Re: nfbtrans conversion

  • From: Jamal Mazrui <empower@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 02 Jul 2011 18:28:19 -0400

Attached is a free braille file from National Braille Press, founding.brf, containing the Declaration of Independence and related material. Hope it can be used for testing.


On 7/2/2011 6:20 PM, Littlefield, Tyler wrote:
It looks like I have this done a lot sooner. Do I just need to dump this
in my edsharp directory to test? will someone send me a .brf file that I
can try this out with to see if it does, indeed work?
There were some asm functions (which were declared in the asm file),
called sound, nosound and delay. I wasn't really sure what those did, so
I just wrote c replacements. sound plays the beep (at a duration of 250
ms), nosound toggles a flag that is checked for beeps, and delay just
calls sleep. I have a ton of warnings, but I'm aiming for this to just
work on a 64-bit system.
On 7/2/2011 3:25 PM, Littlefield, Tyler wrote:
Hello all:
Since this isn't something that is a huge issue to keep up to date
beyond it just working on 64-bit systems, I removed the secure
warnings, and started the conversions. There aren't to many issues I
don't think so far, except the fact that a lot of the function calls
(utime etc) are no longer in windows. I'm yanking the code with older
functions and writing drop-in replacements to do exactly (hopefully)
what the old functions do, so hopefully it will work with minimal
modifications. I'll post later with progress and/or a working copy
sometime this week.

   ,! ,decl>,n ( ,9dep5d;e               
         ,! ,3/itu;n                     
       (! ,unit$ ,/ates                  
        ,ta# ( ,3t5ts     ;III           
,! ,decl>,n ( ,9dep5d;e """ #a           
,! ,3/itu;n (! ,unit$                    
  ,/ates """"""""""""""""" #ac           
    ,pream# """""""""""""" #ac           
    ,>ticle ,i """"""""""" #ac           
    ,>ticle ,,ii """"""""" #bi           
    ,>ticle ,,iii """""""" #cf           
    ,>ticle ,,iv """"""""" #ci           
    ,>ticle ,v """"""""""" #da           
    ,>ticle ,,vi """"""""" #db           
    ,>ticle ,,vii """""""" #dc           
       ,,am5d;ts ,,6,,!                  
        ,,3/itu;n ,,(                    
         ,,! ,,unit$                     
         ,,/ates ,,(                     
          ,! ,f/ ,t5                     
         ,am5d;ts1 ,!                    
        ,bill ,( ,"rs                    
    ,am5d;t ,i """"""""""" #ej           
    ,am5d;t ,,ii """"""""" #ej           
    ,am5d;t ,,iii """""""" #ej           
    ,am5d;t ,,iv """"""""" #ea           
    ,am5d;t ,v """"""""""" #ea           
    ,am5d;t ,,vi """"""""" #eb           
    ,am5d;t ,,vii """""""" #eb           
    ,am5d;t ,,viii """"""" #ec           
    ,am5d;t ,,ix """"""""" #ec           
    ,am5d;t ,x """"""""""" #ec           
    ,am5d;t ,,xi """"""""" #ed           
    ,am5d;t ,,xii """""""" #ed           
    ,am5d;t ,,xiii """"""" #eg           
    ,am5d;t ,,xiv """""""" #eg           
    ,am5d;t ,,xv """"""""" #fa           
    ,am5d;t ,,xvi """""""" #fa           
    ,am5d;t ,,xvii """"""" #fb           
    ,am5d;t ,,xviii """""" #fc           
    ,am5d;t ,,xix """""""" #fd           
    ,am5d;t ,,xx """"""""" #fd           
    ,am5d;t ,,xxi """""""" #fg           
    ,am5d;t ,,xxii """"""" #fh           
    ,am5d;t ,,xxiii """""" #fi           
    ,am5d;t ,,xxiv """"""" #gj           
    ,am5d;t ,,xxv """""""" #ga           
    ,am5d;t ,,xxvi """"""" #gd           

      ,,! ,,decl>,n ,,(     #A           
  ,,9 ,,3gress1 ,july #d1                
  ,! unanim\s ,decl>,n (!                
?irte5 unit$ ,/ates ( ,am]ica1           
  ,:5 9 ! ,c\rse ( human                 
ev5ts1 x 2comes nec = "o p               
64solve ! political b&s : h              
3nect$ !m ) ano!r1 & 6assume             
am;g ! p[]s (! e>?1 ! sep>ate            
& equal /,n 6: ! ,laws (                 
,nature &( ,nature's ,god                
5title !m1 a dec5t respect 6!            
op9ions ( mank9d requires t !y           
%d dcl ! causes : impel !m 6!            
  ,we hold ^! tru?s 6be                  
self-evid5t1 t all m5 >e cr1t$           
equal1 t !y >e 5d[$ 0_!                  
,cr1tor ) c]ta9 unali5a# ,"rs1           
t am;g ^! >e ,life1 ,lib]ty &!           
pursuit ( ,happi;s4--,t                  
6secure ^! "rs1 ,gov]n;ts >e             
        9/itut$ am;g ,m51 deriv+ _! j    
        p[]s f ! 3s5t (! gov]n$1--,t    
        :5"e any ,=m ( ,gov]n;t 2comes   
        de/ructive ( ^! 5ds1 x is !      
        ,"r (! ,p 6alt] or 6aboli% x1    
        & 69/itute new ,gov]n;t1 lay+    
        xs f.d,n on s* pr9ciples &       
        organiz+ xs p[]s 9 s* =m1 z      
        6!m % seem mo/ likely 6e6ect     
        _! ,safety & ,happi;s4           
        ,prud;e1 9de$1 w dictate t       
        ,gov]n;ts l;g e/abli%$ %d n 2    
        *ang$ = li<t & transi5t          
        causes2 & acly all exp]i;e ha?   
        %ewn1 t mank9d >e m 4pos$        
        6su6]1 :ile evils >e su6]a#1     
        ?an 6"r !mvs 0aboli%+ ! =ms 6:   
        !y >e a3u/om$4 ,b :5 a l;g       
        tra9 ( abuses & usurp,ns1        
        pursu+ 9v>iably ! same ,object   
        ev9ces a design 6reduce !m "u    
        absolute ,despotism1 x is _!     
        "r1 x is _! duty1 6?r[ (f s*     
        ,gov]n;t1 & 6provide new         
        ,gu>ds = _! future secur;y4--    
,s* has be5 ! pati5t        #C           
su6].e ( ^! ,colonies2 & s* is           
n[ ! necess;y : 3/ra9s !m                
6alt] _! =m] ,sy/ems (                   
,gov]n;t4 ,! hi/ory (! pres5t            
,k+ ( ,grt ,brita9 is a hi/ory           
( rep1t$ 9juries & usurp,ns1             
all hav+ 9 direct object !               
e/abli%;t ( an absolute                  
,tyranny ov] ^! ,/ates4                  
,6prove ?1 let ,facts 2                  
submitt$ 6a c&id _w4                     
  ,he has refus$ 8 ,ass5t                
6,laws1 ! mo/ :ole"s & nec =!            
public gd4                               
  ,he has =bi45 8 ,gov]nors              
6pass ,laws ( imm & press+               
import.e1 un.s susp5d$ 9 _!              
op],n till 8 ,ass5t %d 2                 
obta9$2 & :5 s susp5d$1 he has           
utt]ly neglect$ 6att5d 6!m4              
  ,he has refus$ 6pass o!r               
,laws =! a3ommod,n ( l>ge                
4tricts ( p1 un.s ^? p wd                
rel9qui% ! "r ( ,repres5t,n 9            
        ! ,legislature1 a "r 9e/ima#     
        6!m & =mida# 6tyrants only4      
          ,he has call$ tgr              
        legislative bodies at places     
        unusual1 uncom=ta#1 & 4tant f    
        ! depository ( _! public         
        ,records1 =! sole purpose (      
        fatigu+ !m 96-pli.e ) 8          
          ,he has 4solv$                 
        ,repres5tative ,h\ses            
        rep1t$ly1 = oppos+ ) manly       
        firm;s 8 9va.ns on ! "rs (! p4   
          ,he has refus$ =a l;g "t1 af   
        s* 4solu;ns1 6cause o!rs 6be     
        elect$2 ":by ! ,legislative      
        p[]s1 9capa# ( ,annihil,n1 h     
        return$ 6! ,p at l>ge = _!       
        ex]cise2 ! ,/ate rema9+ 9 !      
        m1n "t expos$ 6all ! dang]s (    
        9va.n f )\t1 & 3vul.ns )94       
          ,he has 5d1v\r$ 6prev5t !      
        popul,n ( ^! ,/ates2 = t         
        purpose ob/ruct+ ! ,laws =       
        ,naturaliz,n ( ,=eign]s2         
refus+ 6pass o!rs           #E           
65c\rage _! migr,ns hi!r1 &              
rais+ ! 3di;ns ( new                     
,appropri,ns ( ,l&s4                     
  ,he has ob/ruct$ !                     
,adm9i/r,n ( ,ju/ice1 0refus+            
8 ,ass5t 6,laws = e/abli%+               
,judici>y p[]s4                          
  ,he has made ,judges dep5d5t           
on 8 ,w al"o1 =! t5ure ( _!              
(fices1 &! am.t & pay;t ( _!             
  ,he has erect$ a multitude (           
,new ,(fices1 & s5t hi!r sw>ms           
( ,(fic]s 6h>rass \r p1 & eat            
\ _! sub/.e4                             
  ,he has kept am;g u1 9 "ts (           
p1ce1 ,/&+ ,>mies )\t ! ,3s5t            
( \r legislatures4                       
  ,he has a6ect$ 6r5d] !                 
,milit>y 9dep5d5t (& sup]ior             
6! ,civil p[]4                           
  ,he has -b9$ ) o!rs 6subject           
u 6a jurisdic;n =eign 6\r                
3/itu;n1 & unac"kl$g$ 0\r                
        laws2 giv+ 8 ,ass5t 6_! ,acts    
        ( pret5d$ ,legisl,n3             
          ,= ,qu>t]+ l>ge bodies ( >m$   
        troops am;g u3                   
          ,= protect+ !m1 0a mock        
        ,trial1 f puni%;t = any          
        ,murd]s : !y %d -mit on !        
        ,9habitants ( ^! ,/ates3         
          ,= cutt+ (f \r ,trade ) all    
        "ps (! _w3                       
          ,= impos+ ,taxes on u )\t \r   
          ,= depriv+ u 9 _m cases1 (!    
        b5efits ( ,trial 0,jury3         
          ,= transport+ u 2y ,s1s 6be    
        tri$ = pret5d$ (f;es             
          ,= aboli%+ ! free ,sy/em (     
        ,5gli% ,laws 9 a nei<b\r+        
        ,prov9ce1 e/abli%+ "!9 an        
        ,>bitr>y gov]n;t1 & 5l>g+ xs     
        ,b.d>ies s z 6r5d] x at once     
        an example & fit 9/ru;t =        
        9troduc+ ! same absolute rule    
        96^! ,colonies3                  
          ,= tak+ away \r ,*>t]s1        
aboli%+ \r mo/ valua#       #G           
,laws1 & alt]+ funda;t,y !               
,=ms ( \r ,gov]n;ts3                     
  ,= susp5d+ \r [n                       
,legislatures1 & dclg !mvs               
9ve/$ ) p[] 6legislate = u 9             
all cases :atso"e4                       
  ,he has abdicat$ ,gov]n;t              
"h1 0dclg u \ ( 8 ,protec;n &            
wag+ ,w> ag/ u4                          
  ,he has pl"u$ \r s1s1 ravag$           
\r ,coa/s1 burnt \r t[ns1 &              
de/roy$ ! lives ( \r p4                  
  ,he is at ? "t transport+              
l>ge ,>mies ( =eign ,m]c5>ies            
6-pl1t ! "ws ( d1?1 desol,n &            
tyranny1 alr 2gun ) circum/.es           
( ,cruelty & p]fidy sc>cely              
p>allel$ 9 ! mo/ b>b>\s ages1            
& tot,y unwor?y ! ,h1d (a                
civiliz$ n,n4                            
  ,he has 3/ra9$ \r fell[                
,citiz5s tak5 ,captive on !              
hi< ,s1s 6be> ,>ms ag/ _!                
