[pskmail] Re: Seamless integration of Pskmail Server with Windows

  • From: "A.Oskarsson" <tf3ao@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pskmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 08 May 2010 08:58:09 +0000

Small question John,

For the soundcard, you wrote:  load-module module-waveout device=1 record=0

Should it not be: record=1   as we did when we first edited the file  ?

73 Seli

Þann 8.5.2010 01:12, skrifaði John Douyere:
Hi Seli,

I posted this in the pskmail list so that other people could refer to it too since these are genuine issues for a Pskmail server.

Great progress, you are almost there.

First for the serial port. With the default configuration, in C:\Program Files\andLinux\ directory there is a file called settings.txt which defines among other things the devices that the Linux kernel connects to at start up.

To connect ttys0 to com4 in Windows add the following line at the bottom of the setting.txt file mentioned above:

ttys0=COM4,"BAUD=115200 PARITY=n DATA=8 STOP=1 dtr=on rts=on"

Of course adjust the BAUD and DATA (I suspect PARITY could be set too if not default) to whatever values you use for your rig.

After changes, save and stop then restart andLinux (from the startmenu/andLinux program list).

The limitations are:

a. The speed is fixed and cannot be changed inside Linux.

b. The control signals are fixed: here both RTS and DTR are permanently set to ON. Therefore it is not possible to use TX switching via these control signals. But I don't think it is an issue in your case.

Also I haven't tried this myself so it could be ttyS0 instead of ttys0. Try both please.

Note that I haven't used /dev/ttyS3 since it does not seem to be defined in the /dev directory of andLinux.

Now for the sound card.

It is easy to allocate a second sound card to the Linux application.

We are back to the default.pa <http://default.pa> file located by default in the C:\Program Files\andLinux\pulseaudio\ directory.

In that file that you open with a text editor (notepad or other in Windows), find the line which says:

load-module module-waveout record=0

Now change that line by adding the device= statement like so:

load-module module-waveout device=1 record=0

Save the file and restart windows.

Here I assume that you have only two sound devices in your windows system. If you have more than two then the number after the device= could be 2,3,4 etc... for your second sound card. With device=0 being the primary sound card of your system which is the default.

You may have to experiment with different values and restart windows every time unfortunately since it needs to restart all drivers for the new configuration to be active.

Also note that you may (not likely but possible) get a different device number if your 2nd audio device is available at windows startup or plugged in later on like for a USB sound card.

So when starting Windows ensure that all your sound devices - if they are removable like a USB device for example - are plugged in. Otherwise you will get a different device number.

Good luck and let us know how you are going.

73s, John

    I have all set up now, except things doesn't quiet work as
    preferred. My rig, 756 PROII has CIV reading on COM4 in Windows.
    I've tried /dev/ttyS4  as well as /dev/ttyS3  but doesn't work.
    I also have 2 soundcards, one dedicated for data modes, and the
    other for other general use.
    How can I setup so I get a frequency reading as well getting the
    soundcard to work ?
    Appreciate your help.

    73 Seli TF3AO

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