[administrating-your-public-servants] 回复: [administrating-your-public-servants] Re: AMERICA PREPARES FOR UN CHINK INVASION; DUMB base destroyed, 50,000 CHINESE TROOPS KILLED

  • From: Aéius Cercle (Quantum-Note : Law-Division) <Law@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: administrating-your-public-servants@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 27 Dec 2020 23:05:25 +0000

Let us not get ourselves too worked up over wordiages. Some words were, historically after all, commonly used before they ended up in the «vulgar» category (and possibly vice-versa), but «weaponised» terms (like the «conspiracy theorist» label for example) have been specifically designed to incite tensions & divisions amongst people (look up «Conspiracy Theorist label Weaponised by the CIA» as written on the Rense web-site for example). The Chinese people in-of-themselves are not the «real» enemy but many of them are just as mind-controlled (by the Dark Sovereign Power) as the rest of the willfully ignorant «Americans» who watch and actually believe everything that they see on the so-called «news» television-stations.

The intent should be to try & help others «overcome the darkness» within them, whether it be from their expression of calling another a «scum-bag/idiot/chink/tin-foil-hat-mentally-ill-paranoid-delusional-conspiracy-theorist/etc.» or their expression of wishing to «invade» a foreign land, even if/when deserved, etc., for we are at a point-in-time in human-history we need as many «allies» in the entire world as we can get to overcome those war-mongering authoritarian-ideologies, such as communism, but too aggressive of a counter-response will only «fuel» further reasons for them to view their «targets» as «enemies» rather than the «real enemies» who gave them their «ORDERS» and «indoctrination» that their «targets» (whether the «targets» be Americans or Russians or even other Chinese or otherwise) are the world's most evil villains.

If their «leader» has to be «captured» so that the «leader» can be «rehabilitated» in order to spread the «wisdom» to the rest of his «followers» then so-be-it. I am only one man in the world with such «wisdom» but as one man I cannot do all the «work» for everyone entirely by myself. What I can do is pass on the knowledge/wisdom and try to back up whatever claim I make as much as possible with «credible» references when possible (whether they be from genuinely «scientific» [rather than pseudo-scientific or corporate-science] literature or otherwise).

Most of the world still continues to believe that «psychopathy/sociopathy» cannot be fixed short of euphemistic «cures» such as euthanasia, blowing their brains out, etc. I will at least act like I am going out on a limb here for now in taking some «extra time» out of my day to mention that there are «successful programs» that have factually worked to literally «rehabilitate» offenders and even significantly reduce the «crime-rates» that used to be rather rampant at some locations. All «disbelievers» and as well as anybody here who genuinely wishes to assist the mentally disturbed should listen to this following linked video (and perhaps even read through the comments-section) and take a look at some of the documents I have transcribed that I will be adding herein as attachments...


Ultimately, the very returned (but now retired so I have chosen to make an attempt to continue with his work/duty/intentions) wants his Feeling Easier Seminar <http://the-testament-of-truth.co.uk/truth/web/seminar.htm> programme to be implemented world-wide in every land on earth (although I can see that there will still need to be many translations and several localisations done), such as at every so-called «correction» centre, all jails, prisons, mental-hospitals, psychiatric-institutions, etc., and has insisted that IF this can be done, then «crime» would very quickly become a «thing of the past» ...world-wide. Yes, some chaos will still continue to be around initially, but the Reader's Digest article that I have included herein as an attachment should be a testament and «evidence» that such a program can work towards an effective «crime-prevention/crime-reduction» programme.

The «time-line» from when I originally interacted with The Messiah seems to be fragmented though, for the audio-tracks that were part of The Feeling Easier Seminar portion of the CD he sent me originally had the song «Where is the Love ?» by Black Eyed Peas, but, apparently, has mysteriously disappeared from my hard-copy C-D from where I had first learned about and listened to said song, and I believe that this «quantum-bizareness» is related to why he later on mentioned to me that he feels that his «mind must be slipping» (I don't think he knows/knew about the Mandela-Effect which causes people to question their memories & think they're going senile).
------ 原始信息 ------
来自: "ervin middleton" <emiddle25@xxxxxxxxx>
收件人: administrating-your-public-servants@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
发送: 27.12.2020 13:23:47
主题: [administrating-your-public-servants] Re: AMERICA PREPARES FOR UN CHINK INVASION; DUMB base destroyed, 50,000 CHINESE TROOPS KILLED

Wow. Let the stupidity and racism of the above statements WASH over you. You probably think it's also appropriate to stage a coup over an election which had a result that you didn't like. Not to mention, with all the crap that's going on, during the lame duck period of that scumbag you're worried about an unproven claim. You're an idiot.

On Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 12:55 PM Rick Miller <ricky520057@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Well no matter how you describe them, they want to take over this country and they are not our
friends. Makes me think racial slurs might be appropriate. Wonder what the military calls them?

On Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 11:43 AM Virley Session <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android <https://go.onelink.me/107872968?pid=InProduct&c=Global_Internal_YGrowth_AndroidEmailSig__AndroidUsers&af_wl=ym&af_sub1=Internal&af_sub2=Global_YGrowth&af_sub3=EmailSignature>

On Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 1:01 AM, ervin middleton
<emiddle25@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
With some of us, when you publish something with racial slurs in the title, you instantly lose any credibility that you have.

On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 9:31 PM Aéius Cercle (Quantum-Note : Law-Division) <Law@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This may be a bit cryptic for most mortals but the systems are all breaking down and the world is poised to eventually come to a complete and total collapse for a time and a time until only the enlightened remain. You might want to ask : Which military is on high-alert ? Whose military is on high-alert ? How can you be so sure that the information is not just a diversion to distract attention away from spies & double-agents ? Are the National-Guard going into prisons to be imprisoned or are they going into prisons for some other purpose ? Nor is the world really woken up enough yet about the CONvid PLANdemic. I already warned some locals a couple of years ago about what is to come to pass in the future, and I made it very clear when I said, that when the «Big Event» eventually occurs, I would be very surprised if there's even a mere 1000 people left on earth if the general population of the entire world as a whole cannot change direction for the better.

I will ramp up my efforts to correct a lot of the world's erroneous-beliefs eventually but there are a number of personal-matters which I still need to tend to for now; one sample example I will give here in regards to correction-of-beliefs is about prophecies. Any «prophetic» statements/scenarios that I make/describe should include both the best-case and worst-case scenarios in order to be a full prophecy; prophecies are meant as and are supposed to be warnings rather than «set-in-stone» guaranteed future-events; the reason why so many «prophecies» do come to pass is because people fail to heed the warnings and/or refuse to prepare. Many of the «doomsday prophets» are considered to have «failed» many of their «predictions» but if the «predictions» have ended up «failing» then it could also be seen as a «success» in either averting or stemming a pending disaster scenario that could have played out. If everyone in the world who needed to suddenly turned over a new leaf, and started doing the right things, turning away from any and all manners of corrupt activities, then of course the «best-case prophetic-scenario(s)» would play out; if, how-ever, everybody in the entire world fell to corruption, the the «worst-case prophetic-scenario(s)» would certainly come-to-pass; historically, humanity seems to have gone largely around 97-98% in the wrong direction, but only in more recent years has it started to slowly move towards the correct direction amongst small-percentage-increases as «awakening» forces increase (and in the words/descriptions of The Messiah's writings, insanity will also be to the fore for a time and a time, due to the «forces that draw out the sin» within man).

ALL POLICE IN THE WORLD NEED TO KNOW THAT... amongst my «prophecies» include scenarios where the «worst-case scenario» (for them [the police]) becomes one where the whole entire world & all of its systems fall into a complete and total collapse, such that there is NO food on earth, NO water for anybody to drink, NO electricity, NO businesses, NO Internet, NO communications, NO radios, NO transportation, NO Internet, NO shelter, nearly every building if not all buildings on earth having been reduced down to rubble, etc., for if/when that scenario happens, the FIRST people whom will be «targeted» are going to be the police & the politicians (and during a time whilst I was being held hostage after having my rights violated there were in fact some cops/sheriffs who got shot & killed whilst sitting in their patrol-car which got reported in local state-newspapers but I made sure some of the locals knew that that was nothing more than a microcosm of a warning shot in comparison to what could have happened). Most mortals may not be able to fathom the idea of the scenario I just described being able to happen, but both the technologies and the infrastructure to be able to cause that mass-destruction scenario had already been in place ever since approximately Y2K, better-understood by those who are familiar with the works & technologies involving Nikola Tesla's inventions (and it can still happen at any time, whether in a few minutes from now or possibly decades or even further down the line depending on various factors... when the «big day» arrives, depending on how much has been «enough rope» for the corrupt in which to hang themselves, 9/11 will look like child's play in comparison).