,c.try1 62come ! execu;n]s (             
        _! frs & ,bre?r51 or 6fall       
        !mvs 0_! ,h&s4                   
          ,he has excit$ dome/ic         
        9surrec;ns am;g/ u1 & has        
        5d1v\r$ 6br+ on ! 9habitants (   
        \r fronti]s1 ! m]ci.s ,9dian     
        ,savages1 ^: "kn rule ( w>f>e1   
        is an undist+ui%$ de/ruc;n (     
        all ages1 sexes & 3di;ns4        
          ,9 e /age ( ^! ,oppres.ns      
        ,we h ,peti;n$ = ,redress 9 !    
        mo/ hum# t]ms3 ,\r rep1t$        
        ,peti;ns h be5 answ]$ only       
        0rep1t$ 9jury4 ,a ,pr9ce ^: "*   
        is ?us m>k$ 0e act : may def9e   
        a ,tyrant1 is unfit 6be ! rul]   
        (a free p4                       
          ,nor h ,we be5 want+ 9         
        att5;ns 6\r ,britti% bre?r54     
        ,we h w>n$ !m f "t 6"t (         
        attempts 0_! legislature         
        6ext5d an unw>ranta#             
        jurisdic;n ov] u4 ,we h rem9d$   
        !m (! circum/.es ( \r emigr,n    
        & settle;t "h4 ,we h app1l$      
6_! native ju/ice &         #I           
magnanim;y1 & we h 3jur$ !m 0!           
ties ( \r -mon k9dr$ 64av[ ^!            
usurp,ns1 :1 wd 9evitably                
9t]rupt \r 3nec;ns &                     
correspond;e4 ,!y too h be5              
d1f 6! voice ( ju/ice &(                 
3sangu9;y4 ,we m/1 "!=e1                 
acquiesce 9 ! necess;y1 :                
den\nces \r ,sep>,n1 & hold              
!m1 z we hold ! re/ ( mank9d1            
,5emies 9 ,w>1 9 ,p1ce ,frs4             
  ,we1 "!=e1 ! ,repres5tatives           
(! unit$ ,/ates ( ,am]ica1 9             
,g5]al ,3gress1 ,assem#d1                
app1l+ 6! ,supreme ,judge (!             
_w =! rectitude ( \r 9t5;ns1             
d1 9 ! ,"n1 & 0,au?or;y (! gd            
,p ( ^! ,colonies1 solemnly              
publi% & dcl1 ,t ^! ,unit$               
,colonies >e1 &( ,"r "\ 6be              
,free & ,9dep5d5t ,/ates2 t !y           
>e ,absolv$ f all ,allegi.e 6!           
,briti% ,cr[n1 & t all                   
political 3nec;n 2t !m &!                
        ,/ate ( ,grt ,brita91 is & "\    
        6be tot,y 4solv$2 & t z ,free    
        & ,9dep5d5t ,/ates1 !y h full    
        ,p[] 6levy ,w>1 3clude ,p1ce1    
        3tract ,alli.es1 e/abli%         
        ,-m]ce1 & 6d all o!r ,acts &     
        ,?+s : ,9dep5d5t ,/ates may (    
        "r d4 ,&=! support ( ?           
        ,decl>,n1 )a firm reli.e on !    
        protec;n ( div9e ,provid;e1 we   
        mutu,y pl$ge 6ea* o!r \r         
        ,lives1 \r ,=tunes & \r sacr$    
          ,! #ef signatures on !         
        ,decl>,n appe> 9 ! posi;ns       
          ,7,column #a7' ,georgia3       
        ,button ,gw9nett1 ,lyman         
        ,hall1 ,george ,walton           
          ,7,column #b7' ,nor?           
        ,c>ol9a3 ,william ,hoop]1        
        ,joseph ,hewes1 ,john ,p5n4      
        ,s\? ,c>ol9a3 ,$w>d ,rutl$ge1    
        ,?omas ,heyw>d1 ,jr41 ,?omas     
,lyn*1 ,jr41 ,>?ur         #AA           
  ,7,column #c7'                         
,massa*usetts31 ,john                    
,hancock4 ,m>yl&3 ,samuel                
,*ase1 ,william ,paca1 ,?omas            
,/"o1 ,*>les ,c>roll (                   
,c>rollton4 ,virg9ia3 ,george            
,wy!1 ,ri*>d ,h5ry ,lee1                 
,?omas ,je6]son1 ,b5jam9                 
,h>rison1 ,?omas ,nelson1                
,jr41 ,francis ,li<tfoot ,lee1           
,c>t] ,braxton                           
  ,7,column #d7' ,p5nsylvania3           
,rob]t ,morris1 ,b5jam9 ,ru%1            
,b5jam9 ,frankl91 ,john                  
,morton1 ,george ,clym]1                 
,james ,smi?1 ,george ,taylor1           
,james ,wilson1 ,george ,ross4           
,delaw>e3 ,caes> ,rodney1                
,george ,r1d1 ,?omas ,mc,k1n             
  ,7,column #e7' ,new ,york3             
,william ,floyd1 ,philip                 
,liv+/on1 ,francis ,lewis1               
,lewis ,morris4 ,new ,j]sey3             
        ,ri*>d ,/ockton1 ,john           
        ,)]spoon1 ,francis ,hopk9son1    
        ,john ,h>t1 ,abraham ,cl>k       
          ,7,column #f7' ,new            
        ,hamp%ire3 ,josiah ,b>tlett1     
        ,william ,:ipple4                
        ,massa*usetts3 ,samuel ,adams1   
        ,john ,adams1 ,rob]t ,tr1t       
        ,pa9e1 ,elbridge ,g]ry4 ,rhode   
        ,isl&3 ,/eph5 ,hopk9s1           
        ,william ,ell]y4 ,3necticut3     
        ,rog] ,%]man1 ,samuel            
        ,hunt+ton1 ,william ,williams1   
        ,oliv] ,wolcott4 ,new            
        ,hamp%ire3 ,mat!w ,?ornton       
      ,,! ,,3/itu;n ,,(    #AC           
     ,,! ,,unit$ ,,/ates                 
  ,we ! ,p (! ,unit$ ,/ates1 9           
,ord] 6=m a m p]fect ,union1             
e/abli% ,ju/ice1 9sure dome/ic           
,tranquil;y1 provide =! -mon             
def;e1 promote ! g5]al                   
,welf>e1 & secure ! ,b.s+s (             
,lib]ty 6\rvs & \r ,po/];y1 d            
orda9 & e/abli% ? ,3/itu;n =!            
,unit$ ,/ates ( ,am]ica4                 
    ,>ticle4 ,i4                         
  ,sec;n4 #a4 ,all legislative           
,p[]s "h9 grant$ % 2 ve/$ 9 a            
,3gress (! ,unit$ ,/ates1 : %            
3si/ (a ,s5ate & ,h\se (                 
  ,sec;n4 #b4 ,! ,h\se (                 
,repres5tatives % 2 -pos$ (              
,memb]s *os5 e second ,ye> 0!            
,p (! s"eal ,/ates1 &!                   
,electors 9 ea* ,/ate % h !              
,qualific,ns requisite =                 
        ,electors (! mo/ num]\s ,bran*   
        (! ,/ate ,legislature4           
          ,no ,p]son % 2 a               
        ,repres5tative :o % n h atta9$   
        6! ,age ( tw5ty five ,ye>s1 &    
        be5 sev5 ,ye>s a ,citiz5 (!      
        ,unit$ ,/ates1 & :o % n1 :5      
        elect$1 2 an ,9habitant ( t      
        ,/ate 9 : he % 2 *os54           
          ,7,repres5tatives & direct     
        ,taxes % 2 appor;n$ am;g !       
        s"eal ,/ates : may 2 9clud$ )9   
        ? ,union1 ac 6_! respective      
        ,numb]s1 : % 2 det]m9$ 0a4+ 6!   
        :ole ,numb] ( free ,p]sons1      
        9clud+ ^? b.d 6,s]vice =a ,t]m   
        ( ,ye>s1 & exclud+ ,9dians n     
        tax$1 ?ree fif?s ( all o!r       
        ,p]sons47' 99 ,! actual          
        ,enum],n % 2 made )9 ?ree        
        ,ye>s af ! f/ ,meet+ (!          
        ,3gress (! ,unit$ ,/ates1 & )9   
        e subsequ5t ,t]m ( t5 ,ye>s1 9   
        s* ,mann] z !y % 0,law direct4   
        ,! numb] ( ,repres5tatives % n   
exce$ "o = e ?irty         #AE           
,?\s&1 b ea* ,/ate % h at ,l1/           
"o ,repres5tative2 & until s*            
enum],n % 2 made1 ! ,/ate (              
,new ,hamp%ire % 2 5titl$                
6*use ?ree1 ,massa*usetts                
ei<t1 ,rhode-,isl& & ,provid;e           
,plant,ns "o1 ,3necticut five1           
,new-,york six1 ,new ,j]sey              
f\r1 ,p5nsylvania ei<t1                  
,delaw>e "o1 ,m>yl& six1                 
,virg9ia t51 ,nor? ,c>ol9a               
five1 ,s\? ,c>ol9a five1 &               
,georgia ?ree4                           
      99 ,*ang$ 0sec;n #b (!             
    ,f\rte5? ,am5d;t4                    
  ,:5 vacancies happ5 9 !                
,repres5t,n f any ,/ate1 !               
,executive ,au?or;y "!( %                
issue ,writs ( ,elec;n 6fill             
s* ,vacancies4                           
  ,! ,h\se ( ,repres5tatives %           
*use _! ,sp1k] & o!r ,(fic]s2            
& % h ! sole ,p[] ( ,imp1*;t4            
  ,sec;n4 #c4 ,! ,s5ate (!               
        ,unit$ ,/ates % 2 -pos$ ( two    
        ,s5ators f ea* ,/ate1 ,7*os5     
        0! ,legislature "!(17' 99 =      
        six ,ye>s2 & ea* ,s5ator % h     
        "o ,vote4                        
              99 ,*ang$ 0! ,sev5te5?     
          ,immly af !y % 2 assem#d 9     
        ,3sequ;e (! f/ ,elec;n1 !y % 2   
        divid$ z equ,y z may 2 96?ree    
        ,classes4 ,! ,s1ts (! ,s5ators   
        (! f/ ,class % 2 vacat$ at !     
        ,expir,n (! second ,ye>1 (!      
        second ,class at ! ,expir,n (!   
        f\r? ,ye>1 &(! ?ird ,class at    
        ! ,expir,n (! six? ,ye>1 s t     
        "o ?ird may 2 *os5 e second      
        ,ye>2 ,7& if ,vacancies happ5    
        0,resign,n1 or o!rwise1 dur+ !   
        ,recess (! ,legislature ( any    
        ,/ate1 ! ,executive "!( may      
        make tempor>y ,appo9t;ts until   
        ! next ,meet+ (! ,legislature1   
        : % !n fill s* ,vacancies47'     
      99 ,*ang$ 0!         #AG           
    ,sev5te5? ,am5d;t4                   
  ,no ,p]son % 2 a ,s5ator :o            
% n h atta9$ 6! ,age ( ?irty             
,ye>s1 & be5 n9e ,ye>s a                 
,citiz5 (! ,unit$ ,/ates1 & :o           
% n1 :5 elect$1 2 an                     
,9habitant ( t ,/ate = : he %            
2 *os54                                  
  ,! ,vice ,presid5t (! ,unit$           
,/ates % 2 ,presid5t (!                  
,s5ate1 b % h no ,vote1 un.s             
!y 2 equ,y divid$4                       
  ,! ,s5ate % *use _! o!r                
,(fic]s1 & al a ,presid5t pro            
tempore1 9 ! ,abs;e (! ,vice             
,presid5t1 or :5 he % ex]cise            
! ,(fice ( ,presid5t (! ,unit$           
  ,! ,s5ate % h ! sole ,p[]              
6try all ,imp1*;ts4 ,:5 sitt+            
= t ,purpose1 !y % 2 on ,oa?             
or ,a6irm,n4 ,:5 ! ,presid5t             
(! ,unit$ ,/ates is tri$1 !              
