[blind-democracy] Synesthesia

  • From: "S. Kashdan" <skashdan@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "Blind Democracy List" <blind-democracy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 23:56:14 -0800


Page prepared by Melissa Lee Phillips

Neuroscience for Kids Consultant


Imagine that when you see a city's skyline, you taste blackberries. Or maybe
when you hear a violin, you feel a tickle on your left knee. Perhaps you are
completely convinced that Wednesdays are light red. If you have experiences
like these, you might have synesthesia.

What is synesthesia?

Synesthesia is a condition in which one sense (for example, hearing) is
simultaneously perceived as if by one or more additional senses such as
sight. Another form of synesthesia joins objects such as letters, shapes,
numbers or people's names with a sensory perception such as smell, color or
flavor. The word synesthesia comes from two Greek words, syn (together) and
aisthesis (perception). Therefore, synesthesia literally means "joined

Synesthesia can involve any of the senses. The most common form, colored
letters and numbers, occurs when someone always sees a certain color in
response to a certain letter of the alphabet or number. For example, a
synesthete (a person with synesthesia) might see the word "plane" as mint
green or the number "4" as dark brown. There are also synesthetes who hear
sounds in response to smell, who smell in response to touch, or who feel
something in response to sight. Just about any combination of the senses is
possible. There are some people who possess synesthesia involving three or
even more senses, but this is extremely rare.

Synesthetic perceptions are specific to each person. Different people with
synesthesia almost always disagree on their perceptions. In other words, if
one synesthete thinks that the letter "q" is colored blue, another
synesthete might see "q" as orange.


Although there is no officially established method of diagnosing
synesthesia, some guidelines have been developed by Richard Cytowic, MD, a
leading synesthesia researcher. Not everyone agrees on these standards, but
they provide a starting point for diagnosis. According to Cytowic,
synesthetic perceptions are:

Involuntary: synesthetes do not actively think about their perceptions;
they just happen.

Projected: rather than experiencing something in the "mind's eye," as
might happen when you are asked to imagine a color, a synesthete often
actually sees a color projected outside of the body.

Durable and generic: the perception must be the same every time; for
example, if you taste chocolate when you hear Beethoven's Violin Concerto,
you must always taste chocolate when you hear it; also, the perception must
be generic -- that is, you may see colors or lines or shapes in response to
a certain smell, but you would not see something complex such as a room with
people and furniture and pictures on the wall.

Memorable: often, the secondary synesthetic perception is remembered
better than the primary perception; for example, a synesthete who always
associates the color purple with the name "Laura" will often remember that a
woman's name is purple rather than actually remembering "Laura."

Emotional: the perceptions may cause emotional reactions such as
pleasurable feelings.

Who has it?

Estimates for the number of people with synesthesia range from 1 in 200 to 1
in 100,000. There are probably many people who have the condition but do not
realize what it is.

Synesthetes tend to be:

Women: in the U.S., studies show that three times as many women as men
have synesthesia; in the U.K., eight times as many women have been reported
to have it. The reason for this difference is not known.

Left-handed: synesthetes are more likely to be left-handed than the
general population.

Neurologically normal: synesthetes are of normal (or possibly above
average) intelligence, and standard neurological exams are normal.

In the same family: synesthesia appears to be inherited in some fashion;
it seems to be a dominant trait and it may be on the X-chromosome.

Famous People

Some celebrated people who may have had synesthesia include:

Vasily Kandinsky (painter, 1866-1944)

Olivier Messiaen (composer, 1908-1992)

Charles Baudelaire (poet, 1821-1867)

Franz Liszt (composer, 1811-1886)

Arthur Rimbaud (poet, 1854-1891)

Richard Phillips Feynman (physicist, 1918-1988)

It is possible that some of these people merely expressed synesthetic ideas
in their arts, although some of them undoubtedly did have synesthesia.

