[overture] Re: New Overture release v24

  • From: "Kyle K. Chand" <chand1@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "overture@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <overture@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 09:43:41 -0700

Hi Jon,

In principle you can import any collection of structured
grids as DataPointMappings.   As I recall ICEM has a block
structured grid generator; you could import the individual blocks
as DataPointMappings and then generate an overlapping
grid with ogen.  If ICEM can write the blocks using the plot3d
format then we even have a reader for that, otherwise you will
need to translate the grid data into a format ogen can read.

To generate grids from CAD we usually use our in house tools
ogen, mbuilder and rap.  ogen is the most general tool and actually
includes all the functionality of mbuilder and rap.  The sample CAD-data
grids are a good place to start (asmo*.cmd, marsCapsule.cmd, nozzleAndCavity.cmd);
run them interactively to get an idea of what is going on.
However, some of these scripts can be long
and a little cryptic. After running through them I suggest you read in one of the IGES files
and try it out; in my experience trial and error is the best way to
learn these things :-) Usually we start by generating the grids interactively and
then modify the saved command file (ogen.cmd) in order to parameterize
the grid generation process (grid resolution, geometry changes, etc).

Let us know if you have any questions.


mailto: chand1@xxxxxxxx
phoneto: (925) 422 7740

On May 25, 2011, at 3:28 AM, Jon Tegner wrote:

Great! Looking forward to try it!

Have a general question. I have some experience of meshing using ICEM.
Is it possible to import meshes made from ICEM (or some other meshing
software) into the framework of overture?

Generally, what is considered the "best" way of creating the grids of
more complex geometries (importing from ICEM or the like might be
stupid/not possible)? Would it be to to import CAD-data and then work
with that, using ogen? What are the best way to learn this? I saw there
is an example in sampleGrids, should I start there?

Regards, and thanks a lot for this new version!


On 05/23/2011 09:39 PM, Bill Henshaw wrote:
Dear Overture users:

Announcing the release of Overture.v24 and cg.v24.

These are now available from the Overture web page.

A list of some of the major changes to Overture and cg are
given below (from the Overture/CHANGES and cg/Changes files).

Please let us know if you have troubles building or using
the new version or if we have forgotten to fix some bug that
has been previously reported.


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Overture.v24 - released  May 20, 2011


NOTE: Due to a bug fix in the HDF file output (100329 below) you will
need to regenerate your grids and showfiles
         for this new version.