,*ief ,ju/ice % preside3 ,& no           
        ,p]son % 2 3vict$ )\t !          
        ,3curr;e ( two ?irds (!          
        ,memb]s pres5t4                  
          ,judg;t 9 ,cases ( ,imp1*;t    
        % n ext5d fur!r ?an 6removal f   
        ,(fice1 & 4qualific,n 6hold &    
        5joy any ,(fice ( honor1 ,tru/   
        or ,pr(it "u ! ,unit$ ,/ates3    
        b ! ,"py 3vict$ % n"e!.s 2       
        lia# & subject 6,9dict;t1        
        ,trial1 ,judg;t & ,puni%;t1 ac   
          ,sec;n4 #d4 ,! ,"ts1 ,places   
        & ,mann] ( hold+ ,elec;ns =      
        ,s5ators & ,repres5tatives1 %    
        2 prescrib$ 9 ea* ,/ate 0!       
        ,legislature "!(2 b ! ,3gress    
        may at any "t 0,law make or      
        alt] s* ,regul,ns1 except z 6!   
        ,places ( *us+ ,s5ators4         
          ,! ,3gress % assem# at l1/     
        once 9 e ,ye>1 & s* ,meet+ % 2   
        ,7on ! f/ ,mon"d 9 ,decemb]17'   
        99 un.s !y % 0,law appo9t a      
        di6]5t ,"d4                      
      99 ,*ang$ 0sec;n     #AI           
    #b (! ,tw5tie? ,am5d;t4              
  ,sec;n4 #e4 ,ea* ,h\se % 2 !           
,judge (! ,elec;ns1 ,returns &           
,qualific,ns ( xs [n ,memb]s1            
&a ,major;y ( ea* % 3/itute a            
,quorum 6d ,busi;s2 b a small]           
,numb] may adj\rn f "d 6"d1 &            
may 2 au?oriz$ 6-pel !                   
,att5d.e ( abs5t ,memb]s1 9 s*           
,mann]1 & "u s* ,p5alties z              
ea* ,h\se may provide4                   
  ,ea* ,h\se may det]m9e !               
,rules ( xs ,proce$+s1 puni%             
xs ,memb]s = 4ord]ly ,2havi\r1           
&1 )! ,3curr;e ( two ?irds1              
expel a ,memb]4                          
  ,ea* ,h\se % keep a ,j\rnal            
( xs ,proce$+s1 & f "t 6"t               
publi% ! same1 except+ s* ,"ps           
z may 9 _! ,judg;t require               
,secrecy2 &! ,y1s & ,nays (!             
,memb]s ( ei ,h\se on any "q             
%1 at ! ,desire ( "o fif? ( ^?           
,pres5t1 2 5t]$ on ! ,j\rnal4            
          ,nei ,h\se1 dur+ ! ,ses.n (    
        ,3gress1 %1 )\t ! ,3s5t (!       
        o!r1 adj\rn = m ?an ?ree "ds1    
        nor 6any o!r ,place ?an t 9 :    
        ! two ,h\ses % 2 sitt+4          
          ,sec;n4 #f4 ,! ,s5ators &      
        ,repres5tatives % rcv a          
        ,-p5s,n = _! ,s]vices1 6be       
        asc]ta9$ 0,law1 & pd \ (!        
        ,tr1sury (! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,!y   
        % 9 all ,cases1 except           
        ,tr1son1 ,felony & ,br1* (!      
        ,p1ce1 2 privileg$ f ,>re/       
        dur+ _! ,att5d.e at ! ,ses.n (   
        _! respective ,h\ses1 & 9 go+    
        6& return+ f ! same2 &= any      
        ,spee* or ,debate 9 ei ,h\se1    
        !y % n 2 "q$ 9 any o!r ,place4   
          ,no ,s5ator or                 
        ,repres5tative %1 dur+ ! ,"t =   
        : he 0 elect$1 2 appo9t$ 6any    
        civil ,(fice "u ! ,au?or;y (!    
        ,unit$ ,/ates1 : % h be5         
        cr1t$1 or ! ,emolu;ts ":( % h    
        be5 5cr1s$ dur+ s* "t2 & no      
,p]son hold+ any ,(fice    #BA           
"u ! ,unit$ ,/ates1 % 2 a                
,memb] ( ei ,h\se dur+ 8                 
,3t9u.e 9 ,(fice4                        
  ,sec;n4 #g4 ,all ,bills =              
rais+ ,rev5ue % orig9ate 9 !             
,h\se ( ,repres5tatives2 b !             
,s5ate may propose or 3cur )             
,am5d;ts z on o!r ,bills4                
  ,e ,bill : % h pass$ ! ,h\se           
( ,repres5tatives &! ,s5ate1             
%1 2f x 2comes a ,law1 2                 
pres5t$ 6! ,presid5t (! ,unit$           
,/ates2 ,if he approve he %              
sign x1 b if n he % return x1            
) 8 ,objec;ns 6t ,h\se 9 : x %           
h orig9at$1 :o % 5t] !                   
,objec;ns at l>ge on _!                  
,j\rnal1 & proce$ 6reconsid]             
x4 ,if af s* ,reconsid],n two            
?irds ( t ,h\se % agree 6pass            
! ,bill1 x % 2 s5t1 tgr )!               
,objec;ns1 6! o!r ,h\se1 0: x            
% likewise 2 reconsid]$1 & if            
approv$ 0two ?irds ( t ,h\se1            
        x % 2come a ,law4 ,b 9 all s*    
        ,cases ! ,votes ( bo? ,h\ses %   
        2 det]m9$ 0y1s & ,nays1 &!       
        ,"ns (! ,p]sons vot+ =& ag/ !    
        ,bill % 2 5t]$ on ! ,j\rnal (    
        ea* ,h\se respectively4 ,if      
        any ,bill % n 2 return$ 0!       
        ,presid5t )9 t5 ,"ds 7,sun"ds    
        except$7 af x % h be5 pres5t$    
        6hm1 ! ,same % 2 a ,law1 9 l     
        ,mann] z if he _h sign$ x1       
        un.s ! ,3gress 0_! ,adj\rn;t     
        prev5t xs ,return1 9 : ,case x   
        % n 2 a ,law4                    
          ,e ,ord]1 ,resolu;n1 or        
        ,vote 6: ! ,3curr;e (! ,s5ate    
        & ,h\se ( ,repres5tatives may    
        2 nec 7except on a "q (          
        ,adj\rn;t7 % 2 pres5t$ 6!        
        ,presid5t (! ,unit$ ,/ates2 &    
        2f ! ,same % take ,e6ect1 % 2    
        approv$ 0hm1 or 2+ 4approv$      
        0hm1 % 2 repass$ 0two ?irds (!   
        ,s5ate & ,h\se (                 
        ,repres5tatives1 ac 6! ,rules    
& ,limit,ns prescrib$ 9    #BC           
! ,case (a ,bill4                        
  ,sec;n4 #h4 ,! ,3gress % h             
,p[] 6lay & collect ,taxes1              
,duties1 ,impo/s & ,excises1             
6pay ! ,debts & provide =!               
-mon ,def;e & g5]al ,welf>e (!           
,unit$ ,/ates2 b all ,duties1            
,impo/s & ,excises % 2 uni=m             
"?\t ! ,unit$ ,/ates2                    
  ,6borr[ ,m"oy on ! cr$it (!            
,unit$ ,/ates2                           
  ,6regulate ,-m]ce ) =eign              
,n,ns1 & am;g ! s"eal ,/ates1            
&)! ,9dian ,tribes2                      
  ,6e/abli% an uni=m ,rule (             
,naturaliz,n1 & uni=m ,laws on           
! subject ( ,bankruptcies "?\t           
! ,unit$ ,/ates2                         
  ,6co9 ,m"oy1 regulate !                
,value "!(1 &( =eign ,co91 &             
fix ! ,/&>d ( ,wei<ts &                  
  ,6provide =! ,puni%;t (                
c.t]feit+ ! ,securities &                
        curr5t ,co9 (! ,unit$ ,/ates2    
          ,6e/abli% ,po/ ,(fices & po/   
          ,6promote ! ,progress (        
        ,sci;e & use;l ,>ts1 0secur+ =   
        limit$ ,"ts 6,au?ors &           
        ,9v5tors ! exclusive ,"r 6_!     
        respective ,writ+s &             
          ,63/itute ,tribunals 9f]ior    
        6! supreme ,c\rt2                
          ,6def9e & puni% ,piracies &    
        ,felonies -mitt$ on ! hi<        
        ,s1s1 & ,(f5ses ag/ ! ,law (     
          ,6dcl ,w>1 grant ,lrs (        
        ,m>que & ,reprisal1 & make       
        ,rules 3c]n+ ,captures on ,l&    
        & ,wat]2                         
          ,6raise & support ,>mies1 b    
        no ,appropri,n ( ,m"oy 6t ,use   
        % 2 =a l;g] ,t]m ?an two         
          ,6provide & ma9ta9 a ,navy2    
          ,6make ,rules =! ,gov]n;t &    
,regul,n (! l& & naval     #BE           
  ,6provide = call+ =? !                 
,militia 6execute ! ,laws (!             
,union1 suppress ,9surrec;ns &           
repel ,9va.ns2                           
  ,6provide = organiz+1 >m+1 &           
4cipl9+1 ! ,militia1 &= gov]n+           
s* ,"p ( !m z may 2 employ$ 9            
! ,s]vice (! ,unit$ ,/ates1              
res]v+ 6! ,/ates respectively1           
! ,appo9t;t (! ,(fic]s1 &!               
,au?or;y ( tra9+ ! ,militia ac           
6! 4cipl9e prescrib$ 0,3gress2           
  ,6ex]cise exclusive                    
,legisl,n 9 all ,cases                   
:atso"e1 ov] s* ,4trict 7n               
exce$+ t5 ,miles squ>e7 z may1           
0,ces.n ( "picul> ,/ates1 &!             
,a3ept.e ( ,3gress1 2come !              
,s1t (! ,gov]n;t (! ,unit$               
,/ates1 & 6ex]cise l ,au?or;y            
ov] all ,places pur*as$ 0!               
,3s5t (! ,legislature (! ,/ate           
9 : ! ,same % be1 =! ,erec;n (           
        ,=ts1 ,magaz9es1 ,>s5als1        
        dock-,y>ds & o!r ne$;l           
          ,6make all ,laws : % 2 nec &   
        prop] = c>ry+ 96,execu;n !       
        =ego+ ,p[]s1 & all o!r ,p[]s     
        ve/$ 0? ,3/itu;n 9 ! ,gov]n;t    
        (! ,unit$ ,/ates1 or 9 any       
        ,de"p;t or ,(fic] "!(4           
          ,sec;n4 #i4 ,! ,migr,n or      
        ,import,n ( s* ,p]sons z any     
        (! ,/ates n[ exi/+ % ?9k prop]   
        6admit1 % n 2 prohibit$ 0!       
        ,3gress prior 6! ,ye> "o ?\s&    
        ei<t hundr$ & ei<t1 b a ,tax     
        or duty may 2 impos$ on s*       
        ,import,n1 n exce$+ t5 doll>s    
        = ea* ,p]son4                    
          ,! ,privilege (! ,writ (       
        ,hab1s ,corpus % n 2 susp5d$1    
        un.s :5 9 ,cases ( ,rebellion    
        or ,9va.n ! public ,safety may   
        require x4                       
          ,no ,bill ( ,atta9d] or ex     
        po/ facto ,law % 2 pass$4        
  ,no ,capit,n1 or o!r     #BG           
direct1 ,tax % 2 laid1 un.s 9            
,propor;n 6! ,c5sus or                   
,enum],n "h9 2f direct$ 6be              
  ,no ,tax or ,duty % 2 laid             
on ,>ticles export$ f any                
  ,no ,pref];e % 2 giv5 0any             
,regul,n ( ,-m]ce or ,rev5ue             
6! ,ports ( "o ,/ate ov] ^? (            
ano!r3 nor % ,vessels b.d to1            
or f1 "o ,/ate1 2 oblig$ 65t]1           
cle>1 or pay ,duties 9 ano!r4            
  ,no ,m"oy % 2 drawn f !                
