CSEB Ontario List webpage The list for CSEB Ontario members to help you network and communicate

Welcome to the CSEB Ontario List webpage
The list for CSEB Ontario members to help you network and communicate!

All CSEB Ontario members are already subscribed to our listserv CSEBLIST.
All you have to do to post a message is simply click the link below!


CSEB Ontario list archives - all the previous posts


Simply email your note to cseblist@freelists.org or click on the above link.


You can unsubscribe by sending an email to :CSEBREQUEST and put unsubscribe in subject line - or go into the Webportal.

Any questions not answered here? email us


You can change the way you receive your CSEB list by logging into the Webportal
i.e. to receive a weekly digest (as opposed to every message) or to set a vacation notice.

You may want to print this page for reference.

Logging into the Portal

1. When you first login it will ask you to enter your email address and leave the password blank. Use the email address you are subscribed with (if in doubt email us).
2. It will then take you to an authorisation screen and also email you an authorisation code. LEAVE THE AUTHORISATION SCREEN OPEN WHILE YOU CHECK YOUR EMAIL.
3. Enter the code into the authorisation screen. It will now take you to the main menu. You should scroll down and change your password now.
4. Now scroll down the box of all lists on the left and choose CSEBLIST and "select list". (Note there is CSEBLIST and CSEB - make sure you choose CSEBLIST!!)
5. You are now at the settings screen. Choose "change settings" to alter your subscription (see below).

A flag is basically an on/off switch that controls one or more features available to you as subscribers.
(Think of them as a list of preferences that you can customize.)
Flags can be turned on and off through the "Change Settings" function in the list menu.
To see which flags are set for you, use the "View Settings" function in the Webportal.

Vacation This flag sets you into vacation mode. While in vacation mode, you won't receive any list messages. This is an important thing to do when you won't be able to check your mail for awhile to prevent it from being filled up with unexpected list messages. You must turn vacation off to receive messages again.
Digest - set weekly If you wish to receive weekly Digests of the mailing list, rather than a message everytime a post is made, set this flag.
This is nice if you don't want a lot of mail cluttering your mailbox, or if you'd rather just review the traffic on the list rather than scrutinizing every post.
Digest 2 Means you get the weekly digest plus all individual posts
Hidden This flag prevents you from appearing in the list of members made available through the "List Users" function. Only CSEB members can see that you're subscribed - this will hide your information from them.
Echopost Means you get a copy of all messages that you post.
Ackpost Once you try and post a message. Lets you know that your message is approved for posting.