[USS Tempest] Nightmares by Ensign Sarah Lewis

  • From: Claire Priest <lt.commanderkip@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: usstempest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 20:13:10 +0100

*Ensign Sarah Lewis*
  Sarah watched with horror as the man came towards her, his eyes full of 
desire. He had already locked the door of her room, cutting off all escape 
 Grabbing her by the wrists, Tom threw her onto the floor and sat on top of 
her. Pulling a hankerchief from his pocket he stuffed it into her mouth to 
silence her protests. Then, with alarming precision he began to undress her. 
She felt sick, the hankerchief choking her ability to breathe as well as 
scream. She fought back the urge to pass out - knowing she had to fight this 
bastard to the very end. 
 As his hand moved to her thighs, she clamped them shut, refusing him 
access. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when his hand connected with 
her cheek. She knew the bruise would be a deadly shade of purple. 
 *Where had things gone wrong? We started the evening so well. Tom and I met 
up for drinks at the Academy bar as usual, had a great evening and then I 
invited him back to my quarters for a coffee. *Her thoughts drifted to the 
fact that he was training in engineering. When she heard the door to her 
quarters lock without her voice authorisation she knew he had disabled it 
and the comm. 
 Forcefully Tom ripped off the remaining clothing from Sarah's body and 
violently raped her.
 Sarah sat bolt upright in bed, the sweat oozing from every pore on her 
body. Another nightmare and they were getting worse. She wished she could 
run to Alex and talk to him about all of this but she wasn't sure that was 
 Dressing herself she made her way from her quarters on the habitat ring to 
Quark's on the Promenade. She needed a holosuite and she needed it now. 
Storming into his bar she eyed Quark straight away and made a beeline for 
 Quark saw her coming. *This doesn't look good. *He'd seen Sarah in this 
stormy mood twice already. One time she'd launched him three feet across the 
room because the holosuites were engaged. He quickly checked them and 
breathed a sigh of relief to find one free. 
 Sarah barked at Quark, "Holosuite, now!"
 Quark motioned for her to pass, ever curious how such a beautiful female 
could get so angry.
 Sarah marched up to the vacant holosuite. "Computer, load programme Sarah 
Lewis Delta Alpha 2." Programme loaded, Sarah entered.
 She was standing in the middle of a fair ground and was in front of one of 
the side shows. She picked up the ball that was lying in front of her and 
threw it hard at the stand. The shattering of plates followed as she hurled 
ball after ball at the china on the stand, imagining each dish as Tom's 
head. Tears streaming down her face she came to her last ball and gave all 
the strength she had let to throwing it at the remaining shards of plate. 
 She was aware of the programme changing to a scene of tranquility and 
safety. There was soft dappled sunshine all around as she sank to the floor, 
emotionally exhausted. She was remotely aware of the man whose arms she was 
now laying in. For all teh crap men in the past had given her she knew this 
one was safe. The man whose arms she was in was Alex and as his scent filled 
her nostrils she breathed a heavy sigh, beginning to feel calmer. 
 "Oh my sweet girl," Alex said. "I hate to see you hurting like this."
 "I wish you could make it all go away my love but its not possible," she 
whimpered, realising that Alex had followed her into the holosuite and 
adjusted the programme.
 "Come on babe, let me take you back to bed."
 With no energy left to protest, she allowed Alex to take her back to her 
quarters knowing full well he would not leave her on her own tonight.

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  • » [USS Tempest] Nightmares by Ensign Sarah Lewis