[overture] Failed some CG regression tests

  • From: Darin <dpdinca@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: overture@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 21:41:29 +0000 (UTC)


I've built Overture.v23 and cg.v23 on a 64 bit ubuntu machine, and 
while I passed all of the Overture regression tests, I failed three 
tests for cg, all associated with the compressible Navier Stokes 
solver. One failure was a seg fault. 

I'm predominantly interested in the incompressible Navier Stokes 
solver, so I'm hoping I'm ok. I'd like to verify this, though. 

FYI, here is some potentially relevant information: 

used gcc, g++, gfortran, version 4.2.3 

configured hdf5 as follows: 
computation@uE1:~/libraries/hdf5-1.6.8$ export CC=gcc; export CXX=g++; export 
computation@uE1:~/libraries/hdf5-1.6.8$ ./configure 

configured A++ as follows: 
export CC=cc; export CXX=g++; export F77=gfortran 
./configure --prefix="/home/computation/A++P++" --enable-SHARED_LIBS 

configured petsc as follows: 
export PETSC_DIR=/home/computation/libraries/petsc-2.3.2-p10 
export PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-opt 
./config/configure.py --prefix=/home/computation/petscOverture 
-PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-opt --with-cc=gcc -with-debugging=0 -with-fortran=0 
-with-matlab=0 -with-mpi=0 -with-shared=1 -with-dynamic=1 
--with-blas-lapack-dir=/usr/lib/atlas --doCleanup=0 2>&1 | tee configureLog 

configured Overture as follows: 
source defenv 
./configure linux CC=g++ cc=gcc FC=gfortran useHDF5 multigrid 

Below is the regression testing ouput. 


uE1:~/libraries/cg.v23/cns/check> ./check.p 

This perl script will run regression tests 
(The lists of tests is in the file named 'tests') 
check.p [testName] [replace][check=<checkFileDirectory>] [-solver=name] 
[testName] = name of a particular test to run (by default do all) 
replace : replace check files with the new ones computed 
verbose : verbose=0 : print very litte, verbose=1 print more 

Using program = /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns 
Using the executable: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot 
./../cmd/tz.cmd -g=square10 -tf=.1 -tp=.1 -go=go >! tzSquare.out 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and tzSquare.check agree at 2 times , 
maxDiff=0.00e+00, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "tzSquare" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot 
./../cmd/tz.cmd -g=cic -tf=.1 -tp=.1 -go=go >! tzCic.out 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and tzCic.check agree at 2 times , 
maxDiff=0.00e+00, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "tzCic" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot 
./../cmd/tz.cmd -g=box10 -tf=.05 -tp=.05 -go=go >! tzBox.out 
Segmentation fault 
*** There was an error running /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns 
and generating tzBox **** 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot ./square.cns 
>! square.cns.out 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and square.cns.check agree at 3 times , 
maxDiff=0.00e+00, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "square.cns" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot ./cicSubsonic 
>! cicSubsonic.out 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and cicSubsonic.check agree at 3 times , 
maxDiff=0.00e+00, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "cicSubsonic" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot ./shockTubeg 
>! shockTubeg.out 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and shockTubeg.check agree at 3 times , 
maxDiff=0.00e+00, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "shockTubeg" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot ./cic.godunov 
>! cic.godunov.dp.out 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and cic.godunov.dp.check agree at 2 times , 
maxDiff=0.00e+00, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "cic.godunov.dp" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot 
./detonationOneStepIdeal >! detonationOneStepIdeal.out 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and detonationOneStepIdeal.check agree at 3 
times , maxDiff=0.00e+00, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "detonationOneStepIdeal" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot ./cicShockMove 
>! cicShockMove.out 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and cicShockMove.check agree at 5 times , 
maxDiff=0.00e+00, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "cicShockMove" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot 
./detonationMieGruneisen >! detonationMieGruneisen.out 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and detonationMieGruneisen.check agree at 2 
times , maxDiff=0.00e+00, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "detonationMieGruneisen" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot ./multi >! 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and multi.check agree at 2 times , 
maxDiff=3.00e-07, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "multi" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot 
./ignitionAndGrowth >! ignitionAndGrowth.out 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and ignitionAndGrowth.check agree at 1 times , 
maxDiff=0.00e+00, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "ignitionAndGrowth" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot 
./eulerAxisymmetric >! eulerAxisymmetric.out 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and eulerAxisymmetric.check agree at 3 times , 
maxDiff=0.00e+00, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "eulerAxisymmetric" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot 
./sqStrat_implicit >! sqStrat_implicit.out 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and sqStrat_implicit.check agree at 3 times , 
maxDiff=0.00e+00, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "sqStrat_implicit" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot 
./sqStrat_newton >! sqStrat_newton.out 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and sqStrat_newton.check agree at 6 times , 
maxDiff=0.00e+00, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "sqStrat_newton" appears to be correct 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot ./square.mp >! 
checkCheckFiles: files do not agree, maxDiff=6.570000e-01, file1=cns.check, 
Component 0: values: 9.6000e-01 (file1) and 9.0000e-01 (file2) differ by 
Component 0: norms: 1.0300e+00 (file1) and 1.0470e+00 (file2) differ by 
Component 1: norms: 5.4170e-02 (file1) and 1.3720e-01 (file2) differ by 
Component 3: values: 9.8000e-01 (file1) and 9.7000e-01 (file2) differ by 
Component 3: norms: 1.0130e+00 (file1) and 1.0280e+00 (file2) differ by 
Component 4: values: 1.9000e-01 (file1) and 1.8000e-01 (file2) differ by 
Component 5: values: -7.6000e-01 (file1) and -7.9000e-01 (file2) differ by 
Component 5: norms: 0.0000e+00 (file1) and 6.5700e-01 (file2) differ by 
Component 7: norms: 1.6200e+00 (file1) and 1.6720e+00 (file2) differ by 
++++ The check files do not agree +++++ 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot ./mpTestV >! 
checkCheckFiles: files do not agree, maxDiff=1.000000e-05, file1=cns.check, 
Component 7: norms: 1.3560e-02 (file1) and 1.3570e-02 (file2) differ by 
++++ The check files do not agree +++++ 
running: /home/computation/libraries/cg.v23/cns/bin/cgcns noplot ./fourComp >! 
checkCheckFiles: files cns.check and fourComp.check agree at 5 times , 
maxDiff=1.00e-14, (tol=1.00e-05) 
... "fourComp" appears to be correct 
************ : There were 3 ERRORS **************** 

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