wflinewmexico: Wings For LIFE International New Mexico List

Wings for L.I.F.E. New Mexico List - Information and Support for Families of Inmates including Life Skills Training. Wings For L.I.F.E. -- Life-skills Imparted to Families through Education, is an empowerment program that provides life-skills, education, training, and support for family members/caregivers of prisoners (returning citizens) and at-risk youth. Some of the educational topics that are addressed include single parenting, finances, how to stretch a dollar, discipline, acceptance issues, prison visits, feeding a family, substance abuse and signs, reintegration and reunification issues, legal issues, public defenders, work/job issues, holidays, and anything else of interest to the group. Search Institute® 40 Developmental Assets® are incorporated into the training. We started in 1995 and we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit since 2007. The New Mexico list will go to our volunteers and supporters in New Mexico.