,tr1sury1 b 9 ,3sequ;e (                 
,appropri,ns made 0,law2 &a              
regul> ,/ate;t & ,a3.t (!                
,receipts & ,exp5ditures ( all           
public ,m"oy % 2 publi%$ f "t            
  ,no ,title ( ,nobil;y % 2              
grant$ 0! ,unit$ ,/ates3 ,& no           
,p]son hold+ any ,(fice (                
,pr(it or ,tru/ "u !m1 %1 )\t            
        ! ,3s5t (! ,3gress1 a3ept (      
        any pres5t1 ,emolu;t1 ,(fice1    
        or ,title1 ( any k9d :at"e1 f    
        any ,k+1 ,pr9ce1 or =eign        
          ,sec;n4 #aj4 ,no ,/ate % 5t]   
        96any ,tr1ty1 ,alli.e1 or        
        ,3f$],n2 grant ,lrs ( ,m>que &   
        ,reprisal2 co9 ,m"oy2 emit       
        ,bills ( ,cr$it2 make any ,?+    
        b gold & silv] ,co9 a ,t5d] 9    
        ,pay;t ( ,debts2 pass any        
        ,bill ( ,atta9d]1 ex po/ facto   
        ,law1 or ,law impair+ !          
        ,oblig,n ( ,3tracts1 or grant    
        any ,title ( ,nobil;y4           
          ,no ,/ate %1 )\t ! ,3s5t (!    
        ,3gress1 lay any ,impo/s or      
        ,duties on ,imports or           
        ,exports1 except :at may 2       
        absolutely nec = execut+ x's     
        9spec;n ,laws3 &! net ,produce   
        ( all ,duties & ,impo/s1 laid    
        0any ,/ate on ,imports or        
        ,exports1 % 2 =! ,use (!         
,tr1sury (! ,unit$         #BI           
,/ates2 & all s* ,laws % 2               
subject 6! ,revi.n & ,3tr\l (!           
  ,no ,/ate %1 )\t ! ,3s5t (             
,3gress1 lay any ,duty (                 
,tonnage1 keep ,troops1 or               
,%ips ( ,w> 9 "t ( ,p1ce1 5t]            
96any ,agree;t or ,-pact )               
ano!r ,/ate1 or )a =eign ,p[]1           
or 5gage 9 ,w>1 un.s actu,y              
9vad$1 or 9 s* imm95t ,dang] z           
w n admit ( delay4                       
    ,>ticle4 ,,ii4                       
  ,sec;n4 #a4 ,! executive               
,p[] % 2 ve/$ 9 a ,presid5t (!           
,unit$ ,/ates ( ,am]ica4 ,he %           
hold 8 ,(fice dur+ ! ,t]m (              
f\r ,ye>s1 &1 tgr )! ,vice               
,presid5t1 *os5 =! same ,t]m1            
2 elect$1 z foll[s                       
  ,ea* ,/ate % appo9t1 9 s*              
,mann] z ! ,legislature "!(              
may direct1 a ,numb] (                   
        ,electors1 equal 6! :ole         
        ,numb] ( ,s5ators &              
        ,repres5tatives 6: ! ,/ate may   
        2 5titl$ 9 ! ,3gress3 b no       
        ,s5ator or ,repres5tative1 or    
        ,p]son hold+ an ,(fice ( ,tru/   
        or ,pr(it "u ! ,unit$ ,/ates1    
        % 2 appo9t$ an ,elector4         
          ,7,! ,electors % meet 9 _!     
        respective ,/ates1 & vote        
        0,ballot = two ,p]sons1 ( :om    
        "o at l1/ % n 2 an ,9habitant    
        (! same ,/ate ) !mvs4 ,& !y %    
        make a ,li/ ( all ! ,p]sons      
        vot$ =1 &(! ,numb] ( ,votes =    
        ea*2 : ,li/ !y % sign &          
        c]tify1 & transmit s1l$ 6!       
        ,s1t (! ,gov]n;t (! ,unit$       
        ,/ates1 direct$ 6! ,presid5t     
        (! ,s5ate4 ,! ,presid5t (!       
        ,s5ate %1 9 ! ,pres;e (!         
        ,s5ate & ,h\se (                 
        ,repres5tatives1 op5 all !       
        ,c]tificates1 &! ,votes % !n 2   
        c.t$4 ,! ,p]son hav+ ! grte/     
,numb] ( ,votes % 2 !      #CA           
,presid5t1 if s* ,numb] 2 a              
,major;y (! :ole ,numb] (                
,electors appo9t$2 & if "! 2 m           
?an "o :o h s* ,major;y1 & h             
an equal ,numb] ( ,votes1 !n !           
,h\se ( ,repres5tatives %                
immly *use 0,ballot "o ( !m =            
,presid5t2 & if no ,p]son h a            
,major;y1 !n f ! five hi<e/ on           
! ,li/ ! sd ,h\se % 9 l ,mann]           
*use ! ,presid5t4 ,b 9 *us+ !            
,presid5t1 ! ,votes % 2 tak5             
0,/ates1 ! ,repres5t,n f ea*             
,/ate hav+ "o ,vote2 ,a quorum           
= ? ,purpose % 3si/ (a ,memb]            
or ,memb]s f two ?irds (!                
,/ates1 &a ,major;y ( all !              
,/ates % 2 nec 6a ,*oice4 ,9 e           
,case1 af ! ,*oice (!                    
,presid5t1 ! ,p]son hav+ !               
grte/ ,numb] ( ,votes (!                 
,electors % 2 ! ,vice                    
,presid5t4 ,b if "! %d rema9             
two or m :o h equal ,votes1 !            
        ,s5ate % *use f !m 0,ballot !    
        ,vice ,presid5t47' 99            
              99 ,sup]s$$ 0! ,twelf?     
          ,! ,3gress may det]m9e ! ,"t   
        ( *us+ ! ,electors1 &! ,"d on    
        : !y % give _! ,votes2 : ,"d %   
        2 ! same "?\t ! ,unit$ ,/ates4   
          ,no ,p]son except a natural    
        born ,citiz51 or a ,citiz5 (!    
        ,unit$ ,/ates1 at ! "t (!        
        ,adop;n ( ? ,3/itu;n1 % 2        
        eligi# 6! ,(fice (! ,presid5t2   
        nei % any p]son 2 eligi# 6t      
        ,(fice :o % n h atta9$ 6! ,age   
        ( ?irty five ,ye>s1 & be5        
        f\rte5 ,ye>s a ,resid5t )9 !     
        ,unit$ ,/ates4                   
          ,7,in ,case (! ,removal (!     
        ,presid5t f ,(fice1 or ( 8       
        ,d1?1 ,resign,n1 or ,9abil;y     
        64*>ge ! ,p[]s & ,duties (! sd   
        ,(fice1 ! ,same % devolve on !   
        ,vice ,presid5t1 &! ,3gress      
        may 0,law provide =! ,case (     
,removal1 ,d1?1            #CC           
,resign,n or ,9abil;y1 bo? (!            
,presid5t & ,vice ,presid5t1             
dclg :at ,(fic] % !n act z               
,presid5t1 & s* ,(fic] % act             
acly1 until ! ,4abil;y 2                 
remov$1 or a ,presid5t % 2               
elect$47' 99                             
      99 ,modifi$ 0!                     
    ,tw5ty-,fif? ,am5d;t4                
  ,! ,presid5t %1 at /at$                
,"ts1 rcv = 8 ,s]vices1 a                
,-p5s,n1 : % nei 2 9cr1s$ nor            
dim9i%$ dur+ ! ,p]iod = : he %           
h be5 elect$1 & he % n rcv )9            
t ,p]iod any o!r ,emolu;t f !            
,unit$ ,/ates1 or any ( !m4              
  ,2f he 5t] on ! ,execu;n ( 8           
,(fice1 he % take ! foll[+               
,oa? or ,a6irm,n3--8,i d                 
solemnly swe> 7or a6irm7 t ,i            
w fai?;lly execute ! ,(fice (            
,presid5t (! ,unit$ ,/ates1 &            
w 6! be/ ( my ,abil;y1                   
pres]ve1 protect & def5d !               
        ,3/itu;n (! ,unit$ ,/ates40      
          ,sec;n4 #b4 ,! ,presid5t % 2   
        ,-m&] 9 ,*ief (! ,>my & ,navy    
        (! ,unit$ ,/ates1 &(! ,militia   
        (! s"eal ,/ates1 :5 call$ 96!    
        actual ,s]vice (! ,unit$         
        ,/ates2 he may require !         
        ,op9ion1 9 writ+1 (! pr9cipal    
        ,(fic] 9 ea* (! executive        
        ,de"p;ts1 ^u any ,subject        
        relat+ 6! ,duties ( _!           
        respective ,(fices1 & he % h     
        ,p[] 6grant ,reprieves &         
        ,p>dons = ,(f5ses ag/ ! ,unit$   
        ,/ates1 except 9 ,cases (        
          ,he % h ,p[]1 0&)! ,advice &   
        ,3s5t (! ,s5ate1 6make           
        ,tr1ties1 provid$ two ?irds (!   
        ,s5ators pres5t 3cur2 & he %     
        nom9ate1 & 0&)! ,advice &        
        ,3s5t (! ,s5ate1 % appo9t        
        ,ambassadors1 o!r public         
        ,m9i/]s & ,3suls1 ,judges (!     
        supreme ,c\rt1 & all o!r         
,(fic]s (! ,unit$          #CE           
,/ates1 ^: ,appo9t;ts >e n "h9           
o!rwise provid$ =1 & : % 2               
e/abli%$ 0,law3 b ! ,3gress              
may 0,law ve/ ! ,appo9t;t ( s*           
9f]ior ,(fic]s1 z !y ?9k                 
prop]1 9 ! ,presid5t al"o1 9 !           
,c\rts ( ,law1 or 9 ! ,h1ds (            
  ,! ,presid5t % h ,p[] 6fill            
up all ,vacancies t may happ5            
dur+ ! ,recess (! ,s5ate1                
0grant+ ,-mis.ns : % expire at           
! ,5d ( _! next ,ses.n4                  
  ,sec;n4 #c4 ,he % f "t 6"t             
give 6! ,3gress ,9=m,n (!                
,/ate (! ,union1 & recomm5d              
6_! ,3sid],n s* ,m1sures z he            
% judge nec & exp$i5t2 he may1           
on extraord9>y ,o3a.ns1 3v5e             
bo? ,h\ses1 or ei ( !m1 & 9              
,case ( ,4agree;t 2t !m1 )               
,respect 6! ,"t ( ,adj\rn;t1             
he may adj\rn !m 6s* ,"t z he            
% ?9k prop]2 he % rcv                    
        ,ambassadors & o!r public        
        ,m9i/]s2 he % take ,c>e t !      
        ,laws 2 fai?;lly execut$1 & %    
        ,-mis.n all ! ,(fic]s (!         
        ,unit$ ,/ates4                   
          ,sec;n4 #d4 ,! ,presid5t1      
        ,vice ,presid5t & all civil      
        ,(fic]s (! ,unit$ ,/ates1 % 2    
        remov$ f ,(fice on ,imp1*;t =1   
        & ,3vic;n (1 ,tr1son1 ,brib]y1   
        or o!r hi< ,crimes &             
            ,>ticle4 ,,iii4              
          ,sec;n4 #a4 ,! judicial ,p[]   
        (! ,unit$ ,/ates1 % 2 ve/$ 9     
        "o supreme ,c\rt1 & 9 s*         
        9f]ior ,c\rts z ! ,3gress may    
        f "t 6"t orda9 & e/abli%4 ,!     
        ,judges1 bo? (! supreme &        
        9f]ior ,c\rts1 % hold _!         
        ,(fices dur+ gd ,2havi\r1 & %1   
        at /at$ ,"ts1 rcv = _!           
        ,s]vices1 a ,-p5s,n1 : % n 2     
        dim9i%$ dur+ _! ,3t9u.e 9        
,(fice4                    #CG           
  ,sec;n4 #b4 ,! judicial ,p[]           
% ext5d 6all ,cases1 9 ,law &            
,equ;y1 >is+ "u ? ,3/itu;n1 !            
