[argyllcms] Re: Viewing chart readouts

  • From: Elena [service address] <1007140@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2011 13:33:57 +0100

Hello Graeme

Thanks for reply

> Sure, but PM is a GUI based program that you paid real money for.

No problem. Mine was just a suggestion. Since opening a window with some
colored boxes inside would have been really an easy job (far from being a "gui" 
- even
xicclu after all opens its plot window) I thought it could be feasable and 

> There are ways of checking for read errors in Argyll. The self fit report
> is a major sanity check - if it's large then there could be misreads. 
> profcheck
> can then lead you to the misread strip. You can use chartread -r to
> re-read a strip or patch.
> Note that you can get a self fit error quickly by simplifying the profiler
> task - e.g. "profile -v -ql -B -ni -no filename", before you
> use whatever options you want for the real profile.

Thanks, I will follow this approach. I must say, that of possible misreadings
is perhaps a paranoy of mine. After I made some more measurements with
chartread and found the proper "feeling" and correct speed, and also I
went back using the original short and shielded I1 cable instead of the
elongated one I was using, I'm perhaps getting almost no more serious errors.

> Sure. That's why the expected XYZ values are put in there by targen. Feed 
> targen a more
> accurate profile of what to expect (ie. bootstrap it), and the warnings will 
> be
> more relevant, and the discrepancies easier to spot.

Of course. May I ask you, what the expected XYZ values in a first hand .ti1
file (no preconditioning profile yet) are based on ? They look like a rough
extimation from some generic case assumption, is it so ?
I'm asking, because I'm writing a quick and dirty code for personal TESTING
PURPOSES ONLY, to generate custom targets. So, I assume it's ok to generate
the XYZ extimations for every CMYK patch by simply making a 4D linear
interpolation, using as vertexes those you put in the trailing tables


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