unnecessary trafic and only adds to the
clutter(okay, that's 2 requests).  

With regard to subject lines, we're gonna be good and change them to reflect
the topic and not continue long threads, whose topic shifts as the thread
unravels.  From now on, start a new message, if it's a new subject.  I asked
this last week, and some of you have been good about that and I trust that
you will continue to do so.   Yesterday, I was ready to take the whole thing

Luckily, I was able to sleep on it.  While I didn't start this mess, I am
now responsible, so we're gonna shape up or ship out!  This is not a
threat--it is a promise.  I appologize to those of you who haven't been
guilty of this and have had to suffer the consequences.  

I'd like to see this list do some good as we know it can.  

Thanking all of you in advance for your kindness and cooperation,

Pamela (list moderator)

American Printing House For The Blind
1839 Frankfort Ave.
Louisville, KY  40206

PHONE:  1-800-223-1839, Ext. 307

>>> jnuttallphd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 10/03/07 01:34PM >>>
I would like to express my opinion about topics on the BP forum. I find
generally that topics are about reading materials on the BP, about possible
improvements to the BP, and some technical questions about the BP. The
topics do stray a bit. But I feel this is a reflection that the community
that has BPs is looking for a forum in which to discuss ideas and how the BP
affects their lives. I would not like to see the forum to get so restrictive
that people cannot offer details about their lives and how reading with the
BP affects them. So, I would suggest that topics be relevant to the BP, but
not be so restrictive that people no longer enjoy any give and take about BP

Jim Nuttall--Michigan

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