[HG-PBEM] Re: Deeeeeeep thoughts [Closing down]

  • From: David Kelk <dakelk@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: apaworks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 11:57:30 -0400


GM: I only did so to clarify who was speaking. Sorry that I changed the
context; it was not my intent. It seemed that initially he was addresing
Chico's rebuke. I was also having to sort through the screwy formattting
thatyour email program spits out, so hopefully I got the formatting right
this time too. Let me know. You're textual changes help it read better.
It's ok.  No biggie.  Feel free to close this down and move on.  If possible
I'd like an answer about
the other enemies question at the end.  It's important, because depending on
how dire the answer
is Terry will ask a bodyguard to go with (if one isn't already arranged) for
the meeting.
"Chico," the Colonel snapped. "Enough!" "Isn't it obvious?" Terry replied.
"I'm very concerned where me and my friends safety is at stake. I'm even
moreconcerned when I have to press so hard to get simple answers to these
questions. Let me put it another way: Why aren't you answering my questions?
Why are you telling me that our security isn't worth talking about? How can
Ido my job effectively if I have to worry about looking over my shoulder?
There are linked issues here: Existing enemies the Redliners may have - all
of which you failed to mention during negotiations -and the resources we
haveavailable to deal with them." "About the Gallows Pool, please continue."
Chico glared, clearly fumed. "You and your friends? You selfish, arrogant
ass," he returned Terry's rebuke. "Sometimes you have to be selfish," Terry
acknowledged. The Colonel sighed. "Terry," the man called out, his voice
pleading. "Ican understand your concerns for you and your friends, but
you'llhave to understand, I have to worry about more than you or your
friends. I have the whole team to worry about. I clearly underestimated the
Bishop, but he is no longer a problem. There were people involved in his
disposal into the Gallows Pool that must remain anomynous for all our
safety." The Colonel voice grew stern. "I would ask that you not press me
further on this subject." "If you don't want to answer, that's fine. In that
case, I'd like to know about what other enemies the Redliners have that we
should be aware of. Tomorrow I have to go visit a rising trideo star. I
don'twant to be facing the media later explaining why he - or the rest of us
for that matter - died off the racing track." Others in the hangar were
growing aggitated and began interupting each other, pressing the Colonel and
clearly sharing part of Terry's concern. The Colonel settled into the team's
rhetoric and arguments. "Perhaps, I can explain more later, but for now I
want to move on from the setbacks of the past days, weeks and months," he
declared. "Specifically, to Mr McMartin additional concerns," the Colonel
continued. "Other than Mother Superior and her other bishops, there are
none." He then looked at Chico who had stepped back, clearly still agitated,
and then his wife. "Moving on, dear?" [GM: OK, we'll cut and paste it there.
Thanks.] ************************ Dennis D. Kirkpatrick Littleton, CO USA
dkirkpat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx[1] http://www.bluething.org[2]
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-- David Kelk Gilgamesh whither runneth thou? / The life which thou seekest
thou wilt not find; For when the gods created mankind, / They alloted death
to mankind, But life they retained in their keeping, Thou, O Gilgamesh, let
thy belly be full; Day and night be thou merry; / Make every day a day of
rejoicing, Day and night do thou dance and play. Let thy raiment be clean,
Thy head be washed, and thyself be bathed in water. Cherish the little one
holding thy hand, And let the wife rejoice in thy bosom, This is the lot of
mankind. -- From the Epic of Gilgamesh 

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