The Biological Basis of Synesthesia

Some scientists believe that synesthesia results from "crossed-wiring" in
the brain. They hypothesize that in synesthetes, neurons and synapses that
are "supposed" to be contained within one sensory system cross to another
sensory system. It is unclear why this might happen but some researchers
believe that these crossed connections are present in everyone at birth, and
only later are the connections refined. In some studies, infants respond to
sensory stimuli in a way that researchers think may involve synesthetic
perceptions. It is hypothesized by these researchers that many children have
crossed connections and later lose them. Adult synesthetes may have simply
retained these crossed connections.

It is unclear which parts of the brain are involved in synesthesia. Richard
Cytowic's research has led him to believe that the limbic system is
primarily responsible for synesthetic experiences. The limbic system
includes several brain structures primarily responsible for regulating our
emotional responses. Other research, however, has shown significant activity
in the cerebral cortex during synesthetic experiences. In fact, studies have
shown a particularly interesting effect in the cortex: colored-hearing
synesthetes have been shown to display activity in several areas of the
visual cortex when they hear certain words. In particular, areas of the
visual cortex associated with processing color are activated when the
synesthetes hear words. Non-synesthetes do not show activity in these areas,
even when asked to imagine colors or to associate certain colors with
certain words.

Synesthesia and the Study of Consciousness

Many researchers are interested in synesthesia because it may reveal
something about human consciousness. One of the biggest mysteries in the
study of consciousness is what is called the "binding problem." No one knows
how we bind all of our perceptions together into one complete whole. For
example, when you hold a flower, you see the colors, you see its shape, you
smell its scent, and you feel its texture. Your brain manages to bind all of
these perceptions together into one concept of a flower. Synesthetes might
have additional perceptions that add to their concept of a flower. Studying
these perceptions may someday help us understand how we perceive our world.

Hear IT! Synesthesia Limbic

Synesthesia Experiment

1. Read a list of random numbers between 0 and 9 at a rate of about one
every 3 seconds. For example: 7, 9, 4, 0, 3, 8, 2, 5, 1, 6.

2. After each number is read, ask people to write down the number and
what COLOR that they associate with each number.

3. Collect the answers. These will be called "Answers #1".

4. Two to three weeks later, repeat the experiment, but change the order
of the numbers. For example: 3, 6, 5, 9, 4, 1, 7, 0, 5, 2, 8.

5. Collect the answers. These will be called "Answers #2".

6. Compare Answers #1 with Answers #2. A person with synesthesia will
have all or most of the same number-color pairs on both Answers #1 and
Answers #2.

This experiment can also be done using letters instead of numbers.

References and more information on synesthesia, see:

1. Belgian Synaesthesia Association

2. Cytowic, R., Synesthesia: Phenomenology and Neuropsychology, A Review
of Current Knowledge. Psyche: An interdisciplinary journal of research on
consciousness. Website: Synesthesia: Phenomenology And Neuropsychology

3. Mixed Signals

4. Synaesthesia and Education

5. Synesthesia Links

6. American Synesthesia Association

7. Synesthesia and the Synesthetic Experience

8. Richard E. Cytowic Web Site

9. Nunn, J.A., Gregory, L.J., Brammer, M., Williams, S.C.R., Parslow,
D.M., Morgan, M.J., Morris, R.G., Bullmore, E.T., Baron-Cohen, S., and Gray,
J.A. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of synesthesia: activation of
V4/V8 by spoken words, Nature Neuroscience, 5:371-375, 2002.

10. Palmer, T.J., Blake, R., Marois, R., Flanery, M.A., and Whetsell, Jr.,
W., The perceptual reality of synesthetic colors, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.,
99:4127-4131, 2002.

11. Lemley, B., Do You See What They See? Discover, Vol 20, No. 12,
December 1999.

12. Cytowic, R., The Man Who Tasted Shapes, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1998.

13. Duffy, P.L., Blue Cats and Chartreuse Kittens: How Synesthetes Color
Their Worlds, New York: WH Freeman & Co, 2001.

14. Hearing Colors, Tasting Shapes - Ramachandran, V.S. and Hubbard Ed
(2003), Scientific American, Vol 288 Issue 5 (May 2003), 42-49.

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