[procps] Re: kill(1) consolidation

  • From: Craig Small <csmall-procps@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: procps@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2012 15:36:38 +1000

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 03:30:49PM +0200, Karel Zak wrote:
>  What about to drop kill(1) from procps-ng?
>  From my point of view it seems better to have command line wrappers
>  for basic syscalls like kill(2) in util-linux and utils for work with
>  /proc in procps. There is no relation between kill(1) and /proc.
I'm in favour of it as an idea.  I've asked the Debian util-linux
folk on their opinion.  The reason for that is Debian has one of the
larger set of architectures to handle and we've been caught before where
something didn't work across them. I don't see any problems but worth
checking. It's not a bad rule of thumb for putting things in which
package too.

>  It seems that all what is necessary is only to remove or #ifdef the
>  function kill_main() from skill.c and add -L to util-linux.
For upstream (ie procps-ng project itself) it is a trivial fix.
It's not that simple for the distributions though as there has to be
some coordination between the procps packagers and the util-linux ones.

It's a reasonably good time (soon) for the Debian distribution as we're
in freeze so this change would flow into the new unstable.

 - Craig

Craig Small VK2XLZ   http://enc.com.au/          csmall at : enc.com.au
Debian GNU/Linux     http://www.debian.org/      csmall at : debian.org
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