[APAworks] Re: (Fwd) About CORE

  • From: Christian Schaller <cjschall@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <apaworks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 20:48:21 -0700 (MST)

> > It's a profoundly stupid one.
> You're in a particularly acerbic mood today, Chris...

Nothing new, eh? My apologies for the tone. Dennis is a better diplomat
than I. (So are you. I'd have put that differently...)

> In retrospect, I suppose it comes down to it being simply that APAWorks
> holds itself to more professional standards, so the question should have
> been moot.

It's not a professional standard. It's right versus wrong on a moral and
legal level.

> So would it then be kosher to say "To see the original illustration this
> writeup/design/conversion/etc is inspired by, go to <link>"?

There is some (fairly stupid) debate on that subject. I say, yeah, it's
perfectly fine. Some folks seem to think otherwise, surprisingly.


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