[argyllcms] Re: dispcal too quick for my monitor

  • From: Graeme Gill <graeme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 16:56:46 +1000

Torsten Bronger wrote:

> I don't think that the appearing of windows causes this.
> dispwin does something that makes the graphics card to
> suspend/reset/whatever the HDMI output shortly. 

Yes, but what is that ? dispwin does nothing unusual - it creates
a window and draws colors on it, just like any other application.
The only slightly unusual thing it does is set the VideoLUTs, but
this happens some way through the normal dispwin operation
(when it says "Darkening screen" "Lightening screen" "Restoring screen"),
yet you say the display blanks out as soon as the window

Not also that by default it sets the contents of the VideoLUTs for
every test patch of dispcal.

So what is causing this ?

Graeme Gill.

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