[relug] Re: frasi....

  • From: Nicola Bova <nicola.bova@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: relug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 12:12:58 +0100

On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 19:53:48 +0100
Bertolini Marco <desireberto@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> apt-get install sigrot
> man sigrot
> Sylpheed -> Configuration -> Preferences for current account -> 
> Compose -> cat /home/berto/.saluto ; sigrot ; cat
> /home/berto/.signature

berto, berto...

dalla man di sigrot:

Optional  file. The contents of this file will appear at the beginning
of every .signature file that is written.   

Optional file. The contents of this file will appear at the end of every
.signature file that is written.

quindi non c'e` bisogno di un file .saluto e poi fare il cat anche di
quello. basta mettere usare prefix e suffix e sigrot lo fa benissimo...

per esempio io metto in prefix "ciao niki" e in suffix "per favore, ..."

man sigrot ;)


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