[argyllcms] Re: A question about viewing gamma (dispcal)

  • From: Graeme Gill <graeme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 15:26:02 +1100

Anders Torger wrote:
Not sure though if anyone does these things, surfed the net for
calibration guides, and doing viewing condition corrections does not
seem to be included in the standard procedure... perhaps I'm doing
overkill stuff here? As a beginner it is hard to know how much the
viewing conditions can differ from the recommended before it has
significant impact.

It might well be overkill when starting out. It's important
to get the fundamentals right, before being distracted by
the more subtle aspects. Viewing condition issues become
relevant when color appearance is being used to translate
between device colorspaces. Systems that don't use color
appearance (ie. that just use a colorimetric representation
of color) won't have much, if any support for different viewing

Graeme Gill.

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