[argyllcms] Re: how many patches, profiling Epson printers

  • From: Roger Breton <graxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 11:17:35 -0400

> So my result is: build a greybalance with less CMY as possible for Epson
> Ultrachrome.
> :-) Jan-Peter

Less CMY as possible? And consequently more black as possible. You think
that this Heavy GCR minimizes the color inconstancy of the UC inks? Have you
noticed that your GCR proofs to be relatively "insensitive" to different
lamps, i.e. the color appeance of the proof varies less?

Roger Breton  |  Laval, Canada  |  graxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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