[yunqa.de] Using API calls for speed

  • From: "Michael Hooker" <michael.hooker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <yunqa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 00:13:48 +0100

Ralf and all,

I use Delphi 7 PE, and WinXP SP2. I need to write a function to look up a value in a sqlite3 database table column and return some of the data in the cells of the corresponding row. The value looked up ('Hex' in the program below) is present in the table >95% of the time, and if it is there it is one of 50,000 unique values. The column is indexed. The input parameter to the function is the string "Hex", and the result will be a comma-delimited string: nice and simple.

The key factor is speed, as huge amounts of data are always flowing in; this data is processed by commercial software and certain elements of it saved into the sqlite3 database "BaseStation.sqb". My program processes the same data in parallel (the commercial application sends it out to Port 30003) and in real time, picking up some of the information the application fails to record and ignoring the data which is of no interest to me. There is a lot of processing to do, whilst keeping up with the constant inflow of data. I should end up with (a) a display of current relevant data on the screen and (b) a csv disk file of all the relevant information for the day, ready to e-mail to my correspondents at the end of the day. There are other programs occasionally accessing the database. My function needs to extract information from the database as quickly as possible to keep up with the flow of data through the port and I can't stress enough that there is a lot of it - several Gigabytes a day! So I decided to try using the native API for speed, I found it very difficult but following some of the demo examples, this is what I came up with for test purposes. Clicking the FindBtn sends the contents of an edit control to the function "GetAcDetails" and the csv string is returned in another edit control. And it works! My queries follow the code.
unit Unit1;


 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
 Dialogs, DISQLite3Api, DISQLite3Database, StdCtrls;

 TForm1 = class(TForm)
   FindBtn: TButton;
   HexEd: TEdit;
   procedure FindBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
   procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
   function GetAcDetails(Hex: String): String;

   { Public declarations }

 Form1: TForm1;
 Stmt_H: TDISQLite3StatementHandle;
 DB_H: TDISQLite3DatabaseHandle;
 DBName: AnsiString;
 SQL: String;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
 DBName := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'BaseStation.sqb';

procedure TForm1.FindBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
 ResEd.Text := GetAcDetails(HexEd.Text);

function TForm1.GetAcDetails(Hex: String): String;
 Res: Integer;
 sqlite3_check(sqlite3_open(PAnsiChar(DBName), @DB_H), DB_H);
SQL := 'SELECT Registration, Type, SerialNo, RegisteredOwners FROM Aircraft WHERE ModeS = "' + HexEd.Text + '";'; sqlite3_check(sqlite3_prepare_v2(DB_H, PAnsiChar(SQL), -1, @Stmt_H, nil), DB_H);
 if Assigned(Stmt_H) then begin
   Res := sqlite3_check(sqlite3_step(Stmt_H), DB_H);
   if Res = 101 then Result := 'Not found,,,'            {is this safe?}
else begin {make the csv output string}
     Result := sqlite3_column_str(Stmt_H, 0) + ',' +
                  sqlite3_column_str(Stmt_H, 1) + ',' +
                  sqlite3_column_str(Stmt_H, 2) + ',' +
                  sqlite3_column_str(Stmt_H, 3);
   sqlite3_check(sqlite3_finalize(Stmt_H), DB_H);
 sqlite3_check(sqlite3_close(DB_H), DB_H);



First, after a bit of investigation, I found that the result of sqlite3_check(sqlite3_step(Stmt_H), DB_H) always seems to be 100 if the item is found and 101 if not. Is it safe to hard-code this into the function to quickly indicate whether or not the item was found, as I have done?

Second, does using "sqlite3_check" provide any real benefit in this scenario? It may just be wasting precious time.

Third, is sqlite3_step the right function to use when you only expect one (or no) row to be returned? There is no "stepping" to do, is there?

Fourth, this function will be running 24/7 and mostly unattended. The last thing I want is a message that pops up saying that the database is locked and waiting for me to press a button to continue! I need something that tries again until the database is unlocked and success is achieved. I have a feeling I should use a try...except statement and a way of catching the error and using it to repeat the call to the function. I see there is a class that returns error numbers and descriptions (ESQLite3). However, in 15 years of messing about with Delphi I have never had to do anything like this and have no idea where to start (the Help is not very enlightening). As the result code for a Locked table seems to be 6, then my first instinct is to say:

 Res := sqlite3_check(sqlite3_open(PAnsiChar(DBName), @DB_H), DB_H);
 If Res := 6 then begin
   Result := 'Locked';
   Exit;   {I presume Exit works with functions, as with procedures}

I don't have any way of testing this until the error arises! And of course it would only work if I could somehow avoid the error message popping up.

Many thanks for any help you or others can offer, especially if the function can be made to run faster.

Michael Hooker

Delphi Inspiration mailing list

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