o there is a new graphics option, "set home", (in the command window
"File menu") that will make the
              current view the "home" view. The home view is the one
that appears when using the "reset"
              command (the button with the "home" on it). The "reset"
button (command GLOB:init view)
              will return the home view to the default.
   o 090422 : fixed a bug in ogen that mainly applied to multi-domain
grids -- sometimes interpolation
              was allowed between grids from different domains.
(classify.C l.2615)
o 090423 : added a check to mogl.C for NumLock being on -- a message
is printed if it is.
You should turn off NumLock since the mouse buttons won't
work properly.
   o 090429 : fixed a bug in CompositeGrid.C for grids saved from
parallel ogen, some of the
              interpolation info was not saved correctly
o 090529 : fixed plotting of sequences in plotStuff with multi- domain
problems. The sequences to plot
              now appear on the main dialog.
o 090530 : NOTE: running remotely with the gnome window manager can
be slow when running command files
interactively, (not sure why?), KDE seems less likely to
have this problem. See note below 090809.
   o 090531 : fixed a problem with rubber-band zooming (with middle
mouse button) with
              extreme zooms (e.g. for fixing trim curves) and picking
objects -- this works better now.
   o 090628 : contour2d, when picking values with the mouse, hidden
grids will not be used.
o 090705 : now when a moving grid computation fails with an invalid
grid, the program enters
              the normal interactive update mode of Ogen so you can
remake/query the grid (before the
program entered some funny update mode that was confusing).
   o 090705 : fixed bug with moving grids, the bounding box was not
always computed correctly which
led to ogen failing when it should have worked (this bug
was caused by some code added for parallel).
o 090804 : fixed a bug in the ogen's moving grid algorithm: the mask
on ghost points was not always set
correctly (the problem occurs when a grid "slides" along a
shared boundary).
   o 090808 : there are new parallel copy routines to copy a serial
array from one processor to another, see
              ParallelUtility.h and CopyArray.bC
   o 090809 : there is a new option for the .overturerc file:
                showCommandHistory: 1    # set to 0 if interactive
scripts are slow to display
Sometimes running scripts interactively is very slow when
running over a network and
              this may be fixed by setting this option to '0'.
   o 090913 : The new plot option 'set plot bounds' (from the grid or
contour plotter) allows one to
              set fixed bounds on x, y and z. Useful when the grid
deforms and changes size.
              Use 'reset plot bounds' to turn off.
   o 091127 : The new InterpolatePointsOnAGrid class can be used to
interpolate a set of points in space
from a composite grid function. This functionality works
in parallel and supports higher order
interpolation. It replaces the old InterpolatePoints class
and even older interpolatePoints function.
   o 091127 : The ExposedPoints class now works in parallel (used to
interpolate points that become "exposed"
              during a moving grid computation).
o 091127 : Fixed some bugs for the parallel version of "extrapolate
interpolation neighbours" that is used
              to assign values to unused points next to interpolation
points (allowing a wider stencil to be used).
   o 091209 : there are new parallel copy functions in the CopyArray
class for copying serial arrays into a
              single distributed array (see ParallelUtility.h and
CopyArray.bC). This is more general than
              the normal P++ copy since the serial arrays can be
arbitrarily distributed.
o 091209 : There are a variety of new grid generation examples in the
sampleGrids directory including:
cubeInABox.cmd, slider.cmd, squareHole.cmd, sphere.cmd,
valveArg.cmd, plateWithHoles.cmd, plate3dWithHoles.cmd
wing3d.cmd, backStepSmooth3d.cmd,
                 divot.cmd, afm.cmd, lens.cmd, solidSphereInABox.cmd
   o 100226 : The Integrate class should now work in parallel.
   o 100309 : There is a new LoftedSurfaceMapping that can be used to
define a lofted surface such as the
              surface of a wing with a tip. This mapping was used to
build some of the surfaces for
the overlapping grid for the model wind-turbine with tower
and nacelle.
o 100329 : Bug fixed in the HDF file output of parallel distributed
arrays when using the multiple file output
option (which is the default). Space was being allocated
in the main hdf file for the whole array
even though no data was written there. This meant that the
main hdf file was huge when it
should not have been. Thanks to Jeff Banks for noticing this.
  o 100424  : In cleaning up the MappedGrid the "min and max edge
length" arrays were removed since these are
              rarely used.
o 100722 : There is a new "exponential to linear" stretching option
which might be a good choice for
clustering grid points near boundaries. This function can
be used to create very small grid
              cells near boundaries if desired.
o 110211 : There are two new functions in showFileFromDataFile.C that
can be used to read and write a
              grid and solution from an 'ovText' data file. Use
'plotStuff -ovText' to read in a grid and
solution from an "ovText" data file (choose the menu item
'data file format' to
display the format of the file). From the plotStuff menu
use 'save ovText file' to save
a grid and solution from a show file into an ovText data
file. This is a good way to
import a grid and solution into Overture. The solution can
subsequently be used as initial conditions
              for one of the CG solvers, for example. This format is
better than the plot3d format since it
              has more information about boundary conditions, ghost
points etc.
o 110515 : There is a new "transferSolution" program in Overture/ bin
that can be used to interpolate a
solution from one overlapping grid to another overlapping
grid (e.g. a finer grid, or a grid
              on a larger or smaller domain.). The program reads a
solution from a "source" show file and outputs the
              results to a new "target" show file.
o 110515 : Some improvements have been made for reading and writing
plot3d files. There is a new
              option "save plot3d file" in the plotStuff menu that
allows one to save a solution and grid
              into plot3d files (these could then be shown in another
graphics program for e.g.).
plotStuff can read plot3d grid and solution ("q" or "f")
files using the
              command "plotStuff -plot3d".

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =====================================================================
cg.v24 -- released  May 20, 2011


o There have been many changes to the CG solvers and I have not kept
a careful list.

o a new "matrix motion" option has been added for moving grids which
can be used to compose together
different rotations and translations to form more complex motions.
See the new document matrixMotion.pdf
for more details. The test routine cg/user/bin/motion can be used
to test different matrix motions.

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