,laws (! ,unit$ ,/ates1 &                
,tr1ties made1 or : % 2 made1            
"u _! ,au?or;y2--6all ,cases             
a6ect+ ,ambassadors1 o!r                 
public ,m9i/]s & ,3suls2--6all           
,cases ( admiralty & m>i"t               
,jurisdic;n2--6,3trov]sies 6:            
! ,unit$ ,/ates % 2 a ,"py2--            
6,3trov]sies 2t two or m                 
,/ates2 2t a ,/ate & ,citiz5s            
( ano!r ,/ate2--2t ,citiz5s (            
di6]5t ,/ates--2t ,citiz5s (!            
same ,/ate claim+ ,l&s "u                
,grants ( di6]5t ,/ates1 & 2t            
a ,/ate1 or ! ,citiz5s "!(1 &            
=eign ,/ates1 ,citiz5s or                
  ,9 all ,cases a6ect+                   
,ambassadors1 o!r public                 
,m9i/]s & ,3suls1 & ^? 9 : a             
,/ate % 2 ,"py1 ! supreme                
        ,c\rt % h orig9al ,jurisdic;n4   
        ,9 all ! o!r ,cases 2f m5;n$1    
        ! supreme ,c\rt % h appellate    
        ,jurisdic;n1 bo? z 6,law &       
        ,fact1 ) s* ,excep;ns1 & "u s*   
        ,regul,ns z ! ,3gress % make4    
          ,! ,trial ( all ,crimes1       
        except 9 ,cases ( ,imp1*;t2 %    
        2 0,jury2 & s* ,trial % 2 held   
        9 ! ,/ate ": ! sd ,crimes % h    
        be5 -mitt$2 b :5 n -mitt$ )9     
        any ,/ate1 ! ,trial % 2 at s*    
        ,place or ,places z ! ,3gress    
        may 0,law h direct$4             
          ,sec;n4 #c4 ,tr1son ag/ !      
        ,unit$ ,/ates1 % 3si/ only 9     
        levy+ ,w> ag/ !m1 or 9 adh]+     
        6_! ,5emies1 giv+ !m ,aid &      
        ,-=t4 ,no ,p]son % 2 3vict$ (    
        ,tr1son un.s on ! ,te/imony (    
        two ,wit;ses 6! same ov]t        
        ,act1 or on ,3fes.n 9 op5        
          ,! ,3gress % h ,p[] 6dcl !     
        ,puni%;t ( ,tr1son1 b no         
,atta9d] ( ,tr1son % "w    #CI           
,corrup;n ( ,blood1 or                   
,=feiture except dur+ ! ,life            
(! ,p]son atta9$4                        
    ,>ticle4 ,,iv4                       
  ,sec;n4 #a4 ,full ,fai? &              
,cr$it % 2 giv5 9 ea* ,/ate 6!           
public ,acts1 ,records1 &                
judicial ,proce$+s ( e o!r               
,/ate2 ,&! ,3gress may 0g5]al            
,laws prescribe ! ,mann] 9 :             
s* ,acts1 ,records & ,proce$+s           
% 2 prov$1 &! ,e6ect "!(4                
  ,sec;n4 #b4 ,! ,citiz5s (              
ea* ,/ate % 2 5titl$ 6all                
,privileges & ,immunities (              
,citiz5s 9 ! s"eal ,/ates4               
  ,a ,p]son *>g$ 9 any ,/ate )           
,tr1son1 ,felony1 or o!r                 
,crime1 :o % flee f ,ju/ice1 &           
2 f.d 9 ano!r ,/ate1 % on                
,dem& (! executive ,au?or;y (!           
,/ate f : he fl$1 2 deliv]$              
up1 6be remov$ 6! ,/ate hav+             
        ,jurisdic;n (! ,crime4           
          ,7,no ,p]son held 6,s]vice     
        or ,lab\r 9 "o ,/ate1 "u !       
        ,laws "!(1 escap+ 96ano!r1 %1    
        9 ,3sequ;e ( any ,law or         
        ,regul,n "!91 2 4*>g$ f s*       
        ,s]vice or ,lab\r1 b % 2         
        deliv]$ up on ,claim (! ,"py     
        6:om s* ,s]vice or ,lab\r may    
        2 due47' 99                      
              99 ,sup]s$$ 0! ,?irte5?    
          ,sec;n4 #c4 ,new ,/ates may    
        2 admitt$ 0! ,3gress 96?         
        ,union2 b no new ,/ate % 2 =m$   
        or erect$ )9 ! ,jurisdic;n (     
        any o!r ,/ate2 nor any ,/ate 2   
        =m$ 0! ,junc;n ( two or m        
        ,/ates1 or ,"ps ( ,/ates1 )\t    
        ! ,3s5t (! ,legislatures (!      
        ,/ates 3c]n$ z well z (!         
          ,! ,3gress % h ,p[] 64pose     
        (& make all ne$;l ,rules &       
        ,regul,ns respect+ ! ,t]ritory   
or o!r ,prop]ty 2l;g+ 6!   #DA           
,unit$ ,/ates2 & no?+ 9 ?                
,3/itu;n % 2 s 3/ru$ z                   
6,prejudice any ,claims (!               
,unit$ ,/ates1 or ( any                  
"picul> ,/ate4                           
  ,sec;n4 #d4 ,! ,unit$ ,/ates           
% gu>antee 6e ,/ate 9 ? ,union           
a ,republican ,=m ( ,gov]n;t1            
& % protect ea* ( !m ag/                 
,9va.n2 & on ,applic,n (!                
,legislature1 or (! ,executive           
7:5 ! ,legislature _c 2 3v5$7            
ag/ dome/ic ,viol;e4                     
    ,>ticle4 ,v4                         
  ,! ,3gress1 :5"e two ?irds (           
bo? ,h\ses % deem x nec1 %               
propose ,am5d;ts 6? ,3/itu;n1            
or1 on ! ,applic,n (!                    
,legislatures ( two ?irds (!             
s"eal ,/ates1 % call a ,3v5;n            
= propos+ ,am5d;ts1 :1 9 ei              
,case1 % 2 valid 6all ,9t5ts &           
,purposes1 z ,"p ( ? ,3/itu;n1           
        :5 ratifi$ 0! ,legislatures (    
        ?ree f\r?s (! s"eal ,/ates1 or   
        0,3v5;ns 9 ?ree f\r?s "!(1 z !   
        "o or ! o!r ,mode ( ,ratific,n   
        may 2 propos$ 0! ,3gress2        
        ,provid$ t no ,am5d;t : may 2    
        made prior 6! ,ye> ,"o ?\s&      
        ei<t hundr$ & ei<t % 9 any       
        ,mann] a6ect ! f/ & f\r?         
        ,clauses 9 ! ,n9? ,sec;n (! f/   
        ,>ticle2 & t no ,/ate1 )\t xs    
        ,3s5t1 % 2 depriv$ ( x's equal   
        ,su6rage 9 ! ,s5ate4             
            ,>ticle4 ,,vi4               
          ,all ,debts 3tract$ &          
        ,5gage;ts 5t]$ 9to1 2f !         
        ,adop;n ( ? ,3/itu;n1 % 2 z      
        valid ag/ ! ,unit$ ,/ates "u ?   
        ,3/itu;n1 z "u ! ,3f$],n4        
          ,? ,3/itu;n1 &! ,laws (!       
        ,unit$ ,/ates : % 2 made 9       
        ,pursu.e "!(2 & all ,tr1ties     
        made1 or : % 2 made1 "u !        
        ,au?or;y (! ,unit$ ,/ates1 % 2   
! supreme ,law (! ,l&2     #DC           
&! ,judges 9 e ,/ate % 2 b.d             
"!by1 any ,?+ 9 ! ,3/itu;n or            
,laws ( any ,/ate 6! ,3tr>y              
  ,! ,s5ators &                          
,repres5tatives 2f m5;n$1 &!             
,memb]s (! s"eal ,/ate                   
,legislatures1 & all executive           
& judicial ,(fic]s1 bo? (!               
,unit$ ,/ates &(! s"eal                  
,/ates1 % 2 b.d 0,oa? or                 
,a6irm,n1 6support ? ,3/itu;n2           
b no religi\s ,te/ % "e 2                
requir$ z a ,qualific,n 6any             
,(fice or public ,tru/ "u !              
,unit$ ,/ates4                           
    ,>ticle4 ,,vii4                      
  ,! ,ratific,n (! ,3v5;ns (             
n9e ,/ates1 % 2 su6ici5t =!              
,e/abli%;t ( ? ,3/itu;n 2t !             
,/ates s ratify+ ! ,same4                
  ,d"o 9 ,3v5;n 0! ,unanim\s           
,3s5t (! ,/ates pres5t !                 
        ,sev5te5? ,"d ( ,septemb] 9 !    
        ,ye> ( \r ,"l "o ?\s& sev5       
        hundr$ & ,ei<ty sev5 &(!         
        ,9dep5d;e (! ,unit$ ,/ates (     
        ,am]ica ! ,twelf? ,9 ,wit;s      
        ":( ,we h "hunto subscrib$ \r    
            ,go4 ,wa%+ton--,presidt4  
            & deputy f ,virg9ia      
            ,new ,hamp%ire               
        ,john ,langdon                   
        ,ni*olas ,gilman                 
        ,na?aniel ,gorham                
        ,rufus ,k+                       
        ,wm4 ,saml4 ,johnson             
        ,rog] ,%]man                     
            ,new ,york                   
        ,alex&] ,hamilton                
    ,new ,j]sey            #DE           
,wil3 ,liv+/on                           
,david ,bre>ley                          
,wm4 ,pat]son                            
,jona3 ,"dton                            
;,b ,frankl9                             
,?omas ,mi6l9                            
,robt ,morris                            
,geo4 ,clym]                             
,?os4 ,fitz,simons                       
,j>$ ,9g]soll                            
,james ,wilson                           
,g\v ,morris                             
,geo3 ,r1d                               
,gunn+ ,b$=d jun                         
,john ,dick9son                          
,ri*>d ,bassett                          
,jaco3 ,broom                            
,james ,mc,h5ry                  
        ,dan ( ,st ,?os4 
        ,danl ,c>roll                    
        ,john ,blair                    
        ,james ,madison ,jr4             
            ,nor? ,c>ol9a                
        ,wm4 ,bl.t                       
        ,ri*d4 ,do2s ,spai<t             
        ,hu ,williamson                  
            ,s\? ,c>ol9a                 
        ,j4 ,rutl$ge                     
        ,*>les ,coteswor? ,p9ckney       
        ,*>les ,p9ckney                  
        ,pi]ce ,butl]                    
        ,william ,few                    
        ,abr ,baldw9                     
        ,atte/ ,william ,jackson         

,secret>y                  #DG           
       ,9 ,3v5;n ,mon"d                  
    ,septemb] #ag? #aghg4                
    ,! ,/ates ,(                         
  ,new ,hamp%ire1                        
,massa*ussets1 ,3necticut1               
,mr4 ,hamilton f ,new ,york1             
,new ,j]sey1 ,p5nsylvania1               
,delaw>e1 ,m>yl&1 ,virg9ia1              
,nor? ,c>ol9a1 ,s\? ,c>ol9a &            
  ,t ! prece$+ ,3/itu;n 2 laid           
2f ! ,unit$ ,/ates 9 ,3gress             
assem#d1 & t x is ! ,op9ion (            
? ,3v5;n1 t x %d afws 2                  
submitt$ 6a ,3v5;n (                     
,delegates1 *os5 9 ea* ,/ate             
0! ,p "!(1 "u ! ,recomm5d,n (            
xs ,legislature1 = _! ,ass5t &           
,ratific,n2 & t ea* ,3v5;n               
ass5t+ to1 & ratify+ ! ,same1            
        %d give ,notice "!( 6! ,unit$    
        ,/ates 9 ,3gress assem#d4        
        ,resolv$1 ,t x is ! ,op9ion (    
        ? ,3v5;n1 t z soon z ! ,3v5;ns   
        ( n9e ,/ates % h ratifi$ ?       