The «best-case-scenario» would result in police dis-arm-ing themselves and working for the community as a peace-keeping peace-corps who only haul in real offenders for benign purposes of their rehabilitation in accordance to The Testament of Truth parameters such as via the Feeling Easier Seminar instead ofagainst the community as military junta police on the behalf and behest of corrupt politicians for purposes of extorting & punishing even the peaceful & innocent as very close to 100% of them still do now even to this very day (regardless of whether the Trump-presidency existed or not; although I do have reasons to believe that some parts of them may have turned out becoming a little more reasonable as a result of what-ever behind-the-scenes efforts may have been implemented by said administration, but that still won't do much long-term-good even if true without the general public becoming educated to and learning about true reality [particularly as pertains to spiritual-wisdom]), world-wide, putting nearly all «police» in the world in the deadly danger that I described in the above-paragraph, but a world-wide «best-case-scenario» for everyone would see not only make «crime» a thing of the past, but all «diseases» will also have been cured, transportation across the world will be extremely efficient (such that mass-transit from America to Australia could be accomplished within four hours or less with 100% safety for all travellers/passengers), homelessness becomes non-existent, ALL forms of «usury» will also have been abolished, etc.

Please keep in mind that these are the «scenarios» that humanity can choose for itself depending on IF & whether or not they wish to steer themselves further into one direction or the other rather than «set in stone predictions» about what will be happening in the future at some exact specific time/date/place/location/etc; the direction of most the world is still currently more than 50% towards the worst-case-scenario and, because it is already too late to «change the system» for the better using «the system» (absent the use of time-travel-technology which also exists) it will be mostly and largely an «individual» (non-legalese) decision for anyone to extricate and thus «save themselves» from their complicity to the corruption of the systems' forces & the system(s) themselves.
------ Исходное сообщение ------
От: "The Organic Fanatic" <theorganicfanatic@xxxxxxxxx>
Кому: administrating-your-public-servants@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Отправлено: 19.12.2020 6:08:00
Тема: [administrating-your-public-servants] Re: AMERICA PREPARES FOR UN CHINK INVASION; DUMB base destroyed, 50,000 CHINESE TROOPS KILLED

If the military are on high alert then why are the national guard going into prisons for something as benign as COVID? Doesn't add up to me.

On Sat, Dec 19, 2020, 7:11 AM Mike P <mike_p_5@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Entire site when you hit reply...to get it to go only to that one person you need to copy that persons address within the "adminis...." such as, Yours shows up as:

"administrating-your-public-servants-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <administrating-your-public-servants-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of J Ming <oneofgodselect@xxxxxxxxx>"

So you copy your address - oneofgodselect@xxxxxxxxx out - out of that and hit forward and past the persons email in the "To" line...

After that...type away!!

ohhhhhh....bonds....be careful, do you know how to argue against filing a fraudulent security? Be prepared to pay in FRn's.....

From:administrating-your-public-servants-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <administrating-your-public-servants-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of J Ming <oneofgodselect@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2020 5:42 PM
To:administrating-your-public-servants@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <administrating-your-public-servants@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [administrating-your-public-servants] Re: AMERICA PREPARES FOR UN CHINK INVASION; DUMB base destroyed, 50,000 CHINESE TROOPS KILLED

Does this message go to the entire site or just to Dave? I just recently made three payments with bonds and I have some questions...

On Mon, Dec 14, 2020, 3:18 PM dave.arnold33@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:dave.arnold33@xxxxxxxxx> <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
is it just me, or does this sound like fiction?


