[argyllcms] Compiling latest development sources

  • From: "Auke Nauta" <auke@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 11:17:16 +0100

Dear Graeme, group,

I am having difficulty compiling the latest development sources (as of 

Lots of executable's are not build.
The main problem seems to be the lack of "xvec.c" and "xvec.h" in xicc folder.
Placing (possibly) older versions here, fixes most errors :)

Still 5 executable's are not being build, mainly due to: "lack of 
From the build log:
cl /nologo /c /Fospectro\mongoose.obj /DNT /MD /Od /Z7 /DARGYLLCMS /DNATIVE_USB 
/Ih /Inumlib /Iicc /Icgats /Irspl /Ixicc /Igamut /Ispectro /Iplot /Iusb\driver 
/IFiles\Include /I(x86)\Microsoft\Include /IVisual\Include /IStudio\Include 

...failed Cc_ spectro\mongoose.obj ...
...skipped <spectro>libdisp.lib for lack of 

Please could you have a look?

The last version which build well (on my system, that is), is the development 
version from 2012-11-26.
My compiler is Visual C++ 2010, 32 bit.

Thanks and greetings,
Auke Nauta

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