        ,3/itu;n1 ! ,unit$ ,/ates 9      
        ,3gress assem#d %d fix a ,"d     
        on : ,electors %d 2 appo9t$ 0!   
        ,/ates : % h ratifi$ ! same1     
        &a ,"d on : ! ,electors %d       
        assem# 6vote =! ,presid5t1 &!    
        ,"t & ,place = -m5c+ ,proce$+s   
        "u ? ,3/itu;n4                   
          ,t af s* ,public,n !           
        ,electors %d 2 appo9t$1 &!       
        ,s5ators & ,repres5tatives       
        elect$3 ,t ! ,electors %d meet   
        on ! ,"d fix$ =! ,elec;n (!      
        ,presid5t1 & %d transmit _!      
        ,votes c]tifi$1 sign$1 s1l$ &    
        direct$1 z ! ,3/itu;n            
        requires1 6! ,secret>y (!        
        ,unit$ ,/ates 9 ,3gress          
        assem#d1 t ! ,s5ators &          
        ,repres5tatives %d 3v5e at !     
,"t & ,place assign$2 t    #DI           
! ,s5ators %d appo9t a                   
,presid5t (! ,s5ate1 =! sole             
,purpose ( rcvg1 op5+ & c.t+ !           
,votes = ,presid5t2 &1 t af he           
% 2 *os51 ! ,3gress1 tgr )!              
,presid5t1 %d1 )\t ,delay1               
proce$ 6execute ? ,3/itu;n4              
  ,0! unanim\s ,ord] (! ,3v5;n           
      ,go4 ,,wa%+ton--
      ,w4 ,,jackson ,secret>y4
       ,,am5d;ts ,,6,,!                  
      ,,3/itu;n ,,( ,,!                  
       ,,unit$ ,,/ates                   
         ,,( ,,am]ica                    
  ,,>ticles ,,9 ,,a4i;n ,,to1            
,,& ,,am5d;t ,,(1 ,,!                    
,,3/itu;n ,,( ,,! ,,unit$                
,,/ates ,,( ,,am]ica1                    
,,propos$ ,,0,,3gress1 ,,&               
,,ratifi$ ,,0,,! ,,s"eal                 
,,/ates1 ,,pursuant ,,6,,!               
,,fif? ,,>ticle ,,( ,,!                  
        ,,orig9al ,,3/itu;n4             
            ,am5d;t ,i4 99               
          ,3gress % make no law          
        respect+ an e/abli%;t (          
        religion1 or prohibit+ ! free    
        ex]cise "!(2 or abridg+ !        
        freedom ( spee*1 or (! press1    
        or ! "r (! p p1ceably 6assem#1   
        & 6peti;n ! ,gov]n;t =a          
        redress ( griev.es4              
              99 ,! f/ t5 ,am5d;ts       
            7,bill ( ,"rs7 7 ratifi$     
            e6ective ,decemb] #ae1       
            ,am5d;t ,,ii4                
          ,a well regulat$ ,militia1     
        2+ nec 6! secur;y (a free        
        ,/ate1 ! "r (! p 6keep & be>     
        ,>ms1 % n 2 9fr+$4               
            ,am5d;t ,,iii4               
          ,no ,soldi] %1 9 "t ( p1ce 2   
        qu>t]$ 9 any h\se1 )\t ! 3s5t    
(! ,[n]1 nor 9 "t ( w>1    #EA           
b 9 a mann] 6be prescrib$                
    ,am5d;t ,,iv4                        
  ,! "r (! p 6be secure 9 _!             
p]sons1 h\ses1 pap]s1 &                  
e6ects1 ag/ unr1sona# se>*es &           
seizures1 % n 2 violat$1 & no            
,w>rants % issue1 b ^u proba#            
cause1 support$ 0,oa? or                 
a6irm,n1 & "picul>ly describ+            
! place 6be se>*$1 &! p]sons             
or ?+s 6be seiz$4                        
    ,am5d;t ,v4                          
  ,no p]son % 2 held 6answ] =a           
capital1 or o!rwise 9fam\s               
crime1 un.s on a pres5t;t or             
9dict;t (a ,gr& ,jury1 except            
9 cases >is+ 9 ! l& or naval             
=ces1 or 9 ! ,militia1 :5 9              
actual s]vice 9 "t ( ,w> or              
public dang]2 nor % any p]son            
2 subject =! same (f;e 6be               
        twice put 9 jeop>dy ( life or    
        limb1 nor % 2 -pell$ 9 any       
        crim9al case 6be a wit;s ag/     
        hmf1 nor 2 depriv$ ( life1       
        lib]ty1 or prop]ty1 )\t due      
        process ( law2 nor % private     
        prop]ty 2 tak5 = public use      
        )\t j -p5s,n4                    
            ,am5d;t ,,vi4                
          ,9 all crim9al prosecu;ns1 !   
        a3us$ % 5joy ! "r 6a spe$y &     
        public trial1 0an im"pial jury   
        (! ,/ate & 4trict ":9 ! crime    
        % h be5 -mitt$2 : 4trict % h     
        be5 previ\sly asc]ta9$ 0law1 &   
        6be 9=m$ (! nature & cause (!    
        a3us,n2 6be 3front$ )! wit;ses   
        ag/ hm2 6h -pulsory process =    
        obta9+ wit;ses 9 8 favor1 & 6h   
        ! assi/.e ( c\nsel = 8 def;e4    
            ,am5d;t ,,vii4               
          ,9 ,suits at -mon law1 ": !    
        value 9 3trov]sy % exce$ tw5ty   
doll>s1 ! "r ( trial       #EC           
0jury % 2 pres]v$1 & no fact             
tri$ 0a jury % 2 o!rwise                 
re-exam9$ 9 any ,c\rt (!                 
,unit$ ,/ates1 ?an ac 6! rules           
(! -mon law4                             
    ,am5d;t ,,viii4                      
  ,excessive bail % n 2                  
requir$1 nor excessive f9es              
impos$1 nor cruel & unusual              
puni%;ts 9flict$4                        
    ,am5d;t ,,ix4                        
  ,! enum],n 9 ! ,3/itu;n (              
c]ta9 "rs % n 2 3/ru$ 6d5y or            
4p>age o!rs reta9$ 0! p4                 
    ,am5d;t ,x4                          
  ,! p[]s n delegat$ 6! ,unit$           
,/ates 0! ,3/itu;n1 nor                  
prohibit$ 0x 6! ,/ates1 >e               
res]v$ 6! ,/ates respectively1           
or 6! p4                                 
            ,am5d;t ,,xi4 99             
              99 ,! ,elev5? ,am5d;t 0    
            ratifi$ ,febru>y #g1         
          ,! ,judicial p[] (! ,unit$     
        ,/ates % n 2 3/ru$ 6ext5d 6any   
        suit 9 law or equ;y1 -m;ed or    
        prosecut$ ag/ "o (! ,unit$       
        ,/ates 0,citiz5s ( ano!r         
        ,/ate1 or 0,citiz5s or           
        ,subjects ( any ,=eign ,/ate4    
            ,am5d;t ,,xii4 99            
              99 ,! ,twelf? ,am5d;t 0    
            ratifi$ ,june #ae1 #ahjd4    
          ,! ,electors % meet 9 _!       
        respective /ates1 & vote         
        0ballot = ,presid5t & ,vice      
        ,presid5t1 "o ( :om1 at l1/1 %   
        n 2 an 9habitant (! same /ate    
        ) !mvs2 !y % "n 9 _! ballots !   
        p]son vot$ = z ,presid5t1 & 9    
        4t9ct ballots ! p]son vot$ = z   
        ,vice-,presid5t1 & !y % make     
        4t9ct li/s ( all p]sons vot$ =   
z ,presid5t1 &( all        #EE           
p]sons vot$ = z                          
,vice-,presid5t1 &(! numb] (             
votes = ea*1 : li/s !y % sign            
& c]tify1 & transmit s1l$ 6!             
s1t (! gov]n;t (! ,unit$                 
,/ates1 direct$ 6! ,presid5t             
(! ,s5ate2--,! ,presid5t (!              
,s5ate %1 9 ! pres;e (! ,s5ate           
& ,h\se ( ,repres5tatives1 op5           
all ! c]tificates &! votes %             
!n 2 c.t$2--,! p]son hav+ !              
grte/ numb] ( votes =                    
,presid5t1 % 2 ! ,presid5t1 if           
s* numb] 2 a major;y (! :ole             
numb] ( ,electors appo9t$2 &             
if no p]son h s* major;y1 !n f           
! p]sons hav+ ! hi<e/ numb]s n           
exce$+ ?ree on ! li/ ( ^? vot$           
= z ,presid5t1 ! ,h\se (                 
,repres5tatives % *oose immly1           
0ballot1 ! ,presid5t4 ,b 9               
*oos+ ! ,presid5t1 ! votes % 2           
tak5 0/ates1 ! repres5t,n f              
ea* /ate hav+ "o vote2 a                 
        quorum = ? purpose % 3si/ (a     
        memb] or memb]s f two-?irds (!   
        /ates1 &a major;y ( all !        
        /ates % 2 nec 6a *oice4 ,7,&     
        if ! ,h\se ( ,repres5tatives %   
        n *oose a ,presid5t :5"e ! "r    
        ( *oice % devolve ^u !m1 2f !    
        f\r? "d ( ,m>* next foll[+1 !n   
        ! ,vice-,presid5t % act z        
        ,presid5t1 z 9 ! case (! d1?     
        or o!r 3/itu;nal 4abil;y (!      
        ,presid5t--7' 99 ,! p]son hav+   
        ! grte/ numb] ( votes z          
        ,vice-,presid5t1 % 2 !           
        ,vice-,presid5t1 if s* numb] 2   
        a major;y (! :ole numb] (        
        ,electors appo9t$1 & if no       
        p]son h a major;y1 !n f ! two    
        hi<e/ numb]s on ! li/1 !         
        ,s5ate % *oose !                 
        ,vice-,presid5t2 a quorum =!     
        purpose % 3si/ ( two-?irds (!    
        :ole numb] ( ,s5ators1 &a        
        major;y (! :ole numb] % 2 nec    
        6a *oice4 ,b no p]son            
3/itu;n,y 9eligi# 6!       #EG           
(fice ( ,presid5t % 2 eligi#             
6t ( ,vice-,presid5t (! ,unit$           
      99 ,sup]s$$ 0sec;n #c (!           
    ,tw5tie? ,am5d;t4                    
    ,am5d;t ,,xiii4 99                   
      99 ,! ,?irte5? ,am5d;t 0           
    ratifi$ ,decemb] #f1                 
  ,sec;n #a4 ,nei slav]y nor             
9volunt>y s]vitude1 except z a           
puni%;t = crime ":( ! "py % h            
be5 duly 3vict$1 % exi/ )9 !             
,unit$ ,/ates1 or any place              
subject 6_! jurisdic;n4                  
  ,sec;n #b4 ,3gress % h p[]             
65=ce ? >ticle 0appropriate              
    ,am5d;t ,,xiv4 99                    
      99 ,! ,f\rte5? ,am5d;t 0           
    ratifi$ ,july #i1 #ahfh4             
  ,sec;n #a4 ,all p]sons born            
        or naturaliz$ 9 ! ,unit$         
        ,/ates & subject 6! jurisdic;n   
        "!(1 >e citiz5s (! ,unit$        
        ,/ates &(! ,/ate ":9 !y          
        reside4 ,no ,/ate % make or      
        5=ce any law : % abridge !       
        privileges or immunities (       
        citiz5s (! ,unit$ ,/ates2 nor    
        % any ,/ate deprive any p]son    
        ( life1 lib]ty1 or prop]ty1      
        )\t due process ( law2 nor d5y   
        6any p]son )9 xs jurisdic;n !    
        equal protec;n (! laws4          
          ,sec;n #b4 ,repres5tatives %   
        2 appor;n$ am;g ! s"eal ,/ates   
        ac 6_! respective numb]s1 c.t+   
        ! :ole numb] ( p]sons 9 ea*      
        ,/ate1 exclud+ ,9dians n tax$4   
        ,b :5 ! "r 6vote at any elec;n   
        =! *oice ( electors =            
        ,presid5t & ,vice ,presid5t (!   
