[racktables-users] Re: Feature Request?

  • From: "Aaron Dummer" <aaron@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: racktables-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2008 21:53:58 -0700

>> I could be missing this feature all together, but I would like to be
>> able to generate a report of my stuff. For example, right now I
>> would like to get a report of all the servers and save that somewhere
>> for another user. Would it be possible to exports reports and/or
>> data?

> The last (0.16.2) release provides an easy way to add own extensions.
> Basically, you have to keep your code in local.php file and then just
> keep it the "inc" directory of the extracted tree. Even more,
> I've seen an early version of "show my servers" addon by Aaron. He may
> find it appropriate publishing it, so I can save on explaining how it
> works.
Hey Jason,

Attached is the custom Server report that you might find useful.  As Denis explained, place the file in your "inc" directory and you will see a new "Local" tab appear in the Reports section of RackTables.  The query uses several sub-selects but I found this necessary to do it right.

Please send your feedback and any improvements back to the list!

Aaron Dummer
// Credits:
// Report back-end created by Denis Ovsienko <http://www.racktables.org/>
// Query created, interface adjusted by Aaron Dummer <aaron@xxxxxxxxxxx>

$localreports[] = array
    'title' => 'My Servers',
    'type' => 'custom',
    'func' => 'getMyServers'

function getMyServers ()
    // Returns details of all objects whose type is 4 (Server).
    // Since an object may exist in multiple racks, the Rack & Row details are 
those of the first one only.
    // TODO: Make report sortable by column, make it prettier with CSS.
    $query = 'SELECT RackObject.id AS object_id,
                    (SELECT d.dict_value
                       FROM AttributeValue a
                  LEFT JOIN Dictionary d ON a.uint_value = d.dict_key
                      WHERE a.object_id = RackObject.id
                        AND a.attr_id = 2) AS hw_type,
                    (SELECT d.dict_value
                       FROM AttributeValue a
                  LEFT JOIN Dictionary d ON a.uint_value = d.dict_key
                      WHERE a.object_id = RackObject.id
                        AND a.attr_id = 4) AS sw_type,
                    (SELECT row_id
                       FROM Rack
                      WHERE id = (SELECT DISTINCT(rack_id)
                                             FROM RackSpace
                                            WHERE object_id = RackObject.id
                                         ORDER BY rack_id LIMIT 1)) AS row_id,
                    (SELECT d.dict_value
                       FROM Dictionary d
                      WHERE d.chapter_no = 3
                        AND d.dict_key = (SELECT row_id
                                            FROM Rack
                                           WHERE id = (SELECT DISTINCT(rack_id)
                                                         FROM RackSpace
                                                        WHERE object_id = 
                                                     ORDER BY rack_id LIMIT 
1))) AS row_name,
                    (SELECT DISTINCT(rack_id)
                       FROM RackSpace
                      WHERE object_id = RackObject.id
                   ORDER BY rack_id LIMIT 1) AS rack_id,
                    (SELECT name
                       FROM Rack
                      WHERE id = (SELECT DISTINCT(rack_id)
                                    FROM RackSpace
                                   WHERE object_id = RackObject.id
                                   ORDER BY rack_id LIMIT 1)) AS rack_name
                       FROM RackObject
                      WHERE objtype_id = 4
                   ORDER BY name';
    $result = useSelectBlade ($query, __FUNCTION__);

    echo "<style type='text/css'>\n";
    echo "tr.has_problems {\n";
    echo "background-color: #ffa0a0;\n";
    echo "}\n";
    echo "</style>\n";

    echo "<table border=1><tr valign=top>";
    echo "<th align=left>Name</th>";
    echo "<th align=left>Asset Tag</th>";
    echo "<th align=left>Barcode</th>";
    echo "<th align=left>Problems?</th>";
    echo "<th align=left>Hardware</th>";
    echo "<th align=left>Software</th>";
    echo "<th align=left>Row</th>";
    echo "<th align=left>Rack</th></tr>";
    while ($row = $result->fetch (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
        // make the row red if server has problems
        if ($row['has_problems'] == 'yes')
            echo "<tr class=has_problems>";
            echo "<tr>";

        printf("<td><a href='?page=object&object_id=%s'>%s</a></td>", 
$row['object_id'], $row['name']);
        printf("<td>%s</td>", $row['asset_no']);
        printf("<td>%s</td>", $row['barcode']);
        printf("<td>%s</td>", $row['has_problems']);
        printf("<td>%s</td>", parseWikiLink ($row['hw_type'], 'a', TRUE));
        printf("<td>%s</td>", parseWikiLink ($row['sw_type'], 'a', TRUE));
        printf("<td><a href='?page=row&row_id=%s'>%s</a></td>", $row['row_id'], 
        printf("<td><a href='?page=rack&rack_id=%s'>%s</a></td>", 
$row['rack_id'], $row['rack_name']);
        echo "</tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";


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