On Saturday, December 12, 2020, 05:20:10 AM PST, Bill <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 https://s3.amazonaws.com/archives.halturnershow.com/December-2020/Hal-Turner-Radio-Show-12-09-2020.mp3 <https://s3.amazonaws.com/archives.halturnershow.com/December-2020/Hal-Turner-Radio-Show-12-09-2020.mp3> 120min
The first 45min will mesmerize you!

Complimentary broadcast:
https://youtu.be/a-qzxaNp130  1:05:42
Mike Adams, Scott McKay & Monkey Werx
See especially the last 21min

Follow Mike Adams Updates at the following:
See especially the latest update from Dec. 10.

Date: December 10, 2020 at 11:06:37 PM CST

Watch "IGP3 00139 — America Prepares for UN Chink Invasion" on YouTube

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Date: Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 10:06 PM
Subject: Fwd: FW: DUMB base destroyed, 50,000 CHINESE TROOPS KILLED

Fyi, just received.
Subject:DUMB base destroyed, 50,000 CHINESE TROOPS KILLED

... U.S. F-16 PILOT MISSING(views: 5202)
Seawitch -- Thursday, 10-Dec-2020 02:46:28

Possible location of alleged Chinese underground base, near "earthquake" coordinates in eastern Maine <https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=160135>(views: 421)
MrFusion -- Thursday, 10-Dec-2020 14:26:42

Hal Turner is reporting that a massive DUMB base destroyed in Canada north of Maine border by 30000 lb. Bunker buster with 50000 chinese troops residing. They shot down a F16 with a particle beam or energy weapon.
The military is on extremely high alert and I had military friends said things were getting hot and dicey in the south china sea with the chinese navy.
EVERYONE needs to read this. Stay informed. Scary times we're in.

Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and South Dakotafile suit at the Supreme Court charging Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia for unlawful elections which violate the US Constitution. OTHER STATES THAT HAVE NOW FILED SUITS TO SUPPORT TEXAS: ARIZONA, INDIANA, KANSAS, MISSOURI, MONTANA, NEBRASKA, NORTH DAKOTA, OKLAHOMA, TENNESSEE, UTAH, WEST VIRGINIA

Source who works for the Pentagon confirms: “Soon, Trump will take over the National Broadcast System...Listen and follow Instructions...Don't Panic...Our Military, Law Enforcement and other Great Patriots got this. We will Prevail...Trump 2020.”

China has purchased 130k ACRES of land near Laughlin AFB (even the MSM is confirming this).

https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/06/25/texas-chinese-wind-farm-national-security-espionage-nelectrical-grid/ <https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/06/25/texas-chinese-wind-farm-national-security-espionage-electrical-grid/>



Chinese spies have been identified IN CONGRESS.

Chinese Parcel Services have been confirmed being received at election centers in US.

Chinese leaders have bragged this week of their influence and control in American politics.

Biden has been confirmed as tied to CCP as well as many high-level US Officials including GA’s Gov Kemp.

In 2017 a video shows POTUS stating in Oval Office “a storm is coming.” Yesterday and today the 82nd Airborne posted in 2 separate social media posts... 1.) “A Storm is coming. #CombatReady.” 2.) “Final preparations today for Devil Storm... The morning started with the Combined Arms Rehearsal (CAR) - the Brigade walk-through of the planned operation, during which Company/Battery/Troop commanders, along with sustainment leaders, brief the team on the base plan of executing the mission. The day closes out with Sustained Airborne Training (SAT) for all Paratroopers who will be jumping into the fight. The Storm is upon us...watch it unfold this week! #StrikeHold #AATW #DIBP #DevilStorm”

Intel points to potential martial law being declared by or on December 14th. Intel is overwhelming that high-ranking Democrats AND Republicans have conspired and acted in conjunction with the CCP to steal the 2020 election and that the CCP is attempting to overthrow our government and instill Communism.


Attachment: Article[Law(Review)Peoples]01.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: Article[Readers-Digest(2016)May]pp84-5.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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  • » [administrating-your-public-servants] 回复: [administrating-your-public-servants] Re: AMERICA PREPARES FOR UN CHINK INVASION; DUMB base destroyed, 50,000 CHINESE TROOPS KILLED - Quantum-Note : Law-Division