        ,unit$ ,/ates1 ,repres5tatives   
        9 ,3gress1 ! ,executive &        
        ,judicial (fic]s (a ,/ate1 or    
        ! memb]s (! ,legislature "!(1    
is d5i$ 6any (! male       #EI           
9habitants ( s* ,/ate1 2+                
tw5ty-"o ye>s ( age1 & citiz5s           
(! ,unit$ ,/ates1 or 9 any way           
abridg$1 except = "picip,n 9             
rebellion1 or o!r crime1 !               
basis ( repres5t,n "!9 % 2               
reduc$ 9 ! propor;n : ! numb]            
( s* male citiz5s % be> 6!               
:ole numb] ( male citiz5s                
tw5ty-"o ye>s ( age 9 s*                 
  ,sec;n #c4 ,no p]son % 2 a             
,s5ator or ,repres5tative 9              
,3gress1 or elector (                    
,presid5t & ,vice ,presid5t1             
or hold any (fice1 civil or              
milit>y1 "u ! ,unit$ ,/ates1             
or "u any ,/ate1 :o1 hav+                
previ\sly tak5 an oa?1 z a               
memb] ( ,3gress1 or z an (fic]           
(! ,unit$ ,/ates1 or z a memb]           
( any ,/ate legislature1 or z            
an executive or judicial (fic]           
( any ,/ate1 6support !                  
        ,3/itu;n (! ,unit$ ,/ates1 % h   
        5gag$ 9 9surrec;n or rebellion   
        ag/ ! same1 or giv5 aid or -=t   
        6! 5emies "!(4 ,b ,3gress may    
        0a vote ( two-?irds ( ea*        
        ,h\se1 remove s* 4abil;y4        
          ,sec;n #d4 ,! valid;y (!       
        public debt (! ,unit$ ,/ates1    
        au?oriz$ 0law1 9clud+ debts      
        9curr$ = pay;t ( p5.ns &         
        b.ties = s]vices 9 suppress+     
        9surrec;n or rebellion1 % n 2    
        "q$4 ,b nei ! ,unit$ ,/ates      
        nor any ,/ate % assume or pay    
        any debt or oblig,n 9curr$ 9     
        aid ( 9surrec;n or rebellion     
        ag/ ! ,unit$ ,/ates1 or any      
        claim =! loss or emancip,n (     
        any slave2 b all s* debts1       
        oblig,ns & claims % 2 held       
        illegal & void4                  
          ,sec;n #e4 ,! ,3gress % h      
        p[] 65=ce1 0appropriate          
        legisl,n1 ! provi.ns ( ?         
    ,am5d;t ,,xv4 99                     
      99 ,! ,fifte5? ,am5d;t 0           
    ratifi$ ,febru>y #c1                 
  ,sec;n #a4 ,! "r ( citiz5s             
(! ,unit$ ,/ates 6vote % n 2             
d5i$ or abridg$ 0! ,unit$                
,/ates or 0any ,/ate on a3.t (           
race1 color1 or previ\s 3di;n            
( s]vitude4                              
  ,sec;n #b4 ,! ,3gress % h              
p[] 65=ce ? >ticle                       
0appropriate legisl,n4                   
    ,am5d;t ,,xvi4 99                    
      99 ,! ,sixte5? ,am5d;t 0           
    ratifi$ ,febru>y #c1                 
  ,! ,3gress % h p[] 6lay &              
collect taxes on 9comes1 f               
:at"e s\rce deriv$1 )\t                  
appor;n;t am;g ! s"eal ,/ates1           
& )\t reg>d 6any c5sus or                
            ,am5d;t ,,xvii4 99           
              99 ,! ,sev5te5? ,am5d;t    
            0 ratifi$ ,april #h1         
          ,! ,s5ate (! ,unit$ ,/ates %   
        2 -pos$ ( two ,s5ators f ea*     
        ,/ate1 elect$ 0! p "!(1 = six    
        ye>s2 & ea* ,s5ator % h "o       
        vote4 ,! electors 9 ea* ,/ate    
        % h ! qualific,ns requisite =    
        electors (! mo/ num]\s bran*     
        (! ,/ate legislatures4           
          ,:5 vacancies happ5 9 !        
        repres5t,n ( any ,/ate 9 !       
        ,s5ate1 ! executive au?or;y (    
        s* ,/ate % issue writs (         
        elec;n 6fill s* vacancies3       
        .,provid$1 ,t ! legislature (    
        any ,/ate may emp[] !            
        executive "!( 6make tempor>y     
        appo9t;ts until ! p fill !       
        vacancies 0elec;n z !            
        legislature may direct4          
          ,? am5d;t % n 2 s 3/ru$ z      
6a6ect ! elec;n or t]m (   #FC           
any ,s5ator *os5 2f x 2comes             
valid z "p (! ,3/itu;n4                  
    ,am5d;t ,,xviii4 99                  
      99 ,! ,ei<te5? ,am5d;t 0           
    ratifi$ ,janu>y #af1                 
    #aiai4 ,x 0 rep1l$ 0!                
    ,tw5ty-,f/ ,am5d;t1                  
    ,decemb] #e1 #aicc4                  
  ,7,sec;n #a4 ,af "o ye> f !            
ratific,n ( ? >ticle !                   
manufacture1 sale1 or                    
transport,n ( 9toxicat+                  
liquors )91 ! import,n "!(               
9to1 or ! export,n "!( f !               
,unit$ ,/ates & all t]ritory             
subject 6! jurisdic;n "!( =              
b"eage purposes is "hby                  
  ,sec;n #b4 ,! ,3gress &!               
s"eal ,/ates % h 3curr5t p[]             
65=ce ? >ticle 0appropriate              
  ,sec;n #c4 ,? >ticle % 2               
        9op]ative un.s x % h be5         
        ratifi$ z an am5d;t 6!           
        ,3/itu;n 0! legislatures (!      
        s"eal ,/ates1 z provid$ 9 !      
        ,3/itu;n1 )9 sev5 ye>s f !       
        date (! submis.n "h( 6! ,/ates   
        0! ,3gress47'                    
            ,am5d;t ,,xix4 99            
              99 ,! ,n9ete5? ,am5d;t 0   
            ratifi$ ,augu/ #ah1 #aibj4   
          ,! "r ( citiz5s (! ,unit$      
        ,/ates 6vote % n 2 d5i$ or       
        abridg$ 0! ,unit$ ,/ates or      
        0any ,/ate on a3.t ( sex4        
          ,3gress % h p[] 65=ce ?        
        >ticle 0appropriate legisl,n4    
            ,am5d;t ,,xx4 99             
              99 ,! ,tw5tie? ,am5d;t 0   
            ratifi$ ,janu>y #bc1         
          ,sec;n #a4 ,! t]ms (!          
        ,presid5t & ,vice ,presid5t %    
        5d at noon on ! #bj? "d (        
,janu>y1 &! t]ms (         #FE           
,s5ators & ,repres5tatives at            
noon on ! #crd "d ( ,janu>y1             
(! ye>s 9 : s* t]ms wd h 5d$             
if ? >ticle _h n be5 ratifi$2            
&! t]ms ( _! su3essors % !n              
  ,sec;n #b4 ,! ,3gress %                
assem# at l1/ once 9 e ye>1 &            
s* meet+ % 2g9 at noon on !              
#crd "d ( ,janu>y1 un.s !y %             
0law appo9t a di6]5t "d4                 
  ,sec;n #c4 ,if1 at ! "t fix$           
=! 2g9n+ (! t]m (! ,presid5t1            
! ,presid5t elect % h di$1 !             
,vice ,presid5t elect % 2come            
,presid5t4 ,if a ,presid5t % n           
h be5 *os5 2f ! "t fix$ =!               
2g9n+ ( 8 t]m1 or if !                   
,presid5t elect % h fail$                
6qualify1 !n ! ,vice ,presid5t           
elect % act z ,presid5t until            
a ,presid5t % h qualifi$2 &!             
,3gress may 0law provide =!              
case ":9 nei a ,presid5t elect           
        nor a ,vice ,presid5t elect %    
        h qualifi$1 dclg :o % !n act z   
        ,presid5t1 or ! mann] 9 : "o     
        :o is 6act % 2 select$1 & s*     
        p]son % act acly until a         
        ,presid5t or ,vice ,presid5t %   
        h qualifi$4                      
          ,sec;n #d4 ,! ,3gress may      
        0law provide =! case (! d1? (    
        any (! p]sons f :om ! ,h\se (    
        ,repres5tatives may *oose a      
        ,presid5t :5"e ! "r ( *oice %    
        h devolv$ ^u !m1 &=! case (!     
        d1? ( any (! p]sons f :om !      
        ,s5ate may *oose a ,vice         
        ,presid5t :5"e ! "r ( *oice %    
        h devolv$ ^u !m4                 
          ,sec;n #e4 ,sec;ns #a & #b %   
        take e6ect on ! #ae? "d (        
        ,octob] foll[+ ! ratific,n ( ?   
          ,sec;n #f4 ,? >ticle % 2       
        9op]ative un.s x % h be5         
        ratifi$ z an am5d;t 6!           
        ,3/itu;n 0! legislatures (       
?ree-f\r?s (! s"eal        #FG           
,/ates )9 sev5 ye>s f ! date (           
xs submis.n4                             
    ,am5d;t ,,xxi4 99                    
      99 ,! ,tw5ty-,f/ ,am5d;t           
    0 ratifi$ ,decemb] #e1               
  ,sec;n #a4 ,! ei<te5? >ticle           
( am5d;t 6! ,3/itu;n (! ,unit$           
,/ates is "hby rep1l$4                   
  ,sec;n #b4 ,! transport,n or           
import,n 96any ,/ate1                    
,t]ritory1 or posses.n (!                
,unit$ ,/ates = deliv]y or use           
"!9 ( 9toxicat+ liquors1 9               
viol,n (! laws "!(1 is "hby              
  ,sec;n #c4 ,? >ticle % 2               
9op]ative un.s x % h be5                 
ratifi$ z an am5d;t 6!                   
,3/itu;n 03v5;ns 9 ! s"eal               
,/ates1 z provid$ 9 !                    
,3/itu;n1 )9 sev5 ye>s f !               
date (! submis.n "h( 6! ,/ates           
        0! ,3gress4                      
            ,am5d;t ,,xxii4 99           
              99 ,! ,tw5ty-,second       
            ,am5d;t 0 ratifi$ ,febru>y   
            #bg1 #aiea4                  
          ,sec;n #a4 ,no p]son % 2       
        elect$ 6! (fice (! ,presid5t m   
        ?an twice1 & no p]son :o has     
        held ! (fice ( ,presid5t1 or     
        act$ z ,presid5t1 = m ?an two    
        ye>s (a t]m 6: "s o!r p]son 0    
        elect$ ,presid5t % 2 elect$ 6!   
        (fice (! ,presid5t m ?an once4   
        ,b ? ,>ticle % n apply 6any      
        p]son hold+ ! (fice (            
        ,presid5t :5 ? ,>ticle 0         
        propos$ 0! ,3gress1 & % n        
        prev5t any p]son :o may 2        
        hold+ ! (fice ( ,presid5t1 or    
        act+ z ,presid5t1 dur+ ! t]m     
        )9 : ? ,>ticle 2comes op]ative   
        f hold+ ! (fice ( ,presid5t or   
        act+ z ,presid5t dur+ !          
        rema9d] ( s* t]m4                
  ,sec;n #b4 ,? >ticle %   #FI           
2 9op]ative un.s x % h be5               
ratifi$ z an am5d;t 6!                   
,3/itu;n 0! legislatures (               
?ree-f\r?s (! s"eal ,/ates )9            
sev5 ye>s f ! date ( xs                  
submis.n 6! ,/ates 0! ,3gress4           
    ,am5d;t ,,xxiii4 99                  
      99 ,! ,tw5ty-,?ird                 
    ,am5d;t 0 ratifi$ ,m>*               
    #bi1 #aifa4                          
  ,sec;n #a4 ,! ,4trict                  
3/itut+ ! s1t ( ,gov]n;t (!              
