[amayausers.com] Re: Great use for auto-digitizing

  • From: theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 20:39:52 UT

This message was posted by Body Cover on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY 
VIA EMAIL. Instead, respond to the thread on the WEBSITE by clicking here: 

It's really very easy, just make your letter like you want it, drag the handles 
on the diagonal edge to size it as you want it. Import and position your bitmap 
at the size needed over your "P" whne your done hit <Ctrl+ Page Down> to send 
it to the back of the page (underneath the letter)then click the letter, then 
on the menu drop down for "Arrange" scroll down to "Convert to curves" or you 
can use the shortcut <Ctrl + Q>
and now it is no longer an editable letter it is a piece of art in the shape of 
a "P" then you can click the bitmap, then under the effects menu click the 
<powerclip> then <place inside container> then click the "P" if it needs to be 
moved or resized click the power clip again and select the <edit contents> then 
you can resize, move or whatever to the bitmap until your happy, then click the 
<Powerclip> again and then <Finish editing this level> and it's done.
Hope I didn't make it too complicated, I can di ti in the time it took me to 
write the first 2 sentences, so it's pretty simple. Good Luck and ask away if 
you need any more help.



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