[administrating-your-public-servants] Real Vampires!

  • From: j@xxxxxxxxx
  • To: administrating-your-public-servants@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2021 20:46:06 -0500

Yes. It is the truth!

After I was slandered by my public defrauder Sarah Einhorn the disgusting little piece of cattle and her criminal cohort Jimmy James Cramer, kangaroo…

I was sent to Napa State Hospital for six months.

What they do there is a draw blood from you every two or three days and pretend that their “testing“ your blood to make sure that it’s Healthy!?

Only a complete and total idiot and medical fraud thinks that somebody’s blood condition can change in three days when all you can do is eat in the cafeteria pace the hallways and watch white trash American TV programming.

There is not so much is a sharpened pencil in the entire place to puncture your skin with that might allow you to infect your blood with anything.

Napa State Hospital is a bloodsucker operation for a literal Vampires!

Believe it or don’t I don’t care it’s your life that’s on the line idiots.

This group of rejects has also slandered me even when I have created pro constitutional weapons back and even use yes wooden missiles to kill vampires.

My opinion of administrating your public servants? Degenerate cocksuckers for the most part. Losers. Claiming to be about law and patriotism and then just engaging an outrageous slander of anybody that comes along and tries to help at fair market value.

Dirty yellow homosexual white trash junkies for the pharmaceutical industry! Just more slanderous little idiots.

Do you think vampires are not real? Do you think that’s not what is going on in the kangaroo court system? Kangaroo clerks assisting to murder people and steal their blood for vampires!

You are insinuating I am crazy when I put together that legal presentation? I am the number one most credible developer and artificial intelligence with the poetic justice built in rhyme brain app!

Any idiot on earth with one electron of intelligence can listen to my recording and understand that IP is greater than AI

Meaning intellectual property “trumps“ artificial intelligence!

It is life-saving legal information for the age of artificial intelligence and robotics.

But administrating your public servants members? More slander more white trash more white trash junkie prostitute Americans for the pharmaceutical industry trying to call me crazy get fucked you little squirming vermin.

The verdict is in on Glenn. A fool and a tool of corruption.

I charge $10,000 per day for legal advice. I call it legal advice. And I tell the Bar Association to kiss my ass I’m going to shoot you in the fucking head if you try to claim I am illegally practicing law! You can find information at my website if you are not another retarded fool who thinks that every last thing in this world should be given away for free.


Oh you’re so patriotic! And yet you claim someone who makes pneumatics AI\OS weapons is a troublemaker? I think you scandalous little faggot want to get fucked up the ass by China man with 1.5 inch dicks! It was Mao Zedong that said political power grows out of the barrel of a gun!

And you best believe the China men are looking to pimp you politically and economically with superior intelligence about how the world really really really works.

Now weapons to kill vampires and the pigs and the kangaroos and the bar bunnies that are helping them to literally murder people and drink their blood that could be a good thing? Nah! nothing Jesse Gilbert does can ever contribute anything positive to society 100% of his motives are bad!

BrainstormPro! W/

POETIC JUSTICE! The #1 Artificial Intelligence SAAS! www.wowls.com

Use it! Or become slaves to those who do!!

Jesse Gilbert

P.S. Niggers can eat shit and die I don’t give one flying fuck about Niggers I have plenty a Niggers try to murder me on orders from the police! And I intend to kill many with pneumatics weapons!

The only Black people I care about are my business partners customers and clients who are intelligent enough to fathom in their brain that IP is greater than AI!

The rest of these people? Sheeple for the slaughter!


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