,unit$ ,/ates % appo9t 9 s*              
mann] z ! ,3gress may direct3            
  ,a numb] ( electors (                  
,presid5t & ,vice ,presid5t              
equal 6! :ole numb] ( ,s5ators           
& ,repres5tatives 9 ,3gress 6:           
! ,4trict wd 2 5titl$ if x 7 a           
,/ate1 b 9 no ev5t m ?an ! l1/           
popul\s ,/ate2 !y % 2 9 a4i;n            
6^? appo9t$ 0! ,/ates1 b !y %            
2 3sid]$1 =! purposes (!                 
        elec;n ( ,presid5t & ,vice       
        ,presid5t1 6be electors          
        appo9t$ 0a ,/ate2 & !y % meet    
        9 ! ,4trict & p]=m s* duties z   
        provid$ 0! twelf? >ticle (       
          ,sec;n #b4 ,! ,3gress % h      
        p[] 65=ce ? >ticle               
        0appropriate legisl,n4           
            ,am5d;t ,,xxiv4 99           
              99 ,! ,tw5ty-,f\r?         
            ,am5d;t 0 ratifi$ ,janu>y    
            #bc1 #aifd4                  
          ,sec;n #a4 ,! "r ( citiz5s     
        (! ,unit$ ,/ates 6vote 9 any     
        prim>y or o!r elec;n =           
        ,presid5t or ,vice ,presid5t1    
        = electors = ,presid5t or        
        ,vice ,presid5t1 or = ,s5ator    
        or ,repres5tative 9 ,3gress1 %   
        n 2 d5i$ or abridg$ 0! ,unit$    
        ,/ates or any ,/ate 0r1son (     
        failure 6pay any poll tax or     
        o!r tax4                         
  ,sec;n #b4 ,! ,3gress    #GA           
% h p[] 65=ce ? >ticle                   
0appropriate legisl,n4                   
    ,am5d;t ,,xxv4 99                    
      99 ,! ,tw5ty-,fif?                 
    ,am5d;t 0 ratifi$ ,febru>y           
    #aj1 #aifg4                          
  ,sec;n #a4 ,9 case (!                  
removal (! ,presid5t f (fice             
or ( 8 d1? or resign,n1 !                
,vice ,presid5t % 2come                  
  ,sec;n #b4 ,:5"e "! is a               
vacancy 9 ! (fice (! ,vice               
,presid5t1 ! ,presid5t %                 
nom9ate a ,vice ,presid5t :o %           
take (fice ^u 3firm,n 0a                 
major;y vote ( bo? ,h\ses (              
  ,sec;n #c4 ,:5"e ! ,presid5t           
transmits 6! ,presid5t pro               
tempore (! ,s5ate &! ,sp1k] (!           
,h\se ( ,repres5tatives 8                
writt5 decl>,n t he is una#              
        64*>ge ! p[]s & duties ( 8       
        (fice1 & until he transmits      
        6!m a writt5 decl>,n 6! 3tr>y1   
        s* p[]s & duties % 2 4*>g$ 0!    
        ,vice ,presid5t z ,act+          
          ,sec;n #d4 ,:5"e ! ,vice       
        ,presid5t &a major;y ( ei !      
        pr9cipal (fic]s (! executive     
        de"p;ts or ( s* o!r body z       
        ,3gress may 0law provide1        
        transmit 6! ,presid5t pro        
        tempore (! ,s5ate &! ,sp1k] (!   
        ,h\se ( ,repres5tatives _!       
        writt5 decl>,n t ! ,presid5t     
        is una# 64*>ge ! p[]s & duties   
        ( 8 (fice1 ! ,vice ,presid5t %   
        immly assume ! p[]s & duties     
        (! (fice z ,act+ ,presid5t4      
          ,"!af1 :5 ! ,presid5t          
        transmits 6! ,presid5t pro       
        tempore (! ,s5ate &! ,sp1k] (!   
        ,h\se ( ,repres5tatives 8        
        writt5 decl>,n t no 9abil;y      
        exi/s1 he % resume ! p[]s &      
duties ( 8 (fice un.s !    #GC           
,vice ,presid5t &a major;y (             
ei ! pr9cipal (fic]s (!                  
executive de"p;t or ( s* o!r             
body z ,3gress may 0law                  
provide1 transmit )9 f\r "ds             
6! ,presid5t pro tempore (!              
,s5ate &! ,sp1k] (! ,h\se (              
,repres5tatives _! writt5                
decl>,n t ! ,presid5t is una#            
64*>ge ! p[]s & duties ( 8               
(fice4 ,"!^u ,3gress % decide            
! issue1 assembl+ )9 =ty-ei<t            
h\rs = t purpose if n 9 ses.n4           
,if ! ,3gress1 )9 tw5ty-"o "ds           
af receipt (! latt] writt5               
decl>,n1 or1 if ,3gress is n 9           
ses.n1 )9 tw5ty-"o "ds af                
,3gress is requir$ 6assem#1              
det]m9es 0two-?irds vote ( bo?           
,h\ses t ! ,presid5t is una#             
64*>ge ! p[]s & duties ( 8               
(fice1 ! ,vice ,presid5t %               
3t9ue 64*>ge ! same z ,act+              
,presid5t2 o!rwise1 !                    
        ,presid5t % resume ! p[]s &      
        duties ( 8 (fice4                
            ,am5d;t ,,xxvi4 99           
              99 ,! ,tw5ty-,six?         
            ,am5d;t 0 ratifi$ ,july      
            #a1 #aiga4                   
          ,sec;n #a4 ,! "r ( citiz5s     
        (! ,unit$ ,/ates1 :o >e ei<te5   
        ye>s ( age or old]1 6vote % n    
        2 d5i$ or abridg$ 0! ,unit$      
        ,/ates or 0any ,/ate on a3.t (   
          ,sec;n #b4 ,! ,3gress % h      
        p[] 65=ce ? >ticle               
        0appropriate legisl,n4           
             ,,dates ,,6,,rememb]        
          ,may #be1 #aghg3 ,!            
        ,3/itu;nal ,3v5;n op5s z a       
        quorum ( delegates f sev5        
        /ates 3v5es 9 ,philadelphia1     
        64cuss revis+ ! ,>ticles (       
        ,3f$],n4 ,soon1 repres5tatives   
f #ab (! #ac /ates >e 9    #GE           
att5d.e4 ,rhode ,isl& al"o w n           
jo9 ! 3v5;n4                             
  ,july #ac1 #aghg3 ,! ,3f$],n           
,3gress1 meet+ 9 ,new ,york              
,c;y1 passes ! ,nor?we/                  
,ord9.e ) xs antislav]y                  
provi.n1 xs ,bill ( ,"rs & xs            
gu>antee ( religi\s freedom4             
  ,sept4 #ag1 #aghg3 ,!                  
,3/itu;n is approv$ 0all #ab             
/ate deleg,ns1 & is sign$ 0#ci           
(! #db delegates pres5t4 ,!              
,3v5;n =m,y adj\rns4                     
  ,sept4 #bh1 #aghg3 ,!                  
,3gress (! ,3f$],n resolves              
6submit ! ,3/itu;n 6! /ates =            
  ,dec4 #g1 #aghg3 ,delaw>e is           
! f/ /ate 6ratify ! ,3/itu;n4            
7,unanim\s2 #cj ,y1s47                   
  ,dec4 #ab1 #aghg3                      
,p5nsylvania 2comes ! second             
/ate 6ratify ! ,3/itu;n4 7#df            
,y1s2 #bc ,nays47                        
          ,dec4 #ah1 #aghg3 ,new         
        ,j]sey 2comes ! ?ird /ate        
        6ratify ! ,3/itu;n4              
        7,unanim\s2 #ch ,y1s47           
          ,jan4 #b1 #aghh3 ,georgia      
        2comes ! f\r? /ate 6ratify !     
        ,3/itu;n4 7,unanim\s2 #bf        
          ,jan4 #i1 #aghh3 ,3necticut    
        2comes ! fif? /ate 6ratify !     
        ,3/itu;n4 7#abh ,y1s2 #dj        
          ,feb4 #f1 #aghh3               
        ,massa*usetts 2comes ! six?      
        /ate 6ratify ! ,3/itu;n1 b       
        only af ,f$]ali/s propose n9e    
        am5d;ts1 9clud+ "o : wd res]ve   
        6! /ates all p[]s n 8expressly   
        delegat$0 6! f$]al gov]n;t 0!    
        ,3/itu;n4 7#ahg ,y1s1 #afh       
          ,april #bh1 #aghh3 ,m>yl&      
        2comes ! sev5? /ate 6ratify !    
        ,3/itu;n4 7#fc ,y1s2 #aa         
  ,may #bc1 #aghh3 ,s\?    #GG           
,c>ol9a 2comes ! ei<? /ate               
6ratify ! ,3/itu;n4 7#adi                
,y1s2 #gc ,nays47                        
  ,june #ba1 #aghh3 ,!                   
,3/itu;n 2comes (ficial :5               
,new ,hamp%ire ratifies x1 !             
n9? /ate 6d s4 7#eg ,y1s2 #dg            
  ,june #be1 #aghh3 ,virg9ia             
2comes ! t5? /ate 6ratify !              
,3/itu;n1 b recomm5ds a bill (           
"rs = ,am]ican citiz5s4 7#hi             
,y1s2 #gi ,nays47                        
  ,july #bf1 #aghh3 ,new ,york           
2comes ! #aa? /ate 6ratify !             
,3/itu;n4 7#cj ,y1s2 #bg                 
  ,feb4 #d1 #aghi3                       
,presid5tial electors select             
,george ,wa%+ton z ! f/                  
,presid5t & ,john ,adams z !             
,vice ,presid5t4 ,/ates elect            
repres5tatives & s5ators =!              
new ,u4,s4 ,3gress4                      
          ,m>* #d1 #aghi3 ,! f/ ,u4,s4   
        ,3gress 3v5es 9 ,new ,york       
          ,april #cj1 #aghi3 ,george     
        ,wa%+ton is 9augurat$ z ! f/     
        ,presid5t (! ,unit$ ,/ates4      
          ,june #h1 #aghi3 ,james        
        ,madison 9troduces propos$       
        ,bill ( ,"rs 96! ,h\se (         
          ,sept4 #bd1 #aghi3 ,3gress     
        e/abli%es a ,supreme ,c\rt1      
        #ac 4trict c\rts1 ?ree circuit   
        c\rts1 &! posi;n ( ,attorney     
          ,sept4 #be1 #aghi3 ,3gress     
        passes ! ,bill ( ,"rs & s5ds !   
        am5d;ts 6! /ates = ratific,n4    
          ,nov4 #ba1 #aghi3 ,nor?        
        ,c>ol9a 2comes ! #ab? /ate       
        6ratify ! ,3/itu;n1 af ,3gress   
        proposes a ,bill ( ,"rs4 7#aid   
        ,y1s2 #gg ,nays47                
          ,feb4 #b1 #agij3 ,supreme      
        ,c\rt 3v5es =! f/ "t4            
  ,may #bi1 #agij3         #GI           
,rhode ,isl& ratifies !                  
,3/itu;n1 ! la/ (! orig9al               
/ates 6d s4 7#cd ,y1s2 #cb               
  ,dec4 #ae1 #agia3 ,virg9ia             
ratifies ! ,bill ( ,"rs1 &!              
am5d;ts 2come "p (! ,u4,s4               
           ,,! ,,5d                      
        ,? brl pr9t+ (! ,unit$ ,/ates
        ,3/itu;n & ,decl>,n (         
        ,9dep5d;e has be5 made possi# 
        0a grant f ! ,society (       
        ,colonial ,w>s 9 ! ,-monw1l? (
        ,transcrib$ & emboss$ 0,n,nal    
        ,brl ,press ,9c41 (f]+ a3ess     
        69=m,n = bl p s9ce #aibg4        
        ,free brl copies (! ,u4,s4       
        ,3/itu;n & ,decl>,n (            
        ,9dep5d;e c 2 ord]$ f3           
        ,n,nal ,brl ,press ,9c4          
        #hh ,/4 ,/eph5 ,/reet            
        ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae              
        7#hjj7 #edh-gcbc                 

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