RE: email libraries in python?

  • From: Rodney Haynie <RodneyH@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 14:11:00 -0500

Ok, I had this example on my box.  I quickly renamed the hardcoded email 
addresses, but you can get the idea.  I also had this setup with a timer, so it 
would send an email every so often.  I was having some fun with my coworkers... 

Works with Python 2.5.

Good luck.

from threading import *
import smtplib
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText

def tm():

                # Set up a MIMEText object (it's a dictionary)

                msg = MIMEText("This is very important...")

                # You can use add_header or set headers directly ...
                msg['Subject'] = 'Note from my computer'
                # Following headers are useful to show the email correctly
                # in your recipient's email box, and to avoid being marked
                # as spam. They are NOT essential to the snemail call later
                msg['From'] = "FName LName"
                msg['Reply-to'] = "somename@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                msg['To'] = "somebody@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

                server = smtplib.SMTP('')
                # server.set_debuglevel(1)
                From = "somebody@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

                To = "somebody@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                server.sendmail(From, To, msg.as_string())

                To = "somebody@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                server.sendmail(From, To, msg.as_string())

                # To = "joem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                # server.sendmail(From, To, msg.as_string())

                To = "somebody@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                server.sendmail(From, To, msg.as_string())


t = Timer(1.0 * 2, tm)

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